MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 2 property panel

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Name: Wu Wei

Age: 18

Level: Level 7

Occupation: Rune Summoner

First Source Rune: Yellow Turban Soldier (Level 5)

Looking at this simple attribute board, Wu Wei's face was full of disappointment.

"I thought this golden finger took effect, but the attribute board still hasn't changed!"

The attribute board in front of him is Wu Wei's golden finger, something unique to him.

At first, when he knew this, he was secretly happy for a long time, thinking that he was going to be a jerk.

In the end, the reality quickly hit him in the head. He tried many methods but couldn't find the use of this golden finger. It seemed that this thing was useless except to look at it!

This alone is enough. When Wu Wei contracted the first source rune, it also acted as a demon, so that Wu Wei chose [Yellow Turban Soldier] as the first source rune, and made Wu Wei a rune summoner. .

But after the contract, this thing started to pretend to be dead again.

From a certain point of view, if Wu Wei is mixed up like this, he can throw the blame for this golden finger.

However, Wu Wei is not the kind of person who complains about others. After all, he chose the path himself. No matter how difficult it is to walk, he will not complain. He will only try his best to walk his path!

"Although it just passed by in a flash, I'm sure it's not an illusion!

There was indeed a system prompt just now, 'The conditions are met'! "

"Then the question is, once what conditions are met?

Besides condition 1, what other conditions are there? All satisfied, what will happen?

In addition, if I use the [Yellow Turban Soldier Summoning Rune] again, can it be triggered again? "

Wu Wei had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he took out a paper and a pen, and put his thoughts on the paper by using ghosts to draw talismans. This is his way of thinking.

"Forget it, there's too little useful information, so don't worry about anything else for now, try to find a way to get a Yellow Turban Soldier Summoning Talisman!

Now, let me do the things in front of me! "

After writing down and creating another [Yellow Turban Soldier Summoning Talisman], Wu Wei put this matter aside and continued with what he just hadn't completed.

I saw Wu Wei raised his hand and summoned the Yellow Turban soldiers, and then began to carefully investigate the environment of the Wild Boar Valley.

This is Wu Wei's habit. Every time their team arrives at a new monster spawning location, Wu Wei will investigate the environment of the monster spawning location.

Collect all kinds of information such as terrain, resources, rune monsters, etc. to facilitate the team to spawn monsters!

When his strength could not keep up with his teammates, Wu Wei could only use this method to improve his status in the team.

Although the effect doesn't seem to be very good, and his teammates don't seem to care much about the information he collects, Wu Wei still does it every time!

He is not trying to please his teammates, but to cultivate his own good habit of handling unfamiliar environments cautiously and keeping dangerous situations in his hands as much as possible.

Don't fight unprepared battles!

Before the troops and horses move, the intelligence goes first!

Wu Wei thinks that it is an unbreakable reason to use it for monster spawning!

And this, Wu Wei has been verified today.

"Hey, this place!"

After walking around the Wild Boar Valley, Wu Wei stopped at one place.

He observed a place in front of him.

There are several huge stones stacked on top of each other, a small gap that can accommodate one person to enter, and at the end of the gap is a space that can accommodate several people.

Wu Wei feels that this place is quite good. If you hide in it, the ordinary wild boars in the Wild Boar Valley should not be able to attack!

After all, ordinary wild boars do not have the skill [Earth Thorn].

Moreover, even if there is, Wu Wei feels that there is no need to be afraid, because Wu Wei observed it carefully, and the space inside is basically surrounded by stones, and only a small area is mud. !

"You can use this place, this place can not only be used to farm monsters, but also be used as a camp!

Well, make a note of the location and let them come over tomorrow to kill monsters! "

Wu Wei was very satisfied when he found this place, but he didn't stop exploring, he continued to take the yellow turban soldier Ah Huang, carefully avoiding the wild boars in the wild boar valley, and finished observing the environment of the entire valley.

Whether this valley is big or small, it’s almost twelve o’clock after Wu Wei finished his observation.

After a long day of exhaustion, Wu Wei summoned the [Book of Runes]. With a single tap, the space in front of Wu Wei's eyes rippled like a mirror.

Then, Wu Wei returned to his dormitory.

Although I don't know how many times it's been, but for the ability of the Book of Runes to change the world, every time I experience Wu Wei, I feel incredible.

After a little rest in the dormitory, Wu Wei, who had been busy all day, decided to go out to find something to eat to fill his stomach before going to bed.

Not far from his dormitory is the cafeteria.

In order to make it easier for students to return from the Rune World to eat, the school has specially placed the cafeteria not far from the dormitory building, and it is open 24 hours a day.

Come to the dining hall.

Wu Wei found that although it was the middle of the night, there were still a lot of people.

Most of them were surrounded by four or five people, some with excitement on their faces, and some with gray expressions on their faces. Obviously, they were all teams from the Rune World.

It is rare for a person like Wu Wei to come out to eat. After all, the rune masters who enter the rune world are all active in small groups. UU Reading

Wu Wei sighed softly, swiped his card and ordered a bowl of beef noodles. Holding the noodles, he was about to look around to find a place to eat when his body suddenly trembled slightly, and his eyes involuntarily focused on a table not far away.

I saw that four of his teammates who said they would go offline for a rest after nine o'clock were at that table at this time.

Look at the leftovers on their table, and a few cases of beer.

Obviously they have been here for a long time.

It is estimated that they came together as soon as they got off the line.

What Wu Wei can be sure of is that there are no calls or messages on his mobile phone after he goes offline.

At the same time, on the side of Wu Wei's teammates, the girl named Sister Hong also happened to look up and see Wu Wei.

Looking at each other, the scene is somewhat embarrassing!

In the end, Wu Wei broke the embarrassment with a smile, nodded his head, and then grabbed the noodles and found a random corner to eat.

When Wu Wei finished eating and looked up, his teammates had already left, and he didn't come to say hello before leaving.

Wu Wei was silent for a while, and finally got up and turned back to the dormitory!

Wu Wei, who returned to the dormitory, washed his face, then picked up a book "On the 18721 Low-level Rune Monsters in the World of Runes" and read it. It was around two o'clock before Wu Wei lay down and went to sleep. .

The next day at 6:30, Wu Wei got up on time, went for a run, ate breakfast, and then went to their team's activity room.

When he came to the outdoor activity room, Wu Wei joined hands and was about to open the door when an electronic alert sounded.

[Ding, this is the activity room of the 8911 team. You are not a team member and you do not have permission to enter. Please do not break in casually! 】

Hearing this electronic sound, Wu Wei's brows rose...