MTL - Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?-Chapter 42

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He is angry and terrified!

More is unbelievable!

Do these guys really dare to kill themselves! ?

No, impossible, absolutely impossible!

I am the **** of this world!

Who dares to kill himself? !

"The guard power is much stronger than I thought." There was a chill growing deep in Ren's eyes.

Gion stepped out from the side, holding Aisha and the girl in his hands.

Quickly back away.

Hand them over to Allied soldiers!

"Lieutenant General Taotu!" Gion made a move.

The guard leader recognized her immediately.

Immediately a look of horror appeared on his face!

Could it be the navy that attacked the Tianlong people? ?

"Ahhh~ what are you all doing, kill them all! Otherwise, I'll kill your whole family!" St. Williams never felt pain.

Just the scratch at this moment made him almost crazy in pain!

Hear the words of St. Williams.

The faces of the guards changed, but they had to switch from defense to offense!

Allied soldiers have appeared on all sides.

"I think it's better for you to kneel down for me." Ren's words fell!

He stretched his hands slightly.

Kachacha... All around, towers of light prisms rose from the ground.

Every tower is shining with metallic luster and streamer!

"An ability user? Be careful, everyone!" The guard leader was startled.

Although the situation has been reported to the Navy Headquarters.

The navy on the island will come to support immediately.

But it also takes a little time.

At the same time, the Marshal of the Warring States Period who received the news at the Navy Headquarters was stunned!

"Someone attacked the Tianlong people?!"

At this time, one head and two big.

Admirals are preparing for battle!

The five old stars of the world government also feel a headache.

How could this happen at such a time.

But soon the five old stars calmed down.

Because they learned that it was Williams St. that was attacked.

"Saint Williams has the power to launch a demon-slaying order. The golden phone bug was asked from me after the Charros incident. I didn't expect it to come in handy! These poor Vicious guy, have you forgotten who is the master of this world?!"

"Let the guards and the navy pay attention to protecting the safety of St. Williams, and let St. Williams handle the rest!"

The fastest report, only that they were attacked.

Still don't know who the attacker is!

But since Saint Williams has the Demon Slaying Order in his hand.

Many naval bases in the New World are approaching again.

Self-preservation should be enough.

There is no need to send an admiral.

It can destroy the combat power of a general country.

Enough to clean up those thugs!

hum! The light prism towers started up one after another, roaring slightly.

The streamer condensed from the bottom to the top of the tower!

Light particles gather more and more.

A critical point is soon reached.

Whoosh, whoosh, dense laser beams shot out.

With penetration, extreme speed, and terrible lethality!

Puff puff puff! Although the guards are strong, they are basically generals at the school level!

But the light beams emitted by the light prism tower easily penetrated the bodies of many of them!

Only a handful of four people were able to avoid or block this wave of light beams!

"How could that happen!? What are you trash doing! Kill them quickly!" Looking at the guard who was almost invincible in normal times.

At this moment, one by one fell.

St. Williams' body was trembling with fear!

"It turns out that they are also afraid..." Hancock stared blankly.

There are only four guards left!

Instead of attacking, they protected Williams St.

St. Williams is dead.

It doesn't make sense even if they kill all the enemies!

"Stop!" At this moment, the major general on the island brought a large number of navy to kill.

But the large naval force was blocked by the Allied forces!

The two sides fought two or three streets away!

Seeing this, the major general could only cross the conflict zone alone.

Go straight to where Williams St. was attacked.

Hear the Draco being attacked on his turf!

He was so scared that he was dripping with cold sweat!

Tianlong people must not make mistakes in his territory!

He stepped on moon steps and galloped at a speed that he had never seen in his life!

"Lieutenant General Taotu, what's going on?!" The major general saw the camps of both sides at a glance.

But shouldn't Lieutenant General Taotu be on their side?

Gion didn't answer, just looked at Ren.

How will it end now?

Catch William St. to negotiate terms with the World Government?

You can still retreat!

Anyway, people have been saved.

But, why do you have to expose yourself?

If only to save lives.

He should be able to do it too!

And if I am in the dark, won't it have a greater role in the future?

She didn't quite understand what Ren was thinking at the moment!

"Continue to attack and take them down." Ren said expressionlessly.

"Protect St. Williams!" the guard leader said to the major general.

The major general quickly fell beside Williams St.

"That's right, I, I, and the golden phone bug, all of you guys are going to die!" At this moment, St. Williams, who was overly frightened, suddenly remembered something.

In the next second, he took out a golden phone bug from his arms!

"The golden phone bug that launched the demon-slaying order?!" Gion, the major general, the guard leader, and Hancock in the dark all showed horror in their eyes! .

45. Playing with fire coverage, the Explosive Legion has never been afraid! (Ask for flower evaluation votes!)

None of them thought of it!

The Celestial Dragons who have always had no interest in controlling troops!

He took out such a dangerous thing with him!

"Don't let him activate the Demon Slaughter Order!" Gion said nervously.

With her strength, although she couldn't resist the firepower of the Demon Slaughter Order head-on.

But if she wanted to leave, the general vice admiral alone couldn't stop her.

But once the Demon Slaughter Order is activated.

for any island.

Definitely an extinction disaster!

The warships that slaughtered the demons sent out indiscriminate bombing attacks.

Bomb until there is nothing alive on the entire island!

The entire island will be wiped off the map!

It is a war that requires at least an admiral to be eligible to launch.

If it is really launched, all the residents of this island may be wiped out.

How did the world government give this kind of thing to the Tianlong people!

It's not that Tianlong people are not qualified!

But in terms of military action.

More professional fighters should be in charge!

Therefore, this kind of phone bug is generally held by generals or marshals.

But now Williams actually has it in his hands.

Is war such a child's play?

What do the old men in the world government think? !

Gion rushed towards Williams St.

But no matter how fast she was, she couldn't beat Williams St.'s pressing action!

With a click, the golden phone bug rang.

The golden phone bug is not just different in appearance.

It has super anti-interference.

And it can send signal coordinates to the silver phone bug that receives the signal!