MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 99 , the king of aliens! Fighting power soars!

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In an instant, Wang Teng grabbed the palm of the Headless Horseman and began to extract...


His palm lit up with a dazzling white light!

【Endless extraction success! Congratulations on getting the D-level talent - Qi of the Golden Dragon (Incomplete)! 】

Fuck it~!

D-level talent - the spirit of the golden dragon!

But it turned out to be incomplete!

Wang Teng couldn't help but feel regret.

[It is detected that you have incomplete talents, and the talents are automatically decomposed...]

[Congratulations, you have once again obtained the E-level talent - the spirit of the emperor! 】

[It is detected that you already have this talent, and it is automatically integrating and evolving...]

【Talent fusion is successful! You have acquired a D-level talent - the spirit of the golden dragon! 】

[The Qi of the Golden Dragon: When activated, a black-yellow light bursts out, covering the area, reducing the opponent's attributes by 20%, and reducing the comprehensive combat power by up to 200 points! 】

[It is detected that you have the passive skill of talent - Son of Destiny, the passive skill of this talent has been improved. 】

[Child of Destiny: Your destiny has changed, you have been favored by God, and your daily luck is +2! 】

Fuck it~!

Good luck!

Fusion talent succeeded!

What do you really want!

Wang Teng was surprised.

But this is not over, the familiar mechanical sound came again...

[You have awakened the D-level talent - the spirit of the golden dragon, and you have reached the promotion conditions for the role-playing system. 】

【Yes/No to upgrade? 】


Wang Teng did not hesitate and chose to upgrade directly.

At this time, the prompt sound came again in Wang Teng's mind.

[Congratulations, you have successfully promoted to level 4 as Murong Fu! 】

[Your physical attribute increases by 10 points! 】

【Your strength attribute increases by 10 points! 】

[Your agility attribute increases by 10 points! 】

【Your spiritual attribute increases by 10 points! 】

[Your perception attribute increases by 50 points! 】


A milky white beam of light descended from the sky, and instantly fell on top of Wang Teng's head...

At this moment, he was enveloped by the energy of white light.


The role-playing system has also been improved!

This series of upgrades has increased his combat power a lot.

Wang Teng glanced at his comprehensive combat power and suddenly soared to 2578 points!

Sure enough, today's series of improvements made his combat power rise rapidly!

This allowed him to compete for the top ten spots, which gave him more confidence.

What's more, he is now only 1700 experience points away from level 11.

As long as he kills a few more enemies, his combat power can be improved again.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng became more confident and full of expectations.

This feeling of continuous improvement is really intoxicating!

It was at this moment that the body of the Headless Horseman was completely swallowed.

The ground was restored to its original state, and the large bloodstains no longer existed.

The surrounding atmosphere became more gloomy and eerie.

Wang Teng took a deep breath and walked towards the dark corridor ahead...

His current task is to find the colorful glass fragments.

At this moment, the familiar mechanical sound came again.

[Hint: There are ten people in the Rich Continent, and they have been guided by the bounty task! 】

Fuck it~!

In such a short time, two more people have been guided!

Sure enough, among the tens of billions of prosperous mainlanders, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Wang Teng felt the pressure and hurried forward.

The more people who are guided, the greater the competitive pressure and the more difficult it will be to get into the top ten.

At the same moment, everyone saw this prompt, and there was a lot of discussion in the chat channel.

"It's only been a while, and there are ten people who have been guided by the bounty!"

"It's not very good! Can the boss Wang Teng still be in the top ten? The difficulty of the reward he faces is double that of others!"

"Everyone, don't be impatient! Has boss Wang Teng created a few miracles?"

"That's right! But the more people there are, the greater the pressure on competition!"

"We don't need to worry about this, what we need to do now is to provide the most powerful backup for Boss Wang Teng!"

"That's right! Everyone, act!"

After a commotion, the crowd was full of energy again.

Of course, their hearts are also very uneasy.

According to the current situation, no one can guarantee that Wang Teng can enter the top ten.

At the same time, Wang Teng was walking deep in the corridor.

The entire palace was covered with the veil of night.

Chill and weird.

"Ta~!" "Ta~!" "Ta~!"

The palace was extremely silent.

The sound of his footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.

Appears extra loud.

Unconsciously, Wang Teng walked into the end of the corridor.

A magnificent city wall appeared in front.

In the middle are two closed doors.

The blood-red paint surface exudes a disgusting smell.

Looking up, one after another round things were suspended under the horizontal plaque.


Three big characters, like blood poured, exude fear in the dark night.

It was at this moment that the mutation protruded.

The hanging round things radiated out rays of light.

It turned out to be a pair of eyes!


Immediately afterwards, those heads erupted in miserable wailing.

This is their fear and resentment when they die!

The roars came into Wang Teng's ears, and they turned into thousands of spiritual filaments, quickly invading his brain...

Spiritual attack!

This scene made Wang Teng smile slightly.

Although his spirit is the weakest five-dimensional attribute, he has also awakened a C-level talent - mental storm.

This level of mental attack would not hurt him at all.

