MTL - Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?-Chapter 72

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But that doesn't mean they aren't powerful.

"Roar!" Kaido didn't dare to be shrouded by this light any longer.

He explodes with all his strength!

Domineering and crazily overflowing, his body swelled rapidly.

It is necessary to explode this mask directly.

The energy Kaido releases is truly terrifying.

In a very small range, it does affect the stability of hyperspace weapons.

Cracks gradually appeared on the mask.

But Kaido's body was also a little cracked due to the huge energy released by the overload!

Blood trickled down the wound.

"Did you know? The most flexible thing people use tools is not how powerful a single tool is, but the result of using it together in a specific environment is far greater than one plus one."

Ren's voice fell.

There is a boom in the sky!

This speeding roar.

Kaido is familiar with that kind of terrible bomb!

He looked up.

It was found that there were at least a dozen such bombs flying in all directions!

"Damn it! Damn bastard!" Kaido's face changed dramatically when he saw this.

With so many shots, if you get hit.

There is a high probability that he will die!

He struggled frantically.

Hope to escape from this mask range as quickly as possible!

"My God, there are so many of those terrible bombs?!" The loan shark king's face changed drastically!

The others had no time to speak.

More than a dozen nuclear missiles landed on the location of Kaido and Rennes at the same time with perfect accuracy.

It's just that there is horror on one face.

One face was as plain as ever.

The expressions of the two were imprinted in everyone's mind at this moment!

And never forget it!

boom! ! ! !

Although there are more than a dozen nuclear missiles!

But it exploded at the same time!

Only one ring!

But the mushroom cloud created by the explosion was dozens of times larger than the one just now!

In an instant, the billowing mushroom fireball rushed straight to the height of 10,000 meters!

The surrounding atmosphere exploded, like a mirror shattered!

Lightning all over the sky was released chaotically around the mushroom cloud.

Climate, magnetic field, gravity, radio waves...these are all chaotic in an instant!

When the shock wave that represents the ring of destruction ripples!

Atmospheric smashing expands further.

The tsunami spread in all directions.

Warships weighing 10,000 tons were also overturned.

In the forest near the coast of Wano Country, the mountain peaks have been flattened.

Soldiers and bombers nearby will also fly and annihilate.

Their existence is just like Ren himself.

It's all bait.

Otherwise, why would Kaido rush over without being suspicious.

The earth collapsed, each plate protruded and collided, smashed to pieces!

This scene was stronger than a magnitude 12 earthquake!

Even more frightening.

At the same time, all phone bug signals and satellite signals are also being interfered with!

Instantly lose all pictures!

But the doomsday-like power just now has been engraved in people's minds!

"What a ruthless little guy, many warships and soldiers were buried with him!" Even a hero like Tezolo.

At this moment, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This explosion did not hesitate to let so many of his own people be buried with him.

This young man is not easy to provoke.

Definitely a ruthless person.

"The communication has been cut off. How is Kaido now? Is he still alive? Made, is that guy Morgans reliable? Why is there no signal at a critical moment! It makes my heart itchy." The loan shark king Impatient.

Now they can't wait to know the result.

"Let's not talk about the signal, that kind of horrible big explosion, Morgans doesn't even know if he can survive."

"No way!?" The loan shark king's partner immediately became nervous.

Morgans is going to die suddenly because of watching the excitement?

Was the scene so dangerous?

"If Kaido dies, the structure of the new world will undergo earth-shaking changes." Silver Axe's eyes shone with ambition.

"Did you miss Kaido's territory so soon?" Wang Zhi smiled slightly.

"It's as if you're not thinking about it." Silver Ax countered.

The air around aunt suddenly froze.

A terrifying domineering aura was brewing around her.

663 Prometheus also burned more vigorously.

Zeus hid behind his mother, trembling.

It can clearly feel that mother's spirit has become extremely unstable.

"If you ask me, in that kind of big explosion, it is impossible for anyone to survive, even Kaido is no exception." The ghost mother-in-law laughed.

Some people die, some mourn, and naturally some laugh.

"Would you like to visit the scene?" Jabba suddenly suggested.

"How is it possible, the distance from the Wano country..." the loan shark king was halfway through.

Normally, this would be impossible.

But now there is one here that started with shipping.

The guy with the ability to "jump" fruit is here!

"Don't look at me... With my strength, if I am involved in such a war, there will be no bones left!" Umit, the sea king, said in a cold sweat.

"Don't you want to know whether Kaido is dead or alive? As far as I know, you have always been in charge of Kaido's arms transportation business. You have such a big business relationship. You don't want to know the result early and make plans early?" Jabba said with a smile.

"This..." The Sea King hesitated.

If anything happens to Kaido.

Their chain of interests is bound to change.

"Don't worry, we're just going to have a look, and we won't take part in any struggle. The guy who rides this ride will guarantee your safety, what do you think?" Silver Ax patted Umit's shoulder temptingly.

"That's right."

"Silver Axe, you guys don't do this. Your reputation is not that good. If I activate my ability at such a long distance, I will collapse when I reach Wano Country, and I will still be slaughtered by you." Umit is still hesitating.

Don't look at these guys talking nicely now.

Really play tricks.

Not one ambiguous.

"Wait a minute, that fellow Morgans is not dead yet. The signal seems to have recovered a bit, but it's not very clear. The airship sailed out from the explosion, and the young man is fine."

"Nonsense, no matter how crazy he is, he can't blow himself up, it must be because of that shield!"…

Over Wano Country, the mushroom cloud is still expanding and expanding...

"Fortunately, no more than 20 nuclear bombs were used at one time, otherwise the entire Wano country would be affected. The power of more than a dozen nuclear bombs is already extremely terrifying in a concentrated attack, and the positions around Kaido are also crowded. A lot, although the power has been improved, it will not achieve a qualitative change, unless Kaido transforms into a Jackie Chan form to increase the strike area!" Ren said with lingering fear.

The power of the nuclear bomb was even more astonishing than he thought.

Especially when a dozen rounds explode together!

He was really afraid that Wano Country would not be able to bear it and would be completely annihilated!

Where to collect the soul ore?

"Now, are you still alive?" Ren looked at the mushroom cloud where various energy reactions were constantly happening and said to himself.

"Lord Ren, just now the experiment center found a big surprise!" A laboratory engineer suddenly walked up to Ren and reported excitedly.

(Updated more than 30,000 words on the first day of release, please subscribe for support, don’t look at the few chapters, just lazy to divide chapters, some two chapters are combined!).

61. Shocked giants! Sihuang: You are lofty, you are amazing, you use me to train soldiers!

Kaido thought he was dead.

The power of that shell.

Just one shot, even if he resisted with all his strength.

was also hit hard.

Now a dozen rounds are blasted together.

If it is precisely concentrated.

At the center of the explosion again.

Absolutely can't bear it.

But was he killed just like that? !

No! no way!

Kaido growled angrily.

All potential is released to the extreme at that moment!

He has never had such a strong desire!

She squeezes every drop of power out of her cells.

It doesn't matter even if the life expectancy will be greatly reduced in the future.

Agitate your internal organs and cells to be active to the extreme!