MTL - My Sword Intent Can Be Infinitely Improved-Chapter 51 Xianzong, not Great Xia Xianzong, seeks to follow up!

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  Chapter 51 Xianzong, not Great Xia Xianzong [Please read on! ]

   "So, the Blood Refining Sect is for real?" Su Yang heard the meaning.

  If it is just a small group of evil cultivators of the Blood Refining Sect, it will be revealed if the matter is revealed, and they can simply withdraw.

  Bloodstains are all out, so it must be serious.

   It's just that the evil cultivator of the Blood Refining Sect is still hiding and hasn't done anything yet.

  The more so, the more frightening it is.

   Knowing what the evil cultivator of the Blood Refining Sect is going to do, at least they can find a way to deal with it, but now just exposing a large blood-stained formation has already made them panic, but the evil cultivator of the Blood Refining Sect has not made much movement yet.

  This can only show that exposing a large array of bloodstains is nothing.

  The Blood Refining Sect has even more terrifying plans, or maybe they have other plans.

  No matter what, what is needed most now is to seize all the evil cultivators of the Blood Lianzong.

   "Hmm." Han Qiu said worriedly: "Even if the Blood Refining Sect is exposed this time, we may not be able to wipe out the Blood Refining Sect."

   "Why?" Su Yang was puzzled, since the Blood Refining Sect had appeared, the imperial court sent strong men to suppress it.

   "Boy, you probably don't pay much attention to the situation in the whole world, do you?" Han Qiu said helplessly.

  Su Yang nodded. So far, he has really concentrated on wielding his sword, and he hasn't even managed his subordinates, let alone the world?

  If you have time to understand, it is better to swing a few more swords.

   "Now the entire Great Xia has entered into turmoil, and the Heishin State next door has fallen into chaos of evil spirits."

   "Cangzhou, Liaozhou, and Qingzhou are being choleraed by evil immortals."

   "Leaving aside the border of Daxia, it needs to be guarded."

   "That's the way to go. Although there are no major disturbances in the other five prefectures for the time being, there are also many evil cultivators of the Blood Refining Sect like what we encountered in Tianfeng County."

   "Most of the power of the imperial court is sent to suppress the evil spirits, the evil spirits, and there is no way to spare more power to take care of this kind of thing. We can only rely on the power of the state to deal with it."

   "We have nine great masters in Lingshan Prefecture, five of them were transferred to Heilin Prefecture, two were suppressed evil caves, and in the end only two were left to be transferred."

   "If there is a need for a great master to suppress the city, then only one can be mobilized."

   "In this way, how can the Blood Refining Sect be destroyed if it has a great master?"

   "Compared to evil spirits and evil immortals, the Blood Refining Sect is only a small problem."

   "These are also secondary. The most important thing is that the Great Xia Martial Saints are old and can't do much more, but there are no new Martial Saints appearing. Otherwise, all these Xiaoxiao will die."

   At the end, Han Qiu was also angry.

  Su Yang fell silent, he didn't expect Da Xia's situation to be so bad.

  Whether he was in Pingshan City or Tianfeng County, he didn't feel the aura of disaster.

   Now it seems that someone resisted in the front to make him feel that Daxia is stable.

   "Where are those sects, Xianzong?"

  As far as he knows, there are many sects in the world, and there are even powerful immortal sects standing high in the sky.

Han Qiu smiled wryly: "Zongmen? You can tell by looking at the attitudes of the sects around Tianfeng County. These sects don't scatter eagles if they don't see rabbits. If they want them to take action, they must not only give them great benefits, but also sacrifice them It's like riding on the neck of the imperial court to **** and pee."

   Simply put, it's a bit like adding insult to injury.

   "As for Xianzong, how can they look at the mortal world?"

   "As long as it is not a catastrophe that destroys the world, and your dynasty falls and changes, how can they care?"

   "They are Xianzong, but not Daxia's Xianzong."

  Yes, they are Xianzong, but not the Xianzong of Daxia.

  People are not obliged to sell for free, unless they come up with something that Xianzong needs.

  But Xianzong is connected to the upper realm, and his eyes have long been on the mortal world, so what can Daxia come up with?

  Walking on the road, both of them fell into silence.

   "Let's go, the cell is here"

   After a long time, Han Qiu spoke calmly.

   "Don't worry, the Blood Refining Sect will be resolved."

  Su Yang said something, and then stepped into the cell.

  Han Qiu only felt that Su Yang was comforting him, so he smiled and didn't say much.

  How old is he, do you still need this brat to comfort him?

  Thirteen blood refining sect evil corrections were imprisoned in the cell.

  Rewarding merit points Zhenwusi has already paid in advance, Su Yang now only needs to hand in the merit points to Zhenwusi.

  When these cultivators of the Blood Refining Sect saw Su Yang coming in, they had different reactions.

   Some were silent, some were disdainful, and some were begging for mercy, trying to make Su Yang let him go.

  Su Yang was silent and came to the first cell.

  Inside, the evil cultivator grinned ferociously and said, "Boy, are you not afraid of death? The thin skin and tender meat are really good nourishment, I really want to **** you dry"

   Before the person finished speaking, his head had already moved from his neck.

