MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 130 the truth

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What is Yu Zhengdu seeing?

Just an unknown illusion? Still a real future?

Before the arrival of the future, no one can say clearly, but even if only one in ten thousand may come true, it is enough to make a city annihilate, causing chaos.

"Is it a ghostly emperor?" Yu Zhandu’s hand holding the mask shivered slightly. "What does he want to do?"

"No matter who..." Shang Yang took his wrist. "I won't let the floating city fall into such a situation."

At the end of the sea, the sun has completely jumped out of the water.

Yu said that when he closed his eyes and opened it again, he and Shangyu were already at the foot of the mountain in the mountains of despair, and the artificially carved climbing steps were in front of them.

Today, the entire scenic spot is empty, apparently cleared in advance and blocked the place.

Yu Zhandu took a look at the time, and the blessing of the Fa Conference was about to begin. He clasped the hand of the merchant: "Let's go."

The Shangyu did not move. Yu said that he turned his head and looked at him. He saw Shang Shang slightly lifting his chin and looking at the road up the mountain. His look was cold and indifferent: "There is an enchantment."

At this time, the desperate mountain in the eyes of ordinary people, including in the eyes of Yu, does not seem to have any difference from the usual, but in the eyes of Shangyu, the whole mountain is surrounded by a huge and powerful enchantment, let A person can't get close.

"You can't get in?" Yu Xingdu was a little surprised. Shangyu is already the most powerful mana in the world. Even Hungry Ghost Road has forbidden the space of countless hungry ghosts. If this enchantment can stop him, how powerful is it?

“Yes.” Shang Yan’s eyes sank. “But it takes a little effort.”

They just finished, the voice of the ghost emperor suddenly sounded, the voice was stunned, and it was unclear where it came from: "Shangzhen, you are still coming."

Shang Xiao looked coldly at the empty place: "Well."

Ghost Emperor: "You finally think clearly, have you decided to join me?"

Shang Yang did not respond to him, saying: "You want me to join hands with you, you should first make things clear."

Ghost Emperor: "I have said..."

Shang Xiao cold interrupted him: "It seems that there is still no trust between us."

The ghost emperor is puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

Shang Hao was indifferent: "The floating city collapsed, and the evil ghosts crossed the Netherland."

The voice of the ghost emperor suddenly changed, and it was incredible: "How do you know?"

At this time, Yu Zhengdu’s voice was suddenly realized: “So, these are true.”

The Buddha's eye of Luo Wanxiang saw the fall of the floating city, and the sea was flooded with no one. These are no less than the end of life for the living.

If this is the case, then we can explain why the relevant departments pay such attention to this matter. However, the ghost emperor has not all told the truth. Is this the end of the day, whether it is a natural disaster or a **, a ghost .

Now, the ghost emperor has no need to hide it again, but still does not understand: "How do you know?"

Yu Zhengdu did not feel that there was anything that could not be said at this time. He shook his mask in his hand: "I saw it."

"Have you seen it?" The ghost emperor did not believe at all, and there was a sneer in his tone. "How can you see it?"

Luo Wanxiang is born with a Buddha's eye. It is also the strength that he has been practicing for more than 20 years and the power that Qin Guangwang has taken for him. He can finally wake up and gain insight into the six truths.

If Yu is not a mortal, how can he have such power?

The ghost emperor did not believe that Yu Zhandu did not intend to convince him. He only asked coldly: "Why are you doing this?"

"I have no choice." The voice of the ghostly emperor swayed from the air. Seeing that the dispute and the merchants knew the future, he no longer concealed it, but made a long sigh. "This is to return the ghost town." The price of the world."

"Shang, I saw the truth... not just the six truths, but the truth about the destruction of heaven and earth."

There was finally a wave of volatility on the face of Shang Xiao’s indifference. The eyes that were as deep as the dead water finally made a slight move: “What is it?”

"It is a chaotic state." The ghost emperor said quietly, "The chaotic situation is healing..."

In the ancient times, Pangu opened up the earth and opened up the chaos. It was divided into three realms: heaven and earth, heaven as the god, the heaven and the earth as the human world, and six reincarnations.

The three circles and six roads are actually a crack in the chaotic environment. The ancient world aura also comes from the chaotic environment, but just as the wound will gradually heal, the crack in the chaotic environment is also being repaired in the long years.

