MTL - My Spy Years-Chapter 1022v3 you are anti-japanese

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  Chapter 1022 You are anti-Japanese

   "It's too far-fetched." Li Cuiqun glanced at Xiao Xu who was being tortured, "Although I also hope that this person is Xiao Mian, but these two vague reasons..."

   As he spoke, he shook his head and looked at Dong Zhengguo. "Zhengguo."

   "The subordinate is here."

   "Because you first identified in your heart that this person is Xiao Mian, and then the more you think about it, the more likely it is." Li Cuiqun said,

   "What Brother Li said is very true." Wang Tiemu nodded, "Zhang Zhichun is from Loudi, and Xiao Mian is from Liling. It can only be said that these two are from the township party. Strictly speaking, there is no substantive evidence.

  He shook his head, "This is tantamount to inferring analysis from the results in reverse, and naturally feel that those are sufficient supporting reasons."

   "This subordinate understands." Dong Zhengguo smiled wryly, "This subordinate is eager to make contributions, and is now at the point of death."

  It's like thinking that a person is a thief, and then the more you look at him, the more treacherous he becomes.

   So what?

   "Let's try." Ding Mutun nodded slightly, and he said lightly, "Pry open this person's mouth in the shortest time."

  Analysis and speculation are a means of investigation by agents.

   However, the safest tool is—

   Instruments of torture.

  Ding Mutun took a look at Su Chende, "Please trouble Meiyi to help Team Leader Dong check it out."

   "A matter of duty." Su Chende said politely.

  Li Cuiqun smiled and remained silent.

  Wang Tiemu stared at the man who called himself 'Xiao Xu' for a few moments, showing a thoughtful look.


   "Director." Dong Zhengguo said.

  Su Chende waved his hand, "I am no longer your director."

  He is very cautious now, even though Ding Mutun, Li Cuiqun and others have left the torture room.

  He glanced at Dong Zhengguo, "Zhengguo, from now on, you and I will be brothers."

   "You are the old chief of Zhengguo, how dare Zhengguo." Dong Zhengguo said.

   "That's it." Su Chende said with a wave of his hand.

   "Yes." Dong Zhengguo said, "Brother Mei, in your opinion, how should the trial proceed?"

  Su Chende's face twitched slightly, and he hummed in his heart.

  "Conventional torture includes tiger benches, pouring chili water, pinching teeth, connecting fingers to hearts, etc." Dong Zhengguo introduced the torture on the 76th to Su Chende.

"There are also boiling water brushes, meat cutting, soldering iron, charcoal grilled copper pillars and so on." He pointed to the red soldering iron burning in the charcoal fire and said, "The soldering iron and meat cutting are still good. The others, after torture , people are basically useless.”

   "That's all." Su Chende chuckled. These tortures on the 76th were basically used by the Central Committee to torture the Red Party and the leftists of the Nationalist Party.

  He picked up the red hot iron, looked at it, and asked casually, "What appetizers are there?"

   "Salt water whipping, I have been whipping for a while." Dong Zhengguo said, "I passed out twice, and I didn't do anything."

  In fact, this Xiao Xu not only refused to recruit, but also scolded Dong Zhengguo as a traitor all the time.

  Dong Zhengguo was quite surprised by this person's tenacity, but after a little thought, he felt that "it should be so"!

   Xiao Mian and others, how can they easily give in and speak?

  Yes, Dong Zhengguo still thinks that this person might be Xiao Mian, or in other words, he expected so.

  Su Chende walked up to Yao Zhenxuan with a red-hot soldering iron in his hand, "It's from the same root, and Su Mou doesn't want to kill you, so I'll give you another chance."

  Yao Zhenxuan sneered, "Since it fell into the hands of traitors like you, you have long regarded death as your home. How can you be like you and other rats who have forgotten their ancestors."

   After finishing speaking, Yao Zhenxuan shut up.

  Su Chende was furious, and directly pressed the soldering iron on Yao Zhenxuan's chest.

  Yao Zhenxuan screamed and passed out again.

