MTL - Naruto’s Strongest Force-Chapter 74

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The Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of Tian are bordered, and Natsuki Uchiha is preparing to enter the Kingdom of Tian directly from the Kingdom of Tang.

This is a famous tourist country, and various hot springs can be seen everywhere.

Most of the ordinary springs and boiling springs have been turned into hot spring hotels.

There are also fountains and geysers, which add many attractions to the country and make it a good place for leisure travel and relaxation.

Natsuki and his party set foot on the country of Yu and entered the town, only to find that there were not as many tourists here as rumored.

On the contrary, there are fewer people and it is very depressed.

Occasionally some ninjas hurried past.

After Xia Mu inquired about it, he found out that an evil sect had appeared in the Kingdom of Tang and spread its religion everywhere. The evil sects killed people wantonly for the purpose of entertaining the evil god.

Tangyin Village was originally a village keen on pacifism, but because of its rich natural resources, it was targeted by the Evil God Cult.

Many ninjas in Yuyin Village were brainwashed and became the lackeys of the evil god.

However, Yunokuni has gone to the neighboring Sound Ninja Village for help, and the Sound Ninja Village has sent Uchiha people.

Natsuki suddenly thought, could this be the hometown of the murderous demon Hidan?

Now that the Sound Ninja Village has risen, Yu Zhiguo directly seeks help from the Sound Ninja Village.

When Natsuki first looked at the map, he expressed that he didn't understand where Pain received the commission from the Country of Yu.

To go to the Rain Ninja Village from the Country of Yu, you either have to cross most of the Country of Fire, or you need to pass through the Country of Fields, the Country of Iron, the Country of Taki, the Country of Grass, and finally you can reach the Country of Rain.

It is estimated that Payne received it while walking outside.

There was a sound of crying in the distance. Xia Mu and his friends walked forward and found a man hanging from a tree in a strange way.

The body was **** and bloody, and a large amount of blood flowed to the ground to form a small pit. There was also a triangular circle pattern on the ground nearby.

A woman was crying on the ground, and her husband was hanging there.

The trees were so tall that it was obviously not possible for an ordinary person like her to put the body down.

Natsuki's face darkened slightly, and he winked at Kimimaro next to him.

Kimimaro nodded, broke the hanging rope with a shuriken, jumped up on the ground and caught the fallen body.

There were sounds of fighting in the distance and smoke rising.

Xia Mu instantly turned his head and ordered: "Don't move around here, I'll go over and take a look."

In the woods.

"How dare you disrespect Lord Evil God!"

"Hey!" Hidan jumped out of the fire ball with a fierce attitude.

Uchiha Yaoye frowned, did he actually pass through the fire ball directly?

Hidan had burning wounds on his body and was swinging his scythe violently.

Yao Ye used his sword to block it successfully.

But Hidan's scythe was too big, and the spikes on it still caused a small cut on Yaoya's arm.

Yaoya took advantage of the moment Hidan's weapon bounced up and slit Hidan's throat with a knife.

Hidan's body suddenly stiffened and he fell to the ground.

Yao Ye frowned, could it be solved so easily?

Sure enough, there was a noise behind him. Yao Ye turned his head and found that Hidan, who had a huge gap in his neck, had stood up.

" hurts so much!" Hidan's throat leaked, and he spoke incomprehensible words.

Yao Ye was shocked, how could he not be dead? What kind of technique is this?

Yao Ye stood on guard.

Hidan shouted wildly: "I'll give you God's sanction!"

He stepped on his own blood and quickly drew a circle and triangle.

Yao Ye directly threw five shurikens.

"Do do do do do..."

The sound of continuous shurikens being shot into flesh.


Hidan called back, not leaving the circle on the ground.

He showed a sinister expression: "Punish you!"

His hand quickly touched the sickle and he was about to put it into his mouth.

A quick figure flashed past, bringing with it a shining sword light.

Hidan only had time to put the sickle upright in front of him: "Choke..."

The sickle and his neck were cut off instantly.

Hidan's head was thrown high and then fell to the ground.

A familiar figure appeared in front of Yao Ye.

"Lord Natsuki!!" Yao Ye's face was ecstatic. He followed Itachi and the others out and had not seen the deputy chief for several years.

"Scream!" Xia Mu slapped Yao Ye on the head, causing Yao Ye to stagger.

"Why don't you interrupt the forward swing of the spell!?" Xia Mu said with hatred.

Chapter 93 Hidan-chan

In the woods of Yuno Country.

"What is...casting forward?"

Yao Ye was slapped and was a little confused.

At this time, Hidan on the ground opened his eyes and started howling crazily: "Ah ah ah, it hurts. You bastard, how dare you interrupt the evil god's ritual."

"You deserve death."

"Aren't you going to die now?"

Uchiha Yaoye was startled. It was very strange for a human head to speak.

"Hahahaha, this is all a gift from the evil god! I am immortal! Immortal!"

