MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 419 forced blind date

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  The relatives of Wen Liuniang's father's family introduced her to her aunt's and aunt's natal relatives, while the relatives of her mother's family all chose to introduce her their own children and grandchildren.

  Looking at it this way, the candidates introduced by her relatives from her father's side are separated from the introducer by a large layer, far less than her mother's side who have a direct relationship with her.

   But what can they do?

   Brothers and sisters with the same surname, no matter how far apart they are, cannot get married according to the ancient concept.

  They also thought about whether to bring the children and grandchildren of the sister's family, but the problem is that they really couldn't pick the right person from the sister's family.

   Either the age is not suitable, or there are shortcomings in appearance, personality, or talent. Even if this kind of person is brought to the capital all the way, Wen Liuniang will definitely not choose it.

  Instead of this, they might as well not bother in the first place, and avoid being accused by Wen Liuniang of not being careful in their selection.

What Wen Liuniang didn't know was that before coming to the capital, her relatives had already preliminarily screened the candidates recommended by various families. Concubine_(:з」∠)_

  It is also thanks to the fact that none of these people live in the capital, otherwise Wen Liuniang would have added an extra achievement to the censors with their actions.

   Even so, Wen Liuniang was very speechless when they worried about getting out of the circle to protect the media.

  Just before Wen Liuniang herself expressed her opinion, her relatives from the father's family and mother's family, who were afraid of being preempted by the other party, started arguing with each other in front of her, the person involved.

  The content of their quarrel sounded strange and familiar to Wen Liuniang.

  Familiarity is because in her memories of her childhood, about 30% of them are the criticisms and calculations she was used to at that time.

  The strangeness is because Wen Liuniang has lived in seclusion with her father since she lived in seclusion, and has never experienced these intrigues and scheming in the aristocratic family since then.

"Okay, stop arguing." Wen Liuniang slammed the desk in her hand, "I have already understood why you are here, but I will not listen to either of you about my marriage. I will not meet any of the people I bring."

  Wen Liuniang went to work after leaving such a sentence. Because she was going to attend the palace banquet at night, she didn't give her relatives the opportunity to continue lobbying.

  However, on the day after the winter solstice, her relatives blocked her in the front yard of the Hou Mansion while she was about to go out after breakfast.

In fact, these people wanted to break into the backyard of the Hou Mansion directly, or even directly live in the back house of the Hou Mansion, but Wen Liuniang kept an eye out for it. The guest courtyard outside the mansion's back house.

  The Hou Mansion was repaired by the Ministry of Industry in strict accordance with the regulations. In the courtyard designated as a guest courtyard, there are a total of eight spacious small courtyards with beautiful scenery, which can be said to be more than enough for Wen Liuniang's distant relatives.

And the reason why these people want to live in the backyard is because they feel that the guest house alone has become so exquisite and luxurious, so the backyard where the master of the Hou Mansion lives must be more suitable for them; the second is because, They really want to enter the house and be the real masters of the Hou Mansion.

   Live in the back house, then take over the gift from the hand, and finally make a pair with their relatives or their own children and grandchildren and Wen Liuniang, completely occupying the family business and title earned by Wen Liuniang, this is the purpose of their trip.

  They have a good idea, but Wen Liuniang is not a fool.

  She has been wary of these distant relatives from the very beginning. Not only did she never let them get involved in family affairs, but she also limited their activities to the other side of the guest house.

  Because of this, these people often had conflicts with the guards guarding the yard, but because of Wen Liuniang's strict orders, the guards refused to let them enter the back house and Wen Liuniang's study in the front yard no matter how hard they tried.

   These people quarreled several times and talked to Wen Liuniang several times, but Wen Liuniang resolutely blocked her every time.

  Her reason is very high-sounding.

  Not allowed to enter the study in the front yard, because the study is where she works, and there are many official documents in it that cannot be read by unrelated people.

   The reason why she is not allowed to enter the back house is because she is the only master in her house. When she is not at home, the back house is full of maids and women, so it is really inconvenient for guests to go in and hang out.

  She and her relatives knew that the reason why they wanted to go here and there while she was away was to spy on Wen Liuniang's family background and official affairs.

  Kewen Liuniang and her relatives also know that they must not say this openly.

   Shamelessness is the second thing to do. The important thing is that if they dare to tell their true purpose, Wen Liuniang will definitely pack them all up and send them away immediately.

  For their long-term plans, they can only pretend that they are guests who will not cause trouble to the host and behave in a very measured manner.

  Tested each other for a while, and in the end it was Wen Liuniang's relatives who were really envious of this Hou's mansion, who couldn't hold back first.

  In the name of caring for Wen Liuniang, they stated the biggest purpose of their trip on the day of the winter solstice.

  However, Wen Liuniang did not hesitate at all, and directly rejected their "good intentions".

  Seeing that their calculations were about to come to naught, Wen Liuniang's distant relatives simply brought all the candidate teenagers and youths they brought with them to the front yard of the Hou Mansion the next morning.

  They guarded Wen Liuniang on the only way to go out, waiting for Wen Liuniang while pushing and shoving to grab the best position.

  When Wen Liuniang heard the noise and poked her head out of the carriage, what she saw was the ridiculous scene of her relatives pushing each other and fighting for favorable terrain.

  She sighed, and decided to send all these ignorant guys back a year ago.

   It's not that she doesn't think about family affection, it's that her distant relatives never wanted to tell her about family affection from the very beginning.

  The sole purpose of their trip was to seek the position of Lord Marquis, who was born and died for meritorious service, and then was finally obtained by Ye Anlan's support secretly.

  If she doesn't drive away such relatives, should she keep them so that they can have a chance to attack her directly after their calculations fail?

  She made up her mind, and her attitude towards this group of people was no longer as polite as before.

  When the carriage was about to pass by this group of people, she even directly lowered the small window that was originally opened by her. This is what it means to not even want to say hello.

However, this group of people didn't seem to realize how disgusting and annoying it was for them to force Wen Liuniang to go on a blind date. Pushing and shoving the blind date reserve soldiers sent by their competitors.