MTL - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!-Chapter 183

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Chapter 183

After the sword came out that night, Chu Yuyun conducted a comprehensive test on this unreliable egg.

The final conclusion is that the egg is still the idiot. The previous night sword is not an illusion. Eighty percent is a glimpse of his hiding. It just can't be merged with the egg, and in a sense it becomes a schizophrenic.

Chu Yunyun had no way to kill this 夜 夜夜寒, but he had to wait and see, and wait for the opportunity.

However, the night egg at this time is still very reliable, and people are stupid and big.

When I heard the blood pool, the night egg was still very reserved. I cautiously asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Chu Yuyun smiled: "Go help me get something."

Night Egg: "Where to go, what?"

Chu Yuyun and he said a lot.

Losing Chu Yunyun is Shen Yun, or else I really don't want to know where the Dan Dan is.

Xie Qianxi used his sincerity and was absolutely heart-wrenching to Shen Yun. Even his own life was willing to share half with him. Other things outside his body never cared.

Chu Yuyun does not need to deliberately explore, they all know where Xie Qianxi will hide things.

He himself is inconvenient to find, but the night egg is small, or an egg, and then Chu Yuyun will give him a camouflage array, become a quick stone and even less eye-catching.

Where things are hidden, anti-human demon and anti-beast, but who can prevent a stone egg?

Chu Yuyun has played the talent of the night egg in such a full range of no dead angles, and it is really preventable.

I took a good look, and when I said the third time, the night egg felt that I was insulted: "Is that stupid?"

Chu Yuyun smiled.

Night Egg: "Get me ready for dinner!"

Drinking and eating while diving, can not be more beautiful o (* ̄) ̄ *) o.

Chu Yuyun has always been very fond of this model: "Refueling."

Chu Yuyun still believes in the brains of the night egg. After all, the original IQ is fried, although it has become stupid after the egg, but it is no problem to do such a small thing.

Only he has to do a lot of disguise for him. After all, this egg is of great importance. If something goes wrong, it will be a big problem.

He spent the night to bless the night egg to triple support, Linlin Dangdang hanged a circle, the aesthetic of the night egg was greatly impacted.

Chu Yunyun praised: "This is the trend, super handsome!"

Night egg suspicion: "Really?"

Chu Yuyun: "I don't believe my eyes?"

The night egg is still very admired by Chu Yunyun. After all, this man is really powerful, but... he soon remembered the horror that he was dominated by the red flower green.

Forget it, look at these things that have a lot of power flow on the things that are being swayed, the eggs will endure!

Chu Yuyun looked at the night egg with a loving face like a hula dance.

Zero baby: "..." wuli gluttony is big... painful ailment.jpg.

I didn't sleep all night, and the shackles on the surface of the Chu dynasty were real. Of course, he was busy arranging the pits and tuning the pits. But Xie Qianxi looked at him and thought he was sorrowful.

Xie Qianxi did not say much, prepared a thoughtful breakfast, invited Chu Yunyun to sit.

Even the exquisite meals, Chu Yuyun did not have an appetite, but it was not good to thank Xie Qianxi for good intentions, so I ate my head and ate it.

After breakfast, Chu Yunyun is ready to resign.

Xie Qianxi sees his state is really bad, worried: "Or I will send Dandan for you..."

Chu Yuyun shook his head and said, "I have to go see him."

Xie Qianxi said: "Then I will send you."

Outside the Vientiane Palace is a lost battle, Xie Qianxi does not send him, he can not go out.

Chu Yunyun said: "There is work."

Xie Qianxi and his out of the hall together, Chu Yuyun all the way to the gods are not guarding...

In the meantime, he seems to have stepped on something, and the strong downslash hits. Chu Yuyun’s feet are trying to bounce, but the foothold is very sticky, let alone jumping out, simply twisting at a moment of force. It’s getting tighter.

Chu Yuyun brows slightly wrinkled, simply no longer struggling, followed the strength sinking, and finally fell into a darkness.

Xie Qianxi, is this going to be played?

Chu Yuyun was puzzled, and then the surrounding lights lit up.

“Zero zero, absolutely awake.”

Zero baby quickly released the skill.

Chu Yuyun looked at it with his eyes fixed, and his heart was clear: it turned out to be the case.

It is a good idea.

If you want to break up the soul, you have to let this person completely despair. Those portraits are just the appetizers. Let Lingmu be disheartened. This large section of ‘memory’ is the root of the complete killing of Ling Mu.

Chu Yuyun came to the Vientiane Palace before 'millenium'. He walked with doubts, but he was completely out of touch. He could see Xie Qianxi, but he couldn't communicate with him. The scene in front of him was very real and true. It’s hard to see people’s falsehood.

Chu Yuyun walked until he saw the man who was very similar to himself - Shen Yun.

Chu Yuyun lived.

Shen Yun and Xie Qianxi are talking, and the two are behaving relatives, and the love that is naturally revealed is strong and sincere, making people look envious.

Chu Yuyun suddenly moved in the heart, and he followed the route in memory to the bamboo forest.

Sure enough, the place that was burned yesterday reappeared, and it was clean and new, far from the old silence of the millennium.

Chu Yuyun was a little uneasy, but he still walked into the courtyard and saw the teenager in the familiar.

The smooth silver hair fell to the ground like a waterfall. His back was thin but straight, but sitting there was like a touch of moon, washing the thick night.

Chu Yuyun looked at him without looking at him, but Junmo could not see him.

At this time, the courtyard door opened, Shen Yun walked in... Chu Yuyun still stared at Jun Mo, and he saw the desire to suppress from the light-colored silver enamel.

The heart of Chu Yuyun trembled a bit, and desperately climbed up. He had a sense of suffocation that his heart was caught.

Shen Yun did not do anything imaginative. He really regarded Jun Mo as a poor homeless child, wanted to be good to him, wanted to take care of him, and hoped that he would be better. Live life.

On the surface, Jun ink is also quiet and well-behaved, and there is not much thought, just pure envy and admiration. But when Shen Yun turned around, his vision changed. From the madness of the shun, the circling inside was a paranoid *, a fanaticism that wanted to be monopolized, a kind of love that was so deep that the bone marrow could not extricate itself.

Chu Yuyun has long known, but can really look at it, there is still a sense of despair in front of a black.

This ‘memory’ is very long. Chu Yuyun has been with Jun Mo for almost two years, watching his paranoia, watching his madness, watching him ask for it.

Shen Yun came to see him, his sweetness is also his pain: sweet is finally able to use the line of sight to occupy this person without any scruples; the pain is that after he left, only the room left to him was secret, morbid, and could not be publicized. The portrait of the crowd.