MTL - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away-Chapter 11 Who sleeps and dresses well?

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Seeing that there is no objection to Da Zhuang, Tang Yan happily picked him up and smiled into the bathroom. Cats don't like water. Before, he gave a big bath to the big and strong, and all of them were disgusted. They were born as dead, and this time they had to wash together. The child did not object.

Is it because he is afraid that he is not obedient, he does not like him?

Tang Xiao smiled, this is also a benefit of buying a gold chubby, Da Zhuang has a sense of crisis.

Tang Yan held a big hand in one hand, and one hand began to put water into the bathtub, and smashed the weight of his hand. Tang Yan smiled. "Strong, do you have a long one? Sink." The cat in the arms When he was motionless, Tang smashed his head and told him surely: "You are fat."

Zong He: "..."

Tang Hao put the big baby on the side of the pool and touched his legs. "Fat."

Touch your stomach again, "a lot of meat."

Touching the **** again, "The meat is so much."

Fat three hits, Zonghe tail grabbed his chest, he is strong! Not fat!

Feeling that Tang Yan’s hand is still touching, Zong He hastened to use his tail to hold his buttocks, and there is no good Qi Tang, where did you touch it?

Tang Yan saw that he was still very tight and was amused. He said: "You are a little fart, the hair is not long, and there are quite a lot of care. The more you do, the more I want to take you."

Zonghe’s tooth, at this moment, has the urge to transform into a big tiger. However, considering the consequences of the transformation, Zonghe still resisted, but with the claw pad, he took off the hand of Tang Yan’s work. This grinding is fine! I don't know what I am doing!

Seeing that Da Zhuang is really angry, Tang Yan does not dare to tease him again, or else the child has to hide and find nowhere to find. He began to undress and prepared to take a bath.

Tang Yan is thin and has a small skeleton. The bones are not very obvious. In modern words, it is a beautiful woman. Zong He looked at it and unnaturally turned his face to another place. His eartips were slightly reddish and suddenly began to regret. Why did you agree to wash it together? This grinding is fine! It’s his own!

I couldn't help but look at it again. Zonghe was dissatisfied with picking up his ears, too thin, and not good at eating meat! I don’t learn well with the little stars in the entertainment circle! Marshal adult thinks that raising a wife is still good for raising fat. When he takes him out, others will know that he is petting his wife. If you look at the bones without looking at it, it’s all too bad. I can't eat enough.

After Tang Hao took off his clothes, he picked up Da Zhuang and went into the bathtub. He put the cat on his chest and picked up the water. He first wet the back of the other person. "If you are afraid of water, don't fall off." Go on."

Zonghe's two claws lingered in Tang's chest, and the claw pads seemed to be burnt, and there was a feeling of nowhere. Tang Yan's skin is white and the skin is delicate. When it is wet, it is wet and slippery. Zonghe's body is stiff, and the one that has been pressed down becomes the original idea. At this time, it is smashed out.

"Little guy, are you so afraid of water?" Tang Yan snorted on the belly of the big baby in his heart, feeling so inconvenient to wash, simply curled up his legs, smashed the big, belly up, four feet Lying on his lap, "I will wash your stomach, you are too long, but the stars are like spring, or else you will be able to get it in the summer."

Tang Yan softened the hair on the big belly, turned his head and looked at the shelf next to him. The big shower gel had been used up. "You can use your uncle, you have a species, you have hair, should They are all shower gels that raise hair and protect hair."

Zong He has a serious face, no, it is used by people. When he becomes the original body, he does not like to take a bath.

Tang Hao has squeezed out a shower gel, took out a handful of bubbles, wiped him, and put him on his hands, squeezing, Zonghe breathed a sigh of relief, since he couldn’t struggle, he accepted his life.

Tang Yan’s hand was pinched from his head to his buttocks, and his eyes were smashing to the unspeakable place. Zong He’s eyes opened his eyes and guarded Tang Yan.

"Hey~ look at you like this!" Tang Yan took a hand and grabbed the scorpion of the little scorpion. "Who wants to wash your ass, I am so against you, no difference with your relatives, you still yell at me." ! Bulls you to wash yourself!"

Seeing the nephew lying on the lap is unmoved, Tang blinked his eyes and suddenly curiously approached him. "Do you orcs go to the bathroom and wipe their ass? I know that the kittens are all squatting."

Zonghe picked up in a second, and did not get a good scent of water, and it was not disgusting! Who doesn't rub the butt! Who eats their own! What is wrong with this perception!

Not only can't recognize the species, but the cognitive bias has reached the point of anti-humanity. After the marshals finished shooting, they lost their strength and took their heads to Don Juan's shoulders and confessed their lives. With Tang Hao, you can mad at him, so, pet it.

In the end, I still didn't wash my ass. Tang Yan looked at the eyes of the blind man and gave him a sly look. He took it out and dried it, and gave the comb a smooth one. Tang Yan threw his bed and rushed to his arms. "Sleep! Don't face my face!"

Zong He: "..."


One night, the Internet was hotly discussing the "cat" creature. The video click rate of Jin Xiaopeng has exceeded tens of billions. In the past, there were also cute pets. The ground ran, the sky flew, and Tang Wei lived a lot. Nowadays, the big killer and the cat have appeared. This kind of admiration has already conquered the infinite number of people on the earth, once again conquered the future people, plus it is already a disappearing species, even the relevant scholars want to study it. Habits.

What's more, I want to find Don Juan and buy the cat in his hand.

Tang Yan, who was discussed by everyone, is still a mystery. Everyone can't find it. He doesn't stay on the Internet.