  Pour a basin of water down.

  Yao Zhenxuan woke up leisurely.

  The eyes of the whole person are a little dull.

   "Are you recruiting?" Su Chende asked coldly.

  Yao Zhenxuan looked over blankly and didn't speak.

   Su Chende frowned, and was about to order the torture to continue.

   "I, I said." A voice sounded low.

  Su Chende and Dong Zhengguo were overjoyed.

  Yao Zhenxuan's tears flowed down his cheeks, and the salt of the tears added to his pain. He was crying because he was a coward, and he thought he could hold on.


  Cheng Qianfan's expression was gloomy and uncertain.

   Kogoro Imamura also looked solemn.

  The stalker recruited.

   However, Kogoro Imamura was a little surprised by the confession.

  The stalker is Shinji Kojima, a man from the Inoue Mansion, who secretly followed Cheng Qianfan under the order of Shuichi Yamazaki.

  "Shuichi Yamazaki." Cheng Qianfan looked at Kogoro Imamura, "I've heard of this name, but I don't know much about it."

   "Yamazaki is Inouehiko's deputy, a native of Hokkaido, and the deputy curator of the Inoue Mansion." Kogoro Imamura said, his brows were tightly frowned, "Why did Yamazaki send someone to follow you?"

   "Ask Yamazaki." Cheng Qianfan sneered.

  He has always thought that Kogoro Imamura is hiding something, so he seized this opportunity to ask Kogoro Imamura just now.

  Kogoro Imamura blurted out the identity of Shuichi Yamazaki, and even knew that Shuichi Yamazaki was from Hokkaido.

   Kogoro Imamura frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

   "I'm going to see the teacher." Cheng Qianfan said.


  The privilege room of No. 76.

  Pang Panpan was brought in.

  The girl from a well-to-do family, who has almost never suffered difficulties since childhood, has a pale face.

  Then, Pang Panpan saw 'Xiao Xu' who was scarred and tortured, lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling with dull eyes.

  She knelt directly on the ground, covering her mouth in horror.

  Yao Zhenxuan turned his head and forced a smile, "They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

  Pang Panpan shook his head.

   "By the way, I lied to you before, and I want to apologize to you." Yao Zhenxuan smiled wryly, "My real name is Yao Zhenxuan, and I am the deputy section chief of the Telecommunications Section of the Military Command Shanghai District."

   "I know, you are anti-Japanese." Pang Panpan said.

  Yao Zhenxuan let out a miserable laugh.


   "Yao Zhenxuan, born in the first year of Xuantong in the former Qing Dynasty."

   "Anhui claims to be from Wanji."

   "A top student at the Hangzhou Police Academy, joined the Lixing Society in the 21st year of the Republic of China."

"In the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Secret Service opened a special police training class in Honggong Temple in Nanjing. Yao Zhen was selected as the second batch of trainees. Graduation."

   "Yao Zhenxuan showed his interest and talent in telecommunications in the Hong Gongci training class."

   "In March of the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the Secret Service opened a training class for telecommunications personnel in Hangzhou, and the first phase of the telecommunications class in Hangzhou Xiongzhen Building graduated."

  "After graduating from Xiongzhenlou in Hangzhou, Yao Zhenxuan successively served as the deputy head of the Xuancheng spy team in Anhui, and the head of the Wuhu spy team. He is now the deputy chief of the Telecommunications Section of the Shanghai District of the Military Command."

  Ding Mutun held Yao Zhenxuan's statement in his hand, and read it very seriously.

   Now it has been confirmed that this person's real name is Yao Zhenxuan, not Xiao Mian, and 'Xiao Xu' is his pseudonym.

  Although this Xiao (Xu) is not Bi Xiao (Mian), this result is more or less disappointing, but the arrest of the deputy chief of the telecommunications department in Shanghai is still a big gain.


   "Judging from this resume, this person is highly valued in the Secret Service." Ding Mutun said.

