MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 352 Bombing the corpse of the Celestial Master

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Facts have proved that the fisherman is not someone who says he can do it.

To be a fisherman, you must have the ability to die.

Fortunately, Wu Wei happened to have such a skill.

Strictly speaking, Wu Wei did not die.

In the past half month, when he was training the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers, he brushed up his [Dragon Elephant Body Forging Technique] by the way.

A skill of [Thirteen Dragon Elephants] was brushed out.

Relying on the Great Perfection [Dragon Elephant Bodybuilding], although Wu Wei was not able to make himself harder, he made himself a little more fleshy.

Wu Wei, whose head was shattered, did not die immediately, but activated the [Power of Return].

Relying on the [Returning Power], he barely saved his life.

At the same time, the light on his body flashed, and the person had been teleported away by the fourth child with his skills.

The reason why Wu Wei was able to escape so easily was that the shattering of his head did not shatter in vain. In this moment, the corpse of the Celestial Master and the tree demon had already fought.

The corpse of Tianshi rode the boundless black water and rushed away.

In an instant, the Corrupted Forest was smashed into pieces.

This time, the tree demon, who was not interested in the stone tablet at first, was provoked.

It is indeed not interested in the stone tablet, and does not want to fight with the corpse of the celestial master, but there is a premise that your corpse of the celestial master cannot destroy its forest.

The corpse of the Celestial Master attaches importance to the stone tablet, and the forest is also the lifeblood of the Dryad.

The corpse of the celestial master moved into the forest, and the tree demon went berserk, and a tree root stretched out from the corpse of the celestial master and pulled it away.


A precise hit!

The battle between the two sides broke out completely!

The seal in his hand was opened again, and the black water exploded directly.

This kind of attack by a 3rd-rank Daoist is quite terrifying. In just one round of fighting, the Corrupted Forest was destroyed by one square kilometer.

"What a big scene!"

In this scene, Wu Wei, who had just escaped the danger, was full of excitement.

"The big scene is good, the big scene is good, the bigger the scene is, the harder it is to notice my little actions, you guys make the scene for me!"

Wu Wei said, the endless beehive in his hand was taken out again.

At this time, people were further away from the battlefield, and while leaving, Wu Wei released the spirit bees in the [Endless Hive].

It took a full 3 minutes for Wu Wei to release 35,000 level 100 legendary quality self-destructing bees and 1,000 level 100 epic quality self-exploding bees.

Then commanded them to condense in front of him.

Not that kind of pure agglomeration, but choreographing them into a moving lost matrix.

The movement of the formation method has been studied by Wu Wei a long time ago.

There is nothing difficult.

It was easy to get it out, and at the same time, Wu Wei also released the [Ling Yuan Formation Disk].

The array plate and the self-destructing spirit bee are combined together to form a moving [Lost Array].

This formation is mainly secretive, supplemented by limited explosion power range, and supplemented by increased power.

After getting it done, Wu Wei pinched the Spirit Bee and carefully watched the battle between the corpse of the Celestial Master and the Dryad over there.

At this time, Wu Wei needs to find a suitable opportunity to shoot. …

After all, the battle scene between the two over there was extremely grand. Wu Wei didn't find a suitable opportunity, and the Detonation Spirit Bee was blown up by the aftermath of their attack before they got close to them.

Therefore, Wu Wei needs a suitable shot opportunity.

But Wu Wei searched for a long time, but could not find any suitable opportunity.

No way, although the power of the self-destructing spirit bee explosion is powerful, they also have this advantage.

This one advantage aside, they are basically useless.

Even if the formation is turned on and they are approached, it is difficult for them to deceive their perception.

Wu Wei himself estimated that the chance he wanted might require those two guys to lie down on the ground.

But they are all lying on the ground, what does Wu Wei want from the self-destructing spirit bee?

"It seems that it is unlikely that I want to throw the self-destructing spirit bees over. In that case, is there a possibility for me to find a way to let them come over by themselves?"

Wu Wei pondered for a while, this is still a bit tricky.

Although the self-destructing spirit bees are useless, they are currently in the [Lost Array], and their concealment effect is the strongest without moving.

If the corpse of the celestial master and the tree demon can be led to this center, then Wu Wei can definitely take them all away with a single blow.

So the question is, what method will Wu Wei use to attract them?

Wu Wei's eyes once again fell on the shaky but still strong stone tablet in the middle of the two big old battlefields.

"Well, I seem to know how to get them here!"

Wu Wei said, the dragon flag appeared in his hand, and when he waved it gently, the figure of the dragon elephant Taoist soldier appeared beside Wu Wei.

"Touch it and stick this on the stone tablet!"

Wu Wei took out the rune and gave the order.

The rune he took out at this time was the fourth's teleportation mark rune. As long as it was pasted on the stone tablet, the stone tablet could be teleported.

In the whole operation, the only danger is how to paste the runes.

And this danger, Wu Wei handed over to the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers.

Anyway, they are natal soldiers, and if they can't die, there is no danger.

