MTL - My Senpai Knows Magic-Chapter 187 Firefox

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The practical task of the academy is to let each group of students capture or kill at least one intermediate-level monster.

Magicians call the beasts that can unleash magic beasts, and they rank them.

Some monsters are very weak, such as rabbits that can only spit fire, even magic apprentices can easily deal with them, but some monsters are very powerful, powerful wolf species, can breathe wind blades, and move very fast, a senior magician If you are not careful, you will also die under their wind blades or sharp claws, which can be regarded as high-level monsters that pose a great threat to human beings.

And the beast that can rival the great magician has not yet appeared, which is the reason why the college is assured to let these students practice here.

An experienced senior magician is enough to deal with all emergencies here.

After all, although the attack power of beasts is inherently strong, and with magic, the threat is even more multiplied, but their intelligence is limited, and the magic attack method is also very simple.

This kind of task is more friendly to the students of the fire department, and the other three departments, especially the water department, are still somewhat difficult to complete the practical tasks.

Fortunately, the strength of intermediate-level monsters is not strong, even without magic, there is not much problem in capturing them.

The students of the Magic Academy should not be underestimated. Although they belong to the Department of Magic, fighting is also a compulsory course for them. If there is a battle, a soft girl like Alice can instantly become a female warrior.

More than a dozen people were divided into three teams, with this place as the center, roughly in the same direction, and walked deeper into the forest.

In order to facilitate the teacher's protection, the directions of the three teams are only roughly offset. When a team walks out of the safe area, they will be reminded by the teacher in charge.

The four of Chen Luo chose the road on the left, and after walking for a while, they soon lost sight of the other two teams.

Walking in the dense woods, Chen Luo felt like a duck to water.

Spreading out his spiritual power, he could feel the strong vitality emanating from the grass and trees here. The trees and vines in front of him seemed to have become part of his body.

Chen Luo has a feeling that as long as he wants, the surrounding plants can be turned into his weapons. This is not an illusion. It is clearly written on Heliye's handwritten note. This is one of the abilities of wizards.

However, the current Chen Luo can only promote the rapid growth of plants, and does not understand the magic of manipulating plants.

Lisa looked at the dense woods around and said worriedly, "This place is so big, where can we go to catch intermediate-level monsters..."

Chen Luo pointed to the front and said, "There seems to be a little movement in front."

Lisa glanced at him and said in surprise: "Wow, classmate Blair, can your mental power be able to perceive that far? You are about to be promoted to an intermediate-level magician, right?"

Alice looked at her and said, "Go ahead and take a look first."

When she was talking, Lisa was already walking forward. A few dozen paces away, there was a half-person-high grass. Before Lisa could get close, a fire suddenly appeared in the grass, igniting it. After the grass, attacked her.

When the huge fireball hit, a water curtain rose in front of Lisa. After the water curtain wrapped the fireball, it turned into a water rope and shrouded the grass.

Soon, the sound of "Ow Ow" came from the grass.

A fiery-red, one-foot-long animal, bound by a water rope, emerged from the grass.

Lisa was a little disappointed and said, "It turned out to be a little Firefox..."

Firefox is a fire-type beast, its larvae can release simple fire-type magic, adult Firefox can generally release primary magic, and a few can grow into intermediate-level monsters, and the magic power can reach the intermediate level.

What Lisa encountered was just a young Firefox, equivalent to a magic apprentice at most.

This is also the reason why Chen Luo assured her to come over. Only an adult Firefox can pose a little threat to her.

It's just a little bit, even if Lisa's magic is inferior to a fox, the sword on her back is not a vegetarian.

The students taught by Christine are far ahead of the other three departments in fighting skills. Even if the girls in the water department are all junior magicians, in terms of comprehensive strength, those intermediate magicians who have not received systematic education may not be their opponents.

Lisa was about to let go of the little Firefox, and Emma suddenly said: "Lisa, don't worry, if we follow this little fox, will we be able to find its family, in case there is a fox at home, it is an intermediate What about the monsters?"

Lisa was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Yes, why didn't I think of it!"

She released the little Firefox, who immediately turned into a red shadow and disappeared into the grass. Lisa hurriedly said, "Everyone, follow along!"