On the contrary, these spiritual filaments, after entering the brain, made him feel refreshed and comfortable, and it felt like someone was helping him massage.

If it were someone else, he would have been unable to bear this fear for a long time, and his spirit would collapse.

This should be the first test of this bounty mission.

Unfortunately, it is invalid for Wang Teng!

In just a moment, all kinds of mourning echoed throughout the corridor.

But Wang Teng was enjoying himself, striding forward, ready to push open the palace gate.

"Ta~!" "Ta~!" "Ta~!"

It was at this time.

The sound of footsteps followed.

The howling suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there was a banging sound of teeth.

These heads, people who have already died, are actually afraid!

Seeing this situation, Wang Teng turned around and clenched his fists, but his heart was full of expectations.

I hope that the person who comes is strong, so that after he kills him, he can rise to level 11!


After a while, on the other side of the corridor, a tall human-shaped shadow appeared, walking slowly...

"Ta~!" "Ta~!" "Ta~!"

The figure in front is getting closer.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the corridors.

Wang Teng's clenched fist tightened.

fifty meters... thirty meters... ten meters...

The figure is getting closer.

But could not see the appearance.

The atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

"Ta~!" "Ta~!" "Ta~!"

Nine meters...eight meters...six meters...

The figure finally walked within five meters.

Wang Teng finally saw the person coming, but it was still vague.

It was a one-armed middle-aged man, wearing torn armor, holding a rusty rapier in his hand, exuding a monstrous corpse aura and yellow mud.

Behind him, a long khaki dirt road was outlined.

This is?

Black ripples appeared in Wang Teng's eyes...

[Name: Tian Yan (remodeled). 】

[Title: Star Wars King]

[Level: Level 14 (Grandmaster-level character). 】

【nation:? ? ? 】

[Martial arts (skill): ? ? ? . 】

【talent:? ? ? 】

[Comprehensive combat power: 2100. 】

[Explosion rate: 20%]

[Status: Controlled. 】

Um? !

Wang Teng was a little surprised.

This skinny guy named Tian Yan actually has a rank and the title of King of War!

In other words, this Tian Yan used to be a mysterious player!

Achieving the title of King of War is definitely a strong man.

Right now it's being manipulated.

The combat power also reached 2100 points.

For such combat power, Wang Teng doesn't care.

His current combat power has reached more than 2,500 points.

The only thing he is afraid of is the black hand behind the scenes.

If he died, he would also become a humanoid puppet!

With this in mind, Wang Teng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It was at this moment that Tian Yan slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of amber eyes.

The word "red" was engraved in his eyes.

The next second, a red ripple appeared in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a sneer of contempt.

【Name: Wang Teng】

[Level: Level 10]

[Affected by astrology, other information cannot be viewed temporarily! 】


Just a level 10 novice.

Not as good as before his death.

Before his death, he was a level 14 powerhouse, known as the Star War King!

Now, under the transformation of his master, his combat power has been fully doubled!

Therefore, he can easily kill the human being in front of him.

He will give this body to the supreme master.

In this way, he can obtain the master's blood again and become stronger.

No longer have to stand outside this empty Xihuamen.

Tian Yan grinned.

In a flash, he came to assassinate Wang Teng.


The long sword contended, waving rust chips one after another, also with sword energy, rushing towards Wang Teng's body.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Wang Teng.


The sword light is like a rainbow!

Tian Yan slashed at Wang Teng's neck.

At the same time, the yellow mud under his feet instantly passed Wang Teng's ankle.

Earth System Law!

This Tian Yan can actually mobilize the earth element!

Then he must have mastered the earth element talent.

Wang Teng was overjoyed.

At this moment, in his eyes, this Tian Yan is a mobile talent.

At this moment, the sword slipped, and thousands of rust chips hit.

This lore is almost unfavorable among his enemies before his death.

The sword light and the rust scraped into Wang Teng's neck together.


Tian Yan roared in his heart!

Wang Teng's body crackled.

Blue light flashes.


Tian Yan jumped back on his toes, but it was too late.

A fiery red burst out from Wang Teng's fist, breathing endless fireworks.

The fist belt slammed into Tian Yan's face, and the flesh and blood burst and splashed.

The headless corpse staggered back two steps before falling backwards.


A muffled sound!

The corpse fell heavily.

In just one round, Wang Teng killed the former War King in seconds.

The next second, a white light flew above the corpse and poured into Wang Teng's body...

[Killing the Great Master character successfully! Comprehensively get +2000 experience points! 】

[Killing the Great Master character successfully! Comprehensively get +60 obsession! 】

【 Your level has been promoted to level 11! 】

【Your physique increases by 20 points! 】

【Your strength increases by 20 points! 】

【Your Agility increases by 20 points! 】

【Your spirit increases by 20 points! 】

【Your comprehension increases by 20 points! 】

An energy surged wildly in the body!

Wang Teng's whole body is warm and comfortable, and his whole body is covered with a sense of comfort.

He has upgraded!

Finally got to level 11!

Um? !

The five-dimensional attributes have increased by 20 points!

It turned out that after level 10, the attribute points obtained double for each level up!

Wang Teng was overjoyed...