MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 49 Who gave you courage?

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"However, the cultivation method is not omnipotent, because it still depends on the talent. If the talent is not good, you can't cultivate, or if the cultivation is too slow, you can't keep up with the speed of the barrier to extract the consciousness, and you may still be injured."

Jiang Cheng waved his hand helplessly: "I beg Bie Fan, this is already much better than I imagined."

More importantly, this so-called cultivation method should be able to continue to be used after leaving this ghost place. As long as you can survive, this is an opportunity. No matter what the aptitude is, as long as it is an individual, Sa Sa should be thanked.

"Well, your spiritual sea level is indeed more than S-level." He Chaoyuan said with emotion.

They have long suspected this, and it is only now that it has been thoroughly verified.

Jiang Cheng said with a bit of melancholy: "I'm so stupid. Why did I provoke you without thinking? I beg you, if you are a real boss, stop pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger. You directly say that you have a deep background. I must see you and walk away."

Thinking back then, he was still arrogant and self-righteous and wanted to win over Sa Sa, and felt that he had given Sa Sa a lot of face. Of course, the final result was that he was taught to be a human being. If there is a chance to let him pass back through, he will definitely give him a slap at the ignorant self back then, and then say, "Kneel faster."

Sa Sa blinked innocently, "I said at the time that my sect is very strong, but you don't believe it."

She never wanted to hide the power of the sect. Every time she mentions the sect, she has a proud attitude.

The corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched twice: At that time, Tai Yizong had no name in the interstellar world, he came from a small and broken planet, and his name sounded strange. If he hadn't been in contact with them, who would believe that this was a hidden boss?

Tucao returned to Tucao, but without delaying their business, they hurried to the meeting point agreed with everyone. At this moment, the meeting point is based on each team, and there are already many people there.

Some people covered their heads, others whispered comfortingly, and some whispered: "Is it really right for everyone to gather together? Shouldn't we explore this place well?"

"Forget it. Let's take a look. I heard that the students of the first university and the children of several big families requested to gather together. They know a lot of things, and maybe there is some inside information."

Everyone is a mecha soldier, and they are not alone, so there is not much trouble, but the worry in everyone's eyes is also true: the fear of the unknown and the sense of powerlessness make them panic.

However, this panic almost disappeared after Sa Sa announced the Divine Consciousness Cultivation Method, and the rest was shock and confusion.

They are in danger, not pie, right?

There are also some people who look at Sa Sa with a strange look: This child is also a prodigal! Even those aristocratic families would never openly disclose the cultivation methods of the spiritual sea like this!

Of course, as people who take advantage, they certainly won't say anything: Isn't it bad to have fun?

Sa Sa doesn't give them a chance to think wildly at all, "Don't waste time, if you can't get started and continue to have a headache, it will cause irreparable damage to your spiritual sea."

Everyone was so frightened that they quickly sat down cross-legged and began to exercise their consciousness according to the method Sa Sa said. Whether it is a chance or a catastrophe, it depends on whether you can get out alive!

Fortunately, although these people have not cultivated since childhood, as strong mecha soldiers, their spiritual sea level is quite high, and their sea of ​​consciousness is still different from ordinary people who have not practiced. Although the talent is high and low, at least no one is stuck at the door.

At this moment, the barrier in the sky suddenly shook violently.

Five days ago, on the D1 star, because of Xie Rong's divine prediction, no matter what the rebels and star thieves thought in their hearts, at least their mouths had already shown their soft intentions.

Aize struck while the iron was hot, and announced the reason for his breakthrough in the spiritual sea level, "My spiritual sea level is because of the breakthrough of Star Net."

"Huh? Are you kidding everyone?" Someone couldn't help but complain, but after a cold glance, they shut up again.

But what he said was indeed the voice of many people: if Xingwang had such a function, it would have been discovered long ago. However, the Federation did not say anything, and did not see others evolve because of the use of StarNet.

Aize said calmly: "I won't make such a low-level joke, and I won't tell a lie that is true and false after a check."

Three years ago, he was sent on a mission to exterminate the star beasts that invaded the planet. Because a peer he didn't deal with deliberately concealed information, he was trapped in the star beast den and almost didn't come back alive.

But to the disappointment of some, Azer still came back with all his tail. But he wasn't in great shape, badly injured and at risk of a mental breakdown.

He knew that some people were just waiting to see him laughing, so he didn't want to make the news public, as long as the spiritual sea hadn't completely collapsed, as long as he was still alive, he didn't want those people to succeed.

Aize applied for a vacation in the name of injury for a period of time, and he rehabilitated on the Holographic Star Network every day. Because the holographic star is the safest online, as long as he does not expose himself, no one will find out his true identity.

