MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1362 If you drink again, I will give birth to a son

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  Chapter 1362 If you drink again, I will give birth to a son

   Zhao Yun, the old lady, and Huo Jianjin saw these drinks when they came out, and asked them what was the matter, and said that they bought them from Huolingwu, and they just put them here without shipping them home.

  The faces of the few of them were distorted with anger, and there was nothing they could do.

  Zhao Yun wanted to hit someone, isn't this clearly intentional?

  Huo Jianjin is also helpless and doesn't know what's going on with this brat. Is this showing off? Showing off that he's doing well, so put everything here.

Zhao Yun looked at Huo Jianjin helplessly, "What should I do? How to deal with these things? Do you want to send these things back? What's the matter with this soul? Is it for revenge on us? If it is really revenge, why send these things to Come here? Just to show off how well you are doing?"

"I don't know what this brat is going to do, but it's obvious. He's just showing off his good life. It's impossible to put this thing here like this. Move it back, and it can be sold again. It's impossible to waste this little money , he himself has to waste it, and we don't want to waste it either."

   When Huo Qingyue came back from the company later, he heard from his family about this.

  He already knew he would do these things, like a kid.

He didn't say anything. During the meal, his family asked him: "Qingyue, how is the company doing recently? Is he still making things difficult for you recently? He snatched away all the customers, do you want to? I'll go out and get those customers back. Otherwise, I don’t know how he poached people. Didn’t these people already cooperate with us? Why did they terminate the cooperation so well? What price did Huo Linwen give? "

Huo Qingyue: "The price given is not low, the double price is indeed much higher than what we offered. That's why most of the customers were poached away, and his contacts abroad are not bad. .Maybe it's because of his connections, so most people give him face. It's quite difficult, but don't worry, I can find a way to calm down for a while recently. I don't know what he plans to do next. "

   Huo Linwen doesn't seem to be able to stop completely now. He probably wants to deal with them, and deal with them to the death without going bankrupt. He will not stop this ridiculous idea.

  Huo Qingyue also understood, so he thought so in his heart, but didn't say it out, for fear that his family members would be worried, so they don't have to be afraid.

  Huo Qingyue has been so busy with this matter recently that he has to go out again after dinner because he has a business to discuss.

When Gu Yuehuan saw that he was about to go out, she felt that something was wrong. She was afraid that if he drank, someone stopped him and warned him, "Don't drink. Your stomach is weak now. If you drink, you will hurt your stomach. I can't forgive you." , you have to know that I have a baby now, and there are two children waiting for you with me. If you drink, believe it or not, you will give birth to a son."

Huo Qingyue took a breath when he heard this, and felt that the curse was really poisonous. He kissed Gu Yuehuan's face, coaxed her and said, "Okay, I get it, I promise I won't drink, this time I won't I know how to drink, you can smell me when I come back, if I smell alcohol, I won’t go back to the room, okay?”

  Gu Yuehuan didn't quite believe him when she saw him so talkative and hit him.

  But after watching him leave, she called her assistant, Awen, and told him to watch him a little bit, and she couldn't let him drink any more. If he drank, she couldn't spare the two of them.

  (end of this chapter)