MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 42 Be a pirate!

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Andy's body froze. The voice was somewhat familiar to him. It was the little maid next to the noble girl, a cute little girl named Nicole.

"Your courage is not small, you dare to come here, are you not afraid that I will let someone arrest you?"

Hearing this, Andy raised his brows, turned around, looked at the maid's angry face, and laughed softly.

"Looks like the potion is effective and successful."

A trace of panic flashed in the girl's eyes, and she looked at Andy's eyes and moved aside, "What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

"Really?" Andy looked at the girl carefully, and couldn't help but let out a tsk tsk admiration, "Alchemy is really amazing, it can make people completely change their appearance, and even their body shape. If you have the opportunity, you must study it. "

Andy handed the glass over, "Have a drink with me?"

"Don't go too far, what do you want to do!"

Margaret gritted her teeth and said, if she knew this, she wouldn't rush over.

Just on the second floor, Margaret noticed this black-haired boy, and seeing that he dared to come here, he was still leisurely, and Margaret felt like she was going to explode.

After Brigadier General Norrington finished speaking, Margaret told Nicole and asked her to deal with Earl Townsend and Norrington, and then rushed down aggressively.

"What can I do? There are so many people watching here."

Andy laughed, leaned forward and pressed it against Margaret's ear.

"If you don't want me to tell you about the exchange of identities between you and the maid, just be obedient."


Margaret stared at Andy, took a deep breath, took the glass, and drank it in a fit of anger.

"Very well, let me introduce myself. My name is Andy. I'm... um, a free pirate."

Margaret glanced at Andy in disbelief, "You turned out to be a pirate? No wonder! Pirates are not good things! Only you shameless fellows can do such a thing!"

"It seems that you are a little dissatisfied with pirates, miss, you should change your mind. Pirates are not all the same."

Andy said seriously, he still wanted to take Margaret as his crew member and let her be a pirate with him. How could he let her have such thoughts.

Margaret didn't speak, she didn't want to pay attention to Andy.

"What's your name? Beautiful lady, if you don't say it, maybe I should ask Lord Norrington."

Seeing Andy's ill-fated appearance, Margaret became annoyed. Resisting the urge to beat someone, she said coldly, "Margaret."

"So, Miss Margaret, how about a deal?"

"I have nothing to do with you, you pirate, one day I will send you to the gallows to make you repent of your crimes!"

After Margaret finished speaking, she glared at Andy and wanted to leave.

"Well, then I'll go talk to Lord Norrington about the gallows now. In addition, I wish you a happy wedding in advance."

Margaret stopped, she even had a terrible idea of ​​killing Andy in her heart, but under such circumstances, it was definitely impossible.

"Tell me, what a deal!"

"You don't really think that with a single bottle of potion, you can hide Norrington? He's a Commodore, not some stupid guy."

Andy said lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"What do you mean?"

Margaret frowned and asked coldly.

"The environment in which a person grows up determines his character. Your character is completely different from that of the maid, and your temperament is even more different. This also causes you to look very strange now."

Andy thought for a while, and finally used the word strange.

"A figure like Commodore Norrington can tell at a glance that there is a problem here."

"Then how can you help me? Can you change this difference?"

Margaret agreed with Andy's words. She also knew that this was a flaw, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"I can't change it, but you just don't want to get married. I can help you with that."

With a confident smile on Andy's face, he raised his glass and collided with Margaret's glass.

"Tell me first, why don't you want to get married?"

Margaret looked at Andy seriously, her whole body became serious.

"I, Margaret, can't bear to be married and become one of those women who have nothing to do all day, and can't bear to stay in such a small port of Buno all my life!"

"I've had enough of being controlled by my father and have no freedom. I'm going to see those mysterious countries on the other side of the ocean, and one day, let my footprints travel all over the world!"

Margaret seemed to be agitated, and glanced at Andy provocatively, as proud as a peacock.

"Sure enough, we are a kind of people. This is an idea that only young people have."

Andy nodded with satisfaction, the girl's rebelliousness and dreams were just right to his It may be a bit ridiculous, but this is the partner he is looking for.

"Then, Miss Margaret, join me and become a free... pirate!"

Margaret's smile froze on her face. She suppressed her anger and said word by word, "Are you kidding me? Pirate? Do you think I will become that dirty person?"

Margaret's character is daring and reckless, and she has been curious about pirates since she was a child. She sometimes even goes to bars and brothels to observe them up close.

It's just that Margaret was already a beautiful woman when she was a child, and it was obviously not a wise move to be among prostitutes and pirates.

Once Margaret was almost poisoned by a pirate, and at the most critical moment, a prostitute brought a patrolling guard and captured the pirate.

Because of this incident, Margaret began to hate pirates and inspired to become a navy.

"Margaret, I know you want to be a navy, but the navy is not free. They are still full of rules and restraints. They cannot sail freely in the sea, but stay in the navy all day long."

Margaret fell silent, she knew what Andy said was the truth.

"And pirates are truly free beings. They can go wherever they want on a sailboat without thinking about anything."

Seeing that Margaret was silent, Andy knew that what he said was still useful, so he said while the iron was hot.

"Not all pirates are greedy, despicable, and filthy. There are also many people who become a pirate, a free pirate, for the pursuit of freedom and adventure!"

"Aren't you mean?"

Margaret looked at Andy expressionlessly, and subconsciously rubbed her **** with one hand.