MTL - My Sword Intent Can Be Infinitely Improved-Chapter 86 The Lair of the Evil Sacred Religion [Seek to read more! 】

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  Chapter 86 The Lair of the Evil Sacred Religion 【Please read on! 】

  Gu Tong turned into a puff of black smoke and returned to his residence.

  Take out a precious elixir and swallow it.

   This elixir entered his stomach, and Gu Tong's injury quickly stabilized.

   Not only that, but his broken arm is growing rapidly.

   In just a few breaths, a brand new arm grew out.

  It is too white and tender, very asymmetrical with his other dark arm.

  Su Yang felt that it was necessary to help him correct it. What he saw was really obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  Hmm. Let's go now, anyway, the lair is locked.

  But Su Yang was thinking about a question.

   Do you want to keep this guy for a while longer.

  As a high-level evil cultivator, he definitely disdains to kill one or two ordinary people.

  So does this guy know other evil cultivators, or know other evil cultivators' bases?

   Su Yang became interested for a while. If Gu Tong knew other evil cultivators and their bases, would Gu Tong choose to find other evil cultivators after he destroyed this evil holy religion?

  If he goes, then Su Yang can easily find the hiding places of other evil cultivators.

   Very good, try it and you will know.

   "Old Gu, wait for me here for a while, I'll be back later."

  Su Yang said something, and before Gu Xiu could answer, he turned into a rainbow light and left, disappearing in front of Gu Xiu in an instant.


  Su Yang turned into a rainbow light and quickly flew towards Gutong's position.

  According to Gu Tong's current position, at Gu Xiu's speed, it would take about two hours.

  For Su Yang, it is only ten breaths.

  Over a boundless mountain range.

  A rainbow of sword intent stopped here.

  Su Yang's figure was revealed, covered by the sword intent, Su Yang easily found the evil cultivator hiding below.

  The total number is as high as 674 people.

  Everyone is a sinful person.

  The reason why an evil cultivator is an evil cultivator is because the path of cultivation will harm the same kind.

  Otherwise, I don’t care what cultivation path you take, and I won’t care if it doesn’t cause any harm.

  Looking at the appearance here, it should be the headquarters of this evil religion.

   It is estimated that most of the evil cultists are here.

   As for some outsiders, we will deal with them when we encounter them later.

  But in order for Gu Tong to escape, he had to make some noise.

   Then you can't level this place with a single sword.

   "Well, let's kill it."

   The entrance to the cult.

  Two disciples of the cult stood guard at the door bored out of boredom.

  Suddenly, the closed stone gate entrance was not opened by the formation as usual.

   But Boom! !

  After an explosion, the Shimen exploded to pieces in an instant.

   Sword intent swarmed in, and the two disciples guarding the gate were instantly killed before they could raise the alarm.

  Su Yang strolled in, looking around relaxed and comfortable as if he was coming home.

   It's not like entering the stronghold of evil cultivators alone.

  Su Yang made such a big commotion, so naturally the evil cultivators inside knew about it.

   Soon there will be evil cultivators.

   "Who dares to come here to be presumptuous!"

  The sound of people arriving first, but the voice is very loud.

   It's just that the moment they appeared and stepped into Su Yang's sword domain, they were not much different from the two evil cultivators who were guarding the gate.

   was instantly torn apart by the sword intent in the sword field.

  Su Yang stepped into it step by step, and more and more evil cultivators appeared.

   At the same time, more and more evil cultivators died in his hands.

  Looking at these evil cultivators with crimes on their heads, Su Yang has no sympathy.

  The huge movement in the stronghold also awakened Gu Tong who was recovering from his injuries.

  He couldn't help frowning, what are the people below doing?

   Just waited for him to step outside and see the situation outside.

   Immediately, the souls of the dead frightened.

  Countless sect disciples died tragically, walking alone in the courtyard amidst the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, walking slowly towards him.

  Su Yang!

  How did he get here!

  The image of Wang Chengfeng and Master Yinyue being instantly killed by a sword emerged in his mind, Gu Tong's legs softened, he turned and ran.

   "Run what?"

   "I will eat you?"