  The second phase of the Honggongci special police training class, and the first phase of the Hangzhou Xiongzhenlou telecommunications class. Even if you look at the seniority of the military, this qualification is quite good.

   "Maybe this person is Dai Chunfeng's favorite general." Li Cuiqun said.

"There are twenty-seven students in the first phase of Honggong Temple. Some of the students in this class are from Huangpu, including two from the fourth phase of Whampoa, three from the fifth phase of Whampoa, and two from the sixth phase of Whampoa." Wang Tiemu pondered for a moment and said, "Second There are a total of 60 trainees, including three from the No. 1 Corps of Nanjing, the seventh phase of Whampoa, and most of the trainees are students from the Army Military Academy."

  Ding Mutun and Li Cuiqun looked at each other and nodded.

According to Wang Tiemu, among the students of the first phase of Honggong Temple, there are quite a lot of capable people. Among the two students in the fourth phase of Huangpu, one has a "miraculous" resume. This person is named Lang Zhenchuan and was once a member of the Red Party. , also participated in the so-called "Suining Uprising" of the Red Party, served as the political commissar of the First Division of the Red Party's First Route Army, and also led the so-called "Guanghan Uprising" of the Red Party.

   This person later broke away from the Red Party and went to Nanjing Honggongci Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association to register for a new life. According to the law, he found five Whampoa classmates with guarantees, canceled the suspicion of the Red Party, and then entered the Honggongci training class of the Secret Service.

  Although Yao Zhenxuan is only the second batch of Hong Gong Temple students, they don't know much about this second batch, but judging from the gold content of the first batch, the second batch is also extraordinary.

Moreover, as Wang Tiemu said, most of the students in the second batch of Honggong Temple are graduates of the seventh batch of Whampoa Nanjing Corps and the Army Military Academy. Yao Zhenxuan was selected from the Hangzhou Police Academy, which shows his ability. Not bad.

   It is even possible that this person is a young talent favored by Dai Chunfeng.

  Yao Zhenxuan’s confession has two pages, and the second page is an address and name list.

  This is the address of the safe house of the Telecommunications Division in the Shanghai District of the Military Command and the list of the first team members of the Telecommunications Division that Yao Zhenxuan is in charge of.


   "Catch people." Ding Mutun said in a deep voice.

   "Be sure to get out of the radio station and get the codebook." He added another sentence as he spoke.

   "Let Yao Zhenxuan lead the way for you." Li Cuiqun said to Su Chende.

  The arrest operation was led by Su Chende, and Dong Zhengguo was responsible for the arrest.

   "Yao Zhenxuan suffered a lot." Dong Zhengguo thought for a while and said.


   "No." Dong Zhengguo was stunned for a moment and said.

   "If you don't die, you can lead the way." Li Cuiqun said coldly.

   "Understood." Dong Zhengguo said quickly.


  Five minutes later, Su Chende and Dong Zhengguo stood in the courtyard of No. 76.

  Two trucks are coming.

This is the relationship between Dingmutun through Qingshui Dongsan. The military truck bought from the Japanese Gendarmerie Command with special funds is 50% more expensive than the market price of the truck. In Japanese words, the extra money is used to buy The Japanese military flag on the truck is painted:

  The Japanese allowed them to temporarily use trucks painted with the Japanese military flag pattern for a month as a major support for the 76th!

  Su Chende got into the second car.

  Dong Zhengguo got into the first car, and Yao Zhenxuan, who failed to be punished and surrendered, was also helped into this car.

   "Thank you." Yao Zhenxuan thanked Dong Zhengguo.

  He proposed to release Pang Panpan, but was directly rejected, the reason was to prevent Pang Panpan from leaking information.

  Dong Zhengguo knew what Yao Zhenxuan was worried about, so he arranged for his wife Feng Man to take care of Pang Panpan.

  In addition, in the previous interrogation, Dong Zhengguo did not threaten him with Pang Panpan, and Yao Zhenxuan also expressed his gratitude for this.

   "If brother Yao doesn't recruit again, I can't stop it." Dong Zhengguo said suddenly.

