MTL - My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences-Chapter 19 Wooden card disciple? Diligent Qin Huai

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Memories that did not exist flashed through Qin Huai's mind like a slideshow.

The mantra of Changqi Jue also emerged in his mind.

Qin Huai punched with a special way of breathing in the school field of 'Dreamland', and each breath lasted for an extremely long time.

"It seems... a breakthrough has been made."

Qin Huai said, looking at his personal panel.

[Name]: Qin Huai

[Gongfa]: [Long Qi Jue (first floor, 136/1000)], [Nursing Qi Gong (fiftieth floor, 7/1000)], [Containing Breathing Art (tenth floor, 501/1000)], [Ben Lei Gong (0th floor, 100/1000)]

[Skills]: [Pharmacy (Advanced, 571/1600)], [Ironsmithing (Intermediate, 73/400)]

[Boundary]: Blood Refining Level 2

Sure enough, the Long Qi Jue has reached the first floor.

There is so much experience dropped by warriors.

Qin Huai admired and was also excited.

"Coach Gu, how many schools does our martial arts school have?" Sun Ziyao asked.

"Five in total."


When the ten newcomers heard this number, they couldn't help but gasp.

"Five schools, each with 27 or 8 people... There are 150 or 60 fighters in our Changshan martial arts school?" Sun Ziyao was shocked.

Gu Sheng nodded, causing the pupils of the ten people around him to dilate.

No wonder Gu Sheng dared to say that any one of the Eight Great Martial Arts Schools could wipe out bandits with a radius of hundreds of miles in Pingnan City.

There may not be a hundred bandits on a mountain.

Like the Black Eagle Gang that he slaughtered, there were only seventy or eighty people in total.

The only ten warriors are still in the realm of first refinement.

Qin Huai secretly calculated in his heart,

Even if Changshan Martial Arts has the largest number of people, the number of fighters in other martial arts will not be less than one hundred.

Plus the city lord's mansion and scattered warriors.

Calculated in this way, there are at least a thousand warriors in Pingnan City? !

"As expected of a big city."

Gu Sheng led the ten people to a small courtyard.

The small courtyard is a quadrangle courtyard, and the courtyard is quite desolate, with weeds growing everywhere.

The rooms are all single rooms, but there are only stone beds and straw couches inside.

The walls are covered with cobwebs, and various insects such as ants and cockroaches can be seen everywhere on the ground.

Such a scene reminded Qin Huai of the time when he just entered the Yang Family Pharmacy as an apprentice.

Several other people frowned when they saw this kind of accommodation.

"This will be your residence from now on."

Gu Shengcai said, "Although you are all first- and second-trained warriors outside, in Changshan Martial Arts Hall, your attainments in Changqi Jue are the standard to measure your strength."

"Maybe you all lived a pampered life outside, but it's different here. If you can't stay any longer, you can leave at any time."

"Of course, if you can't practice the Long Qi Jue to the tenth level within half a year, you have to leave!"

Gu Shengcai's voice was calm.

They don't pay much attention to Qin Huai, who are very sought after outsiders.

And everyone who had seen the 'grand event' in the school field naturally knew that Gu Sheng was not just bluffing.

Everyone didn't say a word, and they agreed to the courtyard by default.

"However, if you are successful in practicing Long Qi Jue, the welfare of the martial arts hall is also good."

Gu Shengcai changed the subject, "As long as you practice Changqi Jue to the tenth level, you can drink a bowl of Qi and blood soup every three days."

Give the big stick first, and then the jujube.


Everyone couldn't help swallowing.

Eyes are straight.

"Teacher Gu, I'm from the town and I don't have much knowledge...don't lie to us." Sun Ziyao obviously didn't believe it.

"This bowl of qi and blood soup is now priced at fifteen taels."

Qin Huai also felt a little dreamy, although he had already known from Bai You that there would be Qi and Blood Soup.

But I didn't expect it to be so generous.

If the Changshan Wuguan could give a bowl of qi and blood soup every three days, wouldn't it be necessary to give a disciple one hundred and fifty taels in that month?

Those one hundred fifty or sixty warriors needed more than twenty thousand taels of silver!


Gu Sheng laughed lightly, he just liked to see the faces of these wild cultivators who hadn't seen them before.

"Qi and blood soup is not so expensive in the martial arts hall, because we have all the raw materials in our hands." Gu Sheng explained.

"May I ask Coach Gu, what are the raw materials for Qi and Blood Soup?"

Qin Huai asked.

Now that his medicinal skills have reached an advanced level, he knows a lot of prescriptions for invigorating qi and blood.

But compared with the Qi and blood soup in Pingnan City, it is not in the same category at all.

I never knew the recipe for Qi and Blood Soup.

"Qi and blood soup is made with the most important medicinal material, demon meat!"

"The demons are born with strong vitality and blood, and eating their flesh can strengthen the vitality and blood."

"It's just that the price of flesh and blood has risen because of the strength of the demons. In order to benefit more warriors, the Qi and Blood Soup appeared."

Gu Shengcai said, "Looking at the entire Pingnan City, there are only eight martial arts schools that have the ability to hunt monsters."

Qin Huai understood.

No wonder I clearly tasted the herbs in the Qi and Blood Soup.

But life and death can't match Qi and blood soup, it turns out that the main medicine of demon meat is missing.


