MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 442 Sixty-six demigod corpses, the change of the third origin

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[Please note that in the plot you participated in [Princes Against Dong], all 18 princes have been killed, and Dong Zhuo's camp headed by Dong Hu has won! 】

In the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

This golden finger hints at the entire original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

This made most of the people in the secret realm stunned.

This, this is just the beginning.

They are just gearing up one by one, and they haven't started to do it yet. Why is it over?

Even Wu Wei was stunned for a while.

However, Wu Wei showed a sincere smile after a brief moment of confusion.

"Yeah, originally I was thinking of saying to help big brother, but it turned out that he didn't need my help at all.

The problem was solved so easily.

Big Brother deserves to be Big Brother! "

Even though he said so, Wu Wei still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Perhaps it was because of the last encounter in the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty that Wu Wei subconsciously did not believe that the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty could be handled so easily.

"It should be my overthinking, all 18 princes were killed.

The golden finger judgment has already come out, the victory should belong to the big brother!

I will just wait to exit this original secret realm. "

Wu Wei said, turning his head to look in the direction of Sishui Pass.

With his current strength, he can easily sense the astonishing and terrifying energy that erupted in that direction just now. If there is no accident, the decisive battle should start and end there in an instant.

Dong Hu should be there at this moment.

Wu Wei hesitated for a moment, but finally got up and headed towards Sishui Pass.

If Dong Hu really solved the problem completely, it would definitely be the best. If he can't come out and meet for two talks, he just needs to clear the customs.

In case the customs is not cleared, if there is any accident, Wu Wei can also help!

But when Wu Wei got up with this idea and was about to go to Sishuiguan, he found that many people had the same idea as him.

What's more, Wu Wei felt that these guys who were at least half-step and half-god-level existences like the first elder were at the very least, but at this moment, when they went to Sishui Pass, they kept a low profile one by one.

In short, none of them are used to fly.

Basically galloping on horseback.

Can you imagine the scene of a group of people possessing magical powers, fighting spirits transformed into gods, and riding wildly on horseback?

Wu Wei saw that scene and found it absurd.

At the same time, the scene in front of him also made Wu Wei clearly realize that Dong Hu's catastrophe has not been completely over yet.

These guys are all strong contenders for the Eighteenth Route princes, but look at what roles they chose.

What is the unparalleled general Pan Feng, the invincible general Xing Daorong, the one-armed hammer Niu Jin...

Every one of them is the existence of this kind of borderline hip-pull.

Seeing this group of generals running, Wu Wei couldn't help scolding: "Mom, they are all old silver coins!"

At the same time, they followed their footsteps towards the direction of Sishuiguan.

While Wu Wei and the others were heading to Sishui Pass.

On the Sishuiguan side, as Dong Hu beheaded the 18 princes with a single blow, the plot of the princes begging for Dong also came to an end.

At this time, Dong Hu directly chose the settlement reward.

Although the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty was unwilling, under the rules, Dong Hu's reward was settled.

[You have enabled the reward settlement, and the final settlement will be made for the rewards you have obtained! 】

[You have successfully killed 18 princes, successfully cleared the plot, and you have obtained the basic score of SSS!

Is there reward settlement?

ps: Your score is only a little bit short of reaching one star, and you will be rewarded with the original authority when you settle the settlement]

On Dong Hu's side, he looked at the reminder of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty in front of him, and at the same time his expression was flat.

"The rating is only a little bit short of reaching one star?

Can one-star settlement get the original authority reward?

Is that all you have left?

Want to delay my time?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Receive rewards directly! "

Following Dong Hu's order, the reward settlement of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty immediately continued.

[You chose to settle the reward immediately, and you will get the following rewards according to the evaluation points you get.

1. You will get the special privilege of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty

2. You have obtained the Taoist instrument [Taiping Tianshu] (volume 2)! 】

In the reminder of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it gave two rewards that made Dong Hu extremely disgusting.

These two rewards, if they are important, are very important, and if they are said to be rubbish, they are also really rubbish.

