MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2061 hospital mysteries

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Everyone followed Zhu Bajie all the way to learn the method of cultivation and the method of fierce battle.

All in all it was a joy to learn.

The enthusiasm is so high that it is better than the high school students.

So while learning, while walking, walking and walking, and finally came to a valley mouth.

"There must be strange things in the mountains, and the mountains are strong."

Sun Wukong took a look ahead, then turned his head and said to everyone:

"There is a monster in front of you, so hurry up and go."

Someone said: "But we haven't learned the method of cultivation and the method of fighting."

"Hurry up and go back, life is more important than study?" Sun Wukong said angrily.

"Life must be important." Everyone glanced at the valley.

I saw dark clouds and stench all over the valley, which is not a good place.

These mortals, they could travel with the three masters and apprentices before, but now they understand that this journey to the west is a check-in for Tang Seng, but it is a death for ordinary people.

Back then, the king of Tang gave Tang Seng two guards with high martial arts skills. Before he had traveled far, he was eaten by monsters as soon as he reached the border.

This Journey to the West is the nightmare of ordinary people.

Is it true that Journey to the West can be passed casually?

You are not the main character, if you meet monsters, you will surely die.

Everyone thought of this, so they had no choice but to return.

And at this moment, Xiao Huan suddenly said to Wen Rensheng: "Daddy, Daddy, what are you going to do? I didn't see you making any moves."

"Why do you care about me? I just want to find out the mysteries of their universe." Wen Rensheng said unhappily.

"Oh, what is the secret, can it be eaten?" Xiao Huan asked confused.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, your father, I want to go out in person, I think that thing is coming out soon."

After finishing speaking, Wen Rensheng had a thought and threw himself into the mouth of the valley.

Then he turned into a giant tree.

The tree is three thousand feet high, which is 999 meters high.

Towering trees, high. Towering into the clouds.

It is green and lush, and there are 9 golden giant fruits on it.

As soon as the Maoshu came out, it immediately broke through the black clouds, dispersed the blood, and the valley was completely clean.

The astronauts who were about to leave just now looked back and stopped immediately.

"Spirit, spirit root!"

"Right? Just like a ginseng fruit tree, it's our creation. We can't go away. If you eat one, you'll be immortal. Everyone hurry up."

"Crush the duck!"

Sun Wukong was dumbfounded.

This giant tree appeared too timely.

Just after driving people away, such a giant tree came.

What will it be?

Sun Wukong was silent, and he grew up on this journey to the West.

What monster did it become?

Regardless of what it is, I definitely want to eat Tang Seng.

Sun Wukong guessed wrong, of course Wen Rensheng would not eat Tang Seng.

On the contrary, there are good things on the giant tree.

That's 9 different species.

Whoever gets it can leap beyond the ordinary.

Just wanting to get it is not an easy task.

This is the bait Wen Rensheng cast.

Just wait for the fish to bite.

There are nine types in one breath, and the bait cannot be said to be small.

This is no ordinary handwriting.

Each xenomorph is quite extraordinary.

Everyone was confused and ran back quickly. Some people wanted to climb a tree.

Monkeys are easy to climb, but it is too strenuous for humans to climb up.

Because the tree is tall, straight and steep, and you can't hold it with two hands.

At this time, someone thought of using a knife to climb up the tree.

They suddenly couldn't think of the scalpel they made for Zhu Bajie before.

Someone took out a knife and started sticking it in the tree and climbing up.

Fortunately, they are not otaku, but astronauts.

How strong is the physical fitness of astronauts?

He has to train every day, which is comparable to the physical fitness of a national first-class athlete.

To put it bluntly, everyone can do at least 50 pull-ups.

With the addition of tools, everyone really climbed a lot of meters.

After climbing more than 10 meters, they stopped at a tree fork.

"No, I can't climb it, this tree is too tall."

"We have to be well prepared. We have to climb for at least a month, 30 meters a day. This requires food and drinking water. We have to be ready before we can climb up."

"Why don't you climb trees after learning how to ride the clouds and fog?"

At this time, Monkey King suddenly said: "This tree is the same as the Westward Journey Road. It cannot fly. You have to climb it yourself to pick the fruit."

"So it's like this, is it a test of our sincerity?"

