MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 789 , Flesh appetite! Level 9 Universe!

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When all the demons saw the man, they stepped forward to salute one after another, with extremely awe-inspiring expressions.

The mysterious man nodded slightly, then looked in the direction where the five clones were leaving.

"How come the Giant Realm?!"

After a while, the man whispered.

There was surprise in his tone.

Obviously, the realm of the five clones is too low, somewhat beyond his expectation.

Immediately, he looked at the Jedi Star Demon beside him: "Are you sure you didn't admit your mistake?"

The star demon hurriedly replied: "Master, the subordinates are not mistaken! The mirrors we hide in each station show that these five people are killing our subordinates!"

"It's just that the realm can't be discerned in the photo mirror, and the subordinates didn't expect that they are in the giant realm."

Speaking of this, Star Demon was a little depressed and embarrassed at the same time.

It turned out that when Wang Teng participated in the Dragon Transformation Festival, he arranged for the five clones to hunt around.

Star Demon, as the leader of Origin Demon in this Xinghai, naturally received various calls for help.

It was furious, and quickly summoned all level 11 source demons, ready to take revenge.

When it saw the scene in the photo mirror, it was shocked.

It can judge that the five avatars all have quasi-superior strength.

But on its side, only itself has the quasi-superior strength, and the rest of the source demons are all the ultimate holy strength.

I'm afraid they won't get any benefits if they come to the door.

With this thought in mind, Star Demon hesitated all the time, not daring to come to revenge.

Until a few days later, Emperor Luan came looking for revenge, and fought with Wang Teng so darkly that the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars was shaken.

This also alarmed the mysterious man sleeping deep in the star sea, that is, the man in yellow robe in front of him.

And this yellow-robed man is the master of the star demon, and also the real master of this chaotic star sea.

What is shocking is that this yellow-robed man is obviously human, but exudes an astonishing corpse aura.

It can be clearly said that the man in the yellow robe is a human corpse.

It was because of the awakening of the mysterious man that Star Demon saw the hope of revenge.

After all, before the mysterious man became a mummy, he was a real third-rank heaven holder.

Even if he wakes up as a mummy, his strength is not as good as that of the peak, but he still has the ultimate strength of the mid-level Supreme Realm, which is far from comparable to Luanhuang.

The man waiting for the mummy heard the report from the star demon, and his heart was also burning with anger.

This chaotic sea of ​​stars persists for a long time, precisely because of his secret layout, turning this place into his lair for his resurrection and recuperation.

For this reason, he took all the source demons in Xinghai as his subordinates and guarded Xinghai for them.

The five avatars killing Yuanmo are killing his subordinates.

How could he not be annoyed?

After listening to Star Demon's report, he felt that the five avatars were five quasi-superior powerhouses, and they wanted to come to revenge.

He can crush five quasi-superior powerhouses with one hand.

Immediately, he brought many source demons and came in the direction of the fight.

When he arrived, Wang Teng and Luan Huang had already fled away.

And the five clones also killed Wan Ren, and after clearing the battlefield, they rushed towards Wang Teng's position.

As a result, the yellow-robed man and his party only saw the backs of the five clones.

It's just that they didn't expect that the realm aura of the five avatars was only in the giant realm.

"These five people are clearly in the giant realm, and they have quasi-superior strength. It seems that they are all peerless geniuses!"

At this moment, the man in the yellow robe whispered, and there was a look of contemplation between his brows.

He didn't know that the five avatars were not only quasi-superior-level strengths, but proper supreme-level primary strengths.

And no matter which avatar it is, its strength is stronger than that of Wanren and Baipeng.

He didn't even know that these five people were just clones of Wang Teng.

"Unexpectedly, the domain master has been sleeping for so many years, and there are five peerless geniuses in this world!"

At this moment, the man in the yellow robe sighed again.

It turned out that he was once the Lord of the Heaven Domain.

This chaotic star sea was originally the headquarters of one side of Tianyu, and it was bombed by several sky masters.

This yellow-robed man was the domain master of this area of ​​heaven, a third-rank heaven master.

He also fell in that battle, and even True Spirit was severely injured.

Later, the cosmic disciples in his body used secret techniques to repair his true spirit, turning him into a supreme mummy, and his strength dropped by half.

But even so, he still has the ultimate combat power of the supreme intermediate level!

According to his original progress, it will take hundreds of years to wake up and transform the mummy into a flesh and blood body.

Who would have thought that the fight between Wang Teng and Luan Huang would wake him up from his deep sleep.

This irritated him greatly.

He secretly arranged this chaotic sea of ​​stars, just because he didn't want anyone to disturb him.

One is for resurrection, and the other is to hide his big secret.

Now, he was disturbed by others, so he wanted to kill all these annoying guys.

"The blood of human geniuses in the giant realm is my flesh and blood food, and it is very useful for the transformation of my physical body!"