Wu Wei also has the special authority of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is considered a good thing, but it is worthless in front of the original authority, and is also subject to the original authority of the Eastern Han Dynasty secret realm.

Not to mention the second Taoist artifact.

This thing is indeed a magic weapon, but for Dong Hu who didn't have the first two volumes, it is basically rubbish.

In other words, the two rewards of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty were completely given to a lonely, and it was no different from not giving them.

Moreover, after giving out these two **** rewards just now, the Eastern Han Origin Secret Realm refreshed the prompts immediately.

[It is detected that you are using the beheading tactics to break the plot [Princes seeking Dong], your tactics have changed in the plot, and you have triggered the next new plot, please be ready for the challenge. 】

[The next new plot is that the heroes of the world will attack Dong! 】

At the same time, on Wu Wei's side, the Golden Finger reminder refreshed in front of his eyes.

[You have triggered a brand new story mission [The Heroes of the World Kill Dong]!

Mission: All the heroes in the world attack Dong

Explanation: Dong Zhuo, the rebel, held a monster knife and designed to kill 18 heroes, intending to cut the backbone of the heroes of the world, but he didn't want to. Kill Dong Zhuo's traitor and help the Han Dynasty.

Mission completion condition: kill Dong Zhuo

Mission rewards: the original authority of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty (must be won), the original fragments of the Supreme Immortal City (probability), all Dong Zhuo’s assets (must be won)]

Wu Wei narrowed his eyes when he saw the cheat prompt that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"As familiar as ever, as disgusting as ever!

Forcibly add a plot, as long as Dong Hu doesn't die, he will make Dong Hu die, right? "

Wu Wei knew very well that after this task, those old silver coins would definitely not be able to sit still if such a big bait was thrown out.


In Wu Wei's induction, those old silver coins who were still running wildly were shocked.

Afterwards, a guy who was stronger than the first veteran of the Austrian French Alliance rose directly into the sky and ran towards the Sishui Pass.

With this person taking the lead, none of the rest could sit still.

One after another, there were beings who abandoned their horses and rushed straight to the sky towards Sishui Pass.

In the blink of an eye, twenty or thirty of them flew out.

There are only a few who are still galloping.

Among them, Wu Wei also sensed a more familiar aura, isn't that the first veteran of the Austrian Law Alliance?

This guy is as afraid of death as ever.

In the end, Gou didn't dare to take the lead.

Moreover, Wu Wei reckoned that this guy might be ready to withdraw from this original secret realm at any time.

As long as there is a slight disturbance, he will definitely be respectful first.

There are three more people who are so afraid of death to him.

Wu Wei glanced at them disdainfully, then followed them, and galloped towards Sishui Pass.

Although Wu Wei himself also rode his horse and galloped wildly, Wu Wei felt that he was different from the first veteran and the three of them.

They were, and Wu Wei simply didn't want to expose himself.

Although he was a little worried about Dong Hu's situation, Wu Wei sensed those guys who just rushed over.

The level of strength of each of them is similar to that of the first elder, no more than 10 times higher, and it should be still in the stage of half-step false god.

Wu Wei felt that Dong Hu should be able to solve this kind of rank.

Therefore, Wu Wei's side was very leisurely, and he walked towards Dong Hu's side in a leisurely manner.

And on the side of Sishui Pass.

Goldfinger reminded, no, it should be said that the awareness of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty has just been refreshed.

A demigod-level powerhouse came towards Dong Hu.

In addition to the dozens that Wu Wei sensed, there are more than a dozen of unknown corners, a total of 66 demigod-level existences.

This number of demigods almost emptied out all the demigods that had grown up in the entire western region in the past one or two hundred years.

After they came out, their goals were equally clear, and they went straight to Dong Hu.

But no one approached him directly, and everyone knew that Dong Hu was holding a demon sword, and the source of his power was the long black sword in his hand.

Therefore, each of them is 108,000 meters away from Dong Hu, and the nearest one has to be one or two kilometers away from Dong Hu before they dare to relax.

In this way, sixty-six demigod-level existences bombarded Dong Hu at Sishui Pass at a distance of one or two kilometers.