Unfortunately, that backfired. No matter how hard he trains and competes, his spiritual level is gradually declining and out of control.

After a training session in map mode, Aize was in a trance. He felt that he was going to be unable to support himself. He tried to control himself, and wanted to wait until he logged out of the star network before crashing, so as not to hurt ordinary people. Just when he was in a trance, he didn't know where he was, and before he closed his eyes, there was only one thought in his mind: he didn't want to die.

When Azer woke up again, he did not collapse, but the level of the spiritual sea increased. And this strange place, he also knows: the abandoned planet D252.

He seems to have discovered a bug in StarNet: the map mode will form an unstable data stream, and if you find this data stream, you can find that place.

In the past, Aize, like most people, believed that the Holographic Star Network was just a virtual platform, a world composed of segments of data streams. But after seeing the D252 star, he had doubts: Is this really just an effect simulated by data?

The star worm is too special, and the D252 star is too special, Azer can't believe it is a coincidence.

Aize even had doubts: Does the person in charge of Star Network really know nothing about it?

This is also a major reason why he firmly defected from the Federation. Star Network is very involved. If his guess is true, he no longer knows who can be trusted.

"Ordinary people can't find that passage and must be led by me. But now I won't take everyone there. Only if I trust one person enough, I will take him there."

Xie Rong listened thoughtfully on the side: Listening to this description, it is a bit like a place for soul cultivation in the world of self-cultivation, which is a bit interesting.

Azer glanced around, "Maybe some of you keep in touch with some people in the federation, maybe some of you are deliberately cultivated by the federation. But I think, no one will do this kind of thing that is good for you. refused?"

He saw the eyes of several people at the conference table flickering, but he didn't care.

"Of course not." Someone immediately said.

"Okay, then this time I will choose a few people to accompany me on a trip." Aize said.

Everyone was stunned, "Didn't you be from Xingwang?"

"No. I suspect it has another entrance, and if we can get hold of this entrance, we'll have complete control over this place."

Azer suspects: Maybe reaching D252 in reality is just as feasible. He needs to experiment.

"Wang Hu, Zhao Er, come with me."

Azer's way of selecting people is confusing. Wang Hu and Zhao Er were two of the most aloof rebels, but they were not so supportive of Aize. Didn't he want to choose the trustworthy? Why are you so blind?

But because of the status of Wang Hu and Zhao Er, other people had opinions and did not directly say them.

Of course Azer didn't choose blindly. Wang Hu was the one whose eyes changed when he spoke, and Aize suspected that he was the one who cooperated with the Federation. If the D252 star is really what he thinks, then there are definitely people in the rebel army who should cooperate with each other. But even if there is, he certainly doesn't know the truth about the D252 star. This is the point worth taking advantage of.

And Zhao Er is a person in the rebel army who stands firmly against the Federation. With him, if Wang Hu really has a problem, he will definitely clear the door.

Of course Xie Rong would not miss such an important opportunity to watch the fun, "Take me! Take me!"

A group of four starships went to D252 star.

This is actually the first time Azer has actually set foot on this planet. But the scary thing is that this planet is not unfamiliar to him at all: because it is exactly the same as what he saw on the holographic star network!

His previous guesses were confirmed one by one.

"Come with me, stand here, you can expand the spiritual sea." Aize guided them.

Wang Hu and Zhao Eryiyan stood on the stone platform he said. Then the two of them were shocked. Although they did not intuitively detect that their spiritual sea was growing, the feeling that their brains were very comfortable would never be an illusion.

Ai Ze and the others couldn't see it, but Xie Rong could see it. There was a lot of spiritual consciousness floating in the air, which was absorbed by the two of them.

This is a place for cultivating souls, and it is also a place for cultivating souls formed by natural fields and man-made transformations. As for evil cultivators, everyone in the comprehension world was able to punish them together. Xie Rong changed the world, but the principles that should be there would not be lost.

Xie Rong raised a big smile, "Improve the spiritual sea? Then I will try it too."

Then his spiritual consciousness was fully spread out and swept away in the direction where the free spiritual consciousness was floating. This violent demolition method immediately caused a wave of shaking.

"What's the situation? What happened?"

At the same time, the students who competed in the map mode suddenly felt dizzy, and the map mode was completely black.

And Qian Dayou suddenly received an alarm from the main control system of Xingwang: The map mode is out of control!

Qian Dayou looked ferocious, and flew to the screen, "What's going on? Why did it suddenly get out of control?"

It's a pity that no one answered his question, so he was urgently summoned by the top federal officials.

After returning, Qian Dayou immediately contacted Wang Hu, who suspected that something had happened to the D252 star. Wang Hu is a rebel supported by his family.

However, no one answered his message.

Qian Dayou became more and more sure of his judgment.

