MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 8 ,extract! Get stronger again!

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A flash of white light flashed!

[Endless extraction success! Gain 2 Strength! 】

[Endless extraction success! Get 3 points of physique! 】

[Endless extraction success! Get 3 Strength! 】


Strength and physique are the most basic attributes for survival, all of which have increased!

Now, one person singled out three Xixia soldiers, a great success!

"It's really good! This shot is very good! After my level has been raised, it is easy to kill three ordinary Xixia soldiers. As long as I kill a few more Xixia soldiers, I will be able to compete with elites."

Wang Teng was in high spirits, stood up, and was ready to leave.

"Huh? There seems to be fighting in front of you!"

Suddenly, Wang Teng's ears moved.

He walked forward, and found some messy footprints not far away, entering the woods.

At this moment, he saw that the bushes beside the road had been trampled down, and there were fragments of modern clothes with a little blood on them...

Wang Teng felt a little shy in his heart, so he followed these traces and slowly groped for it.

Just as he was moving forward carefully, in an open depression, the sound of violent horse hooves came.

He stopped, hid quietly in the woods, and looked at the scene through the gap.

Immediately, he saw that three Xixia cavalrymen were besieging four people.

One man and three women, looking at their clothes, they should have been sent in just like Wang Teng.

The faces of the four are not bad, and the leader is a handsome man.

Behind him, stood three young girls, one of whom was a ponytail woman with a long, tender body. Under a tight top and jeans, her figure was uneven and extremely seductive.

This scene made Wang Teng look happy.

The three Xixia cavalry are all experienced babies!

Looking at the situation in this match, the four-man team was clearly at a disadvantage.

Three Western Xia cavalry, waving a machete, gradually narrowed the encirclement.

Hot eyes swept over the delicate bodies of the three women, and said mockingly:

"Kill the man and keep the three women, so that the people of the Central Plains can taste the majesty of our Xixia people, hahaha!"

Where have these girls ever seen such a scene, and they were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"Damn! These three cavalrymen are obviously a well-trained three-man squad. They are stronger than ordinary Xixia soldiers!"

The man among them had a bitter look on his face and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

"It turned out to be him!"

Soon, Wang Teng's eyes swept to the young man who was talking.

Wang Teng met Zhang Zhen on the chat channel. He was one of the first powerhouses to reach level 2.

Zhang Zhen can be said to be a man of the hour, and is sought after by many people.

This time, he formed a team of four with his third sister.

"Level 2 powerhouse, can't you even take care of a few Xixia miscellaneous hairs?"

Wang Teng was curious and looked in the direction they were fighting.

I saw that Xixia soldiers wielded a machete and slashed towards the circle fiercely.

Seeing that, Zhang Zhen was about to die in a different place.

"The talent is activated!"


That Zhang Zhen raised his hands, and suddenly an oval air hood rose up.

This air mask is like a big mountain, covering himself and all three level 1s in it.

The machete struck and killed on the air-covered mountain, gold and iron mingled, and the sound spread far away.

The continuous assassination assaults caused cracks to appear in the air hood mountain.

His strength was difficult to support, and the gas mask mountain became crumbling, and there were signs of disappearing.

Not everyone can have such a powerful power as Wang Teng.

In this way, the three Xixia cavalry continued to attack, and Zhang Zhen, who collided with it, was screaming in agony.

"Jie Jie! He can't hold it anymore!"


The machete slashed again, and Zhang Zhen almost fell to his knees, his face extremely bad.

"Brother Zhang Zhen! How are you?"

One of the girls in a long skirt let out a burst of exclamation and quickly supported Zhang Zhen.

"The situation is not good. My current talent is on cooldown, but I still have the means to press the bottom of the box, but it will take some time to activate. Can you attract their attention?"

Zhang Zhen gasped and said, turning his eyes to the three.

"Okay! The three of us attacked together, hoping to attract their attention!" said the woman in the long skirt.

I saw the three of them activated their innate skills at the same time, and rushed forward, three long swords of white quality, slashing indiscriminately!

Clang! clang! clang!

A burst of symphony of gold and iron really made the three of them cut a hole.

A Xixia cavalry's mount was frightened and raised its front hooves with a neigh.

Zhang Zhen's eyes lit up, and a donkey rolled and escaped from the encirclement.

Seeing this, Wang Teng's heart moved. Could it be that Zhang Zhen also possesses two or more talents and plans to fight back?

It was at this moment that a change occurred in the field.

I saw Zhang Zhen get out of the siege, and even fled away without looking back!

The Xixia cavalry screamed, and took out a short throwing spear from the horse's back.


The short spear came in an instant, directly penetrated Zhang Zhen with his back facing them, and stabbed into the grass fiercely!

The remaining three girls were dumbfounded, with a look of incomparable despair in their eyes.

Level 2 strong Zhang Zhen, died...

Wang Teng shook his head secretly. If Zhang Zhen fought back, he might not be able to escape, but he chose to hand over his back to the enemy.

At this moment, the three Xixia cavalrymen grinned again and surrounded them.

They teased the three of them like a cat playing a mouse.

"Hahaha! If you two girls dolls, if you serve us well, you can let you live. Even if you don't obey, I have a kind of acacia powder in Xixia Yipintang. If you take it, the strong girl will also become a slut."

The Xixia cavalry laughed lewdly, disintegrating the confidence of the three of them verbally.

"What to do, what to do, sister, we might as well follow, at least we can survive."

The girl in the long skirt cried softly.

"No! Even if I die, I won't let them defile me!"

The ponytail woman who had never spoken, raised her decisive eyes and spoke sharply.

"Fight with them!"

Suddenly, the ponytail woman pointed her sword and forcibly stabbed it out.


A sudden sword pierced directly into the horse's neck.

The horse neighed and fell heavily, and the other Xixia people were furious. They didn't expect that they, who were desperate, dared to resist.

"Looking for death!"

Xixia Bing scolded angrily, and raised the machete in his hand.

"If you don't resist at this time, you really have no chance!"

The ponytail woman shouted loudly, raised the long sword in her hand and stabbed.

"Fight with them!"

"Fight with them!"

The other two may have been inspired, and they also closed their eyes and waved them randomly.

"The mantis arm is the car, all die!"

The faces of the Xixia soldiers were as ferocious as ghosts, and the scimitars fell in response.




One after another, a sonic boom erupted in the air, appearing one after another.

Three muffled voices rang out one after another in the body of the Xixia cavalry.

Everyone burst into a mass of flesh and blood, and they were all pierced, not even crying.

He fell silently on the depression, with corpses scattered all over the place and blood all over the place.

Only the three women who gestured towards the air were left...

At this moment, the ponytail woman was exhausted and fell to the ground panting.

"Am I not dead yet?"

She slowly raised her eyes, revealing a shocked pretty face.

This shock is no trivial matter. The three Xixia cavalry in front of them were all killed!

The Xixia cavalry twitched a few times, and the whole body lit up with dazzling light...

The next second, the rays of light poured into the body one after another.

After a while, an unbelievable voice came from the depression.

"I... I got 1 experience point!"

"Me too, I got 2 points!"

"I got 7 experience points!"

The ponytail woman's surprise flashed.

At the same time, no one saw that the thickest and largest light entered the nearby bushes.