MTL - My Sword Intent Can Be Infinitely Improved-Chapter 82 Feng Daxia Sword Immortal! Please follow up!

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  Chapter 82 Seal - Great Xia Sword Immortal! [Please follow up! ]

   One night passed.

  Early in the morning, Yi Tianba took Su Yang into the palace and waited for the call in the side hall.


  Xia Xuan sat on the dragon seat, scanning the crowd below.

  After walking through the normal process, Xia Xuan soon began to talk about today's topic.

  The things discussed earlier are not as good as what happens next.

   "Dear dear friends, do you know that the Blood Refining Sect that ravaged Lingshan Prefecture has been resolved?"

  As soon as Xia Xuan spoke, there was complete silence below. Fortunately, some people finally knew about the situation.

   "Return to Your Majesty, I know that it was a sword fairy who took action, destroyed many evil cultivators, and restored peace to my Lingshan Prefecture." Sui Fude answered from below.

"That's right, it was shot by a sword fairy. This sword fairy is a member of the inspection department of Tianfeng County, and he is my favorite in the summer. It's a pity to be an inspection envoy in Tianfeng County. I will take this opportunity to reward you !"

   "Let Su Yang enter the palace!"

  After Xia Xuan finished speaking, all the civil and military officials present were basically dumbfounded.

   It's not clear what's going on.

   Some of them were clever, but they thought of Xia Xuan's mood change some time ago.

  Perhaps this is why the Holy Majesty was happy a few days ago.

  Sword Immortal must be a cultivator of Heaven Changing Realm.

  Big Xia has a Heaven-changing Realm cultivator, which has a great relief effect on the current situation, and it is indeed something to be happy about.

  However, who in Lingshan Prefecture has broken through the sky change?

  All civil and military officials were thinking in their hearts, thinking of the right candidate.

  Thinking about it, but no one can think of anyone who can break through to the sky change at this point in time.

  Just waiting for Su Yang to enter the hall, everyone was stunned.

  Who is this?

  Let’s not say they haven’t seen it.

   Don't say that this young junior is a Heaven-changing Sword Immortal.

  Looking at its appearance, it is the year of the most weak crown.

   But all the civil and military officials looked behind, but there was no one there.


   "My humble minister Su Yang, I have seen Your Majesty." Su Yang didn't kneel down to salute, but just bent down to salute.

  Not to mention his identity, his strength alone is enough.

  Above the master, you don't have to kneel when you see the emperor.

   "Wai Li, I already know what you did in Tianfeng County."

   "To solve the cholera of the evil cultivator of the Blood Refining Sect, and to save all the people from suffering, it is a reward."

   "I know that you already have the real sword fairy, so I will give you the title-Daxia Sword Immortal!"

   "Set up an official position - Supervisor Angel, who is in charge of the Zhenwu Division and the Inspection Division, who can supervise the world. If you see corrupt officials and those who are rich and unkind, you can kill them first and then play them!"

   "Another ten Daxia treasure orders will be given, Daxia's achievements will be one million, a capital mansion, and one hundred thousand taels of gold."

   "I wonder if Su Jianxian is satisfied?"

  Xia Xuan finished speaking in one breath.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty." Of course Su Yang is satisfied with this.

  Official position alone is of great help to him, the guardian angel, isn’t that just letting him supervise the world?

   As for other rewards, Su Yang is very calm.

  Su Yang was very calm about this, but the Chinese and military officials in the field were not so calm.

  Mansion, gold and they don't think there is anything.

  But it is not easy for Daxia Baoling and Daxia to make millions.

   The Great Xia Treasure House Token can enter the Great Xia Treasury, and one token can choose one thing.

   This is ten pieces.

   One point of Great Xia’s achievements can be equal to 100 points of Zhenwusi’s achievements. Most importantly, Great Xia’s achievements can be exchanged for things in the Great Xia’s treasure house, which is not even a star and a half better than Zhenwusi’s treasure house.

   For these rewards, Tianchangjing will be excited.

  Although everyone is not calm, no one stands up to be the leader.

  Because they don't know Su Yang, don't know Su Yang's origin, and don't even know Su Yang's details.