  Su Yang's words sounded like a life-threatening magic sound, Gu Tong turned into a cloud of black mist, and ran faster.

  He is fast.

  Su Yang is faster than him.

   A sword swung out, and flew towards Gu Tong with a swish.

  Gu Tong's escape technique is still good, and he managed to escape the fatal blow, only losing an arm.

   This was also intentional by Su Yang, if he escaped, he would not die, but the unbroken arm would be cut off.

   If you can't hide, forget it, it's of no use.

  Gu Tong turned into a black mist and ran fast, disappearing in no time.

  Although Su Yang can chase and kill the past and use Liu Guang, Gu Tong has no possibility of escaping at all.

   But this person is still useful to keep, Su Yang is not in a hurry to kill.

  If you want to find the evil cultivator, it is more convenient for the locals to lead the way.

  Gu Tong is gone.

  He will not be polite at this stronghold.

  Su Yang walked among them.

  The evil cultivator who stepped into his sword domain was instantly torn to pieces.

   Grandmaster, Grand Master, Celestial Realm

   None of them are exceptions.

   Seeing Su Yang so terrified, You Xiexiu couldn't help shouting.

   "Quickly ask the leader!"

   "Please ask the leader to come forward, or we will die"

   These are the speeches of some evil cultivators whose situation is not yet clear.

  It's just some evil cultivators who watched the development of the situation but felt extremely desperate.

   Ask the leader?

  The leader ran away early!

   Within a cup of tea, Su Yang killed all the evil cultivators in this evil cultivator stronghold.

   Not one left.


  Su Yang's tone is relaxed, which can be matched with the surrounding meat grinder-like scene, but it is as scary as it is.

  【Will of all beings+63440】

   This evil holy sect is obviously a more advanced evil cultivation force than the Blood Refining Sect. I don't know how long it has existed and how many people have been killed.

  More than 600 people, more than 60,000 sentient beings will.

  Among them, the main providers are those great masters and cultivators of the Celestial Realm.

   After the crime level exceeds a hundred, the value will be doubled by ten times.

  Sin lv100, will of all beings +1000.

  Although this is very cool, Su Yang is also thinking about a question. After the sword intent exceeds lv100, will the number of sword swings required increase tenfold?

  Although he is still some distance away from lv100, it can be regarded as some situations after he has come into contact with lv100. It is not without reason to think about it.

  But instead of worrying about this kind of problem, it is better to improve your physique. As long as your physique is strong enough and your sword swing speed is fast enough, you don't need to worry about it at all.

  The great master evil cultivator provides the will of thousands of sentient beings.

  Evil cultivators in the Celestial Phenomena Realm provide the will of all living beings with five thousand or more.

  They have grown to this point, and they don't know how many people have been killed by relying on evil skills.

  The entire Great Xia has been established for more than 400 years.

  These evil cultivators at the level of great masters and celestial phenomena may have existed longer than Da Xia.

  The people who have been killed are even more impossible to count.

  Su Yang didn't think too much, what is certain is that these people deserve to die.

   After finishing all the evil cultivators, Su Yang began to clean the battlefield.

  He will not search one by one at this level.

   With a sweep of sword intent, all the strange-shaped things, storage rings, storage bags and the like in these people's pockets flew up.

   All packed and taken away.

   There were too many and it gave him a headache to see, so he left it to Gu Xiu to sort out all of them.

  The things in the field are cleaned up.

   But the cult still has a treasure trove.

  The treasury is covered by a formation, and its defense is so strong that it takes a little time to open it even if it changes the sky.

  So Su Yang broke the big formation with one sword.

   After all, he is the most anti-sky-changing environment, he is not a sky-changing environment.

  After opening the treasure house, the aura inside rushed to the face.

   Walk in and take a look around, there are quite a lot of good things.

  Weapons, pills, exercises, secret skills, armor, special treasures, treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual objects

   There are also a large number of spirit stones and blood spirit stones.

  All kinds of things are readily available.

   When Su Yang saw the thing in the middle, he said in surprise:


   "Foundation Establishment High Grade Spiritual Plant - Purple Moon Flower!"

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)