Repairing requires strength, which is why the heaven and earth aura is decreasing, and it is actually re-absorbed by the chaotic environment to repair the gap.

The reason why the human world did not collapse was because the existence of the human world was not based on aura from the beginning.

"The mortals have lofty wisdom. They use their own hands to transform the mountains and rivers and build their own cities... without the support of the heavens and the earth, they can also create machines on the sea, their tenacious beliefs to some extent, No less than the power of chaos... The world is a scar of chaos."

The wound that was opened was gradually healed in the long years, but it left an eternal scar, that is, the human world.

"So, you have to put the resurrection of the ghost town on earth?"

"I said, I have no choice." The voice of the ghostly emperor with the memory of the past, "Shangzheng, I saw the status quo of the ghost city of the capital, and the 100,000 subjects used the remaining soul to survive for a thousand years. They have no time..."

Shang Yang: "This is not the reason you destroy a city."

The ghost emperor did not recognize his words: "This is not destruction, just let them become residents of ghost towns together. People are inherently dead, isn't that good?"

"Not good." Shang Yu said, and then one palm is up, the black French seal emerges from the void, and the other hand will be arguing for the protection of the city. "To save a city cannot be at the expense of destroying another city."

"The grievances of Luo Qishan are already heavy enough."

Countless history has long proved that destroying a city, the residents of the city will never be happy, and will integrate into the massacre without any will, as long as they have enough power, they will certainly set off a new round of war.

The voice of the ghost emperor became resentful: "Shang, you are sorry for the 100,000 subjects that have sunk for you."

Shang Yang is not moved: "I will reiterate that they are harmed by you."

The law is turned into a long sword, wrapped in the power of the mountains and the sea, stabbing the enchantment that the mortal can't see.

Then the sword was blocked in the air and frantically trembled.

Yu Zhengdu knows that it is the long sword that is struggling with the enchantment.

Shangyu stood in the same place and seemed to be in the same position as ever before. He couldn’t move, but the difference was that this time, he also failed to shake the enchantment.

As time passed, the hustle and bustle of the merchants gradually deepened: "This is not your strength."

"Are you finally discovering it?" The voice of the ghostly emperor came again.

Shang Yang slightly raised his head and looked at the direction of the mountain: "...this is the power of chaos."

"You didn't know anything about it." The ghost emperor gave a low laugh.

Shangyu did not answer, he was imprisoned in the chaotic environment for thousands of years, naturally aware, but the truth... not enough.

Yu Xingdu heard a slight error, and frowned and asked: "What do you mean?"

Shang Yan Shen Sheng: "He used ... is the power of chaos."

"How come?" Yu Zhengdu was slightly surprised. Although he did not understand chaos, he could roughly infer the cause and effect of the incident from the previous dialogue. If the heavens and the earth were destroyed because the chaos absorbed the aura, then the ghost emperor How can I still use the power of chaos?

"This is thanks to the Shangyu." The ghostly emperor laughed with smugness. "He escaped from the chaotic environment and once again broke the chaotic environment, letting the power of chaos flow to the world again."

"Shangzheng, this is what I saw, and the way to return the ghost town to the world... It doesn't matter whether you join me or not. What matters is that you are on the line."

Luo Qishan Ghost King was born out of his anger, and was born to be able to levy the power of the evil spirits. He was imprisoned in chaos. The millennium was not swallowed up by the chaos, but broke the chaos and returned to the world.

The gap that he broke open, just like the reason of the ancient times when the ancient times were opened up, although it is not comparable to the axe of the ancient gods, it is enough for the power of chaos to pour out again.

This is the truth about the resurgence of heaven and earth.

Si Ling's bones, Wuqi nationals, and the country after the founding of the country, those who should have been eternally closed and can no longer connect with the world, the hungry ghost road, the secluded sea, the ghost town, have enough power to reproduce the world again.

However, no matter whether it is the Emperor or the Shangyu, it is impossible to create the world and the world. Therefore, the ghost town can only occupy the territory of the human world.

It is not overlapping coexistence, it is a complete occupation.

From the very beginning, what the Emperor of Bengdu needed was not to let Shang Yang join him. What he really wanted to do... was to sacrifice.

Thousands of ghosts, inciting the power of chaos, thus reviving the ghost town.

"There is no trust between us." Shangyu does not seem to be surprised, his look is still cold, "but I have never believed in you."

"Shangzheng, this is what you owe to the ghost town." said the ghost emperor.

