MTL - Naruto’s Strongest Force-Chapter 70

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As the cold liquid entered Hinata Kaito's body, Hinata Kaito felt his eyelids feel heavy.

Hinata Kaito's eyes darkened and he fell asleep completely.

From the wall next to him, Zee's body slowly emerged.

Researcher Nebe quickly lowered his head: "Sir, Hinata Kaito has been anesthetized."

Jue waved his hand: "Go down."


The two researchers looked at each other and then both went down.

Zetsu walked around Kaito and then fixed his gaze on Hinata Kaito's left leg.

A white figure slowly swelled up on Jue's body, then slowly became smaller, and then turned into a small white dot.

Zetsu's hand swiped across it, and a bloodstain immediately appeared on Kaito's leg, and the small white dot got in along the gap.

Hyuga Kaito's legs had been unable to move for many years, causing the muscles in his legs to degenerate and become pale and slender.

After putting the spores in, the spores will rapidly enlarge and multiply.

There seemed to be countless earthworms squirming under Hyuga Kaito's legs, and the membranes kept rising ferociously, then falling back down again.

Hinata Kaito's whole body began to convulse, trembling constantly, and his mouth made a "hehe" sound unconsciously.

After a while, the bulge on Hinata Kaito's left leg slowly disappeared. His left leg expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was almost like a normal leg.

Jue nodded, it should be almost done.

He pressed on Hinata Kaito's leg: "Don't worry, you will be discovered too soon."

Hinata Kaito's legs gradually became thinner.

Seeing Hinata Kaito's legs calm down, Zetsu pressed the button next to him.

Immediately two researchers walked in.

"It will take about four hours for his legs to feel. When he wakes up, he must eat more and supplement his nutrition."

"Yes, sir." The two researchers said nothing more.

After Jue finished his instructions, he slowly sank into the earth.

The two researchers looked at each other, and one of them closed his eyes and quietly made seals in his hand.

"Buzz" an invisible wave swept out.

He nodded.

The two researchers stood up together.

He looked around Hinata Kaito's body and found that there was no knife edge or pinhole at all.

But looking at Hinata Kaito's legs, there have been obvious changes.

The two of them were also a little confused, so they had to plug various research equipment into Hyuga Kaito.

Still in Hinata Kaito's body, a tube of blood was taken out for testing.

On the left leg, the wound left just now had disappeared. They carefully cut open the skin and removed a piece of tissue.

The comatose Hyuga Kaito knew nothing about all this, and the two quickly restored the skin and wrapped it in gauze.

What they didn't know was that the scar healed quickly under the gauze wrap.

All the tissues that could be removed were quickly taken for testing by the two of them.

And an hour later, Hinata Kaito woke up leisurely.

He was already lying in the room, flanked by two guards from the Hyuga branch.

"Sir, you're awake!" The guard immediately saw Kaidou's awakening.

"What time is it now?"

Kaito was a little confused about the time.

"My lord, it's just been an hour and a half," the guard replied.

Kaito frowned slightly. He looked at his left leg and found that the skin on his left leg was a little gray, but Kaito's attention was not here.

He was severely injured and had two very long scars on his side. Both scars are now gone.

And the leg is no longer as shrunken as it used to be.

"What treatment did they give me?"

"What they did is extremely mysterious. There is a sealing barrier here, and Baiyan didn't see anything. We didn't see you until you finished your treatment."

Kaito had expected this and didn't say much.

The door outside opened and two researchers and Danzo walked in.

"Danzo, when will my legs be able to stand up?"

Danzo smiled and said, "Don't worry, you'll be conscious in three hours, and you'll be able to stand up in about a month."

"What you need to do now is eat a lot so your cells have the energy to regenerate."

"Three hours?" Kaidou's eyes flickered.

"I'm a little hungry too, so I'll go back. If my legs can stand up, I'll arrange your affairs right away."

As the effects of the anesthesia wore off, Kaito did feel a surge of hunger.

Danzo nodded: "Kaito, don't let me down."

Kaito looked at Danzo deeply, and then the two guards pushed Hyuga Kaito out.

"Have you found anything?" Danzo said calmly.

"Sir, we extracted blood, body tissue, and skin from Hyuga Kaito's body for testing."

"Except for the increase in body activity, the data is the same as the previous physical examination."

"Hmph, you loser!"