That scene, that momentum.

Wu Wei, who was galloping on horseback here, could clearly feel it.

Yes, not feeling it, but feeling it.

Because the earth was directly shattered under the bombardment of sixty-six demigod-level existences.

The shattering spread for hundreds of kilometers. On the way Wu Wei came, the war horse under him was almost thrown to the ground by the sudden crack.

Seeing this momentum, Wu Wei couldn't help frowning.

"There is something about the existence of these half-step half-gods, and the power that erupts can almost threaten me.

I don't know if Brother Dong Hu can handle it! "

As Wu Wei spoke, he rose from the ground and rose into the midair.

In the sky, through the [frivolous illusion] turned into a cloud.

Although Wu Wei's [frivolous illusion] has not ignited the divine fire, it has already condensed the divine seed, which is definitely a demigod-level supernatural power. In this demi-god-level secret realm in front of him, even if the existence that controls the original authority wants to It takes a lot of work to find it.

And it must be done when the other party knows that he is slow.

Right now, Wu Wei's disguise is not perfect, at least Wu Wei can guarantee that no one will find out.

And when Wu Wei ascended to mid-air, his gaze fell on Dong Hu's station.

The battle on Dong Hu's side has reached the most intense and intense stage.

I saw Dong Hu holding the black long knife, like a black demon, constantly cutting back and forth on the battlefield.

Every time it flashes, every time it swings a knife, one person will basically die.

In less than a minute of effort, 18 of Dong Hu's 66 opponents died under Dong Hu's knife.

What surprised Wu Wei was that.

As Dong Hu's opponents died in his hands one by one, he felt that the pages of the third child in his rune book began to move a little bit.

"What's the matter? Why are you so excited when you see these half-step, half-god-level corpses?

Their corpses, logically, can't mend your divine power, right? "

The third child was silent and did not respond.

The voice of Lao Jiu's mechanical body sounded: "Well, is there such a possibility that the half-step half-god you think is actually a half-god level existence?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for a demigod-level existence to be so weak!"

"According to the existing information and deduction, ninety-eight percent of the demigods you think are demigod-level existences.

Therefore, their corpses will cause the reaction of the third source of divine power.

The second possibility is that even if they are not demigod-level existences, they already possess divinity and can be used as demi-god-level existences. Borrowing their corpses, you still have 99% hope to complete the divine power. force! "

Hearing Lao Jiu's explanation, although Wu Wei didn't think those guys were demigods.

But an opportunity to complement the power of the old three gods is in front of him, and Wu Wei is not going to let it go.

Coincidentally, although Dong Hu killed fiercely, he also managed to frighten the rest of the 66 guys, and they were about to scatter and run away one by one.

This is a good opportunity for Wu Wei to intervene, and he is about to take the opportunity to intervene.

This is, a group of people came from each of the three directions of Sishui Pass.

On the left is an old man with a pipe in his mouth, on the right is a man wearing a purple and gold battle armor holding a Fang Tian painted halberd, and on the front is a general from Xiliang headed by Li Ru. UU reading

Adding the original Dong Hu, it happened to surround those 66 demigod-level existences on all sides.

"Well, it seems that I can't be used!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Wei could only take his steps back.

Even though Wu Wei went up at this time, with Dong Hu's character, he probably could still take a bite.

But the situation in this meeting is different from before. Before, he played to help, but now he is playing to take advantage of it.

For his brother, Wu Wei still has to show some face.

Therefore, Wu Wei did not appear on the stage at this time, but was suspended in mid-air to watch Dong Hu and the others clean up the 66 existences that Wu Wei considered to be half-step half-god level one by one.

In less than twenty minutes, the battle was completely over.

Seeing this, Wu Wei couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Basically everyone who should be killed has been killed, Brother Dong Hu has passed this level, right?

There shouldn't be any more troubles, right? "

However, as soon as Wu Wei's words fell, something happened underneath.

The battlefield had just come to an end, and Dong Hu had just had a round with his brothers when Lu Bu suddenly struck Dong Hu with a halberd without warning...

(end of this chapter)