This is a wonderful thing for everyone. What is your identity and what is it so deep? You have the ability to broadcast live, you have the ability to show your face!

As a party, Tang Yan is addicted to the cat and can't extricate himself. The morning sun is just right. Don Juan is holding a big and strong, sitting on the bamboo chair in the garden, putting the big and strong on the table, gently combing the long hair of the kitten. Long-haired cats are not good at this. The hair is easy to knot. It should be combed frequently, and it should be combed several times a day in order to maintain the peak value.

After combing, Tang Yan held the kitten's face, touched the other's cat's ears, looked at the other's golden scorpion, and happily boasted: "You are too high in value, your eyes look good, your nose looks good, your mouth looks good. The ears are also beautiful, the bones on the body are beautiful, and the hairs look better!"

Zonghe shook his ears, turned his head and looked away, his ears were a little red. This poor mouth! I use this kind of soup to pour him every day. After I finish it, I still want to divorce him. I don't think about it!

Lin Bo took the tea and snacks, put it on the table, looked at the warm atmosphere of the couple, and touched his beard with relief. "Mrs. like the young master, and I will have one with the marshal. If you follow the marshal, the child will definitely Like him, the coat color is the same."

Don’t talk about the child, it’s too early to talk about the child, and the old man likes to work hard against the child.

Zong He looked at his hair, and his tail fluttered twice. Tang Yan saw it. He couldn’t resist touching his tail. This coat color is really beautiful. If there is a big son like this. ... Tang Hao helped the amount, thinking too far!

Bored and poked the big belly, in exchange for a disgusted look of the kitten, Tang Yan held his chin with one hand and approached each other. Curiously asked: "Da Zhuang, you have to go home later, the family asks you in you. What did the uncle learn here, and he couldn’t even call it? Hey."

The kitten twisted and turned his back to Tang Yan, leaving him with only his **** and a furry tail.

Tang Yan took this wayward little scorpion back and continued: "You will not step on the milk, are you a milk cat?"

Tang Yan grabbed the two front paws of the kitten and pulled it into his arms. The two claws squatted on his shoulders and stepped on the tread. "Is it going?"

The kitten is still looking at it... it’s hard to say.

Tang Yan is tired, this child is afraid that IQ is not slow to develop, and he will learn what this little child will do.

Lin Bo smiled and said: "Mrs. He is a tiger, not a cat. How can a tiger bark?"

"That, howl?" Tang Yan remembered a small video that he had seen before. The little milk tiger screamed like a little sheep, and the star he liked was cute.

Zonghe fangs, when can this idiot distinguish the species!

"I will give you a good meal, you will marry me."

"Little paws step on a step~"

"I want to give you a small bow."

"The hair of the tail is so long, do you want to tie a bow?"

"No, the bow is on the neck, as if it had a hat."

Listening to Tang Yin has been lingering in his own ears, Zong He helplessly climbed into the arms of Tang Yan, put his face on the shoulders of Tang Yan, and went to sleep.

When Tang Yin looked at him like this, he couldn't bear to tease him again. He leaned back on the chair and made the kitten in his arms sleep more comfortable. He boarded the personal information center and the account had already been credited with one million stars. Happy and strong, lucky cats~ Two tricks a day, make money every day! Then he opened the system again. After the cat went online, the popularity increased sharply. The system has been unlocked to amphibians. The frogs and tortoises are on the line, as well as underwater spine, squid, koi or something. Don’t look awkward, let’s go! No hair, what pet? It can only be food!

Tang Yan looked coldly for a while, calmed down, forget it, buy a few koi to raise it.

"Lin Bo, is there a fish tank at home?"

Lin Bo, who is trimming the flower branches not far away, smiled and said: "There is no tank, can the fish pond be?"

Tang Hao, who is interested in Tang, asked: "How big is the fish pond?"

Lin Bo slowly said: "There are big and small, just in this garden, there is a small, that is, forty square meters, there is a big fountain in the yard, you can also raise fish, there is a small river behind the hill. If you want to raise it, the shark can raise it."

Tang Xiao smiled and stood up. "The small fish pond in the garden is OK. I want to raise a few koi."

"Koi? The one that has been extinct?"

"Yes, it can give people money, help, bring good luck, raise a few at home, and add some vitality."

On the same day, the fish pond was washed again, and the water was added, and the filtering and itching function was also opened. In the evening, Tang Yan bought a lot of koi fish fry and put it in the water, expecting encouragement: "The cat who can't catch fish is not a good cat, go! Go over! Don't be afraid!"

Zong He: "..."

The problem of this species must be seriously talked about!

That night, the marshal who finally came out in the "healing room" was lying on the bed, hooking his partner, and earnestly said: "Come here, communicate the problem of the species."

Tang Yan grinds his teeth and dislikes: "You put on your clothes and say it!"

Zonghe raised his eyebrows. "Who sleeps well?"

Tang Wei: "..."

What you said is justified, I am speechless.

but! How do you talk like this? This can only be awkward!

The author has something to say: This article, I want to write a million! I also want them to breed cats! Also let the marshal give the nephew a hair!

Ok, I am bragging, who can see a million dollars every day! By the time the reader may want to beat me (Wulian)

Today’s message, I also smoked 60 red envelopes, more than my heart~~~Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: _gigu_1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Quietly 918, can not stay,? Ying Ying? [兮 gloria] 10 bottles; large Shatian wild chrysanthemum 7 bottles; Magic Moon 5 bottles; late 3 bottles; dumplings, the sky is getting late 2 bottles; I have changed again and again, Wei Wei, Yue Lu Xi, I am a little cute!, Shallow ink rhyme, sky, 殇玖潇, Yu Yu and fish language, Nono 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!