Qian Dayou sighed in his heart: It's not that he wants to do things absolutely, but that there is no other way to do it now.

He knew where the mecha soldiers went.

The D252 star is divided into two fields, the dark field and the positive field. The so-called yin field is the place where the soul is transported, and the yang field is the place where the soul is absorbed.

The holographic star network has always been secretly capturing the spiritual power that people spilled out, and then sending this spiritual power to the underworld of D252 star. If the players suddenly disappeared, there must be a problem in the Yang field, which made the Yin field unstable and needed more mental energy to fill it up, so all the players were caught in the Yin field.

In fact, earlier, Ai Ze had a mental breakdown. His mental power should be the nourishment of the shadow field, but he didn't expect that under the circumstances, he accidentally went to the sun field and repaired the spiritual sea - this is also a big money. Things I don't know so far.

Qian Dayou gritted his teeth and looked at the screen, "Dump! Drain them! Don't let those people have a chance to come back!"

He knew that those players probably didn't die, but if they were awake and saw what the place looked like, he couldn't guarantee that everyone wouldn't have an impression of D252, and if one person had doubts, it might have been arranged by the Qian family for many years. All become bubbles.

Although it was not his original intention to kill these people, he still wanted to continue to develop, and he could only blame these people for their bad lives.

Qian Dayou holds the master control system in his hands, and it is still possible to accelerate the flow of the spiritual power of the Yin field to the Yang field. When those people are drained of their spiritual sea, they will naturally become vegetative people who will never wake up.

But at this moment, a sinister voice suddenly sounded from behind him, "What are you doing?"

"I..." Qian Dayou was about to answer when he suddenly realized something was wrong. He turned to look at the strange man who suddenly appeared behind him. The man was handsome and handsome, like a well-bred visitor, with a natural air of trust.

... a ghost!

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Qian Dayou asked in horror.

This secret room is controlled layer by layer, and it is impossible for anyone to come in without alerting the outside alarm.

If the Qian family's secrets were so easy to discover, their whole family would have died a long time ago!

Song Ningfeng smiled slightly, "It's uninvited, it's a little disturbing. But I can't help it. I have to keep an eye on you to prevent you from doing things that you regret."

Song Ningfeng felt relieved for the most part after knowing that Master went to find Sa Sa and the others. But as a senior brother, he had to guard the outside. He doesn't know about the conspiracies of Qian Dayou, but don't care about the conspiracy, anyway, Xingwang is in charge of him, and it's right to find him if something goes wrong.

Song Ningfeng stared at Qian Dayou like this. He also knew that the current technology was so powerful that he would not try it out easily. He directly used a stealth formation and followed Qian Dayou into the secret room. This is not a forced entry, it is equivalent to Qian Dayou himself "inviting" him in, and naturally he did not disturb the layout outside.

Seeing that Qian Dayou seemed to want to do something, Song Ningfeng naturally came forward to stop him.

Qian Dayou panicked in his heart, but when he heard Song Ningfeng's words, he couldn't help but frantically complained in his heart: It's such a time, don't talk about such hypocritical politeness! Not hypocritical!

"Brother, I don't seem to know you? We don't commit river water. You should have heard of my name. It's not a wise choice to offend me in the federation." Qian Dayou began to test.

"I don't want to offend you. Of course, it doesn't matter to me if I don't offend you. I just need to make sure Master and the others are back well." Song Ningfeng said calmly.

Seeing Song Ningfeng's gaze, Qian Dayou felt even more apprehensive. This kind of slow-moving person who only maintains reason is actually more terrible than those who have no reason at all.

A person can only have such a state when he is completely dominant.

This means that the person doesn't care who he is, doesn't care what he's thinking, and doesn't have any room for negotiation.

As long as Qian shouted loudly, he could naturally call in the guards outside, or even call in the Legion of the Federation, but he couldn't do that, because doing so would only make him die faster.

Qian Dayou's brain turned frantically, "Did your master get caught in the game? I can save your master, but you have to forget everything you saw today."

He knows it! It's easy to make such a big noise! No, he got into all the trouble he should have caused.

Song Ningfeng glanced at him in surprise, "Save my master? No need."

This guy is quite confident.

Qian Dayou said, "Brother, don't be too confident. Without my permission, no one can come out of that place. Don't blame me then."

As soon as Qian Dayou finished speaking, the alarm beeped, and a red alarm popped up on the screen: System error! system error!

Qian Dayou was stunned. He couldn't care about Song Ningfeng, and tapped on his brain, "What's going on? How could this happen?"

Song Ningfeng shrugged and said, "I told you, no need."

Xu Yi sensed the direction of the data disorder. Although it was only a moment, the data suddenly stopped in the next second, as if all the loopholes had been fixed.

