MTL - Navy Traitor, I Marry the Female Emperor To Rule the Sea-Chapter 88

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Therefore, Mu Fan is a little uncertain, what choice Luffy will make.

Calling a partner directly to set sail again, or the same as before, practice for two years, and then hang up? !

The news this time gave Mu Fan the answer.


The Straw Hat Pirates are going on a two-year 'tutorial'.

However, it's not that Mu Fan thinks too much of himself.

But, two years!

Two years later, it is determined that this world, and the rise of the Straw Hat Pirates! ?

In Mu Fan's plan.

In two years, even if you don't fight the World Government, you will at least become the strongest force in the New World!

At that time, what can the Straw Hat Pirates do?

"Lord Mu Fan, someone came to deliver the letter, it seems to be a cadre of the Whitebeard Pirates of the New World!"

[Ding, select trigger. 】

Chapter 86 Fire Fist Sending Letters, Who Do You Want To Be King?

[Ding, it was detected that Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, came to deliver the letter, choose to trigger! 】

[Choose one, try to invite Fire Fist Ace to join our forces. Reward: Small speed submarine (super powered submarine, extremely fast in stealth state)]

[Option 2, ask Fire Fist Ace about the pirate Whitebeard, and send a message to Whitebeard through Fire Fist Ace. Within half a year, the host will first receive Fishman Island as an outpost for entering the new world in the future.

Reward: a small spaceship (a small spaceship with spaceflight capability, theoretically can easily go to the sky island, or even land on the moon!)]

. . .

Mu Fan did not expect Fire Fist Ace's arrival.

After all, although they won the "victory" of the top battle, the losses of the Whitebeard Pirates are definitely not small.

Especially Fire Fist Ace,

This One Piece posthumous child was even destroyed by the latter half of his arm in the battle with Akainu.

In this case, since Whitebeard sent Ace to deliver the letter, he must have some special intention.

But this has little to do with Mu Fan.

Instead, the arrival of Ace also caused the system to trigger the choice.

This time the two task rewards,

Strictly speaking, it is not a precious item that shocked the world.

But for the current Mu Fan, it is really useful.


The choice triggered this time just allowed Mu Fan to test the rules of the system.

Whether the tasks issued at the same time can be completed at the same time, and then directly get the rewards of the two tasks! ?


Windless waters, the 'central' island.

After the construction of the temporary base of the forces is completed.

Mu Fan named the uninhabited island "Central",

It doesn't mean anything special, just tell the world that the new world center has been born!

Mu Fan did not receive Fire Fist Ace on Daughter Island.

After all, according to the iron law of the Amazon and Lily Kingdom, men are not allowed to enter the island.

There is only one exception, Mu Fan.

And when Fire Fist Ace followed Mu Fan to the Central Island, he was stunned.

As one of the main cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates of the Four Emperors of the New World.

Although Ace is still young, he can be said to be well-informed.

At this time, all kinds of facilities on the central island were readily available, and the 30,000 navy elites who followed Mu Fan did not have a trace of the navy at this time.

Every soldier saw Mu Fan's eyes full of reverence, and the morale of the entire army was even higher, and the overall morale was far higher than that of ordinary naval units!

Plus seven top-tier naval warships parked in the island ports.

Even the power under Mu Fan's command alone is enough to occupy a place in the new world.

not to mention.

One of the worst criminals in the world with a bounty of 3.58 billion Bailey, Tianshu Mufan, has a very strong strength in itself!

After the war ended and returned to the new world.

Whenever Ace thinks of the battles during the war, he can't help but feel that he is a waste.

Obviously the same age.

How domineering Mu Fan was in the top war,

Even after fighting against the top powerhouses without defeat, he even destroyed the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando by himself, turning the whole battle situation around.

And what about his Fire Fist Ace?

After getting out of trouble, he just faced Shanghai Admiral Akainu, and was defeated by the latter from the front!

To know,

In the battle with Mu Fan, the red dog fell behind three times, and finally lost an entire arm!

"Ace, before you send me the letter, I have another proposal."

Mu Fan looked at the letter handed over by Huoquan Ace, smiled, and did not rush to answer it.

In fact, when he saw Ace for the first time, he knew why Whitebeard asked Ace to deliver him a letter.

It is clear.

Because of the top war,

This One Piece posthumous child has some emo,

Whitebeard wanted him to stimulate Ace and help him find the courage to move on?

However, this has nothing to do with him.

What's more, if Ace can't even pass this level in his heart, then he doesn't deserve to be a real powerhouse.

"Ah, tell me, Mu Fan."

Ace, who was wearing a trench coat and shrouded his arms in his clothes, temporarily retracted the letter and looked at Mu Fan suspiciously.

For Ace,

Mu Fan is not a friend, but in a sense, he is the benefactor of him and the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

Of course, if you ignore half of the Whitebeard Pirates' territory in the New World.

But Ace is no longer a child.

Without those territories, why would Mu Fan help them? !

"Actually it's nothing, I want to invite you to join my force."

Mu Fan looked at the sea in the distance, thinking that the naval headquarters should have completed the aftermath work and prepared to start the world conscription. He should also go to sea as soon as possible.

As for Ace's answer, naturally you don't have to guess.

"Sorry, I can't betray Dad, I will fully support Dad and become One Piece!"

Ace gave an unsurprising answer.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting a reward: a small ultra-fast submarine, which has now been placed in the system space. 】

Hear the system beep,

Mu Fan smiled.

Got a reward.

"Hahaha, I forgot about your relationship with Uncle Whitebeard. Send me the letter."

Mu Fan did not continue to invite Ace.

It was just to complete the task.

The current Fire Fist Ace really does not meet the conditions to become his cadre.

took the letter,

Mu Fan opened it up in front of Ace.

Not at all surprising.

The first sentence of the letter was Whitebeard's: 'Li Fan Mu Fan, can't you really be my son and become a family with us? ’.

Worthy of being a madman.

The content behind is more normal.

The Four Emperors Whitebeard expressed his determination that he would never break his promise.

He also said that before Mu Fan entered the new world to take over the site, he would try his best to keep the site intact, but if he couldn't keep it, there was nothing he could do.

In the end, it was Whitebeard who asked Mu Fan to beat Ace for him, so that the latter could regain his fighting spirit as soon as possible.

"Ace, you said just now, what kind of king do you want Whitebeard to become?"

put away the letter,

Mu Fan held the handle of the Destiny Sword with one hand and looked at Ace coldly.

"Of course One Piece, Mu Fan, what do you mean?"

Facing the sudden change in Mu Fan's attitude,

Fire Fist Ace's body was obviously tight, and he looked like he was ready to fight back at any time.



A sigh, accompanied by a current of tens of millions of volts and the **** of the ability of the earth element.

Between lightning and flint.

Fire Fist Ace hasn't reacted yet.

He was stepped on by Mu Fan.

One of the twelve supreme swordsmen, the "Destiny" that exudes a powerful oppressive force is placed on the neck of Fire Fist Ace!

Under absolute strength suppression and unexpected circumstances.

Facing Mu Fan's restraint, Fire Fist Ace has no resistance at all!

"Fire Fist Ace, open your eyes and take a look, you can't even save your own life, and who should be the king?"


Chapter 87 A half-year agreement, going to sea

Calm zone, hub island!

at this time.

Mu Fan stepped on Fire Fist Ace under his feet, and put his destiny on the latter's neck, his tone was very playful.

"Let go of me, you sneak attack, if I fight head-on, I will never lose so fast!"