MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 656 The lord is punished, and the puppet boy perishes! (2/2)

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  Chapter 656 The master is punished, and the puppet boy dies! (twenty two)

Numerous gnats poured into the body of the female crown corpse, leaving countless **** holes on its skin in a blink of an eye. The gnats crawled in and out of the holes, and five different rhymes collided and blended on the female crown corpse. !


  Under the high **** where Zhang Jisheng stood,

  The intertwined shadows are boiling like boiling water!

   Rich and mysterious rhymes flow out of it!

  Pairs of arms wrapped in pitch-black wristbands stretched out from the shadows, stretched suddenly, and grabbed Zhang Jisheng!

Seeing so many arms surrounding him from all directions, Zhang Jisheng was startled and felt overwhelmed—he pushed the corpse of the woman in front of him to the front with one palm, and the word 'death' was printed on the back of the corpse. !

  At the same time, pinch the seal with the other hand: "Eat these shadows!"

Rolling worms spewed out of the two disciples carrying the slider, and each worm landed on the shadows, and the charms on their bodies resisted the erosion of the shadows, and began to bite those shadows in large swaths Come!


   "How could the shadow be eaten up?"

  On the high **** opposite,

  Under the outer wall of the vermilion Taoist temple,

  A figure was wearing a black Taoist robe, with a wooden hairpin inserted on top of his head, and carrying a sword case, he came slowly along the high **** towards Zhang Jisheng.

  The moonlight shone on the man,

   Pulled the man's shadow extremely long.

  On the shadow that slanted across half of the hillside, twisting pythons suddenly grew out—thousands of snakes swept across and covered the area—the shadows enveloped Zhang Jisheng like overwhelming!

  The wild rhyme seems to have turned into an iron wall at this moment,

   Block Zhang Jisheng's retreat from all directions, and continue to shrink inward, constantly compressing his maneuvering space!

  Zhang Jisheng's eyeballs suddenly turned red!

  He has traveled across Fujian for decades,

  When was it like today that he only saw the silhouette of his opponent, and the opponent pushed him back into the abyss of defeat? He hasn't formally fought against his opponent yet, but now he is completely defeated!

   Such a result is unacceptable to the Lord!

  Hateful in his heart, he shouted sharply: "The person who came is Beilushan Zhuxiaozi?!"




  In the shadow that surrounded Zhang Jisheng all over the sky, dark faces suddenly appeared, each face looked at Zhang Jisheng indifferently, and said affirmative words one after another!

The corpse of the female crown in front of Zhang Jisheng twisted its limbs, and five different kinds of strange rhymes disappeared as the blood on the back of it disappeared, and completely merged into another kind of strange rhyme—the gnat that lived in the female corpse and swallowed it exploded all at once. Turning into flesh, Li Gui escaped from the shackles of the gnat, and instantly occupied the female crown corpse. Blood lines appeared on the neck, shoulders and arms, and the roots of the two thighs of the female crown corpse—

  It is filled with a strong corpse odor,

  The head suddenly separated from the body at the bloodline on the neck!

   A stream of corpse water dripped from the neck!

   At the moment when the head of the female crown was separated,

  Among the shadows wrapped in the sky, a gap suddenly opened—Su Wu's face emerging from that shadow was cut open by the cunning law of killing!

  When Zhang Jisheng saw this scene, his eyes burst into light!

Five kinds of strange charms were fused in front of him, and the arms and legs of the revived 'Headless Female Crowned Corpse' in his body fell off instantly, and the five cracks were deeply embedded in the shadows, so that the shadows could not bridge the cracks in an instant !


   Driven by a large number of worms, the two pieces of human skin were lined up next to Zhang Jisheng in an instant, stretched Zhang Jisheng's arms and fled toward a crack!

   "You have some ingenuity.

  How did you come up with the idea of ​​combining different rhymes to strengthen the trick? "

  Su Wu's surprised voice sounded from the shadows.

At the same time as his voice sounded, scarlet blood lanterns emerged from the cracks in the shadow, and the blood lanterns filled the cracks in an instant, and the red light sprinkled on Zhang Jisheng and the two human skins beside him, unexpectedly The three are fixed in mid-air, neither can go up nor down!

  Su Wu lurks in the shadows, staring at the 'crown corpse' on the ground whose limbs and head have been reassembled.

  He witnessed the whole process of the fusion of the five kinds of charms and the fierceness in the corpse of the female crown,

Such a process reminded him of the broken statue he saw in the "Edict of the Yuan Emperor". Although the statue was broken, the connection of the various parts was completely wrong. , but full of a strange beauty—

  This person blended five completely different charms into one Li Gui, and the method of improving Li Gui's ability reminded Su Wu of the whole process of putting together the statue in the Yuan Emperor's edict!

  Su Wu's Yuanhuang skin talisman was obtained from that broken statue!

Being silently 'watched' by the blood lanterns, Zhang Jisheng could only move his mouth and make a sound in his throat. His scalp was numb, and he said in a trembling voice: "If you let me go, I am willing to take away what I have learned." Puzzles' all here!"

   "No need.

  Since it is something you comprehend by yourself,

   I think it is engraved in my mind, and it will not disappear easily.

I kill you,

   Imprison your consciousness, and you can also search for the so-called "spiritual puzzle" from it—" The cold voice echoed in the darkness,

  Zhang Jisheng's eyes widened!

next moment,

  His figure was completely wrapped in darkness.

  Under the dark sky,

  In the wild forest outside the Taoist courtyard wall, a one-foot-tall black shadow suddenly sprang out, and that black shadow stood outside the forest. It was clearly a big-headed rag doll with unkempt black hair!

  The big-headed doll flipped a few somersaults on the ground,

  Head fell to the ground,

   Buttocks on top.

