MTL - My Wife Has Been Blackened-Chapter 865 best arrangement

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  Chapter 865 The best arrangement

  White clothes and dark face, looking at Xie Daiqi.

   Coincidentally, Ke Huaiqi opened the door and came in.

  The pregnant child looked at his father with a dark face.

  White clothes...

   "Dad, I heard that you want to change your son? I don't want to live up to it?" Xiao Huaiqi's face was full of hurt expressions, and his distressed face in white clothes changed.

   Sitting in a wheelchair and about to go there, Xiao Huaiqi said something with a smile.

   "I lied to you. Hehe, you are the best father, and I am also the best son." Ke Huaiqi opened his schoolbag with a smile.

  Take out the snacks from the schoolbag.

   "This is the reward given by the teacher for winning the first place in today's exam. It's cherries. It's hard to find cherries this season. It was sent by our principal."

  Pitdianpidian washed and sent to the white clothes.

  Looking at Xie Daiqi, he didn't forget to pick two small ones and hand them to Xie Daiqi to taste.

   Picked two more big ones and handed them to An An.

   "Thank you brother, I know you, you are brother Huaiqi." An An narrowed her eyes, took the big cherry, thought for a while, and opened her schoolbag.

   "This is a meeting gift for you." There are many red envelopes in his schoolbag.

  Wherever he goes, he carries a schoolbag on his back. This is all his belongings left by Changsheng.

  Now he has inherited this schoolbag, but he has a bag of money.

  Ke Huaiqi solemnly accepted it, and the two children formally established their friendship by meeting each other.

  Afterwards, they watched Ke Huaiqi stepping on a stool to cook lunch at a young age. Although the taste was a bit confusing, the two guests still ate up.

   Before leaving, Bai Yi couldn't bear it anymore and went to take a nap.

"Father's health is getting worse day by day. I can't come out to see you off. I apologize for my father." Huaiqi was very polite, with her little hands on her sides, her little face showing a bit of firmness that a child of this age shouldn't have. .

  Such a small child can already support a family.

  Xie Daiqi suddenly feels distressed.

   "Thank you for your hard work. Take good care of your father. If you need anything, remember to call me. I am your father'" After finishing speaking, he handed him a business card.

  Ke Huaiqi took the business card and wrote it down carefully.

  Out of the gate, An An sat on her father's shoulders.

   "Brother is so pitiful, he can't let Dad hold him up high and can't let Dad ride a horse." An An was full of sympathy.

   "Brother is so pitiful. He has to cook by himself. It's not as high as the stove." An An's little face was full of worry.

   "I think it's time for you to cook." Someone else's child, this is definitely someone else's child. I'm so envious.

  An'an... "What are you talking about? I can't hear you because of the wind on your shoulders!"

  Ke Huaiqi saw the two walking away, so he memorized the phone number, then tore it up and threw it away. His father had brought him here all the way, probably not liking his contact with the outside world.

   entered the room, my father was lying on the bed, already fast asleep.

  Before he was three years old, he could feel the sound even miles away. Now, even if you are sitting on the bedside, he won't respond. His father is more serious than he imagined.

  Ke Huaiqi kicked off his shoes, climbed up, and squatted beside his father.

   Gently massage his legs. This is a massage method he secretly researched online at school, and it has a restorative effect on the legs. Only he never pressed it while his father was awake.

  He didn't dare to reveal the idea of ​​letting his father recover, for fear that his father would feel uncomfortable after seeing it.

   Can only sneak in when he is fast asleep. I just hope this recipe works.

   After pressing for a long time, Xiao Huaiqi's face was flushed with heat, and his hands were already numb and almost unable to bend, so he stopped.

   Seeing that his father was still awake, he ran out of the door barefoot. There is a large pack of prescriptions that he is looking for everywhere, but he dare not let his father see it.

  Currently lit a fire and boiled the medicine, poured it out and soaked the gauze, and smeared the father's feet everywhere.

  After being wrapped up, he hurriedly poured out the medicine residue, opened all the doors and windows in the house to ventilate, and let the smell out.

   Fortunately, Bai Yi doesn't have much energy now, and he only sleeps for three hours.

  Xiao Huaiqi calculated that his father was about to wake up, so he took down the things and threw them away.

  The doors and windows were opened, and a lot of fresh flowers were put in the house. There is a scent of flowers in the room, which makes people feel happy, and ignores the faint smell of herbs in the air.

   Bai Yi opened his eyes, it was already completely dark.

   "How long have I been sleeping? It's really hard for you, I always fall asleep uncontrollably." When Bai Yi opened his eyes, it was dark and the lights had already been turned on.

  The nose moved, there was a smell in the room, and there was also a smell that he would smell every time he woke up.

  He didn't ask.

   "It's not long before I sleep. Sleeping more is good for my health. I sleep for two hours every day at school. My father was probably too tired today, so he fell asleep after eating."

   "Uncle Xie brought you in." Ke Huaiqi's eyes sparkled.

"It will be fine when I grow up to that height. I can hold you with one hand. You can sleep anywhere you want. Father won't have to fight back his drowsiness and climb into bed by himself." Xiao Huaiqi looked serious .

  Bai Yi smiled lightly, and affirmed his words with a hum.

  Just sighed from the bottom of my heart.

  How could he survive until then.

  He can only hold on, let himself last a little longer, let him grow up. In this way, how can he let go.

   "In the future, if you need anything, you can go to Uncle Xie. He is a good man. He is a father and a good friend. He will probably help you." Bai Yi shook his head and said softly.

   Huaiqi nodded: "I know, Uncle Xie said, you are his brother."

  Bai Yi was taken aback for a long time before he could react.

  Unexpectedly, he was still willing to admit that he was his brother.

  Actually, speaking of it, the life when we were brothers with him, although the two fought back and forth, was the happiest time for him. Even after so many years, he secretly recalled that time.

  After Xie Daiqi arrived, Bai Yi's body seemed to recover for a while, and he was slowly able to sit in a wheelchair and go out to bask in the sun.

  Occasionally, she would take out her mobile phone and stare at Ke Yingying's immature face on the news. In front of him, that face had very little sense of existence.

  Now he is a bit more courageous.

  Ke Yingying asked people to send many precious medicinal materials and a card. Unlimited swipes.

  Bai Yi is not short of money.

  In recent years, his industries have spread all over the country, far more than one Koch. And all the money he earned was in his own account.

  Ke Yingying did not move a single point.

   What is sent now is all earned by her since she took charge of Koshi. Ke Yingying is more suitable to be a president than Huaiqi.

   "Do you want that?" Bai Yi pointed to Ke Yingying on TV.

  Many microphones were facing her, and many security guards were protecting her. She speaks in a gentle manner, and the way she points out the world, you can already see her ability when she grows up.

  Ke Huaiqi only glanced at it, then looked away bored.

   Bai Yi chuckled, that's fine.

  (end of this chapter)