"Just you can swear." Shang Yi's wrist turned over, and the black long sword trembled more and more. "You can stop me from speaking."

"I can't stop it, but it's enough to block it for a while." The ghost **** is there. "I wanted you to open the puja with me, but since you don't want it, you can leave enough time for me."

Above the top of the mountain, there was a faint humming sound.

Yu Zhan crossed his head and looked at it. He saw white smoke rising from the top of the mountain in the desolate mountains. It was a sign of burning incense.

The blessings will begin.

At the same time, his mobile phone continued to send a message tone, he opened it, Luo Feng's staff group was a mess:

Kang Jin: [What happened? The life and death book system issues a red warning! 】

Kang Jin: [Floating City is about to usher in a massive death! ! ! ! The estimated death toll is 10 million? ? ? ? ? 】

Kang Jin: [What a ghost! ! ! Is this the rhythm of the city's dead light? 】

Kang Jin: [Shang Yu Yu is arguing over Zhao Ruola, you can take a look, our system has a bug! ! 】

Lu Lingxi: [Calm a little! 】

瞿广照: [咋回事? poisoned? 】

Kang Jin: [Doesn't it mean that our system will not be poisoned? 】

Zhao Ruola: [Theoretically our system is not poisoned. 】

Employee A: [What is the situation? Really die 10 million? Do not make jokes! 】

Employee B: [Boss and Yu total? Hey, why are you just not in the company today! 】

Zheng Yan: [You see this [link]]

Yu Zhengdu points into Zheng Yanfa's link to see, is a microblog hot topic: floating city white cloth

Almost suddenly, all online floating city netizens posted the same content on Weibo and circle of friends: What happened? How many white cloths on the street? [image]

The map is a different street in the floating city, and there are countless white cloths on the street, square, white, and cloth with small holes.


Many people in modern times have not known this thing, but the network information is extremely developed, and soon people still recognize it.

[I asked my grandfather, he said that this thing seems to be a facesuit, which was previously covered on the face of the dead. 】

[Wow, it’s too suffocating! ! 】

[Floating city is fat? 】

The appearance of a large number of masks caused a small panic in the floating city. The white cloth often symbolizes ominousness in the culture of China. Moreover, some people say that this is the face of the dead, and I feel embarrassed when I think about it.

There is also a big guess as to where it accidentally fell out, but the scope of the appearance of the mask is too wide, even if the floating city is no more advanced material, it is inevitable.

Luo Feng’s staff is still madly arguing, and Yu’s dispute has not responded. He only went to see Shangyu. He wanted to ask, but he did not ask for an exit.

Shang Yang noticed his gaze and said faintly: "Almost a little, wait for me."

"Shangzhen, you can't come." The voice of the ghostly emptiness came again. "If a thousand years ago, this enchantment is nothing to you, but you have been in chaos for too long... ..."

"A thousand years, chaos has weakened how much power you have, and you should be clear in your own heart."

"Luo Qishan sinks in the ground, separated from you by thousands of miles, no longer worships ghosts and gods, and how much power can you collect?"

Yu contends in the heart, silently takes out his mobile phone and opens it to the microblog of the merchant. After they determine the relationship, Shangyu saves his account and password to the mobile phone of Yu Zhengdu, indicating that he is male. Friends' unparalleled trust... Although Yu Xingdu always thinks that he can only use his mobile phone to play when he has no electricity.

After Yu Weidu logged into Weibo, he opened his own mobile phone photo album and selected nine photos to send out.

Start doing Euros today: [Photos*9]

As soon as Weibo was issued, the red dot of the message bar grew wildly.

[Ah, ah, what is this boyfriend angle? 】

[It is sleeping! It is a sleeping face that has never appeared before! 】

[ceo, mom is not allowed to send this photo out! 】

[Who made this photo for you! No! ! ! 】

[I slowly suffocate! 】

At the same time as the news grew wildly, there was a voice from the side of the business: "Yes."

The ghostly smirk’s laughter stopped shortly: “Impossible!”

Yu Zhengdu: == plan pass.

Yan dog's belief is really powerful!

The author has something to say: Yan Dog: Saving the world also has our strength!

The relationship between chaos and the three worlds is mentioned in Chapter 3.

You, oh, the finale is still serious, not to mention that there is not much seriousness, a chapter of sand carving a chapter, leaving a face for the boss ok? 2k novel reading network