The three seemingly delicate girls, carrying long swords on their backs, were still agile and quick in their movements in the woods. Although the fiery red shadow escaped quickly, they were still firmly locked by them.

Compared with a few months ago, they have changed completely.

Although Christine's requirements for them were strict, the effect was also remarkable. Chen Luo followed closely behind the three of them, his mental power spread out, and he paid close attention to the movements around him.

The little fox ran fast, and the physical strength of the three girls soon became somewhat insufficient. Beside Chen Luo, Alice's breathing gradually became rapid, and the ups and downs of her chest became larger and larger.

The young Firefox disappeared into the dense grass for the last time. Lisa, who was at the front, was about to continue chasing, when a dense fireball suddenly appeared in front of her.

The speed of the fireball was extremely fast, and it came to her in an instant.

Lisa was taken aback and didn't have time to release the water curtain protection. The next moment, those fireballs suddenly disappeared out of thin air. If it wasn't for a sense of heat rushing towards her face, she must have thought she had hallucinated just now.

In this short period of time, the three of Chen Luo had already caught up. Emma looked ahead and said in shock, "What happened just now, is that Fire Rain Technique?"

The ability to release magic similar to the Fire Rain Technique indicates that there is a high-level magical beast ahead, which is equivalent to the existence of a high-level magician. Even if there are four of them, they have to hide as far as possible.

Alice shook her head and said, "No, those fireballs just now are far less dense than Fire Rain, and at most are only at the level of intermediate magic, but why did those fireballs disappear..."

"It must be that the magic is too strong, it can't control it..." Lisa said excitedly: "So, there is an intermediate-level monster in front of you?"

As soon as her voice fell, a huge red fox jumped out of the grass.

It opened its mouth and spit, and it was a series of fireballs, which came straight to the four.

Lisa scattered several fireballs with one sword, and Emma summoned a water curtain to block it, but the speed at which the fox spit out the fireballs was too fast, and the two of them were in a hurry for a while.

This Firefox's magic lacks variety, but in terms of psychic power, Lisa and Emma combined are not as good as it.

If the two of them rubbed fireballs like this fox, they would soon faint due to mental exhaustion.

Just when they were almost unable to resist, the fireball spit out by the fox suddenly disappeared when it was flying. This scene surprised Lisa and the others, but also frightened the fox.

Confusion flashed in its eyes at first, and then fear at last. The fireballs it spit out became smaller and smaller, and the speed became slower and slower. In the end, it could only spit out a few sparks, its legs slackened, and it collapsed to the ground, humming, humming. panting...

Lisa stared blankly ahead and said, "This fox..., what's going on?"

Chen Luo said: "I can't even vomit fireballs well. Maybe it's... I'm not good at learning."

Judging from the speed and number of fireballs it spit at the beginning, this Firefox was undoubtedly an intermediate-level monster. Their team of four easily completed this practice mission.

Lisa took out the rope that had been prepared long ago, and planned to tie the fire fox. The fox lying on the ground suddenly let out a scream. Suddenly there was a burst of noise.

A trail of red shadows ran out of the grass and surrounded Chen Luo and the four of them. At a glance, there were dozens of foxes.

Lisa's face turned pale, and she exclaimed: "It's over, we broke into the fox's den!"

Emma's body trembled slightly and asked, "What should we do?"

Alice was the most calm, and immediately said: "We simultaneously release the water curtain to condense into a water curtain shield..."

Almost at the moment when the four of them condensed their shields and enveloped them, countless fireballs spit out from the mouths of the foxes and shot towards them.

When those fireballs touched the water curtain shield, there would be a sound of "chi" and "chi", some of the water elements were evaporated, and the four of them could only constantly replenish.

But this is not the way to go. There are only four of them, but there are at least forty foxes outside. Sooner or later, the water curtain technique will not be able to hold up.

Moreover, there are already several smart foxes who want to use their bodies to break through the blockade of the water curtain.

Just when Chen Luo was thinking about whether to drive these Firefox away secretly, the surrounding foxes stopped spitting fireballs at the same time, as if they were frightened, and fled towards the four scattered.

Lisa hid in the water curtain and asked in surprise, "What happened to them?"

Chen Luo didn't speak, and looked in a certain direction. The foxes fled in all directions, but none of them chose that direction.