MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 676 , Lord of Heaven! All-day points!

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Of course, in order to become a master of the sky, he must also awaken the Dao of One.

His comprehension of the One Way has reached 99.97%, and he is not far from a complete awakening.

He didn't worry about the awakening of the One Way at all.

"I didn't expect to be promoted to the creator of the world so important. It seems that I have to be promoted to the senior guardian soon!"

Wang Teng was very excited to find out how to be promoted to be a heavenly master.

After all, the Sky Holder is an existence that is absolutely superior to the Lord of the universe, and an existence that can explode the universe!

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

At this moment, the familiar mechanical sound came again...

[Your mental body has refined a ninth-rank source beast inner alchemy, your realm has been raised to 26.75% of the lower-rank eternal, and your combat power is +300 stars! 】

The realm has been raised again.

Wang Teng's eyes lit up, and he showed a look of joy again.

Then, he opened the attribute light curtain...

[Fate: 71 million times (source world)]

[Reputation: 527 million points (source world)]

[Comprehensive combat power: 299,000 stars]

After reading the data, Wang Teng smiled.

His good fortune has reached the standard!

The combat power is only 1000 stars away, and reaching the standard is just around the corner.

Right now, he is short of the prestige and the title of high-level guardian.

It looks like he'll have to turn time to complete the Senior Guardian's bounty.

The guardian's bounty is completed, not only rewarding combat power, but also rewarding prestige and good luck.

This is of great help to his promotion to the creator.

Satisfied, Wang Teng closed the light curtain.

In the next second, he dodged and rushed towards Tongtian City.

A few minutes later, he arrived at Tongtian City.

From a distance, the Tongtian City is extremely huge, and the city gate alone is as high as hundreds of millions of miles, and it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

Looking at the whole city again, it lies in the source world, with no end in sight.

There are a total of 108 gates in Tongtian City, and Wang Teng arrived at only one of them.

Looking at the entrance of the city gate, there is a huge square with a radius of thousands of miles.

The entire square is covered by a golden mask, and there is no cosmic wind in it.

Such an illusion, even a low-rank Taoist can enter it, without the protection of a **** roulette.

At this moment, Wang Teng saw that powerful cosmic beings from all directions were fleeing from all directions.

Everyone easily penetrated the mask and fell into the square.

Once entering the square, people automatically land on the ground.

From the moment they step into the square, people can only walk and cannot fly, which is the suppression of Tongtian City's rules.

Only the strongest at the holy level can break through the rules of Tongtian City and fly within it.

At this moment, the square is very lively.

There are people coming and going everywhere, in groups of three and four, and there is a lot of noise.

Wang Teng hasn't seen one that can fly yet, all of them are walking.

Thinking about it, it is extremely rare in this source world to have holy-level powerhouses, and there are very few who can fly.

Of course, the master of the universe at the giant level can also fly in Tongtian City.

But such an existence is even rarer than the most holy level powerhouse!

Thinking of this, Wang Teng speeded up and flew towards a remote corner of the square.

When he was only a hundred feet away from the mask, several people in that corner sensed his presence and looked over one after another.

"Someone has come to Tongtian City!"

"Huh? This person doesn't use a **** roulette, it seems to be a super-grade Taoist!"

As soon as these words fell, the faces of those people showed emotion, and they looked at Wang Teng with a little more awe.

Even in Tongtian City, Chaopin Daojun is considered a strong man.

At this moment, Wang Teng penetrated the golden mask and entered the square.

As soon as he entered, he sensed an invisible force of restraint that descended from the sky and directly blessed him.

In the next second, he involuntarily fell to the square below.

When both feet landed, the familiar mechanical sound sounded...

[Reminder: You have stepped into Tongtian City No. 996. Fighting is prohibited in the city, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven! 】

[Reminder: It is detected that you have stepped into Tongtian City for the first time, congratulations on getting +10 million reputation rewards and +100 Tongtian points rewards]

[Reminder: Only those who rely on their own strength and enter Tongtian City for the first time can obtain prestige and point rewards]

[Hint: It is detected that the player Wang Teng is the lowest-level player in history, breaking the record for the lowest level, and the reward is doubled! 】

[Congratulations on getting +20 million reputation points, +200 Tongtian points]

Wang Teng's eyes lit up, quite surprised.

He didn't expect that he would gain benefits as soon as he entered Tongtian City Square.

Right now, what he lacks most is prestige.

So far, his reputation has reached 54,700 points, which is 153 million points short of the 700 million target.


What happened to Tongtian Points?

At this moment, Wang Teng couldn't help opening the light curtain to study.

Sure enough, under his personal data, there was an option of Tongtian Points.

At the same time, those chatters came to look at Wang Teng curiously.


Inferior Daojun? !


After looking at it, those people were dumbfounded.

They almost thought that they had misread it, and their mouths opened wide.

When will even the low-rank Taoist be able to cross the sea of ​​wind with his body?

At this moment, Wang Teng finished studying the points.

He glanced at those people, ignored them, and walked straight to the center of the square.

In the center of the square stands a stele that reaches the sky, engraved with divine inscriptions.