   The soft and huge body turned upside down, and when it stood up from the ground, many black-haired meat worms climbed out from under the doll's feet, and squirmed into the surrounding shadows!

  The rag doll stood up from the ground, and its figure became a lot thinner out of thin air.

  The disheveled long hair is formed into a Hunyuan bun on the top of the head.

  It rolled again and again in the grass,

   Every time I get up,

  The body shape and face have changed.

By the time it got up for the last time, it had turned into a rag doll that looked roughly like Su Wu. The rag doll turned over and jumped into the shadows on the ground, flying towards Zhang Jisheng who was wrapped in darkness. come!

  —In the process of tumbling, it was covered with Su Wu's breath, and it managed to hide from Yinggui's detection.

   Dive into the shadow world!

   "Puppet boy?"

  In the shadows, Su Wu's voice sounded.

The next moment, a mahogany sword covered with crimson veins, dragging the thunder light, suddenly pierced out from the shadow world, and accurately pierced the doll that was seven or eight times like Su Wu. The thunder and lightning pushed the doll, Tore out the shadow and brought it straight back to reality!

  The shadow surrounding Zhang Jisheng suddenly tightened—

  Gratt! Gala!

   Streams of blood and flesh and blood gushed out from the shadows!

Su Wu's figure immediately appeared in reality, looked at the rag doll that was being dragged back by the thunder light, pinched the sword finger with his left hand, the fifth-level 'Sun Palace Chidan Dafa Master' was reflected on the fingertips, and the sword finger immediately Falsely pointing to the rag doll that keeps going backwards,

   reprimanded: "Punish evil spirits and kill ghosts, lightning strikes fire! Sickness!"


  Thunder and lightning struck the doll vigorously, turning it into a torch!

   It flew out black hairy worms one by one, but those black hairy worms were not too far away from its body, and they were surrounded by lightning and split into coke in an instant!

  The body of the puppet boy who turned into charcoal fell on his back!

  Su Wu made a move,

  The mahogany sword that pierced through the puppet boy's chest and fixed the strange thing so that it could not use other methods dragged the thunder light and returned to Su Wu's palm!

  His gaze immediately turned to the wild forest.

  Wild woods,

   There are three or four puppets hidden in it.

These puppets are different from the ones Su Wu had seen before, and they only use tricks that don't make it to the table—only the puppet just now rolled and somersaulted on the ground, tainted with Su Wu's breath, and then tricked Ying Gui, The means of getting into the shadow world are far beyond the reach of those low-level puppet boys before!

  Puppet boy is a huge doll formed by stitching five or seven babies together with special silk thread along a certain pattern, accompanied by puppet insects, and wrapping them in cloth.

  Witches are best at raising puppets.

   Among them, the most vicious and cunning ones are those "single puppet children" or "double puppet children" who 'digest', 'combine', and 'swallow' other infants who are bound to themselves.

  The so-called single puppet and double puppet means that the puppet method has evolved to the end, and there is only one baby or two babies left in the doll.

  The single puppet boy and the double puppet boy are the most sinister and cunning, with all kinds of unimaginable methods.

  The previous puppet boy who was pierced through the chest by Su Wu's sword and chopped into coke, even if he was not a single puppet boy or a double puppet boy, he must be not far away from this, almost the same!

   "The artisan warlock and the Wumen puppets are here.

   Are the Mao Wu from Black Horn Mountain and the monk from the Dizang Temple also behind?

  Who brought you together?

  Is the origin of Tianwei Taoist altar empty? "

  There were shadows in the wild forest, Su Wu stepped down from the high **** to the wild forest.

On the opposite side of the Taoist temple on the high slope, Xianzheng and Xianyi led Yan Mo's Dharma protectors, and other disciples of Lushan surrounded them. Afterwards, four Yin soldiers carried the Cauldron Spirit on a stretcher and gathered towards Suwu come.

   Riding the wind, black shadows gathered from all over the mountains and forests in all directions to the boiling shadow behind Su Wu.

  Suddenly, there was a strange voice in the woods: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa—"

   "Boom boom clang!"

   "Boom boom clang!"

   "Boom boom boom boom boom!"

  A series of pitch-black chains connected to pale human hands, swaying and swaying in the wind above the forest!

  Two people in costumes with white faces painted on their faces, each holding a pair of cards, on the left side of the card is written 'Quiet', on the right side is written 'Avoidance', staggering out of the woods.

  After two pairs of cards,

   Two more players walked out with a pair of cards.

   On the pair of cards of the second team, 'Plague King Marshal' is written on the left, and 'Eight Parts Ghost King' is written on the right.

  Afterwards, on the third pair of cards, on the left side, "Whoever sees the living dies" and "Whoever sees the dead lives" is written on the left!

  A series of guards of honor for playing cards walked out of the wild woods.

  After the cards were matched, there were guards of honor such as peacock pairs of fans, umbrellas, canopies, etc.—

   When all the guards of honor rolled out of the wild forest, a puppet boy took the opportunity to roll out of the wild forest and approached the many Taoist priests of Beilu Mountain next to Yan Mo Guardian!

  Su Wu didn't even look at the puppet boy who was sneaking towards his disciples, and threw out a scarlet mahogany sword casually!


  The mahogany sword dragged the thunder and fire, and dragged through the air in an instant!

   At the moment of lightning and flint, he suddenly nailed the puppet boy's head through and firmly nailed it to the grass!


  The long-haired black bull with four horns gallops forward,

  Front hooves raised,

  The nesting of the quadruple power wheels overlaps and tightens, and they fall together with its front hooves!

   Trampled the puppet boy on the ground into a pulp!

  Not even a black hairworm in the skin escaped!

  (end of this chapter)