MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 48 Not enough to believe

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  Chapter 48 is not enough

   "I, I'll go with you." Gouzi exhausted all his strength, and finally suppressed the complex emotions surging in his heart, he stammered this sentence with red eyes.

  Ye Anlan raised the corners of her lips slightly, "Then from today onwards, you can practice martial arts with Harvest. And every day from now on, come and have dinner with us."

  Gouzi let out an "hey" with red eyes, and then left holding the quilted clothes handed over by Ye Anlan with great care.

   Waiting for him to disappear, Li Shi and the others poked their heads out and looked at Ye Anlan eagerly.

  Ye Anlan stroked her forehead, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  Ms. Li struggled for a while, "Then what, Yuan Niang, why do you have to bring a dog?"

  Li Shi does not believe in the term "broom star".

  In their team, Zheng Fengshou was an orphan, Aunt Su was young and widowed, Su Xiaohe had no father when she was a child, and Ye Jinkui lost both of his parents when he was a teenager, so he had to go to his aunt.

  Her adopted daughter Ye Anlan even lost her great-grandfather, grandmother, grandmother, and mother-in-law on the day of her birth. They can't be one by one, all of them are bastards, right?

  If you want her to say that the unfortunate things that happened to Gouzi's family should never be blamed on Gouzi and a child.

   But sympathy is one thing, letting the other party follow him is another thing, no matter how much he sympathizes with Gouzi, Li Shi will not try every means to fool, cough, persuade the other party to join his team.

   At most, she would leave some food or money for the child.

  Thinking about it this way, Li suddenly felt that her daughter's persistence was a bit unusual.

   "Why else?" Ye Anlan looked helpless, "Don't you think that in our team, except for my father, everyone else is either a woman or a child, so it's easy to bully?"

  If there were a few more tall, burly men in their team who were not easy to mess with at first sight, she didn't believe that those refugees would dare to come and provoke them so easily.

   "Gouzi has a simple and honest temper, knows how to repay kindness, and can endure hardship and work. Isn't this the right companion we need?"

  The disliked Li Shi and others:

   "By the way, Yuan Niang, Niang has an idea." Speaking of being frequently coveted by refugees for supplies while on the road, Mrs. Li couldn't help thinking of settling in Wangjiatun. She said to Ye Anlan: "Mother, it looks good here. The villagers are friendly, they have food and clothing, and they are safe and secure. Why don't we just stay here and settle down?"

  Ye Anlan:

  Ye Anlan shook her head vigorously, "Mother, no."

"First of all, the geographical location of this village can only be described as mediocre, and the villagers are only a little brute force and united enough. Such a village can deal with ordinary refugees, but it is powerless to deal with murderous bandits and rebellious soldiers. .”

   "Secondly, I don't like this kind of village composed of one family and one surname. In such a village, outsiders like us are easily excluded and bullied."

"You think the villagers are nice and friendly to you. That's because I have given Lizheng enough benefits. The people he sent to help clean up the house are relatively reliable people in the village. Those who may rely on their numbers All those who play wrong ideas, they will not be able to come in front of you."

  What Ye Anlan didn't say was that if it weren't for the fact that almost everyone in their group was armed with swords and bows, they wouldn't be easy to mess with at first sight, or Wangjiatun Li Zheng would be the first to make crooked ideas about their supplies.

The so-called flashing a sword with one hand is intended to deter, and showing favor with the other hand is intended to appease. Ye Anlan does not blame those villagers for being greedy. In today's world, without the double constraints of morality and law, people can express the law of the jungle of "the weak eat the strong" It is vivid and vivid, but she can arm herself so that she has the ability to protect herself in this troubled world.

   As long as the teeth of those who tried to eat her flesh were all broken, then she was safe.


   On the morning when Ye Anlan and the others left the village, a Wang Gouzi, who had been ostracized and neglected by the villagers, quietly joined the team.

  All the villagers who saw Gouzi stared wide-eyed in shock, but Gouzi's stepmother, who also came to see the excitement, was shocked and quickly developed a bit of greed.

  She stopped Ye Anlan and the others, "Wait! You can't take him away!"

  Gouzi's face changed drastically. Getting along with Ye Anlan and the others during this period of time made him almost forget the heavy shackles he was carrying.

  As Ye Anlan said, none of them looked at him strangely, nor did they treat him as a dangerous person and shun him away.

  He once thought that only grandma would be kind to him in this world, but the fact is that all his new companions, including Ye Anlan, were very friendly to him.

  Gouzi feels like he is dreaming, and now, is this beautiful and outrageous dream of his soon to be shattered by the cruel reality?

"Who are you?" Already out of the village, Ye Anlan didn't have to deliberately show her gentleness and harmlessness, especially the woman in front of her, who was obviously here to find fault. Save face.

"I, I'm his mother!" The woman felt guilty for a moment, but she quickly regained her confidence. She pulled Gouzi's father away, "This is my man, Gouzi's father. You want us Where do you take the dog?"

  Ye Anlan rubbed her clean chin and thought for a moment, then deliberately pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "Oh~~~ So you are the vicious stepmother who encouraged Gouzi Daddy to drive him out of the house!"

   There were bursts of laughter from the crowd, and Gouzi's stepmother stomped her feet angrily, "This is our family's business, and you have nothing to do with it. Just say where you want to take my dog!"

  Ye Anlan squinted at her, "Where am I going to take him, does it have something to do with your vicious stepmother?"

   "And you, because the little wife's bedside wind drove your son out to fend for himself, and now you jump out and say that you are the father of Gouzi, you are really promising."

  Goofy Daddy:? ? ?

   He just stood up passively, but was bombarded by Ye Anlan, Gouzi Daddy's face turned red, and it took him a while to say, "You, you don't mind?"

   Didn't ask for money, Ye Anlan was a little surprised, she said to Gouzi Daddy: "A fool's opinion is not to be believed."

  Qingchun kindly helped with the translation, "Miss Ye means that only idiots would believe things like broom stars. She is a smart person, so she doesn't believe it."

  Come and watch the lively Wangjiatun villagers: .(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

  Ye Anlan glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense." Although she did mean that, but why are you so blunt? Have you deliberately refined and euphemistic since you didn't see her?

   "Then, then take him away." Gouzi Daddy turned his face away, not looking at Gouzi who was shocked, confused, and unbelievable.

  Gouzi's stepmother suddenly became anxious, "Daddy!"

  (end of this chapter)