Astronauts are saying,

And at this moment, a group of dark bat monsters appeared!



Those astronauts turned pale with fright, one by one immediately went down along the giant tree.

It's just that those bat monsters didn't bite them, but just bit the giant tree.

These bats are powerful enough to scare those people to run around.

"Don't run, it's useless to run, just stay on the tree." Zhu Bajie persuaded.

After all, these are his apprentices, and Bajie is not so heartless to see his apprentices die in vain.

A bat caught an astronaut, and when he was about to eat it, suddenly a branch appeared on the big tree, and he whipped it like a whip.

Hit the bat directly on the ground.

The astronaut said fortunately:

"Finally survived, it scared me to death."

"Okay, leave these monsters to us, and you will hide in the trees."

Sun Wukong raised the golden cudgel, and then beat the bats to pieces with one stick.

Zhu Bajie also started hitting the bats with his rake.

Tang Seng and Bai Longma hid under the tree.

After hitting the bats, another group of mud monsters appeared from Taniguchi.

After appearing, it rushed towards the big tree.

They were all gray, half as tall as a man, and sprayed streams of mud.

It's shocking to watch, in short, it feels like you will die if you are buried.

Sun Wukong shattered them with a stick, but they only became more.

Zhu Bajie hit him with a nail and a rake, but it was also useless.

"There must be water!" An astronaut said suddenly.

Monkey King thought for a while, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of water.

Then it becomes a flood.

Those mud monsters were immediately washed away without a trace.

"You are really good, and you also understand the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint. It seems that you have not learned it in vain. Your brains are very flexible. It is really good." Sun Wukong praised.

"Thank you Grandpa Dasheng for your compliment, this is just a brainstorm on my mind."

But at this time, before the words were finished, another group of demons appeared. They had black and white faces, mutilated bodies, half human, half strange. After seeing them, people trembled all over.

One of the astronauts almost fell.

"Strange, why do I feel like I'm playing tower defense?" an astronaut said in surprise and fear.

"These monsters are fueling up, why not finish it all at once?"

"Could it be to attract the attention of the Great Sage and Mr. Zhu?"

At this time, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie started to fight these demons again.

"Why do all kinds of monsters come here at every turn?" Some people began to realize that something was wrong.

Wen Rensheng understood, however, that this must be the will of the planet of the Great Bear Constellation.

As for the other party's purpose?

There should be two purposes.

One is to devour the protagonists of Journey to the West.

If it eats Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and Tang Seng, it will definitely get some kind of nutrition.

Wen Rensheng was sure that it could become stronger.

For it, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After all, it had no chance to enter this kind of world before.

This time, I used the path provided by Xiao Huan.

It is indeed tower defense.

Just after Sun Wukong finished fighting these demons, a big monster appeared!

This big monster is actually a big crab.

The body is hundreds of meters high, nearly half the height of a tree.

Eight large pincers fell from the sky and smashed heavily in front of the giant tree.

Sun Wukong hit him with a stick.

As a result, the shell was not even broken.

"Damn it, this crab is too big. If it's braised in soy sauce, it would be a big pot." An astronaut was greedy.

Drooling uncontrollably.

"Damn it, this crab is too shadowy. My old grandson's golden cudgel has no effect on it. Bajie hit him with your rake!"

"Yes, monkey." Zhu Bajie directly raised the big rake and smashed it.

The effect is a bit, 9 big holes appear.

Too bad it didn't work.

At this time, suddenly a golden giant sword shot out from the giant tree, nailing one of the crab's legs, preventing it from maneuvering.

"Yes, great sage, roast it with fire." Someone suddenly suggested at this moment.

Monkey King, with a finger, a flame burned on the crab.

Zhu Bajie hurriedly got firewood, while Sun Wukong burned it, he began to show his true self, a big wild boar began to eat crabs.

The big crab, which was so strong that it could ignore the golden cudgel, suddenly felt pain.

Not long after, they were killed by the joint efforts of the two.

"Thank you Brother Monkey, I'm full for the first time in so many years." Zhu Bajie patted his stomach gratefully.

"Okay, you stupid pig, it's the first time you call me brother, and it's really the father who has milk."

Not long after, another big three-legged bird came.

This time it didn't attack everyone, it just flew to the top of the tree and pecked at the nine golden giant fruits.