  If it were their opponent, now they would stand up and say that His Majesty must never do it.

  Now what they most want to know is who Su Yang is!

   Out of nowhere!

  The morning court is still going on, but everyone's thoughts are no longer on the morning court.

  Su Yang has returned to the side hall.

   At this time, the world in his eyes has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Through the panel, he could see a layer of smog covering the entire world.

  At the same time, countless tasks also appeared on his panel.

  It is too complicated, Su Yang communicates with his mind, omits most of them, concentrates on the main parts, and directly merges those that can be merged to form a big task.


   Sword Intent: lv41 (20030/41000)

  Sword Moves: Xinghuo (lv41), Yujian (lv41), Spider Web (lv41), Stellar Wind (lv41), Flowing Light (lv41), Thunder (lv41), Danger Perception (lv41), Perfect Circle (lv41), Spring Breeze and Rain (lv41), Feeling (lv41)

   Will of all beings: 18021

   Coverage: Bacteria

  Will Transformation: Consuming a wisp of sentient will, can increase the proficiency of sword intent by 100 points

Current tasks: Wrath of the Northern Wilderness Army (lv33), Qingzhou Food Famine (lv37), Rebellion of Evil Immortals (lv44), Rebellion of Evil Spirits (lv53), Disaster of Beasts (lv60), Rebellion of Evil Cultivators (lv87), Justice (lv100) )

   This is Su Yang's latest panel.

   As for the task, Su Yang studied it a bit, and the level of the task is determined by the wishes of the people.

   It can be seen that the most important thing among all the tasks of the people in the world is justice.

   fully reached lv100.

  I want the world to be fairer and better for ordinary people.

  In fact, Su Yang has also thought about how to solve it and how to deal with it.

  The most important thing is to have a group of subordinates who are strong enough to deal with and suppress all injustices.

   This group of subordinates guarding the world must be so strong that they are not interested in what ordinary people can produce.

   In this way, their greed will not be stimulated.

   But you can't always use power to suppress it. Under high pressure, there will definitely be problems.

   There must be a guide, so that warriors and practitioners can compete for more resources.

  If you want to resolve internal conflicts, you need to point the finger at the outside.

  So. Su Yang wants to see if there are other worlds besides Daxia.

  Since Taishang Xianzong came from outside, there must be other worlds.

  If other worlds without humans can be found and connected.

   Then most of the internal resource contention problems can be solved.

  There are more resources, everyone doesn't have to fight and fight, and warrior monks will no longer squeeze the people.

  In this way, ordinary people can escape from this vortex at the mercy of others.

   As for the fighting, fighting, and entrapment among warriors.

  Su Yang can't control these things, and he won't.

  What he can do is to make ordinary people live better, so that ordinary people will no longer be treated as ants by practitioners, and will no longer be oppressed wantonly.

  Most of the reasons for oppression among ordinary people are for more land, for money, and for two more mouthfuls of food.

   But when these become available to everyone, oppression will be reduced a lot.

  With the addition of a strong Zhen Wusi, these problems will be few and far between.

   These will not be mentioned for the time being.

  Order must be guarded by a powerful military organization.

  Truth is the framework of order, and force is the cornerstone of order.

   Dynasty will gradually end over time.

  Su Yang did not leave.

  Because the **** who followed him told him that His Majesty would see him later.

  Next, Su Yang entered the deep palace and met and talked with Xia Xuan.

  After some in-depth exchanges, Su Yang was very satisfied with Xia Xuan.

   This is a qualified emperor, but the force is not enough.

  There are many things to discuss.

  The general result is that Su Yang got a list of corrupt officials and treacherous officials who deserve to be killed, and a list of powerful families. These existences rely on their strength.

  Some of them even conspired with evil cultivators, and there was no bottom line in order to improve themselves and gain more benefits.

   Su Yang can kill all the people on the list, and Xia Xuan will deal with the funeral.

   All you need to do is tell Xia Xuan who he wants to kill before doing anything.

  At the same time, Su Yang also obtained a Tianxuan Token, allowing him to communicate directly with Xia Xuan anywhere in Daxia.

   Ask for further reading, ask for a monthly pass, pk Sanjiang today, rush!



  (end of this chapter)