MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 19 wild god

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  Chapter 19 Wild God

  After a fierce scuffle in the grass, the purple-robed woman fought two against one, and was finally dragged out with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

  After that, she and the angel's finger were hung under the eaves.

  So, the three pieces of bacon under the eaves turned into two dumplings.

  The reason why it is zongzi is because Ji Que's red rope binding method is a bit special.

  Chen Zhu originally wanted to ask if this was Manchunyuan's method, but unfortunately, he didn't dare to do so in front of his junior sister.

   "You stinky coin, you made up a story about you and your wife, I was so moved, and ended up sneak attacking!"

   "Smelly bitch, it's fine if you stab my brother, but if you ask you to stab me, it's really good!"

  I saw that the faces of the purple-robed girl and the envoy were covered with black needles, like pockmarks, while Chen Zhu and Wang Hua were stirring constantly, as if they were playing a piano, and they both burst into tears in pain.

  Especially the girl in purple, the sores on her face exploded from the pain.

   After all, it is the younger generation, who has a temper of revenge and revenge.

  The old monk Lingyu stood aside, quietly admiring the scene.

  The two lumps of rice dumplings struggled and soon died.

  God rolled his eyes with his fingers.

  He suffered irreversible severe injuries. Even with the so-called "divine power" that continued his life, he only had one breath left.

   Ji Que would not have hit so hard, after all, he has been a very kind person since he was a child.

   Too bad the finger really annoyed him.

  It’s okay to change your face and change your face to play with people’s feelings, not to mention, you can’t spend ten taels of silver all over your body.

  The high-ranking envoy of God, who can easily take away countless lives, even changed three faces halfway to pretend to be aggressive, and ended up with only six taels of silver and a diary all over his body.

  You can enshrine the double-cultivation cheats like Ma and Yun, who the **** wants to read the diary of a bad old man.

   That's too rude.

   This is also one of the reasons why he would be shot in the air by Ji Que as if he were the ball, beating his purple-robed teammates hard.

  However, Ji Que felt fortunate at the same time that the Great Monk Lingyu was still alive.

   Both money and people are there, which is exactly what he expected most.

   Until this time, he had no time to notice those people standing among the weeds.

  Same as the congregants who preached that night, they were left with empty skins, stuck there, and Ji Que even looked familiar with a few faces.

  I have lived in Sangshui County for so long, even if I am not a neighbor in the same street, I may have seen each other.

  But they all died, became sacrifices, and became a stepping stone for the recovery of the wild **** enshrined by the Fenglian Sect.

  The sky was very gloomy, and the thick lead cloud turned into a patter of rain by this time.

  The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot. When the cold wind blew, the mist filled the air, bringing a biting chill.

  Standing here, you will not feel the feeling of early summer at all, and you will even have the illusion of being in another cold and terrifying time and space.

  Ji Que looked at the people in Sangshui County who stood motionless in the rain, and deeply felt what it means to be human.

   The world is more **** up than he imagined.

  At this time, under the revenge of Chen Zhu and the other two, the body of the purple-robed girl suddenly tensed up, her tears flowed down her nose, and she passed out completely.

  The old monk Lingyu adjusted his breath and said, "It's time to get down to business."

  The four of them couldn't help but set their eyes on the white wall behind this room.

  The screen-like wall conceals the most important secrets of this treacherous place.

  The wild **** that Fenglian Sect has been sacrificing with human life is probably there.

  They need to bring this wild **** home.

go back home.

  God made Fingers understand what they were trying to do, and opened his mouth like a fish stranded on the shore.

  His vocal cords were twisted together with his neck, and he couldn't make clear sentences.

  At this time, Chen Zhu suddenly pinched his face, pulled it, rubbed it again, and said: "What you believe in is about to be messed with by us, but you can only watch helplessly, isn't it sad?"

  The angel showed a weird smile on his finger instead, which surprised Chen Zhu.

   "Playing tricks."

   As he said that, Chen Zhu walked in with his black box and his junior sister Wang Hua on his back.