That is the rule **** tablet for entering the city.

At this moment, many Taoist monarchs are watching.

Wang Teng also hurried forward to check.

After a brief glance, he smiled.

It turned out that Tongtian points were related to the order to enter the city.

The higher the points, the more benefits you get.

This is the scoring rule set by Thirty-Three, which is protected by the Dao of Heaven.

The more Wang Teng looked at the contents of the sacred tablet, the more curious he became about the nature of the thirty-three days.

When he saw the bottom of the sacred monument, his eyes lit up.

There was an introduction to the Thirty-Three Heavens written there.

After reading the content and figuring out the origin of the thirty days, his eyes lit up and he was full of surprises.

Everything was as Wang Teng expected, thirty-three days is the spokesperson of the way of heaven.

In fact, thirty-three days are thirty-three heavenly realms.

There is a God in every heaven.

God is served by those who hold the sky.

Today, there are thirty-one gods in thirty-three days, and there are still two heavens that have not yet produced gods.

Those two vacant positions just need a strong enough sky holder to fill them.

Today, he is expected to be promoted to be the master of the sky, and he is naturally hopeful to become the master of the day in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng's heart became hot.

That's all!

Don't think too much about it.

He'd better take a look at the city first, and think of a way later, so that he could be promoted to the creator of the world sooner.

Wanting to be promoted to God does not happen overnight, and it definitely requires sufficient strength.

At present, he still focuses on improving his strength!

The trip to Tongtian City before him may be a great opportunity.

With this in mind, Wang Teng turned and walked towards the city gate.

Soon, he came near the city gate.

The gate of the city is very huge, and it divides into two official roads, entering from the left and exiting from the right.

At this moment, there are people coming and going on the official road, and it is very lively.

People entering and leaving can easily pass through a layer of light curtain arranged at the city gate without any hindrance.

These people have the order to enter the city, so they will not be blocked by the city gate.

If you want to enter the city, you must first obtain the entry order.

With this in mind, Wang Teng looked at both sides of the city gate again.

There are ten altars on both sides of the city gate, and there is a stele on each altar.

Those altars are the malls where the order to enter the city is received.

Wang Teng chose an empty altar and walked straight up.

When he got to the center, he pressed one hand on the sacred tablet and injected spiritual energy into it.


Suddenly, there was a clear sound.

The monument is activated.

A golden mall interface slowly opened in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Wang Teng quickly immersed the information into the interface...

[Item: Elementary Entry Order]

[Reminder: Entering the city with this order will consume 10 Tongtian points each time]

【Eligibility for receipt: no restrictions】

After just a brief glance, Wang Teng was suddenly stunned.

It turns out that the entry order is divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced and special.

The higher the level of the city entry order, the less Tongtian points will be consumed to enter Tongtian City.

At the same time, not everyone is eligible to receive a city entry order with a higher level, and there are many restrictions.

For example, the super-level city entry order only needs to consume 1 Tongtian point every time you enter Tongtian City.

It requires high-level guardians, high-level hunters, or giant-level powerhouses to receive it.

Moreover, the most holy powerhouses and creators can freely enter Tongtian City without the need for a city entry order.

After figuring this out, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Teng's mouth.

He has obtained the title of senior hunter, so he is naturally eligible to receive a special order to enter the city.

However, entering the city with a special entry order only consumes 1 point a day, which is really a bargain.

Up to now, Wang Teng already knew that Tongtian points are very precious, so if you can save it, you can save it.

It turns out that there are two currency systems in Tongtian City.

One set is the point system, which is set by Thirty-Three Days.

If you want to buy items in Tongtian City Mall, you need to consume Tongtian points.

Another currency system is Yuanli Shenzhu.

This is the currency used by the powerhouses of the universe to exchange items.

In Tongtian City, there are many Taoists who set up shops to sell various items, or special resources of their own universe.

There are also people who set up alchemy shops to help people make alchemy.

In short, this city is a huge resource trading point.

In order to facilitate the exchange of various materials, all kinds of Yuanli Divine Orbs have become exchange currencies.

However, Wang Teng wants Tongtian points more.

If you want to shop in the official mall, you only need Tongtian points.

And obtaining points is much more difficult than obtaining Yuanli Divine Orb.

Generally speaking, only by completing the various rewards issued in the thirty-three days can one obtain Tongtian Points.

Or some strong players may also have the opportunity to earn points for the reward tasks released.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng seems to be famous, so how did the fourth person invite a helper?

It is estimated that it was in Tongtian City that the reward mission was released before someone was found to deal with him.

After thinking about this, Wang Teng planned to go to the place where the reward was announced after entering the city.

First, he wanted to receive some rewards and earn some points.

Second, he has a new plan.

"Huh? This is..."

At this moment, Wang Teng discovered that there was a point exchange entrance under the mall interface.

He couldn't help opening it, and entered a new interface...

[Points redemption criteria are as follows]

[10 Yuanli Divine Beads can be exchanged for 1 Tongtian Point]

The original Yuanli Divine Orb can be directly exchanged for Tongtian Points, no wonder the Yuanli Divine Orb can be turned into currency.