   It fell to the ground with a bang.

   This made the noisy cell instantly quiet.

   More than a dozen pairs of eyes watched this scene.

  Su Yang calmly turned and walked out of the first cell, and came to the second cell.

   "Hey, what do you want to do?" Xie Xiu, who originally looked at Su Yang with disdain, panicked.

  How could it be like this, coming in without saying a word and beheading people?

  Then what's the matter with you arresting us?

  Caught it back and cut it for you?

  Su Yang has no desire to communicate with them.

  These evil cultivators have all been abolished.

  It is impossible to be a good person with a big sin on his head.

   Going in is killing with one sword.

   Following the death of the second person, the other evil cultivators in the cell suddenly panicked.

   started yelling.

  But none of them can change their fate.

   were beheaded one by one by Su Yang.

  Su Yang's light footsteps made the hearts of all the evil cultivators beat faster and faster.

   Especially the closer you get to them, the faster their heart beats.

   This sense of despair made them a little familiar.

   Isn't it exactly the appearance of a living person refined by them?

   It's just that this time it's their turn.

   After a while, Su Yang walked out of the cell, and there was no living evil cultivator inside.

  【Will of all beings +73】

  The crime level of evil cultivators is generally low. After all, it is easier to catch alive those who are weak.

  On average, each one is almost lv6.

   Thirteen evil cultivators spent 23,000 merit points on Su Yang, leaving only 7,000.


   Sword Intent: lv24 (23123/24000)

  Sword moves: Xinghuo (lv24) Yujian (lv24)

   Will of all beings: 136

   Coverage: Pingshan City, Huangshan City, Linjiang City, Kaiyang City

   Checking the panel, Su Yang plans to swing his sword with all his strength next.

   At least get lv30, right?

   Great Grandmaster, no matter how you say it, he should be much more powerful.

  Su Yang secretly set a goal in his heart.

   Walking out of the cell, it was dusk, and only the setting sun was left like blood-stained sky.

   When watching the dusk, the mood is different, and the artistic conception is also different.

   When you are in a good mood, seeing him is a beautiful sight.

  When the heart is heavy, he will make you heavier.

  Walking on the street going back, Su Yang quickly returned to the street where the inspection department was located.

  As a large number of quacks returned with great victories, the county town became noisy again.

   At this moment, at the entrance of the restaurant where Su Yang, Ye Jiang, and Sun Tianpeng often gather, there are two groups of people confronting each other.

   Listen to what the monks watching the rivers and lakes say.

  One side is a disciple of the Fire Sword Sect, and the other side is a disciple of the Golden Knife Sect.

  The battle of swords and swords, after the battle of Qingfengshan, Zhang Lie of the Fire Sword Sect and Cao Kai of the Golden Knife Sect were brought out for comparison.

  Some people say that Zhang Lie is powerful because he has long comprehended the sword intent of fire, and he has suppressed two third-rank evil cultivators from the very beginning.

  Some people also say that Cao Kai is powerful, because although Cao Kai only comprehended the Vajra Saber Intent today, he took the lead in beheading a third-rank evil cultivator.

   Not only did the two waves of quack monks disobey each other, but the two also disobeyed each other.

   In a word, who is better can only be known by comparison.

   It happened that the two sides met by chance, so they were preparing for a battle.

  The momentum of the two continued to rise, confronting each other, and constantly attacking in the field.

   "Two years ago, I was defeated by you. Today, you will be defeated by my sword." Cao Kai spoke calmly, not affected by his momentum.

   "Today will only be the same as two years ago." Zhang Lie sneered.

   "Dare to fight me outside the city!"

   "Why don't you dare!"

  The two of them are as powerful as a rainbow, and they are fighting at the top level of the contemporary young generation in Tianfeng County.

  The arrogance hit the surrounding quacks, making the blood of those who watched the excitement excited.

   Jianghu, when so!

  The momentum of the two was shocked, and the collision dispersed, and the monks in the surrounding rivers and lakes retreated one after another, not daring to fight hard.

  Under the impact, the stalls of the surrounding vendors were blown away one after another.

  Including the old man who Su Yang often buys wild fruit.

  His booth was also swept away, and he was picking up wild fruits on the ground with a bitter face.

  He doesn't care about any top contemporary dating.

   That has nothing to do with him.

  He only cares about whether the dropped nut can still be sold?

   How many berries were damaged under the impact.

   Brothers, everyone is looking forward to the release. The release time is probably around the 15th or 20th.

   The grades of this book were very poor in the past, and it has only slightly improved after more than 100,000 words, so it has just entered the exposure stage.

   I will read the comments of the brothers.

   I am really grateful for the support of the brothers. Every step forward in this book is due to your credit.

   The new issue really needs to be read, please brothers.

   The author basically sits in front of the computer and codes all day. The author codes very slowly, because writing a good work requires constant polishing, and it takes about two hours to write a chapter.

   Sitting in front of the computer and typing for almost ten hours a day, my back hurts.

   But it doesn’t matter, the author is working hard to save the manuscript in order to release the update!

   Absolutely live up to the support of brothers, update with quality and quantity!

   And the author often has a lot of chapters, such as this chapter.



  (end of this chapter)