MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 27 What the hell!

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  Chapter 27 What the **** is this!

   "Silver, give me back my silver, give me back my silver."

   "That's the money I left for Lin'er to get married."

  A hoarse voice sounded in his throat, and the old man covered with corpse spots walked slowly with a bamboo pole.

  For a moment, Ji Que felt like falling into an ice cellar, and his body became much stiffer.

   Seeing the old man coming, he couldn't help shouting: "Don't come here!"

   "Silver, give me back my silver." The old woman repeated.

  Ji Que was terrified for a while, but when he thought of the money, he became stiff again, and retorted: "My money is mine, what does it have to do with you?"

  As soon as the old woman heard this, the corpse spots on her face became more and more intense. She, who was already very old, quickened her pace, and pointed the bamboo pole in her hand to Ji Que's chest.

   This shot is not fast, but it has a strong flavor.

  The old woman seemed to have seen the tragedy of the boy when his ribs were broken.

  She knew very well that it was impossible for this young man to avoid this blow, because his body was already frozen.

   With a click, the bamboo pole hit the young man's chest firmly, but the scene of skin and bone breaking as imagined did not appear.

  The boy's skin had a silky feeling like oil, and the bamboo pole slanted out along the skin.

  Before the old woman had time to react, a fist shadow the size of a sandbag came roaring towards her.

  With a muffled bang, the crooked figure of the old woman staggered backwards, her withered skin surged like waves, and her nose was sunken.

   Without any pause, Ji Que dragged a bench next to him and threw it on the old man's head.

   With a bang, the old man was knocked half-kneeling on the ground, and then, the bench was so unreasonable that it hit him again.

  The next moment, the whistling bench stopped in the air, and the corpse-spotted old woman pinched the foot of the bench with one hand, her throat rolled, and she laughed.

  Her gray hair is messy, but new black hair has grown out of it, and with her face sunken by a punch, she is really like a ghost.

   As a result, her weird laughter stopped abruptly not long after it started.

  Because a brick hit the back of her head unexpectedly, it was a solid one.

  The old woman was knocked to the ground, Ji Que turned around and punched and kicked to greet her.

   "Don't blackmail people! Say don't blackmail people!"


   "Old Liar!"

  The ground trembled, dust was flying, the old woman was beaten to the point of ping-pong, and the surrounding temperature rose a little.

  The next moment, I saw the old woman's right hand suddenly hit Ji Que's throat as fast as lightning.


   There was a painful moan, and the old woman's fist hit a pair of scissors, and black blood flowed out.

   At this moment, Ji Que moved to her side, quickly grabbed her chin with his left hand, and pulled her back with his right hand.

  The old woman's body was turned upside down like a handful of crops, and she hit the ground heavily, cracking the ground.

  She struggled to get up, but Ji Que hit her on the forehead with an elbow, making her return to her seat.

   After that, there was a burst of boxing sounds.

  Ji Que's fists at this time no longer had the slightest intention of using softness to overcome rigidity, and slowness to strike fast, like a gust of wind and rain, fast and fierce.

   In just a dozen or so breaths, the old woman's head had been punched hundreds of times.

   With a bang, when the final punch landed, the old woman's head had completely sunk into the ground, and her entire face was no longer human.

  Ji Que stood up, shook his hands, and the blood on his fist splashed all over the ground with a sound.

  At this time, he was sweating a little, his clothes stuck to his skin, showing exceptionally smooth muscle lines, with a cheetah-like beauty.

  This is what a scholar should look like. After all, there are so many unreasonable people in this world.

  Before comprehending "Extreme Intention·Tai Chi", Ji Que had already paid great attention to the ability to beat people and be beaten, and now he has climbed a few more floors.

   Just as he breathed back and was about to make up the knife, the old woman whose head had been crushed suddenly folded and stood up.

  The next moment, she turned around and pounced like a long insect.

   Suddenly, Ji Que stepped back.

  The old woman's body suddenly became flexible and fell to the ground, and with another swing, it immediately entangled Ji Que's feet like ropes.

  Ji Que only felt that his feet were tripped by a force of magic, and his body suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

  The old woman wriggled her body and quickly dragged Ji Que across the ground, a strange smile appeared on her battered face again.

  The next moment, her worm-like body slammed into the wall with Ji Que's body.

   As a result, there was only a light click, and the wall remained motionless.

  Ji Que's whole body seemed to suddenly become a piece of drawing paper, pasted on the wall.

  An expression of surprise appeared on the old woman's strangely shaped face again.

   What the **** is this!

  The next moment, Ji Que, who had been like a drawing on paper, returned to normal. With a twist of his feet, there was a strong rotation.

   There was a bang, the wall exploded, and there was an extra human-shaped pothole.

   Ji Que, who was stuck on the wall, returned to the ground, but the old woman was smashed into the wall instead.

  The old woman twisted her body and wanted to break free from the wall, but Ji Que was quick with his eyes and hands, and grabbed her neck and pulled her back.

  Her flexible waist was suddenly folded in half, her head was pulled through her crotch, and she couldn't help letting out a mournful roar.


  Her roar was suddenly interrupted, because his neck had been pulled to the thigh by Ji Que, making a knot.

  The old woman finally showed a fearful expression on her face, her head rubbed against the ground, and she sprang out like a snake.

  She wants to escape!

  Under the closed door, there was a gap three fingers wide. The old woman's body trembled, and she wanted to squeeze out of it like a ball of swollen flour.

  Seeing that half of her body had squeezed out of the door, at this moment, she suddenly felt her ankle tightened and someone was holding her.

   With a snap, the old woman did not hesitate, twisted her right foot like a gecko cutting its tail, and continued to crawl outside.

  Ji Que stood in the room, holding a lone stinky foot, and was also taken aback for a moment.

  At this time, the old woman's broken body had squeezed out of the door, just about to continue to escape, away from this terrible scholar.

   As a result, there was only a bang, and a fist suddenly penetrated the wall covered by the ghostly aura, and precisely strangled the old woman's head, dragging it!

   As a result, the old woman was forcibly dragged back like a noodle.

  The opening of the hole was only the size of a fist, so her body was instantly squeezed into the shape of a long worm.

  The next moment, the old woman bit the wall with her teeth, trying to avoid being forcibly dragged in.

  The last rays of the setting sun reflected on her dilapidated face, which was full of fear.

   Immediately afterwards, the expression of fear also distorted.

   There was a bang, and the old woman's head and thighs were pulled in, leaving only two front teeth flying and falling outside the door. The scene was a little weird for a while.

  It's going to be completely dark.

   Readers who have seen this, please follow up on the following chapters, which is very important for new books.



  (end of this chapter)