"Ah, the damned bird actually snatched our fruit!"

"Grandpa Great Sage, please kill this hateful bird quickly, and don't let it **** all the precious fruits."

"Monkey, hurry up, don't waste time." Zhu Bajie said and was about to fly up.

It turns out that after he flew up, Monkey King didn't move.

"You idiot, I said earlier that this fruit can only be obtained by climbing up, and that bird is useless."

Sure enough, the bird only pecked at loneliness and got nothing.

"So that's the case. If I said it earlier, I wouldn't go there."

Before Zhu Bajie could say anything, he became the target of hatred.

The big three-legged bird failed to peck the giant golden fruit.

Seeing the precious fruit pass by, he immediately vented his anger on Zhu Bajie.

From its point of view, Zhu Bajie must have flown over and made trouble on purpose so that it could not get the fruit.

This bird doesn't have much intelligence at all, just like those beasts.

As a result, Zhu Bajie, who was closest to it, was severely pecked by this bird.

Zhu Bajie's ability is useless at all.

The fart. Butt **** were pecked to bloom, crying and screaming, and almost went home to find my mother.

"Hahaha, Bajie, I told you not to listen to me." Sun Wukong laughed.

Then Zhu Bajie got into the ground.

The big bird left angrily.

Sun Wukong didn't catch up to fight either.

"My lord, why don't you fight?"

"Nonsense, it looks so majestic, it must have a background." Sun Wukong said contemptuously.

Everyone was speechless.

At this moment, everyone was about to say something when suddenly the ground shook.

Then everyone found a huge black vortex sweeping towards everyone.

"not good!"

As soon as Monkey King jumped, he wanted to fly out.

However, just like meeting Zhen Yuanzi, he was directly involved.

The same goes for everyone else.

Whether it is Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Tang Seng, Bailongma, or the astronauts, they all felt a whirl.

Wen Rensheng's thoughts were also spinning accordingly.

Not long after, the scene in front of him changed drastically.

Finally, they found that there was a strange hospital in front of them.

They appeared in the aisle, and "so and so hospital" was written on the wall.

Before I got used to digestion, I heard several voices not far away:

"The big thing is bad, the dean's head is gone!"

"What, say it again, the dean's head is missing?"

"We don't know what happened. The dean was clearly sleeping, but suddenly his head disappeared."

"What time exactly?"

"It's during my lunch break in the office."

At this moment, everyone looked for the sound.

When they saw the people in the hospital, they were shocked.

I saw that this is no hospital, it is clearly a zoo.

There are rabbits, chickens, cows, pigs, bears, wolves everywhere...

Looking closer, I saw that Monkey King turned into a monkey, Zhu Bajie turned into a pig, and Tang Seng turned into a rabbit.

White dragon horse or horse...

Only the white dragon horse wins the world.

As for themselves, they are still human.

"Strange, Mr. Sun, Mr. Zhu, how did you become like this?"

"I don't know about this problem either." Monkey King turned into a monkey wondered.

"Who can believe this, how could it be like this?"

"Where is the enemy?"

Everyone was discussing, suddenly, a reminder flashed in their minds.

"Only after finding out the mystery of the animal hospital, you can go back alive, otherwise you will also become animals."

"It's really strange, what kind of mission is this?"

"We must find out the mystery before we can go back alive. This is too strange. Could it be that we were kidnapped by something?"

Everyone was shocked.


But at this moment, "Hey, what are you patients doing here, hurry back to your own ward, the ward round is about to begin."

A rabbit nurse said to everyone.

Are they sick?

Everyone is confused.

Then they were taken back to the ward.

At this moment, a broadcast came from outside the ward.

"Professor Dong, the chief of surgery, is leading a team to round the ward."

"Patients, please keep quiet. UU Reading"

At this time, everyone had to stay in the ward, waiting for that Professor Dong to come over.

Wait until Professor Dong comes over to make rounds.

Everyone discovered that it turned out to be a Donald Duck.

It was looking at them with its hands behind its back: "Well, how is your spirit today?"

"We're in good spirits."

"That's good. I'll amputate you this afternoon. Each of you must have your infected part amputated, or you'll die."



Everyone was taken aback.

And only for one morning.

They must investigate the mystery of the hospital immediately, otherwise, they will become disabled!