Thinking about it, most Taoist monarchs in this square don't have any titles, and they don't have points themselves.

Without the Yuanli Divine Orb to redeem points, they would not be able to enter the city at all, and could only stay in the square.

No wonder, he saw many middle-grade and high-grade Taoist monarchs in the square.

When these people enter the city, they can only receive a primary entry order, and once they enter the city, they will consume 10 points, that is, 100 Yuanli Divine Orbs!

Those guys simply can't afford it.

However, they can be exchanged for another thing.

Wang Teng looked down the interface again...

[Item: God Roulette]

[Price: You can rent 10 Yuanli Divine Beads]

[Reminder: This object is powered by the source of divine orb, and it needs to consume the source of divine orb when using it! 】

"The Dao Lord below the super grade came to Tongtian City, mainly for it!"

Wang Teng smiled, and looked at the bottom of the line interface.

Seeing this, his eyes lit up.

【Receipt of Points】

[Those who have obtained the title of the source world can claim points here]]

[Reminder: This type belongs to the bonus points from Heaven, and there is only one chance to receive a title for one title]

After reading these, Wang Teng couldn't help showing joy.

He has two origin titles, and now he can gain some points for nothing.

With this in mind, he chose to collect points.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

Suddenly, in his sea of ​​consciousness, familiar mechanical sounds kept coming out...

[You have acquired a junior hunter and successfully received 100 Tongtian points! 】

[You have obtained an intermediate hunter and successfully received 300 Tongtian points! 】

[You have obtained a high-level hunter and successfully received 1000 Tongtian points! 】

[You have acquired a junior guardian and successfully received 100 Tongtian points! 】

In just a short while, his Tongtian points reached 2000 points.

With so many points, it is estimated that you can buy some useful treasures in the official mall!

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

This idea just came up, and the familiar mechanical sound sounded again...

[You have obtained a junior sky substitute and successfully received 50 points! 】

[You have obtained the ultimate sky replacement, and successfully received 3000 Tongtian points! 】


Hearing a series of prompts, Wang Teng was a little dumbfounded.

Does the title of the person who replaces the sky count? !

At this moment, Wang Teng quickly checked his points, which had reached 6450 points!

This made him very happy.

But at this moment, there was a scolding sound behind him.

"Boy! How long do you have to use it? It will take you so long to rent a magic roulette wheel?!"

The voice expressed extreme impatience.

Wang Teng was taken aback, opened his eyes involuntarily, and looked back.

Behind him stood a man in white. His facial features were correct, but his lips were thin and mean.

Looking at his realm, he is only a top-rank Taoist.

At this moment, he stared at Wang Teng impatiently.

He doubted in his eyes, could this boy of the inferior Taoist Lord not even be able to rent a **** roulette?

After all, the low-rank Taoist Lord is too weak, and he may not even be able to beat a level 1 source beast, and his ability to earn source power orbs is too limited.

Wang Teng also frowned slightly.

He was a little annoyed at being urged like this.

However, at this time all the altars were being used by someone, and there was a reason for this person to urge him.

Thinking of this, he said casually: "When the deity receives the order to enter the city, I will let you!"

Hearing this, the man in white sneered speechlessly.

"Boy, are you out of your mind? Although you can get the entry order for free, you need 10 points to enter the city. That's 100 Yuanli Divine Orbs. How much do you spend?"

"Even the deity can't afford to spend it, let alone you, a little low-rank Taoist, you are really brazen! You..."

Before he finished speaking, a white light flashed in front of Wang Teng, and a city entry order suddenly appeared out of thin嗡~!

As soon as the purple-gold token appeared, there was a clear sound immediately, and a dazzling aura burst out, illuminating the audience.

Everyone around was alarmed and turned their heads to look at it.

With just one glance, everyone could see the appearance of the token clearly.

I saw that the whole body of the token was purple-gold, with the word "Entry Order" engraved on the front and the word "Special Grade" engraved on the back, and it was always blooming with sacred aura.


Seeing this clearly, everyone exclaimed.

"My God! It's a super token!"

"Hiss~! Really! That's a token that only giant-level powerhouses are eligible to receive!"

"Which elder is here?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone quickly searched, as if they wanted to pay respect to that giant-level powerhouse.

But at first glance, they saw Wang Teng and the man in white standing beside the altar.

One of these two is a low-rank Taoist and the other is a high-rank Taoist, neither of them is a giant-level powerhouse!


Before everyone could think about it, the super token turned into a purple light and poured into Wang Teng's body.


This time, the audience was shocked.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

No way? !

This young man who is only a low-rank Eternal Realm is the owner of the super-level city entry order? !

This is incredible!

At this moment, the audience was dead silent.

Everyone stared at Wang Teng in a daze, unable to recover for a while.

The man in white was dumbfounded long ago, his mouth opened wide.

Wang Teng ignored it.

He turned his head and gave the man in white a meaningful look, then quietly passed through the city gate and entered the city.

The man in white suddenly froze in place, his face pale...


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