MTL - My Years As a Car Dealer-Chapter 234 : Bath Cart (2)

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Chapter 0234: Bathing Car II

"As long as the original car owner is not a clean freak, at least there should be some dust or something." Hao Qiang stared at the really clean engine compartment and said, "But they are all ready to sell the car, who would bother?"

Tang Hongbo also pointed to the engine compartment and shouted, "There's not even a little bit of oil stains, it's too abnormal."

Under Zhang Chen's deliberate guidance, the employees of Sihai Auto Co., Ltd. pointed out the anomalies they found.

But the mouse was frightened, and his nervous voice trembled: "Is there something tricky? I won't be pitted by the grandson who sold my car, right?"

In the end, everyone's expectations focused on Zhang Chen, waiting for him to reveal the mystery.

"When the rat opened the hood and saw the unusually clean engine compartment, I suspected it was a 'bath car'." Zhang Chen slowly walked to the front of the tenth generation Civic.

Zhang Hu was a little puzzled. He didn't know what a bath car was, and asked curiously, "Why can't you buy a bath car?"

"Compared to the car owner's normal cleaning of the car, the bathing car is usually the trick of the used car dealer or the seller with bad intentions.

It is to use professional cleaning supplies to clean up all the engine compartment, especially the engine, various pipelines, timing chain cover and other places, and wipe away the traces of oil leakage, oil pollution caused by oil leakage, etc., so that buyers cannot see a A little bit of the problem.

Of course, if you don’t want to do it yourself, there are people who specialize in this. Five hundred Huaxia Coins can clean up the engine compartment, which is cleaner than the new car you just bought, and can erase all problems…”

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Zhang Hu and the others had already understood that the purpose of taking a bath is to thoroughly clean the engine compartment. Of course, the goal of doing this is to cover up the existing faults.

Everyone's attention was focused on this tenth-generation Civic. You don't have to guess, you know that it must be tricky. As for the specific problem, Zhang Chen needs to reveal it.

Sure enough, he didn't make everyone wait for a long time. Zhang Chen turned his head and asked the mouse, "The throttle of the crv has affected the Civic and the Crown Road. Did you see the increase in oil and the fumigation of the oil when you closed the car?"

"It was a big deal at the time, of course I heard about it." The mouse replied immediately, "Of course I checked the car when I collected it, and I didn't find any problems?"

"Then look at it now." Zhang Chen, who has passed the master-level used car appraisal skills, already knew the problem of organic oil fuming in the tenth-generation Civic in front of him. Otherwise, he would not have bothered to bathe the car to cover up the problem.

The mouse hurriedly went to the past to test, and sure enough, there were no problems found a few days ago. Now, as Zhang Chen predicted, the oil has become fumed.

The mouse was stunned at the time, staring at the engine compartment stupidly.

The employees of the Four Seas Motor Co., Ltd. all gathered around at once. They stretched out their bodies and hooked their heads, and they found something white. They thought that Zhang Chen's prediction was very accurate.

When everyone looked at the stupid rat again, their reactions were completely opposite.

Some cast a sympathetic look at the mouse, believing that the mouse is a victim and deceived by others.

Some looked at the mouse with a cold eye, believing that the mouse was deliberately trying to use the bathing car to trick the world's car dealers.

"This Civic has oil fumigation, and there will be many problems in the follow-up. We can't accept it from Sihai Motors." Zhang Chen neatly rejected this best-selling tenth-generation Civic, because Honda's 1.5t engine was out of stock. After the problem, Honda officially adopted a policy of upgrading ECU and extending engine protection for car owners who bought related models. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

This kind of approach can treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and it cannot be regarded as the best solution, but can only be regarded as a relief from some worries.

If the four-sea auto dealership, which has always paid attention to credibility, does not find the problem and charges the car at a high price, when the customer finds out the problem and gets it back, it is a trivial matter to apologize, and it will be a heavy blow to the reputation of the four-sea auto dealership. The last thing the employees of the car dealership want to see.

Zhang Chen was a little confused about the mouse. He could always receive the pleasure points appreciated by his colleagues in his mind, but he did not receive any reaction from the mouse.

But no matter if the mouse is deliberately trying to cheat on the Four Seas, or if he is unlucky enough to be deceived by others, it is purely unintentional to drive the car to the Four Seas.

Zhang Chen doesn't have a good impression of mice, and thinks that buying a car from a car bug is unreliable, and there is a possibility of being deceived at any time.

You can't pin your hopes on the bugs!

Zhang Chen sighed, and walked away on his own, leaving behind the rat crying and wiping tears to the people next to him trying his best to justify.

In the end, the rat still drove away his tenth-generation Civic. When Wang Keqiang came back and learned what happened, he also thought that Zhang Chen's actions were right.

Because Wang Keqiang's business philosophy is to treat people with integrity, he has lost his credibility for the sake of petty profits, and there is no way to do business for a long time.

"Uncle Wang, how's the auction going?" Zhang Chen handed Wang Keqiang a bottle of mineral water and asked him if things went well in the morning?

Wang Keqiang drank a big sip of water first, and then said, "There are too many people, and after waiting in line for an hour, I will finally be able to participate in the shooting meeting tomorrow." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文Net ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Too many people?" Zhang Chen asked curiously, "Are all car dealers in our market going to the ** auction?"

"It's not just our used car dealers, but there are also many individual buyers who want to participate in the auction tomorrow." Wang Keqiang said that the scene of the payment was really crowded, and he was sweating in the room with central air conditioning. The old bones were nearly crushed to pieces.

Zhang Chen heard from Zhao Yishou yesterday that there are great difficulties in the detection of slapped cars. Professional used car dealers are easy to spot. Those individual buyers who do not have the skills to detect used cars can only rely on their character. .

If you buy a car with a black eye, what kind of car can you buy in good condition?

Zhang Chenzheng reluctantly thought that those individual buyers were purely adding to the chaos, but suddenly remembered what Zhao Yishou said, ****** car auctions and other car auctions, and buying cars in the second-hand car market is different.

The **pai car is auctioned together with the original license plate. That is to say, if you buy the **pai car, you will also have the license plate on the car. You don't need to go to the license plate separately like buying a second-hand car.

For a city like the seaside city where the license plate needs to be shaken, the difficulty of obtaining a license plate is more tragic than that of thousands of troops crowding a single-plank bridge.

There are also those who are not eligible for lottery. Even if they have money, they dare not buy a car in the seaside market. They either spend money to rent a car license, or think of some other methods.

Buying a private car is the fastest way for them to get a license plate.

After figuring out why so many individual buyers participated in the auction, Zhang Chen's heart sank. The pressure of competition was already strong enough, but now that there are so many individual buyers, tomorrow's auction will definitely be full of gunpowder.