Xu Yi thought that someone must have closed the entrance on purpose.

But the problem is not big, the entrance is closed, just do another one.

With a thought, a sword suddenly appeared in Xu Yi's hand. As an accomplished sword cultivator, his sword has long since been integrated with his divine sense. If the consciousness is still there, the sword will be by his side anytime, anywhere.

But he didn't do it right away, but checked it out and made sure that no ordinary people were stuck in the star net before raising his sword: violently splitting new passages would make the entire star net unstable.

When he heard the surrounding data stream cracking, old antique Xu Yi couldn't help showing a relieved expression: Actually, it would be good to not have Xingwang, so that Xie Rong, a young Internet addict, would not be addicted to Xingwang.

This is what other people don't know about him. If someone knows about it, I am afraid that the Internet addicts in the whole star will collapse: what a terrible trick to draw wages from the bottom of the world! Please, please take this parent away!

After the data flow collapsed, it pointed to a road leading to the vast galaxy.

When the star net was not destroyed, it only took a moment to follow the path it set up, but now that the star net has been destroyed, the normal distance from the capital star to the D252 star has been restored.

However, this is not too difficult for Xu Yi, it is just a matter of spending.

His consciousness turned into a stream of light, and in the blink of an eye he headed towards the D252 star.

It is a sword to split the star net, and it is another sword to split the shield of the underworld.

Left and right are just two ordinary swords.

But in the eyes of those contestants, Xu Yi who suddenly shattered the shield was almost like a god.

Sa Sa was the first to see Xu Yi and the first to rush up, "Master! I knew you would definitely come!"

Xu Yi snorted, "The change was too fast to catch you. Are you alright?"

Sa Sa shook his head cheerfully, "It's okay, so are my friends. Because this is the underworld where the soul is raised, in order to protect everyone, I can only teach you the cultivation method of spiritual consciousness in advance."

Originally, she was still a little bored, but suddenly there were hundreds of disciples who humbly asked for advice, which satisfied her little habit of being a good teacher. She felt that the master would arrive in just a while.

A gentle smile appeared on Xu Yi's face, "You are doing very well. However, some of your friends are relatively weak and must take care of their spirits immediately, but we can't go back through the Xingwang road. Let's go back first. Go to Yangchang and find some free spirits for them to make up for."

When Xu Yi appeared, everyone was already in shock. Seeing that Sa Sa was having a good time talking with this mysterious and handsome guy, everyone was numb: the person with the biggest relationship was actually by my side. What's this guy's background?

Even if you tell them now that Sa Sa has a good relationship with the Prime Minister, everyone will believe it. After all, the Prime Minister might not be able to save them at this time, but the mysterious man found them easily and shattered the shield that had been absorbing their spiritual power.

As early as when Sa Sa came up with the Divine Consciousness Cultivation Method, they should have understood: As far as wealth is concerned, Sa Sa is the first! The Jiang family, the He family, the Qian family... all have to step aside!

Jiang Cheng once again gave himself, who had no eyesight, in his heart: who gave you the courage to show off your might in front of her back then?

Sa Sa told everyone about Master's arrangements, and specially explained, "Don't worry, this is my master, everyone believes in him, and we will all go back safely."

Everyone waved their hands again and again, "Don't explain it, I believe it, I really believe it. Let's go through the procedure quickly."

"Sasa, we are all saved by you. If I doubt you, who have we become?"

Everyone didn't need her to explain, she just said she would do whatever she asked.

Sa Sa: Sure enough, Master's charisma is beyond doubt.

The group just followed Xu Yi to Yangchang.

Lu Qianming muttered angrily to Sa Sa, "Sa Sa, can we see the truth right away? Guess what these mental powers are used to support?"

This design is really disgusting and vicious!

Sa Sa comforted her, "Don't worry, no matter what kind of conspiracy it is, whether it's a star beast or a human being raised over there, my master can solve it. Master has always disliked such crooked people."

She did not hesitate to express her trust in Master.

Xu Yi had been listening to Sa Sa's movements, and naturally heard what she said about herself. He was in a good mood and felt that he could not embarrass Sa Sa for a while. At this moment, he found that several people were coming here, and the breath of one of them should not be more familiar.

Xu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly: It seems that some guys are doing well.

Then in the next second, Sa Sa saw Xie Rong and others in rebel clothes trying to get out of the sun field.

They were transported to the land of raising souls, and they had something to do with Xie Rong, something Sa Sa never expected.

Sa Sa: ... Oh hoo, this time the third senior brother is really finished.

Xie Rong naturally saw Xu Yi and others. His eyeballs were about to pop out of his sockets, his whole body was as if he had been immobilized, and all the cells in his body were shouting: Help!