"Forget it~! Since you guys are here, how can I let go of this good opportunity to devour my flesh and blood!"

Thinking of this, the man in yellow robe looked bloodthirsty in the direction the five clones left.

Afterwards, he looked back at the demons: "Go~! Kill those four people!"


As soon as the words fell, the man in the yellow robe turned into a gust of wind, chasing and killing the five clones.

The seventeen source demons also followed closely behind, chasing and killing them.

But on the other side, Wang Teng and Luan Huang are still chasing after each other.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

They didn't know that there was a terrifying yellow-robed man behind that, who was also coming in this direction.

If the man in the yellow robe also gets involved, the situation before him may change drastically.

But at this moment, the distance between Wang Teng and Luan Huang is only one hundred thousand feet, and they are about to catch up.

Emperor Luan roared anxiously: "Little thief! Do you really think that if you catch up with me, you can kill me?!"

Wang Teng ignored it and continued to chase wildly.

Seventy thousand feet... fifty thousand feet... thirty thousand feet...

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

At this moment, Wang Teng's sea of ​​consciousness heard the familiar mechanical sound of Heavenly Dao...

[Reminder: Your mental body used 21 pieces of level 6 cosmic fragments and 1 piece of level 6 cosmic heart, and the progress of the Hongmeng universe (four poles and six barrens) has increased to level 6 by 9.68%! 】

Wang Teng was surprised for a while.

He digested the essence of a level 6 universe before he could promote Hongmeng Universe to level 6 9.68%.

This is far away from his level 7 cosmic goal!

It seems that he must destroy Emperor Luan.

There must be a more advanced universe in this old guy, which is just used to nourish the primordial universe.

Only the lord of the universe is qualified to be the master of the sky.

Not only did Emperor Luan have a universe in his body, but the yellow-robed man who came after him also had a universe in his body.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

A burst of rapid escape.

Wang Teng narrowed the distance with Emperor Luan again.

The distance between the two sides is no more than ten thousand feet.

Emperor Luan finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Little thief! This old man will fight with you!"

As soon as the words fell, he turned his palm over, and there was another black magic pill in his palm.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the pill.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

In the next second, his momentum rose sharply.

On the face of the whole person, there are even more strange black lines of gods.

This scene made Wang Teng stunned.

There are so many treasures on this old guy, he actually used another hole card!

At this moment, the two sides were already close, and the distance between them was only a hundred feet.


Without hesitation, Emperor Luan raised his hand and shot at Wang Teng wildly.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

The stabbing of that spear seemed to break the long river of time, reverse the world, turn back time, and crack the void inch by inch.

A dazzling cold light bloomed from the tip of the spear, and the explosive attacking momentum suddenly reached 10 billion stars.

The attack power of this old guy has skyrocketed a lot.

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Little thief! So what if you catch up?! I'm afraid I can't even catch the old man's shot, go to hell!"

At the same moment, Emperor Luan showed a ferocious face, staring at Wang Teng with incomparable resentment.

It was this nasty little thief who forced him to use his hole cards again and again, causing him a lot of wear and tear.

He really didn't even have the last hole card.

However, he was confident that he could beat the thief back this time.

The attack power of his burst has reached 10 billion stars!

And this little thief doesn't have a clone to help him, and his attack power is only 8.5 billion stars.

Such an attack power naturally couldn't stop his shot.

In his opinion, Wang Teng's speed has been continuously improved because he used various speed cards, and his strength has not changed at all.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

In just a split second, that shot pierced through countless spaces and reached Wang Teng's face.

At this moment, Wang Teng broke out.


I saw him chopping away with an ax with all his strength.

The ax light shot up into the sky in an instant, illuminating endless blade light, reflecting the heavens and myriad worlds.

The attack momentum on it has reached 12 billion stars.

In a blink of an eye, an ax and a gun collided.


There was a sound of metal and iron.

Sound waves vibrated in all directions.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

With a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, the void is completely shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Luan let out a muffled snort, and was thrown backwards by an axe.

On the other hand, Wang Teng stood where he was, without retreating at all.

In this meeting, Wang Teng had the upper hand.

Soon, Emperor Luan stabilized his figure, and looked at Wang Teng in horror, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He took the magical pill to forcibly increase his strength, but he was still at a disadvantage.

In this short pursuit, the strength of this little thief has skyrocketed again!


What's the matter?

Why has the strength of this little thief been skyrocketing?

At this moment, Emperor Luan looked at Wang Teng with fear.

The feeling Wang Teng gave him was unfathomable, and he couldn't win at all!

That being the case, if he doesn't escape now, when will he wait?


With this in mind, Emperor Luan turned around and fled towards the sea of ​​stars.


As soon as Wang Teng's figure flashed, he chased after him.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Teng caught up with Emperor Luan.

This time, it must be impossible to let this old guy escape again!

The two sides fought it out.