  Yao Zhenxuan froze for a moment, then nodded gratefully.

  The safe house of the Telecommunications Department of the Shanghai District of the Military Command is not in the French Concession, but in the Public Settlement not far from the barracks of the Italian army.

   I don’t know why the Military Command Shanghai District chose this safe house location for such an important unit of the Telecommunications Division. Maybe it was because the proximity to the Italian military camp could deter Xiaoxiao?

  If the military-controlled Shanghai area had this calculation in mind, they miscalculated. On the 76th, they could not enter the French Concession on a large scale to arrest people. Although arresting people in the public concession cannot be said to be unscrupulous, they can be relatively free.

In addition, before moving to the current No. 76 Gesfield Road, the Secret Service Headquarters was located at No. 67 Daxi Road. This place is almost separated from the Italian military camp by a wall. The house is actually very close to the old site of No. 76.

   "Why did you choose that place as a safe house?" Dong Zhengguo asked in surprise.

  Yao Zhenxuan remained silent.

  In fact, he chose this site himself. The main consideration was that it was close to the Italian military camp. He managed to make friends with an Italian military officer, who assured him that he would protect his friend's life and property.

  Yao Zhenxuan now only hopes that his Italian friend can stop Number 76 from arresting people.

  Yes, that's the contradiction. The address and list of the safe house were all confessed by him, Yao Zhenxuan, but he didn't want this operation to be successful.

   It seems that it is not an incomprehensible contradiction.

  Yao Zhenxuan was disappointed.

Seeing the two military trucks on No. 76 approaching their own camp, the Italians scolded loudly at first, and then saw the Japanese flag spray paint on the military trucks, and directly closed the gate of the camp. No one dared to fart in the arrest of the neighbors.


  Under the pale fluorescent light, Yao Zhenxuan was supported by an agent of the Secret Service Headquarters to stand.

  Dong Zhengguo lit a cigarette for Yao Zhenxuan.

   "Don't feel guilty." He said to Yao Zhenxuan, "You have saved them, they don't have to worry about living like mice anymore."

  Yao Zhenxuan fell silent. He remembered that he had scolded Su Chende and Dong Zhengguo as rats at both ends.

  Dong Zhengguo patted Yao Zhenxuan on the shoulder, and seeing the other party gasped in pain, he quickly apologized and said, "I'll get used to it in the future."

  Yao Zhenxuan shook his head and smiled sadly, "Maybe."


   "Maybe." Cheng Qianfan said in an uncertain tone with a hesitant expression.

   "Huh?" Imamura Heutaro frowned and looked at his students.

   Just now, Miyazaki Kentaro came to the study with Imamura Kogoro and reported to him that he had captured a stalker who was following Miyazaki Kentaro.

   And reported on the interrogation of the stalker.

  Hintaro Imamura was quite surprised to hear that Shuichi Yamazaki of the Inoue Mansion arranged for someone to follow Kentaro Miyazaki.

Then, he heard Miyazaki Kentaro suddenly say, maybe this Kojima Shinji is not following him, but secretly spying on the Imamura Mansion - saying that he is following 'Cheng Qianfan', just using lies to cover up the truth Intent only.

  Heitaro Imamura was astonished, and asked Kentaro Miyazaki why he made such a judgment, and whether there was any evidence to support this judgment.

   Unexpectedly, Miyazaki Kentaro replied "maybe".

   This kind of answer naturally cannot satisfy Imamura Heutaro.

   "Kentaro." Imamura Heitaro looked at Miyazaki Kentaro.

   "Teacher." Cheng Qianfan said respectfully.

   "You are not a person who talks nonsense." Imamura Heitaro said, "Since you have such doubts, you naturally have your reasons."

   "Teacher..." Cheng Qianfan hesitated.

   "Say what you think, and I won't blame you if you say something wrong." Heitaro Imamura said, "You are my student, I believe you."

  Cheng Qianfan immediately showed a moved expression, and said excitedly, "Yes."

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  (end of this chapter)