MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 514

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Now, the great opportunity is in front of you, how can you not prostitute?

Is that still human?

With the deepening step by step, Natsume finally came to the core of the [Gene Pool].

【Terminal Energy Room】【Otsutsuki Gene Bank】【Active Cell Processing Pool】

These three templates together constitute the underlying operation logic of the entire [Gene Pool].

And Natsume finally understood the principle of this so-called "gene pool".

It turns out that this is called a repair.

It's just another application of the [wedge] printing technique...

The white liquid in those baths turned out to be a precious active cell substance.

It was extracted from the bodies of mature ten tails!

And through the [active cell processing pool], it is transported to the bath of each room.

It contains huge vitality, which can carry the perfect coverage of [wedge].

The terminal energy of the [terminal energy room] is the massive chakra provided by the [chakra fruit].

This can completely thaw part of the [wedge] and repair all injuries in just a few seconds.

Its approximate process:

Determine the object to be repaired → search the Otsutsuki gene bank → match genes and generate partial data [wedge] → transmit the data to the bath → activate active cellular matter → supply energy from the chakra fruit of the terminal energy → greatly accelerate the thawing coverage of [wedge] Speed ​​→ Finally successfully repaired.

While the whole process is complex, there are definitely various other subtleties involved.

But its essence is still composed of [Chakra Fruit + Wedge Printing Technology]!

good guy.

The Otsutsukimoto family is really amazing!

This technology has even been popularized to the civilian level.

fruit, wedge seal, ten tails;

These resources, which seem extremely precious in the ninja world, are nothing to the Otsutsukimoto family;

Almost like a free public resource...

Chakra, which is regarded as a source of power by the ninja world, is almost as popular as electricity in Otsutsuki.

In this comparison, the scientific ninja tools that have not yet appeared are not even as good as antiques here!

Of course, the principles and advanced technologies contained in the [Gene Pool] are not available to the current ninja world.

You can't expect the creatures that are still in agricultural civilization to master nuclear power generators?

However, the [wedge printing technology] and the [Otsutsuki gene bank] contained here.

But just fine for its own use.

So, of course, Natsume would not be polite.

Directly scraped it up.

That's it, half an hour later.

Natsume controlled the 'one-style clone body', and walked out of the [Gene Pool] gate full of energy and vigour.

The Otsutsuki guards on both sides hurriedly bowed their heads.

For the cadre of this family, I have given enough face.


This type of adult has only left soon.

The control terminal of the entire [Gene Pool] suddenly sounded a red prompt.

That is a reminder: the energy supply of the [terminal energy room] is urgent, and it is urgent to replace another [chakra fruit] with great energy.

Originally, Natsume planned to stay in the [Gene Pool] for a while.

However, the power of the hundreds of shadow clones is too fierce.

In less than half an hour, the [Chakra Fruit] in the [Terminal Energy Room] was almost drained.

Natsume had to leave reluctantly.

If you don't leave the venue again, and you will be caught in the urn when you turn around, it will not be wonderful.

And, according to perception.

The energy contained in that fruit is at least above Type III!

It is even bigger than the total chakra owned by Natsume!

However, now it has been painted into thousands of high-purity [white eyes]...

I don't know, if it is discovered, it will kill the other Otsutsuki people who are using it!


Half an hour is not much though.

But Xiamu's main body soul has also gained a lot.

Not only did he obtain the complete [wedge] seal technique, but he also recorded a large amount of genetic data from the [Otsutsuki Gene Bank].

There are thousands of copies!

Although, compared with the hundreds of thousands of copies stored in the gene bank, it can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean.

But as long as it is used properly, it can still play a huge role!

After all, there are thousands of genetic data in hand, plus the [wedge] printing technique.

It is equivalent to having thousands of complete clones of Otsutsuki, which is a huge profit!

Even Natsume deliberately copied the genetic data of Otsutsuki Momo-shi and U-shiki.

But it's a pity.

In this ordinary 【Gene Bank】.

At the highest level, only cadre-level genetic data is stored.

The data of the higher royal family, senior members, and members of the branch royal family are not stored in it...

This is also normal.

If the genes of the royal family are stored in public facilities, how can they reflect the dignity of the royal family?

Even so.

Natsume's harvest this time, can be regarded as a lot of money.

Thousands of pairs of high-purity [white eyes]! How many pairs of [Teenage Eyes] can be combined with this?

Just thinking about it is heartwarming!

Almost equal to, in just half an hour, he spent millions of gold coins for nothing.

It's so cool!

On the other hand, Natsume is also very clear.

This time, the white prostitution behavior is really not serious.

There is a small possibility that it will be noticed by the Otsutsukimoto family.

But even if it was exposed, it was discovered...

also within the acceptable range.

As long as he didn't do too much, he didn't touch the core interests of the Otsutsuki family.

What does a little energy loss count for?


A certain 'kind' Japanese-style adult Otsutsuki.

Not only will he not go into details; he will even try his best to clean his buttocks and erase flaws!

Otherwise, once Natsume is exposed.

Otsutsuki's Japanese-style fishing plan will also fail, and it will even attract attention and block from other high-level officials and royal families...

You know, in the eyes of hunters.

Most of the time, they don't mind their prey eating a little fatter and getting fatter.

In this way, when the final hunt is carried out, the income will be more generous.


Who is the prey and who is the hunter? But it's hard to say...

Chapter 438

It was still in that starry hall room.

Otsutsuki Japanese-style sitting high on the platform is listening to the report of his subordinate Otsutsuki Momo-style.

"He went to the [Gene Pool], and after he left, the fruit energy of the [Terminal Energy Room] was declared exhausted?"


Peach nodded to confirm, very determined.

Obviously, although he obeyed the orders of the Japanese-style adults, he did not target 'Yi Shi'.

But still through other means, has been monitoring the movement of 'Yi Shi'.

With the absolute authority of the high-level Otsutsuki.

It is too easy to lock down any clan on the main continent.

"So coincidentally?"

"Do you know what he did in there?"

"Can I find out the fruit energy of the [Terminal Energy Room], and the remaining ratio before he enters?"

Otsutsuki Japanese style did not look up, just asked casually with a chuckle.

"My lord, I don't have enough authority."

"Furthermore, if you want to check the records of the [Terminal Energy Room], you also need permission from the royal family..."

"Why don't you come, my lord?..."

Tao-style hesitantly suggested.

He is 90% sure, that unusual 'one-style'.

He must have done some shady deeds in the [Gene Pool]!

But due to lack of authority, he could not know the specific situation.

Unless, Japanese adults check it out in person.

Although the [Gene Pool] was built by the royal family in order to win over the clansmen and consolidate their position, they spent a lot of money.

Its core data and authority are in the hands of the [Royal Family].

But on the royal family's side, no matter what, it will give the Japanese-style adults a face.

Read Extra's Descent