Danzo roared angrily, and the two researchers fell to their knees in fright.

"Excuse me, my lord!"

Danzo glanced at the two of them and said with some annoyance: "Forget it, let's go down."

The two of them wiped the sweat from their foreheads and went down.

"Ding, ding..." followed by the sound of chopsticks clashing.

On the table in front of Hyuga Kaito, ten plates were already empty, and the place where the bowls were placed next to them was piled one after another.

Hyuga Kaito, who had been educated by the clan, now transformed into a big stomach eater, constantly pouring food into his mouth.

The look of devouring food is like the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

The fourth pot of rice has been eaten, and the dishes on the table have been changed twice.

Kaito never thought that he would be so hungry one day, but after eating some food, he felt even hungrier.

So I kept asking the kitchen to add food and cook rice.

By now finishing the fourth pot of rice, Kaito finally felt full.

None of this is important. What is important is that almost four hours have passed since he ate.

He gradually felt sensation in his legs.

He hadn't experienced the word consciousness in many years.

Before, there was only a feeling of coldness and numbness. Even if the knife was scratched, there would be no sensation.

Now he can feel the energy and blood in this leg.

As he ate, he felt a swelling sensation in his leg. Now that he was full, the peculiar feeling in his left leg disappeared.

Then he tremblingly held on to the edge of the table and stood up slowly.

His left leg was a little weak, and Kaito almost fell, but he did have an intuition and a sense of being grounded.

Kaidou felt a little surge in his heart, but he suppressed it.

He opened his white eyes and looked at his left leg. The chakra transmission on it was normal.

Kaito frowned, wondering what technique Danzo was using.

Kaito sat back in his seat and clapped his hands.

Two of his guards came in.

"Call Daisuke and Misaki."


Chapter 88 Clues

Konoha Eight Streets.

It's a new day.

Since the root members left the guard, Hinata recalled some Chuunin who were on missions to the family, and Hizashi also returned to the guard.

In the current guard force, apart from the small number of Uchiha clan members, only the Hyuga clan is left.

Hizashi received a request from the fourth elder today to organize some Hyuga team members and Uchiha to patrol together so that the Hyuga clan can learn how to better maintain law and order.

Hizashi originally felt that Hinata's ability to maintain security was worse than that of the Uchiha Guards, so he agreed.

The relationship between Uchiha and Hinata is already good, and the Uchiha clan's security team is also indispensable.

Both Hinata Daisuke and Kaizaki were very proactive and took the initiative to apply to study.

Hizashi also incorporated the two of them into the Uchiha patrol team.

In addition, Hizashi also recruited four members of the Hyuga clan and went to Konoha Eight Streets to study with the Uchiha Guards.

Among them, there was an acquaintance of Natsuki, Hyuga Yuto.

"Daisuke, Misaki, and Yuuto, you are a team and patrol the Eighth Street with your Uchiha colleagues."

The three Hinata were assigned to a team and started daily patrols with Uchiha.

The popularity of the Chinese food on Konoha Eighth Street has attracted many villagers to gather here.

There are also many people who come to Konoha to entrust tasks, and they also come to the Eight Streets to visit and eat the special delicacies here.

As a result, this place is very prosperous and crowded with people.

The Hyuga team followed the Uchiha team as they walked down the street.

In less than an hour, we had already encountered three altercations due to crowding.

Most of them are from other villages, and the people of Konoha are well aware of how crowded the Eighth Street is.

Hinata Daisuke and Kaizaki often open their Byakugan to observe the surrounding situation.

At first, Hyuga Yuto thought that the two of them were observing the streets, and in his heart he felt that they were very dedicated.

Because using the Byakugan to observe requires chakra, opening the Byakugan so frequently consumes a lot of physical energy and chakra.

As a result, Hyuga Yuto noticed that these two people had several arguments in front of them and turned a blind eye. Instead, he looked past the crowd and directly observed Uchiha's shop.

Yong Ren frowned, wondering what the two of them were planning to do...

Yongto suppressed the doubts in his heart and patrolled normally.

The next day, Daisuke and Kaizaki did not patrol the Eighth Street, but went elsewhere.

Yongren also forgot about what happened yesterday.

Seven days passed before Yugi discovered that Daisuke and Kaizaki had not come to patrol.

They will explain something to the tribesmen who are closely related to them.