"Even if there is only one head left! I will crawl over and bite your throat out!"

Xia Mu had no expression on his face, took out a kunai and threw it out with all his strength.

The kunai was inserted directly into Hidan's mouth, destroying his tongue as well, and Hidan could only make whining sounds now.

Xia Mu turned around and said to Yao Ye: "Look at the pattern under his feet. His sickle has picked up your blood. He just needs to lick the blood into his mouth."

"Just stand there and it will be connected to your life. If he stabs himself in the heart, you will die here."

Yao Ye was shocked, and now he realized that he had walked through the gate of hell.

"You clearly saw him drawing patterns on the ground and would rather be shot by your shuriken than leave the circle. Why didn't you interrupt him?"

Natsuki was very angry, almost losing this silly Uchiha.

Yao Ye lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Sir Xia Mu."

"Forget it." Xia Mu was angry, so forget it. After all, he was a prophet, so he knew Hidan's methods. Others didn't know, so it was human nature to be cautious and not step forward.

"Are you here for the mission of the Evil God Cult?"

Yao Ye nodded and said: "Yes, Sir Natsuki, this evil sect suddenly appeared in Tang Country recently. There are still some people who cannot be killed at all, so we asked the Sound Ninja Village for help, and we came here."

"How many of you are coming? Who is leading the team?"

"Sir, there are six of us, they are the Zhishui team. I, Zhishui, have already wiped out three strongholds. I went out to explore the strongholds and met this person." Yao Ye answered respectfully.

In such a small country, the abilities of ninjas are uneven, and most of them have not received systematic training.

He was so weak that he couldn't even defeat the genin of Konoha, let alone the elite of the Uchiha clan.

So six people came over, led by Zhisui, who already looked up to these heretics.

Natsuki glanced over and saw that Hidan was still mumbling something, but a person with a severed tongue couldn't make a complete sound at all.

In the entire Akatsuki organization, Natsuki hated Hidan the most, but it wasn't because he was not smart.

It's because everyone else kills for their own purposes, but Hidan kills to please the evil god, and he continues to preach in the hope that more people will join the church.

Although Hidan is currently the only immortal finished product, it is difficult to say whether a second Hidan will be born in the future.

This pure murderous cult must be destroyed!

Natsuki was initially planning to take Hidan's head back to Orochimaru for research, but after thinking about it, it was too disgusting.

Or just dig a hole and bury him, out of sight.

Natsuki's Sharingan eyes rotated violently, splitting into Mangekyo Sharingan, and a huge Susanoo was projected out instantly.

Yao Ye looked at Natsuki's tens of meters tall Susan with a shocked expression. This is the power of Lord Natsuki's god.

In the distance, Uchiha Shisui and his party looked up and saw the huge Susanoo in the forest in the distance.

"It's Natsuki-senpai! Let's go!"

Shisui looked excited. He hadn't seen senior Natsuki for many years, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

Kisame Kisame and others in the distance also moved closer after seeing Susanoo appear.

"Boom!" There was a huge roar.

Natsuki's Susana punched Hidan's head and made a deep hole in the ground.

Xia Mu looked around and saw that the pit was a mess of blood and flesh, and there was no sound anymore.

Natsuki is very curious, now that Hidan has smashed you into Hidan-chan, can you be resurrected?

Natsuki's Susanoo pulled out his arm, swept left and right, and buried Hidan-chan in the ground.

"Boom!" Natsuki followed suit, smashing Hidan's body into a pulp and making another hole for him to sweep into.

Yao Ye looked on in shock, Sir Xia Mu was so cruel.

There was a swishing sound. Shisui and the others arrived first, followed by Kisame and the others.

Natsuki saw that both parts of Hidan's body were beaten into pieces and buried, so he dismissed Susanoo.

Shisui was nervous when he saw Kisame and others appearing. Because Kisame and Kurita Kyoko are Kirigakure's costumes.

But Natsuki quickly fell in front of Shisui.

"Don't be nervous, we are one of our own."

Natsuki's words made Shisui and others put down their guard.

"Why did you come out to perform the mission? Has your problem been solved?" Xia Mu asked.

Shisui nodded: "Master Orochimaru has made a stabilizing potion for us. There is no problem with light use."

Natsuki nodded and didn't say much. It would be clear when he went back to find Orochimaru.

Xia Mu introduced everyone's names and didn't say much else.

But Uchiha Shisui's name was well-known in Kirigakure, and Kisame Kisame's shark eyes would occasionally turn to look at Shisui.

Natsuki saw it and smiled inwardly. Ever since Kisame Kisame got the Samehada, his strength has been growing every day.

But he was always on the road, and there were little thieves on the road, so he basically had no chance to do anything.

Now seeing Uchiha Shisui, he was naturally ready to make a move.

"Complete the mission first, and then return to the Sound Ninja Village immediately."

Natsuki ignored Kisame and completed the task first.