  He didn't seem to care, but he had already put on a defensive posture.

  The moment Ji Que entered the room, he felt uncomfortable.

  The lotus in the lotus pond in the house grows very well and blooms very brightly, but because it blooms so well and too brightly, it gives a feeling of horror.

  It's like they are conscious and will drink blood and eat meat.

  In the blink of an eye, the snow-white wall was close in sight.

  Behind the white wall, in the depths of this eerie room, everything is shrouded in darkness.

  When Zhitou pretended to be Liu Cheng, he said that every tenth or fifteenth day, those people who were bewitched would be brought inside, and then there would be a chewing sound inside.

  Fingers are deceiving people, seven points are true and three points are false. Does that mean that the following situation is likely to be true?

  The wild **** enshrined by the Wind Lotus Sect eats people inside, and the people outside with only a pair of empty skins are the best proof.

Judging from the experience of the old monk Lingyu and the three demon demons, as long as it is not the tenth or fifteenth day of the lunar new year, the consciousness of this wild **** should not wake up, and they can seize this gap and burn them with thunder fire talismans or Clay sculpture, or a body carved in wood.

  The idol at this time is just a statue.

  Chen Zhu patted the coffin-like black box behind him, and a wind lantern protruded from it, and lit the lamp.

   Part of the space behind the wall is suddenly illuminated, and the rest of the space becomes darker.

   This is the dark under the lamp.

   On the ground, the yellow paper that Fenglian Sect used to preach was piled on top of each other, spreading from the ground to the wall, densely packed, making one's scalp numb.

  The lotus pond in front of the white wall is still trying to create an image of a fairyland on earth, but when you get behind it, it's like coming to the underworld all at once.

   These yellow papers should be damp and sticky under the feet.

  The room is also deeper and taller than expected.

  Standing here, there is a feeling of being in a dark cave.

  Ahead, the outline of an altar appeared in everyone's sight.

  As the lights approached, the huge altar was empty for a moment.

  Where did the idol go?

  Chen Zhu jumped onto the altar, and the light of the wind lamp behind him suddenly shone further.

  The next moment, a horrifying scene appeared in the sight of several people.

  There are no idols on the altar, but there are under the altar.

  It was a wooden statue of a **** at least three feet long. It looked like a woman, but she had a snake-like figure.

  The reason why they didn't notice this almost three-story big guy in the first place was because it was crawling on the ground.

  It seems to have just climbed down from the altar, and its huge body gives people an unspeakable sense of oppression.

   The light in the wind lantern flickered, reflecting this weird statue.

  Seeing it, Ji Que thought of the snake-like gesture of the envoy's finger.

   What's even more frightening is that the statue is covered with human faces.

  The faces of these people include men and women, adults and children, some with terrified faces, and some laughing wildly. They are densely packed together, lifelike, as if growing in the body of a god, trying to crawl out of it.

  Ji Que's scalp was numb, because he saw a few faces, which were exactly the same as those of the people outside.

   These faces belong to the common people outside?

  For a while, no one stepped forward, and Wang Hua was even a little nervous, saying, "Brother, why do I think this thing is alive?"

  "Nonsense is just gathering wood of faith."

  But when he moved the lantern a little closer, he found flesh and blood on the statue.

  Especially on the originally sculpted hair, there are long jet-black strands poking out, and when the wind blows, the strands of hair flutter.

  At this moment, the statue covered with human faces seemed to really come alive.

  Old monk Lingyu clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, if we are one step late, this **** might really wake up."

  Wooden carving of raw meat is a sign that God will wake up completely and come to the world.

  And this statue is already very close to this feeling.

  Ji Que looked at the fleshy statue in front of him, and found that the world was indeed much deeper and more terrifying than he expected.

   Really has a god, really can eat people.

  The new world view slowly unfolded in front of him, revealing a corner of absurdity and horror.

  For a while, he actually had a little more fear and expectation about his future sojourn life?

   Pretty exciting, isn't it?

  (end of this chapter)