MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 57 Sick Li Jing (Second watch for first order~)

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  Chapter 57 Sick Li Jing

  Yang Xiaotao, who was directly ignored, and Ye Anlan, who was also ignored, complained in a low voice, "My mother, why is this person better than my mother?"

  Ye Anlan couldn't help laughing, she looked at the young man who wasn't at all grumpy because the servant was too annoying.

  The young man smiled and listened to the boy's nagging. After dismounting, he took the initiative to greet Ye Anlan, "I'm Li Jing."

Li Jingsheng is very good. He has slender bones, a slender figure, a high nose and thin lips, long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, a pair of perfectly shaped red phoenix eyes, the tails of the eyes are slightly upturned, and the perfectly curved but slightly pale thin lips are always smiling. It makes people can't help but want to be more friendly and gentle to him.

   "Ye Anlan." Ye Anlan cupped her fists in a complicated mood in return, "Thank you for your generous help, my lord."

  Her expression looked very normal, but she was actually screaming groundhogs one after another in her heart-oh my god, this person's looks, it just grew directly into her heart.

  Li Jing, who didn't know that Ye Anlan was raving about his prosperous beauty, shook his head slightly, "It's just a little effort, Miss Ye doesn't have to be so polite."

Chang An lowered his head, silently slandering his young master in his heart, "How can you say something like 'a little effort'? Sending out his only bodyguard and servant to help others desperately, regardless of the danger he may encounter when he is weak, how can this be said to be wrong? 'Little effort'? Why don't you see you doing this 'little effort' to others?"

  Ye Anlan didn't know that Li Jing's little servant had such a lot of inner drama, she said to Li Jing: "Then I won't say such nonsense. It's almost noon, why don't you stay and have dinner with us?"

  Changan raised his head, wanting to say that his master has a weak stomach, so he can't eat anything casually.

   But before he opened his mouth, his good master had already responded with a smile, "Then bother."

  Changan: .

  Changan felt bitter, but Changan dared not speak out.

  What he didn't know was that Ye Anlan actually noticed all of his expressions and movements.

  In addition, she is a senior doctor who has been practicing for many years, even if she only looks at Li Jing's figure and complexion, she can guess that this person's physical condition is not very good.

  Bringing many of her companions, Ye Anlan and Li Jing's master and servant went to a secluded place where there were no other refugees.

With Chang'an's stunned expression, she took out the millet, white flour, eggs, meat, dried vegetables, pickles, and red dates in the car, and then cooked herself, making a pot of red dates and millet porridge, a pot of minced meat and dried vegetable pimple soup, two bowls Smooth golden steamed eggs.

Bringing a bowl of red dates and millet porridge, a bowl of pimple soup, and a bowl of steamed eggs to Li Jing, Ye Anlan said regretfully: "The ingredients are limited and the time is short, so I can't make too many things. Please invite Li Jing Don't be disgusted, son."

  Li Jing looked soft, "This is already very rich, let Miss Ye bother."

  When he’s away from home, he doesn’t get good food every meal. More often, he actually eats hot water and dry steamed buns.

  Of course, when conditions permit, Chang An, who is concerned about his health, will indeed rack his brains to get him some suitable food to eat.

  As for Ye Anlan and the others' daily coarse-grain pancakes, these are rough foods that Li Jing must not eat in Chang'an's eyes.

Divided the remaining bowl of steamed eggs among Ye Wei, Ye Tang, and Zhou Mingyuan, and then shared the porridge and pimple soup with each other. Ye Anlan held the bowl and stood with everyone. eat together.

   After taking two bites, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Yang Xiaotao sipping rice porridge in an uncharacteristically gentle manner, and Ye Anlan couldn't help but pause slightly when scooping up the porridge.

   No wonder she always felt that something was wrong, it turned out that she and her little friends were too refined today!

  Ye Anlan was a little speechless, but to be honest, she was somewhat reluctant to let go in front of Li Jing

Huh? Something seems wrong?

  Ye Anlan deliberated, and finally attributed the reason to the way they met.

When she met Li Jing, the personable Li Jing happened to witness her fierce, rough, and embarrassed side, but when she met Pei Huaixiu and the Zhou brothers, three gentlemen, she happened to witness their Embarrassed.

  Isn't it normal to have a lack of confidence in front of people who have seen their own embarrassment with their own eyes?

  Thinking of this, Ye Anlan couldn't help but feel at ease immediately.

   "May I ask, is Miss Ye going east?" After lunch, Li Jing asked Ye Anlan in a gentle voice while everyone was packing up.

  Ye Anlan didn't hide it from him, "We plan to go east first, then south, and find a suitable place to escape the war."

The reason for being so candid is that on the one hand, Ye Anlan felt that Li Jing's master and servant were trustworthy with clear eyes, and on the other hand, it was because Ye Anlan didn't think that there was anything in their team that deserved the attention of a nobleman like Li Jing. Conspiracy.

  Li Jing heard the words but said: "I also plan to go to the southeast. I don't know if Miss Ye and her party are convenient to go with our master and servant?"

  Ye Anlan felt a little doubt in her heart, but she didn't show any abnormality on her face. She nodded, "It's an honor."

  Like Ye Anlan, Chang An couldn't understand his master's decision.

  In his opinion, there is absolutely no need for his young master to condescend and mingle with such a group of old and weak women and children who will only hinder him. Even if they want to find a partner, they should find a team that won't lower their average strength, right?

  Adhering to the fine tradition of "ask if you don't understand", Changan asked Li Jing in a low voice, "Master, you suddenly proposed to go with Miss Ye and the others, is there any long-term plan that the villain can't guess?"

  Li Jing: .

  Li Jing raised his hand and stroked his forehead, "Chang'an, if you say that, others will think that your young master, I have bad intentions."

  Changan didn't take it seriously, "My voice is very low, don't worry, they won't hear it."

  Ye Anlan, who had actually heard everything: .

  Li Jing looked helpless, "It's just a journey together. If you meet, you will get together, and if you don't, you will leave. How can there be so many long-term plans."

  Changan still felt that something was wrong, he pondered for a while, "Then why do you insist on asking me to help them kill the refugees? You should be able to see that even if I don't do anything, they can drive away the refugees."

  Li Jing: .

   Seeing Chang An staring at him eagerly, looking like he wanted to ask the bottom line, Li Jing couldn't help but sighed slightly.

  He asked Chang'an, "Do you still remember what we came out for?"

  Ye Anlan, who was openly listening with his ears upright, frowned slightly, but Chang An couldn't help gasping, "No, isn't it, young master? Did you forget? She's a woman!"

   Finally wrote about the hero _(:з」∠)_



  (end of this chapter)