MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 21

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"We are temporarily unable to determine which other Shinobi village spy he is. But, once he escapes smoothly. Our village's plan to attack Konoha will be exposed!"

"I will never allow such a result!"

"Therefore, for the sake of the village! Loess, this task can only be handed over to you!"

"I-I see. I'll finish it!"

Yellow Earth paused.

Then he clenched his fists and assured him.

Then, he quickly left the Tsuchikage office.

Leading the man, towards the place where the spy disappeared, quickly chased away.

At this moment, it is nine o'clock at night.

[Yanyin Village] To the southeast, more than ten miles away.

In a dark gorge, a young figure in black was quietly hiding behind the rock wall.

"Hu, huh..."

Touu gasped heavily, and glanced outside quietly.

"No, I'm surrounded!"

After a sigh, he shrank back.

And slowly took out a pocket watch, stared at the dial, and sighed with emotion:

"If it hadn't happened back then, it would be bedtime now."

"It's been five years since I left the orphanage!"

"I really want to see the dean and everyone again!"

It was also by thinking of the dean and his friends that Dou was able to endure such torment for five years in the forbearance village of the enemy country.

And tonight, he finally eavesdropped on a big secret.

That is: [Iwayin Village] is about to take advantage of the opportunity of the Uchiha clan to defect and launch a surprise attack on Konoha!

As long as he can bring this news back, he will definitely be able to make a great contribution!

Even rely on this credit to save the dean from the darkness! It's not impossible.

Unfortunately, his eavesdropping is still exposed.

At this moment, facing the frantic pursuit of [Ianyin Village], all sides are embattled!

It is not easy to escape.

But, for the orphanage, he must successfully bring the news back!

Tou took a deep breath, ready to find a way to escape again.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a few screams from outside the canyon.





Several muffled falls to the ground sounded.

Then, there were two series of steady footsteps, gradually approaching here.


"what happened?"

"Footsteps are approaching here! Am I exposed?"

"Damn, let's fight!"

Pocket gritted his teeth, rushed out from behind the rock wall, and looked forward.

It was only then that I suddenly discovered that the ninjas of [Iwahidden Village] had all fallen to the ground.

In front of him, there were only two figures in red cloud robes, approaching him.

"Lord Natsume, your transformation technique is so realistic!"

Orochimaru held back his smile and couldn't help joking as he walked.

"Please call me Fei!"

At this moment, Natsume, dressed in a red cloud robe and wearing a feces yellow thread mask, is seriously admonishing Orochimaru.

Today, I visited [Iwayin Village] with Orochimaru, who was originally the ‘A Fei’ organized by [Xiao].

There is absolutely no Uchiha Natsume in [Yinyin Village]!

"Okay! Ah Fei..."

Orochimaru shook his head, and was speechless at the 'saucy operation' of this kid Natsume.

This little brat is too careful!

If you have to pretend to be [Xiao]... just use his strength, rush into [Iwayin Village] to kill and come out again, no one will be able to keep him!

"Okay, that kid is hiding behind the rock wall over there."

"I have been sending people to monitor him and Ye Naiyu."

"That kid is indeed quite talented. At a young age, he has learned A-level medical ninjutsu [Chakra Scalpel]."

"It's just that we seem to be a little early. It seems that the wonderful cannibalism has not started yet!"

Orochimaru pointed to the dark part of the rock wall over there, and said with great interest.

"It's best to catch up."

Natsume was relieved for two points.

He didn't want to see a 'Pharmacist's pocket' that had been blackened as soon as he arrived.

"Yo, that kid came out on his own!"

"Who are you?!"

Tou leaned out and looked at Natsume and the two.

He held Kunai in his left hand, his right hand behind his back, and wrapped his palm with Chakra, turning it into a sharp 'Chakra scalpel', always on alert.

"Well... the one who came to save you."

Xia Mu smiled slightly.

But in Dou's view, this is no different from the deception of the devil.

He would not rashly believe that these two mysterious people of unknown origin!

Wait... Why does the person on the right seem to be the Orochimaru-sama who has defected to Konoha?

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Don't be so nervous! Put away your ninjutsu. Otherwise, if I shoot, you may die..."

Xia Mu warned softly.

To be honest, after learning so many new abilities, his strength skyrocketed.

He really wanted to do something about it.

I'm afraid that if I can't control my strength, I'll kill the pocket in one fell swoop, but it's not good.

"Stop joking! I'm leaving here! Don't stop me!"

Touhou shouted fiercely.

Even if that person is Lord Orochimaru, it is impossible for him to have close contact with a Konoha Rebel!

He must quickly report the news back and take credit!

But, just when he was about to break out.


Two kunai piercing sounds came from above the canyon.

At the same time, a figure suddenly jumped down and rushed towards Doudou.

(Please order a reminder, order a free gift! The humble author, begging online (???)?)

Chapter 19: Word Binding Technique

"Attack from above? [Iwahidden Village] pursuers?"

Pocket was surprised.

However, the body is extremely flexible in somersaults and sideways, and it is very easy to avoid the few kunai.

At the same time, he swung out his sharp Chakra-wrapped [Chakra Scalpel], pointing directly at the shadow that was killing him from the cliff.

The pocketable [Chakra Scalpel] was only halfway through.

But suddenly found that his entire body could not move!

It was as if he was fixed, and it was difficult to move half a minute.

"what happened?"

"What happened to my body?"

"Why can't you move? Who is holding it down?"

In a panic, Tou hurriedly squinted to Orochimaru's side.

Only then did I discover that the man who used the technique to hold him was the strange man with a threaded mask in the distance!

at this time.

On the other side, the figure that jumped off the cliff also landed steadily.

And wielding Kunai, he stabbed towards Kabuto again.

next moment.

"Ninja, Word Binding, Fuck!"

Natsume in the distance re-launched his ninjutsu lightly, and quickly wrote the word "fuck" in the air.

Of course, it's a 'manipulation' exercise.

In the blink of an eye, the dark shadow in the distance was also abruptly stopped by the word "fuck".

The whole person froze in place, exactly like Dou.

Seeing Xia Mu waved his hand, he easily controlled the two people in the distance.

Orochimaru was also a little curious about such a miraculous ninjutsu.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

"A control ninjutsu that can easily control enemies who are weaker than you, or slightly restrict those who are stronger than you."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up.