MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 450 crisis

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Andy's face was heavy, his eyes flashed, and he was thinking about how to deal with it.

"Anyone who offends the majesty of the pharaoh will die."

Tutankhamun shook his arms, and the huge wave rushed towards the black fantasy, while Tutankhamun turned into a storm of yellow sand, swept away the high priest, and left in the direction of the Eki Empire.

In order to punish Andy, he even gave up treasures such as the Star Dagger. It is conceivable how much he hated Andy, who had repeatedly offended his majesty.

When Tutankhamun takes control of the Eki Empire and conquers the world, do you want any treasures?

Tutankhamun and the high priest just left, but the 50-meter-high wave did not stop at all, rushing towards the Black Fantasy with a huge momentum.

"Quick! Lower all the canvases!"

Charles shouted, the waves were not far from the Black Fantasy, and they only had a few seconds left.

A few daring pirates quickly untied the ropes. They knew that in the face of such huge waves, the canvas must be dropped, otherwise, the canvas would increase the resistance of the mast. Once the mast was broken, the Black Fantasy would also Lost balance, completely overturned.

The sky was gloomy, and the entire ocean seemed to be undulating and shaking, and the monstrous waves rolled and roared, hitting the Black Fantasy.

The pirates who are closer to the cabin have already got into the cabin, and if they stay on the deck, they are easily washed away by the huge waves, and at least they will be better in the cabin.

However, Herman crawled out of the cabin, got together with the other pirates who didn't have time to enter the cabin, grabbed the thick cable tightly, and held an empty oak in his other hand. wine barrel.

Herman had seen the nautical chart before and knew that it was very close to the archipelago where the navy was stationed. Even if he was swept away by the waves, he could still float with the oak barrel in his arms. When he swam to the archipelago, he would be saved.

Charles rushed to the cabin door before the waves fell, closed the cabin door tightly, then held a cable attached to the mast, and pressed his body against the cabin, which could reduce the seawater pouring into the cabin and avoid more. Gunpowder and food were soaked in seawater.

Margaret and Olivia returned to the room, hugged Anna on the bed, and clung to the armrest beside them.

Andy took a deep breath. He pulled out the dragon shadow from his waist, looked at the huge waves falling from the sky, and calculated the direction. He knew that if Andler was here, he might be able to use his eyes to calculate the best direction. good location.

And Weiss was injured in the battle just now, and he had already entered the cabin. It was too late for him to come out, so he could only rely on himself.

Andy once again felt unprecedented nervousness, after all, this time, their fate is likely to be a shipwreck.

Andy raised his head, an inexplicable pressure fell from the sky, the huge waves finally came to the front of the Black Fantasy, the sea surging, the Black Fantasy swayed violently with the undulating sea, and the pirate crew only tried their best to grab the cable. Just to make sure you don't get thrown out.

Andy had his back against the mast, one hand gripping the thick cable wrapped around the bottom of the mast.

He stretched out his hand, and Long Ying's muzzle aimed at the waves diagonally ahead of the Black Fantasy.

The air has completely quieted down, and a dull depression mixed with the madness and explosion of the approaching death spreads silently in the air.

The water tumbled upwards, upturning the huge black Fantasy into mid-air.

The waves roared, like a falling meteorite, smashing down fiercely.


A loud bang broke the depression of death brought by the huge waves, and the hot sky blue flame shot out from the muzzle of the dragon shadow. In a trance, Andy seemed to see a blue fire dragon flying and hovering, rushing towards it. Oncoming waves.

How strong is the sky blue flame?

Take the bow ram of the Black Fantasy as an example. Ordinary magic muskets can only leave charred traces on it, but the sky blue flame can burn the ram clean!

Under the control of Andy's mental power, the flame burst before it came into contact with the waves. The hot air wave even pushed a part of the middle of the waves back several meters. The moment the fireball was shot, part of the sea was scorched by the hot flames. Evaporating with the airflow, a thick white mist formed around the Black Fantasy.


The Black Fantasy vibrated violently, and Andy only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a huge amount of sea water fell on the Black Fantasy.

However, because of the power of the blue flames, a large part of the waves facing the Black Fantasy had actually been evaporated before they fell.


The sea rolled, and countless waves rolled, and the Black Fantasy was pushed down by the huge waves. The sea rushed over the deck, and even part of the main mast was eroded and submerged by the sea.

Everyone only felt that the sea water submerged the top of their heads, and a suffocation sensation came out. The sea water carried a powerful so that they could not go upstream, and could only follow the sailboat and be photographed by the waves into the deep sea.

But then it stopped as if it hit the bottom, and then slowly rose.

It's just that the huge waves still swept away most of the things on the deck, including wooden tables, oak barrels, iron locks and the like.

Fortunately, the crew members all grabbed the ropes and helped each other, but no one was swept away by the huge waves.

It's just that Hermann's empty wine barrel was washed away by the spray.

There was a roar from the bottom of the sea, and the Black Fantasy rose steadily, exposing the sea surface. The structure of the Black Fantasy is actually somewhat similar to the structure of the pirate ship in the Storm Sea. Because there are frequent storms in the Storm Sea, there will always be seawater on the deck, so The edge of the deck of the pirate ship is slit.

This kind of structure is convenient for the sea water to flow back to the sea along the gap. It is also a very troublesome thing to clean up the stagnant water when it is replaced by those pirate ships with all the decks enclosed but no drainage outlet. After all, the boat is half the height of a person. , a lot of seawater can be stored on the deck.

There are many pirate ships of this structure, the most famous being the Flying Dutchman, because that pirate ship can both sail in the sea and surface at any time.

The pirates floated in the stagnant water on the deck, swimming like a fish, knowing they were saved.

The stagnant water on the Black Fantasy began to slowly flow out along the gap, and after about ten minutes, there were only a few white fish and crabs left.

Including Andy, all the pirates' clothes were soaked, and some water poured into the cabin. After the Black Fantasy surfaced, the pirates in the cabin had opened their cannons and were trying to find a way to remove the accumulated water. Get the water out.

Although Andy didn't go back, he could already guess that the captain's room and Olivia's room should also be soaked in sea water.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.