Except for the demon meat, the other medicinal materials are dispensable.

"Great! I must stay in the martial arts hall!" Sun Ziyao raised his fists to the sky, looking a little childish.

He is not very old, only eighteen or nineteen.

The appearance of a boyish childishness.

Gu Sheng smiled and dropped another bombshell.

"I have practiced Changqi Jue to the tenth floor, but I am just a black card disciple, and I can drink a bowl of Qi and blood soup every three days."

"Long Qi Jue 20th floor, promoted to Bronze Medal Disciple, in addition to the above, receive a Qi and Blood Pill every month."

"Thirty layers of Long Qi Jue, upgrade to silver medal, two Qi and Blood Pills per month."

"Forty floors, a gold medal, a bowl of Qi and blood soup every day, and five Qi and blood pills every month."

"Besides that, there is Ironsmithing, which corresponds to the tenth level of the Changqi Jue according to the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels... But you must stay in the Changshan Martial Arts Hall before talking about these."

The eyes of Qin Huai and the others became hot with naked eyes.

I am too aware of the pain of lack of energy and blood.

One of the reasons for being rejected in the Benlei Martial Arts Gym and Ba Boxing Gym is that the strength of Qi and blood is not enough.

To put it bluntly, the strength of a blood refining warrior is the strength of blood.

And the strength of qi and blood can be described in a more straightforward way, that is, it is powerful.

Break through all methods with one force.

Absolute power is enough to destroy all difficult problems.

"These warriors in the martial arts hall and those from aristocratic families can often drink qi and blood soup and eat qi and blood pills, and their qi and blood may far surpass me."

"Under the same realm, my fifty-level Qi Yang Gong may not have an advantage over the disciples in the martial arts hall, and may even have a disadvantage."

Qin Huai's heartfelt words.

He thought of Lei Hong and the pig demon again.

The shock of that Tianjiao and demon to me, like a dark cloud that came quietly, shrouded in my heart.

"I have to improve my state and blood!" Qin Huai said with firm eyes.

Gu Shengcai then gave Qin Huai and the others a black wooden plaque as thin as a leaf, with their respective names engraved on it.

There is also a rubbing version of the Long Qi Jue.

Long Qi Jue does not have the harsh conditions that Yang Qi Jue needs to practice when Zi Qi comes from the east and when the Great Sun is born.

As long as you follow the heart method of the boxing score, you will be fine.

"You can go back to the city and explain to your relatives and friends later, and settle the chores."

"Do you still need to return this rubbing?" Sun Ziyao asked, "I'm a bit forgetful, and I'm afraid of losing it."

"No, just handle it yourself."

No one dares to pass on the Long Qi Jue privately, because they will face the wrath of the entire martial arts school.

Even the other seven martial arts schools will not touch this bad luck.

After Gu Sheng gave his orders, he left.

Qin Huai turned his head back to his private room, looked at the rubbings in his hand and hesitated a little.

Then I picked up two angular sticks on the ground and grabbed a handful of weeds.

Start the fire directly.


When the flames rose, Qin Huai lit the rubbings in his hand.

He had already engraved the technique of Changqi Jue in his mind, so it would be useless to keep this rubbing.

He held the burning rubbings in his hand.

He watched helplessly as the flames gradually burned his fingers.

no response? !

Qin Huai looked at the burned rubbings.

"Does it have to be the original?"


Qin Huai carefully recalled that there was a special smell in the breathing exercise, and that exercise gave Qin Huai a strange feeling.

It seems that if you get close to it, the breathing exercises will run more smoothly.

"It should be a problem with the practice."

Qin Huai said to himself.

There is probably some ulterior story behind that exercise.

He then hid this matter in the bottom of his heart, and now the most important thing is to improve his strength and vitality. UU reading

After simply tidying up the overgrown house, Qin Huai thought about going back to Luo Mansion to report the safety and good news.

Walk out of the courtyard.

Qin Huai did not go back to the city directly, but deliberately went around in circles.

Find other schools in the martial arts school.

He followed the sound.

Lie on top of the wall, staring intently.

After a while, experience **** began to drop from the warriors in the yard.

"Ding! You have collected a [Long Qi Jue Essence (Green)], [Long Qi Jue] experience value +39!"

"Ding! You have collected a [Long Qi Jue Essence (Green)], [Long Qi Jue] experience value +60!"

"Ding! You have collected a [Long Qi Jue Essence (Blue)], [Long Qi Jue] experience value +100!"

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

A burly man grabbed Qin Huai from the wall.

"Brother, I'm watching your brothers practice martial arts, and I want to learn some experience."

"Really, you are a new face, a new apprentice?"

"Exactly, junior brother Qin Huai, I don't know the name of senior brother!" Qin Huai said respectfully.

This man was so powerful that his physique at the second level of refinement was easily captured by the big man.

It is definitely not simple.

"My name is Fang Han, so I probably came here five years earlier than you." Fang Han grinned and patted Qin Huai on the shoulder.

"Nowadays, there are not many juniors who are so diligent and eager to learn like you when you first came here."

"Senior brother is ridiculously praised." Qin Huai said humbly.

"Yes, I like it very much. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask me!"

Fang Han looked relieved and left with a smile.

He even happily forgot to leave his address.