MTL - My Stepmother is Soft and Charming-Chapter 544 Go join the army (Xiaoxiang votes will be updated)

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It has been almost half a year since Gu Shaoyu left. Apart from a letter from home every ten days, he has never been back to Sui'an City. Therefore, Mrs. Du still understands what Du Jingyi said now. of.

So he patted her hand and comforted her.

"Generals always need to say goodbye more often. Don't worry, we are here."

With these words, Du Jingyi quickly diverted his mother's attention away, while she was digesting what Guo Silang just said.

 The second prince?

 Is he sure this is a seedling that can be supported?

In the past, Du Jingyi didn't know anything about the second prince except that he was born to Concubine Hui. Du Jingyi was skeptical that such a person with no foundation would be used as their bet.

But since Guo Silang said it categorically, there must be some investigation, so it is better to send the matter to Wangzhou through Liu Xun as early as possible, so as to hear what his husband is planning?

She was thinking about this matter in her mind, so she didn't pay much attention to the second half of her father's birthday party.

After everyone dispersed, Xue Niang walked up to Du Jingyi and made an excuse.

"Both children said they miss Sixth Sister-in-law, but the children are a little uncomfortable and I can't bring them here, so if Sixth Sister-in-law is free, she can go to the house to see them. They will definitely be happy."

Hearing this, Du Jingyi also understood what Xue Niang meant, so he nodded and followed the words.

“Don’t worry, I will keep this in mind.”

Xue Niang smiled and then left the Du family.

After they all left, Du Jingyi also took the children back. Mrs. Du asked Tai Geer and others to come back to play at home tomorrow. Tai Geer and the others agreed, and then they left with peace of mind.

On the way back, Xing Zhao had some doubts about Guo Silang's behavior before, but now that his cousin-in-law looked worried again, he knew that the matter probably had something to do with his cousin.

But since Guo Silang avoided him and didn't mention the matter, if he asked his cousin rashly, it would be very embarrassing for her, so he buried the words in his heart, but the brothers who didn't know were happy. Well, the dancing one was telling the fourth aunt about the good things she got from her grandfather today!

That night.

Du Jingyi was sitting in Xitang Courtyard, thinking about it. Finally, he called Liu Xun and said with a serious face.

“Mr. Liu, I have something important to tell the general, so I need to trouble you to make a trip.”

 “Although my wife orders me, I will never give up even if I die.”

Du Jingyi nodded, and then said instructingly.

"If I ask you to take it with you this time, no one can carry it except the general. Do you understand?"

“Madam, don’t worry, my subordinates will never leak anything!”

“Just tell the general that someone at home asked him, what should I do if Madam Mokai is missing?”

Liu Xun was confused by what he said, but he still nodded firmly, and then disappeared into the night like an afterimage.

After he left, Du Jingyi took a deep breath and looked at the night outside. He felt that Sui An, who had just calmed down, was afraid that there would be another disturbance.

The next day, Du Jingyi naturally woke up late because he went to bed late.

When she had just finished washing and was preparing to have some breakfast and lunch, Cherry came in and said.

 “Madam, Master Zhao wants to see you.”

“Cousin Zhao? Why is he here so early? Please invite him in.”


Du Jingyi patted his face twice, trying to make his skin rosy, but he still couldn't hide the dark blue under his eyes. Xing Zhao saw it at the first sight when he came in, and immediately thought of what happened to Guo Silang yesterday.

 So, I walked in without stopping.     "Cousin-in-law."

“Why did my cousin come here so early in the morning?”

“Is it early? Isn’t it almost lunch time?”

His words made Du Jingyi feel a little embarrassed for a moment. It was true that she got up too late, so she couldn't continue the topic and asked instead.

"Let's talk about it. You have something to say when you come here, right?"

"My cousin is smart, so I won't stop talking nonsense. I'm leaving Sui'an City and joining the Huben Army."

His words were no less than what he heard from Guo Silang yesterday, so Du Jingyi asked with round eyes.

“What do you mean by joining the Tiger and Ben Army? Will the Xing family let you go?”

 Over the years, Xing Zhao has maintained the relationship between the Xing family in Sui'an City. When he leaves, doesn't it mean that the Xing family has lost an arm?

how can that be possible?

Xing Zhao had a helpless smile. It seemed that he and the Xing family were going to be split into two. It would be a long road.

"Don't worry, Cousin-in-law. I will make arrangements for the Xing family. Come and tell Cousin-in-law today. I will leave in two days. I will go in just in time for their military conquest."

Du Jingyi looked him up and down, as if thinking about the authenticity of this statement.

 Looking at his serious look, Du Jingyi had no choice but to face this topic, and then said.

"Cousin Zhao is ambitious, which is naturally a good thing. I think the general will be happy if he knows about it, but you should know that the Tiger Army is not a good thing today. If you want to join the army, I'm afraid It would be better to go somewhere else.”

  Du Jingyi did not speak secretly, but spoke directly. Xing Zhao, who was rare, straightened his face and said.

"I owe the Xing family, and I have almost paid it off over the years, but I also have the blood of the Gu family. If I don't stand with my cousin at this time, my mother will be heartbroken, so don't worry, cousin, I'm going I will take good care of my cousin, and I won’t let what happened to the Gu family happen again!"

His words made Du Jingyi's heart skip a beat, and her eyes were a little sore for some reason, but she still controlled it well and spoke after a while.

 “I understand what my cousin is thinking, thank you.”

“Cousin, you’re welcome, we are a family, aren’t we?”

Du Jingyi smiled, what he said was true.

Recalling the news that Liu Xuncai sent last night, Du Jingyi felt that it would be better to leave the matter to his general. If Xing Zhao is someone he trusts, then it would be more appropriate for him to say this.

 So, after Xing Zhao left, Du Jingyi calmed down for a while, and then said to Yingying.

“Go and invite Miss Xia over.”


When Xia Meng arrived at Xitang Courtyard, she felt a little strange that she suddenly came to her. She was also quite shocked by what Du Jingyi said to her next.

 “Cousin Zhao is going to join the army.”

“Surve yourself into the army? A rich man like him wants to join the army?”

Xia Meng couldn't imagine Xing Zhao being a top soldier. She didn't know Xing Zhao's past, and he had never told her about it in the past years, so Xia Meng couldn't believe it.

Seeing her expression, Du Jingyi couldn't help but ask. (End of chapter)