In this battle, Emperor Luan was killed and retreated steadily, in extreme embarrassment.

But Wang Teng wanted to kill Emperor Luan, but he couldn't do it for a while.

Unless the five avatars come to assist.

Then the efficiency of beheading will be accelerated.

As soon as he thought of the avatars, Wang Teng sensed that the five avatars would soon reach the summonable distance.

On the other hand, Emperor Luan's expression was extremely anxious.

He tried hard to get rid of Wang Teng's entanglement, but he couldn't do it.

He gradually despaired.

It turned out that the black magic elixir Luan Huang took was only effective for a few minutes.

When the effect of the medicine is exhausted, his strength will plummet by 30%.

He could almost see his end.

The higher the realm, the shorter the efficacy of the various magical pills that enhance one's strength.

This is the law of heaven.

The strength of the strong depends more on themselves.

In this way, Emperor Luan retreated while fighting.

The killing in the field was so dark that the sky was shaking.

At the same moment, on the other side.

Huo Xing and other five avatars were rushing towards Wang Teng's position.

Suddenly, Huo Xing felt something in his heart, he couldn't help but look back, his gaze pierced through layers of star seas, and he saw a strange gust of wind sweeping towards them.

For some reason, he inexplicably felt that the gust of wind was extremely dangerous.

Before Huo Xing could think too much, a summoning power enveloped him.

Hugh~! Hugh~! Hugh~!

In the next second, the five clones turned into white light and disappeared out of thin air.

They were summoned away by Wang Teng.


Not far away, the gust of wind rushed towards him rapidly, and quickly condensed a human figure, which was the mysterious yellow-robed man.

At this moment, he was a little dumbfounded looking at the five clones that disappeared out of thin air.


But in the next breath, he sensed the earth-shattering fighting waves coming from the depths of the sea of ​​stars in front of him.

That's where Wang Teng and Luan Huang fought.

At that moment, the figure of the man in the yellow robe flickered, turned into a strong wind again, and roared towards the place of battle.

But on the other side, Wang Teng was killing Emperor Luan until he retreated steadily.

Suddenly, white light flashed beside him, and the five clones came together.


! "

Seeing the appearance of the five clones, Emperor Luan roared in horror, with despair in his eyes.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

In the next breath, Wang Teng joined forces with the five clones to launch a mad attack on Emperor Luan.

Emperor Luan was killed and screamed again and again, vomiting blood again and again, completely at a disadvantage.

After the two sides fought for a few minutes, Luanhuang suddenly showed pain on his face.

The mysterious black lines began to fade away automatically, and its momentum began to plummet all the way.

The efficacy of that black magic pill has finally expired.

Wang Teng and the five clones quickly seized the opportunity and launched a mad attack on him.

A moment later, there was an incomparably shrill scream in the field.

Emperor Luan was bombarded on the spot!

It turned into a blood mist all over the sky.

Immediately afterwards, his true spirit broke through the blood fog and continued to escape.

Until this moment, Emperor Luan still had a little luck in his heart.

That is, he is a seventh-rank high-level true spirit, and Wang Teng can't kill him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Teng sacrificed six roulettes immediately.

With the blessing of level 7 quadrupole power and level 1 celestial dragon power, he swallowed Luanhuang's true spirit smoothly and crushed it on the spot.

The last curse of the Luanhuang True Spirit still echoed in the air.

"Little thief! My domain master will avenge me, you must die! Ah~!

! "

Finally killed it!

Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Emperor Luan is dead, he doesn't have to worry about meeting the domain master Sedum Tian prematurely.

In this way, he will have plenty of time to prepare.


At this moment, a dazzling white light flew out of the blood mist in front of him and poured into Wang Teng's body.

[Hint: You are the first to kill a mid-level powerhouse in the Supreme Realm, and you will get a +3 billion reputation reward! 】

[Reminder: You killed the second-rank Heaven Holder (Luan Huang), and a level 9 universe (Luanyuan Universe) exploded! 】

What? !

Level 9 Universe!

Wang Teng was taken aback.


Before he could think too much, in the starlight transformed by the fragments of Luanhuang's true spirit, a dazzling multicolored aura suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, a fist-sized cosmic bubble emerged from the starlight and continued to grow in size.

In a blink of an eye, the cosmic bubble of UU Reading turned into a diameter of ten thousand zhang, exuding nine cosmic auras, which is a level 9 universe!

Wang Teng was stunned.

He beheaded Bai Peng and Wan Ren, and only got a level 6 universe.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Luan is a level 9 universe.

Presumably, there is no absolute relationship between the level of the universe and the realm of the master of the universe.

Some people surpass the Daojun and become the master of the universe.

And some people become the master of the universe when they are in the quasi-superior state.

This results in their cosmic levels, which are quite different.

In short, the level 9 universe in front of me is definitely a great resource!

It's just that he can blast the level 9 universe?
