MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 426 Troubled relatives +8

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  Jiang Wen's young girl, Huaichun, has a good impression of Zhou Mingyuan who saved her from the fire and water, but as the woman's parent, Mrs. Jiang is not good at going straight to Zhou's family to propose marriage.

  Trying out a little bit of air is already the biggest initiative she can make as the woman's parent.

  Fortunately, the Zhou family didn't have that kind of fool who couldn't figure it out. Mrs. Jiang said a few words casually, and Zhou Mingyuan's aunt, Mrs. Zhou, had already understood what she wanted to express.

  She was worrying about Zhou Mingyuan's marriage. Zhou Mingzhe married Wei Zhen, but she didn't have the ability to tell Zhou Mingyuan that his status was similar to Wei Zhen. During this time, she was always worried that others would say that she mistreated her nephew.

  Jiang Wen's background is not bad, and she herself is very outstanding. Now that the Jiang family has come to her, and Zhou Mingyuan has such a relationship with Jiang Wen, Madam Zhou feels that maybe Zhou Mingyuan will be willing to marry Jiang Wen.

  When Zhou Mingyuan came home from Yamen, Mrs. Zhou told him about it, and he really agreed to marry Jiang Wen.

However, it is a little different from the "love at first sight" that Mrs. Zhou thought. Zhou Mingyuan didn't have any feelings for Jiang Wen. He just had a good impression of the Pan family and Mr. Jiang whom he had been with for many years. He felt that the girls they taught Character should be passable.

   Coupled with the fact that Jiang Wen is beautiful, gentle yet shrewd, Zhou Mingyuan felt that she took advantage of her being worthy of him.

  The marriage of the two was settled in this way, and Ye Anlan's unmarried upstarts have all become owners by now.

  Of course, don't say they are just engaged, even if those children already have several, there are always people who covet them.

But this kind of people who don't know the bottom line at all, and only want to seek profit by selling their children and daughters, even at the expense of the family's reputation, are only a minority. idea.

   In this way, the troubles surrounding them due to marriage have shrunk by at least 80%.

After finally calming down, Ye Anlan was planning to take advantage of the time before her marriage to sort out the things she was going to do next, when a group of people who claimed to be her uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousins ​​ushered in front of her Duke's mansion. Sister people.

  These people dragged their families with them, their faces were dusty, and they didn’t know where they came from. When they saw the plaque on the door of the British government, they rushed to the door and knocked on the door.

   While knocking on the door, they yelled loudly, telling Ye Anlan to come out to greet the elders quickly.

  The servant guarding the side door heard the commotion at the main entrance, opened the side door and poked his head out, and quickly took a look at the group of people who had the guts to smash the main door of the Duke's Mansion.

   You should know that the front door of a family like them is usually not open, under what circumstances will the front door be opened?

One is that someone from the emperor's family came to the Duke's Mansion with a guard of honor; The father-in-law and the son-in-law passed away unfortunately.

Of course, in addition to the above three situations, as the real owner of the Duke’s Mansion, the Duke himself can also open the front door to greet someone in order to flatter someone, but this kind of situation may not happen once in several years. Small probability event.

Even once a prince's mansion suddenly opens its front door, other families in the capital will immediately send their servants out to inquire to see who is the one who can make this house open the front door. An easy and uncommon thing.

  The servant of the British government guarding the side door, the moment he saw the group of people clearly, he concluded that they were a group of guys who came out of nowhere and rushed to humiliate themselves.

  ε=(ο`*))) Alas, it is not easy for this group of people to come all the way to serve their country and government.

   There were a lot of weird words in my heart, but the servant didn't delay at all on the face.

  He handed over the side door to his other companions, and he quickly reported the matter to the chief steward of the Duke's Mansion.

  The chief steward of the Duke's Mansion is Yao Qing, Ye Anlan's former personal guard. Because he is shrewd and good at handling general affairs, after his left hand was injured and three fingers were broken, he recommended himself to Ye Anlan as a steward.

  Ye Anlan has always been kind to the wounded soldiers under his command, and Yao Qing is indeed very capable, after Ye Anlan opened the mansion, he directly promoted him to be the chief steward of his Duke's mansion.

  With the monthly salary and year-end dividends of the big housekeeper, plus Ye Anlan's property will give them disability subsidies and annual festival benefits for wounded soldiers every month, Yao Qing's small life is very nourishing.

  When the servant guarding the gate came to report, Yao Qing was happily eating his regular dinner.

  Hearing that his younger brother said that someone was causing trouble in front of the Duke's mansion, Yao Qing immediately reported the news to Ye Anlan who had just returned to the mansion.

Ye Anlan was halfway through her meal when she was suddenly told that there were a bunch of patrilineal relatives. She was stunned for a moment before she realized that the group of people Yao Qing said were her uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousins ​​were all eight or nine out of ten. A blood relative of her deceased biological father.

  Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that the delicious meals had become bland.

   This group of people who claim to be her uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousins ​​are likely to be dug out from some corner to deal with her by those who dislike her.

  In order to beat her to death in this matter, so that she can't find any loopholes to fight back, the probability of them impersonating her blood relatives is very low.

  Even if she checked in every possible way this time and finally proved that these guys were indeed fake relatives of hers, those who wanted to plot against her in the future would definitely make similar things to make her feel bad.

  Instead of fighting wits with them every time and spending time and energy on such things, she might as well solve the problem directly at the root.

  Thinking of this, Ye Anlan put down his chopsticks.

She looked at Yao Qing and announced solemnly, "My father is Marquis Yongchang, my mother is Madam Yongchang Marquis, and my younger brothers and sisters are the young master and girl of Marquis Yongchang's mansion. Except for them, the others came to the door and said they were my blood relatives. Especially for those who obviously want to make trouble by relying on their relatives, you can just send them to Jingzhao Mansion."

  Yao Qing: He thought that his daughter became the Duke of the state, so he would take some public opinion into consideration. It seems that he was thinking too much_(:з」∠)_

   "This subordinate knows what to do." He saluted Ye Anlan, and then walked out of Ye Anlan's study.

   Exiting the main courtyard where the study is located, Yao Qing strode straight to his private residence in the front courtyard of the Duke's Mansion.

  He first picked up the long knife hung by him on the wall, then rushed out of the room like the wind, and shouted loudly in the yard, "Brothers, copy me and follow me!"