Rounding up, this matter is basically a matter of 100 percent.

However, the progress of this so-called sure thing is actually not as easy as one thinks.

Under Wu Wei's order, the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers took action.

Wu Wei came up and first called 30 dragon elephant soldiers to test the water, let them put away their mounts, and carefully touched the stone tablet.

It went well from the beginning.

But when they approached the stone tablet, they were immediately beaten to death by the corpse of the Celestial Master in the fierce battle.

It regards the stele as its own prohibition and absolutely does not allow others to move.

Wu Wei tried several times, but no matter how fiercely the body of the Celestial Master was beaten, he could draw out his hand to protect the stone tablet.

Seeing this situation, Wu Weiyi realized that it was meaningless to sneak around, but fortunately, he directly summoned all the dragon elephant soldiers.

Straight to the hard.

2201 The Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers rushed towards the stone tablet in one go.

The corpse of Tianshi was in a hurry, and his figure flashed. He wanted to take the stone tablet away first, but as soon as he approached the stone tablet, countless tree roots appeared. …

Obviously, although the level of corruption of monsters at this level is high, they also possess a certain degree of wisdom.

The corpse of the Celestial Master wanted to take the stone tablet away, but it had to refuse it.

The two sides have clashed around the stone tablet several times before, and the tree demon is relatively skilled in dealing with it.

And the corpse of Tianshi also adapted to the response of the tree demon. When the root of the tree came out, the corpse of Tianshi actually had a seal, condensing black water into a big hand, and slammed the root of the tree in an attempt to destroy the tree. Roots are uprooted from the ground.

At the same time, the corpse of Tianshi did not forget the dragon elephant Taoist soldiers who came over.

Looking at the Dragon Elephant Taoist Soldier, there is no need to hit the seal, and the black water poured out and slapped it like a wave.

In an instant, the front row of the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers was directly washed away, and hundreds of Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers died in one blow.

The tree roots on the side of the stone tablet were also torn off by the **** hand at the same time.

This wave of eruption of the corpse of the Celestial Master is so terrifying.

Simultaneous suppression of two waves.

But the corpse of Tianshi still lost.

Although he pulled off the root of the tree, when it reached out to take the stone tablet, another tree root was drawn on the stone tablet and the stone tablet flew out, making the body of Tianshi flutter in the air.

At the same time, thirty-six dragon elephant soldiers broke through the black water and waves of the corpse of the Celestial Master and killed the stone tablet. A piece of talisman paper was attached to the stone tablet at the same time.

The next second, the stone tablet disappeared.

Watching the corpse of the Celestial Master disappearing from the stone tablet raised his head at this moment, a pair of corrupt eyes filled with endless killing intent.

With the French seal in his hand, the black wave rose into the sky and directly smashed the thirty-six dragon elephants.

When this attack broke out, the body of the Celestial Master was still not relieved, and when the seal was struck again, the black water around him boiled, and he grabbed the root of the flying stone tablet.

The next second, endless black water poured directly into it.

The black water poured into the tree quickly turned black, and all the way from the root to the main body of the root.


In less than a few seconds, a soft sound came from a few kilometers away.

The body of the Dryad several kilometers away was shattered in half.

The blow hit the Dryad hard.

The corpse of Tianshi was about to chase after him, completely obliterating the tree demon, but the movement stopped at this moment and turned his head to look to the left.

That's where the stele is now.

The corrupt eyes seemed to be a lot brighter at this moment, and suddenly, there seemed to be a kind of joy that was lost and found.

Then the corpse of Tianshi gave up the tree demon, turned his head and went straight to the left.

Soon, the corpse of Tianshi came to the designated position and saw the stone tablet on the ground.

At this moment, although there is some intelligence, the corpses of the few Celestial Masters did not feel wrong at all, and landed directly on the edge of the stone tablet.

And his landing is equivalent to Jun entering the oil urn!

In an instant, the self-destructing spirit bee [Lost Array] arranged by Wu Wei came into operation in an instant.

Tianshi's body also felt wrong for a moment, but it was too late.

Thirty-five thousand legendary quality self-destructing bees, one thousand epic self-destructing bees.

Wu Wei spent six months and spent tens of millions of spirit essence and spirit stones to create the killer weapon in this moment, and it bloomed in this moment.


A flower that is half flame, and a mushroom cloud that is half water.

The terrifying power instantly annihilated most of the things in that area.

Watching the explosion, Wu Wei felt that the pores all over his body had shrunk, and he had goosebumps all over.

He could feel that under that kind of attack, the [guardian] might be in danger of being shattered.

"With such an attack, that guy should be dead, right?"

Wu Wei said that, but he was very nervous, because he didn't wait for the golden finger prompt that he wanted to see.

If there is no golden finger prompt, it means that the other party is very likely not dead.

Sure enough, when the disgust of the explosion dissipated, Wu Wei saw that the corpse of the Celestial Master was still standing there.

Wu Wei's heart was lifted all of a sudden, but after a closer look, he gently let it go!