MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 472

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"You're not even better than Kakashi!"

Xia Mu's set of boxing techniques can be described as superb.

He was stunned by the direct hammering of the soil.

Even he began to reflect, is he really too stingy?

Do you really still love Lynn?

Can love really be measured by value?


Obito squeezed his fists, struggling fiercely in his heart.

Especially comparing Kakashi with himself; it made him angry, angry and extremely unwilling.


Not to mention soil.

Even Mr. Ban, who was beside him, was severely choked.

Being led astray by Natsume, I also wonder if this is an attitude problem...


Obito suddenly decided, very decisively said:

"Do not!"

"I do!"

"As long as she can be happy and get out of this hell..."

"I would do anything!"

"Isn't it what [God Tree Fruit]?"

"Tell me, where can I get it?"

"Even if I go bankrupt, even if I kill all the ninja world, I must get it!"

Obito swore decisively.

As if in a spell.

I have decided to spare no expense to get a [God Tree Fruit] for Lin!

The former self, for Lin, even did not hesitate to advance the [Eye of the Moon] plan to destroy the entire ninja world...

The current self, for Lin, is still willing to give everything...

As Natsume said, it's a matter of attitude!

You must be better than Kakashi! I love Lynn even more!


What if it really pushed Lin to the position of god.

After becoming a holy and noble god.

If you want to **** with each other again?

Just thinking about it makes Obito excited and excited!

This vote, do it yourself!

"Cough cough!"

Looking at Obito's eyes full of anticipation, he looked ready to move.

Xia Mu couldn't help but coughed twice.

I was just on a whim, ready to make fun of Obito;

Let him try the power of '**fist'.

Unexpectedly, Obito couldn't help but 'hammer' so much.

Kneeling in three or two?

Or is it because the 'boxing' of his previous life was too advanced? Let Obito be beaten by surprise?

Of course that's not the point.

The point is, since Brother Tu Zi is willing to pay more for Lin.

Then the manipulative space on your side is much more!

Just selling the [God Tree Fruit], you can make a lot of money...


With Obito's current state of decline, even if it was the [Sacred Tree Fruit Type I], which was worth 100,000 gold coins and sold for 3 billion taels, it would be difficult for him to raise enough silver taels in a short period of time.

Why don't you use his body again?

Fool him to sell himself?

This is more cost-effective!

As soon as he said it, Natsume organized the language in his mind.

Immediately began to cheat again:

"The [God Tree Fruit] that can become a **** in one step is more expensive than a ten-tailed!"

"Do you think the strength of the ten tails can be measured by money?"

Obito: "I..."

Natsume: "What? Do you really want to use dirty money to measure pure love?"

"No no no!"

"I want to ask, where can I get that [God Tree Fruit]?"

"You guy, you must have had an idea, right?"

Despite being dazed by love.

But Obito is not hopelessly stupid.

I still guessed that Natsume must have a way to obtain that precious [God Tree Fruit].

Otherwise, there is no point in putting it aside and talking nonsense with yourself.

"Of course there is a way."

"It's just that it will be very dangerous, and even nine deaths:"

"Would you like to try?"


Obito did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed.

"It's just that you have to tell me how."

"Otherwise, I won't trust you easily!"

no way.

The level of cunning and cunning of this Natsume kid in front of him is one of the few in the entire ninja world.

If there is no reliable way to obtain it, he will never rashly believe it!

to this.

Xia Mu first asked Madam Ban:

"Have you informed him about the content of the meeting?"

Madam Ban: "Only the part about the divine tree and Infinite Moon reading..."

As for the news about the expedition 'Otsutsukimoto family'.

Madara, of course, did not leak easily.

In any case, it is classified information that involves the survival of the entire ninja world!

Of course he wouldn't leak it indiscriminately.

"Okay, then I'll just say it."

"Soon, we'll be impersonating an alien race's lair."

"And they are the Otsutsuki clan; they are making those divine trees and eating away at the source of other planets!"

As Natsume explained, he reached out and touched Obito.

Directly will be a lot of relevant intelligence.

In the form of fragments of consciousness, it was passed on to Obito.

Natsume, who has mastered many secret techniques of the soul, also has a deeper understanding of the soul.

Such methods of transmitting fragments of consciousness have also been easily mastered.

It is much more convenient than chatting and explaining with soil for dozens of minutes.

At the same time, the more Obito listened, the more frightened he became.

But Natsume didn't give him a chance to stop and comb.

Add firewood and fire directly:

"Although the main body of this operation will be me and Kaguya."

"But in order to gain further information and disturb the Otsutsukimoto family; we decided to bring a few other people with us and pretend to be prisoners."

"In this way, these 'spies' are mixed into the slave army of the Otsutsuki family!"

"You must know that in the Otsutsukimoto family, there is an endless supply of a large number of [God Tree Fruits], which have been enshrined from all over the universe."

"As long as you can sneak in, there is a high chance of getting one!"

"Even if you can't get it, there must be all kinds of wonderful alien abilities, and there must be other ways to become gods."

"Lin, who is enough to make you think about it, will live forever!"

Natsume said seriously.

In fact, this flick of his is not a complete lie.

He had already checked with Kaguya.

In order to serve the main family and the branch family, the Otsutsugi clan will indeed capture some strange and low-level life forms from all over the universe and use them as slaves...

There are also often various planting teams that take the initiative to bring back some suitable slaves as attendants.

After all, planting a divine tree is basically a long process.

Some Otsutsugi people who like extravagant life, of course, can't do it themselves.

Therefore, over time, the Otsutsukimoto family gradually raised a large number of alien slaves in captivity.

In fact, there are many types of people.

Therefore, it is normal for me to take a few human slaves back with Kaguya after pretending to be Otsutsuki.


Even after taking people over and infiltrating the slave group.

Want to capture a fruit; or other secrets, it is even more difficult...

Or, almost impossible!

But give it a try, it's better than doing nothing.

Natsume just wanted to pick a few: the most experienced and most likely successful ninja, try it!