MTL - My Stepmother is Soft and Charming-Chapter 559 Let's do it together

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 Another hundred thousand taels! ?

The people in their fifth house really have a big appetite, and Du Jingyi was not stupid, so he immediately retorted.

“One hundred thousand taels was not a small sum for the government back then. How could it be spent so easily? Are you trying to trick me?”

"At that time, my eldest aunt was ill, and everything at home was left to my sister-in-law. But my eldest brother was more seriously ill than my eldest aunt, and she was also helpless. Naturally, the people below had other thoughts. Mrs. Wei was good at winning over her. You also know the human heart, so many people in the accounting room listened to her words. Some of the 100,000 taels that were moved were replaced with good shops in the Duke's mansion, some were misappropriated land rents, and others I don’t know, after all, Mrs. Wei was the housekeeper for the next few decades, and she wiped out the accounts long ago.”

Du Jingyi has calculated before and after. No matter how capable Mrs. Wei is, this hole is not small. The only possibility is that she tampered with the funeral of her eldest brother and mother-in-law, and evened the accounts with shoddy goods.

The funeral of the young prince and his wife in the Duke's Mansion is naturally a big expense, so some things can be misappropriated here and some added there, so when Du Jingyi thought of this, he became angry.

If Mrs. Wei is still alive, she will definitely give Mrs. Wei a bad death.

Not only harming people's lives, but also taking into account the consequences after death, it is simply not a thing.

And the people in the fifth house in front of him were also like this. They were all **** that helped the emperor to do evil. So when he looked at Wulang's wife, her expression became much uglier, and he hurriedly said.

"The fifth sister-in-law came to me and reported the secret. I guess you won't be able to stay in the fifth room for a long time. If you want to run away, you should run away early. Don't run away by then. I don't care about the life or death of you mother and son."

She said this as a reminder to Wu Lang's wife. Du Jingyi became angry. Since the culprit, Mrs. Wei, was dead, the fifth family must also pay the price they had to pay!

Wulang's wife fidgeted with the handkerchief in her hand, then nodded guiltily and said.

“Don’t worry, I will leave Sui’an City early and I will never interfere with your business.”

After saying this, he hurriedly saluted and hurried out of the general's mansion.

After she left, Butler He was very angry and asked Du Jingyi.

“Madam, what should we do now? Should we send this news to the general?”

"Of course I have to send it, but Liu Xun is not here, and I don't trust anyone else sending the message, so let's wait and see. Let's take care of the fifth house first!"

 “Okay, old slave, just follow the lady’s orders.”

 After calming down and thinking, Du Jingyi said to Butler He.

"You send me a share of the property that the fifth house was divided up in the past. I want to see how they can live in Sui'an City without these things. In addition, send a message to Xue Niang and Sister-in-law to tell them I have something important to discuss with you, so if Ping'er and eighth brother-in-law have time, please come with us."

 “Yes, ma’am.”

Soon, the servants of the General's Mansion rushed towards the Duke's Mansion and the Guo family. After hearing the news, Xue Niang and the sister-in-law didn't know why, but they still put down what they were doing and came over.

Ping'er was at home today, so she naturally had to show up. Guo Silang had something to do, so Xue Niang came alone.

 Entering the door of the General's Mansion, I saw that Butler He's face was not very good.

Sister-in-law Liu's heart also started to rise, and then she asked.

"What's wrong? You came back to us in such a hurry all of a sudden, but something happened to your brothers and sisters? It couldn't be Brother Tai and the others. What happened?"

Hearing this voice, one could tell that the sister-in-law Mrs. Liu was anxious, so Butler He quickly comforted her and said. "Don't worry, madam. Madam and the young masters are all very good. I invite you here today because of an old case from the past. Madam will tell you the details later. Please come with me."

With that said, he led them to the front hall.

Most of the time here, the main purpose is to receive guests. On weekdays, when they come, they go directly to Xitang Courtyard, so the three of them feel more and more strange as they go.

When he saw Du Jingyi, he saw that her face was ugly, so he immediately went up to ask questions.

Du Jingyi sighed and told everything about what happened today. After listening, the three of them were very angry, especially Xue Niang. She no longer had the love of her mother and the life of being as noble as before, so she was naturally angry.

"Mrs. Wei really made it easy for her to die. She should have been sent to Ling Chi in the first place to offset the evil she did to her mother!"

After she said this, her sister-in-law Liu couldn't help but think about it.

“My mother-in-law was harmed by her. Could it be that she was also the one who harmed your eldest brother? Otherwise, why would a good person die of illness at such a young age? His health and bones were always in good condition!”

These words made several people fall into silence, because it was very likely true.

 It's just that the Wei family's crime was so serious that no one was left alive at all, so they could no longer verify the matter, so it became a mystery forever, which made it difficult for the sister-in-law Liu to accept it.

Sitting on the stool, the more I thought about it, the more I felt aggrieved, so in the end I covered my face and started crying.

She cried uncomfortably, and the other three also shed tears. Du Jingyi had never gotten along with her mother-in-law and eldest brother, so her tears at the moment were more about her husband and sister-in-law's suffering.

 The whole room was crying uncomfortably, and it was not until a long time passed that the mood slowly eased down, and the first thing the sister-in-law said was.

"Five-fang is not a thing. I know that Mrs. Wei is harming my mother-in-law, but I still use it as a threat to make profits. Huh, it doesn't matter if the fifth-grandfather is dead. Everyone in the fifth-fang should die!"

Her words sounded cruel, but to everyone, they felt they were very reasonable. Snow Lady's eyes were red, she took the words and said.

"I will tell my husband about this when I get back. If nothing else, none of the men in the fifth house will have an easy time!"

Ping'er also clenched his fists. Now he was working with his father-in-law in the court, and his temperament had been tempered, so he was a little more ruthless in doing things, so he said to Xue Niang.

“What can I do to trouble my eighth uncle? I won’t let them go if they dare to harm my grandmother. Aren’t they just trying to hook up with the Dingping Marquis Mansion to make a fuss about this matter? I’m going to make him suffer a big fall there!”

 When he said this, he was also very confident.

Sister-in-law Liu glanced at her son with great satisfaction and realized that he was much older now, so he could speak and do things better, so she patted Xue Niang's hand and said.

"Let Ping'er do it. This matter is an old issue in the Duke's mansion. It's not appropriate for the Guo family to stand up for us!"

Du Jingyi also agreed that Ping'er should take the lead in this matter, so he also spoke.

"In the past few days, I have taken care of all the property that was divided among the five families. If I don't ask them to cut off all their wealth before the year, my surname will not be Du!"