MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 402 enemy surrender

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  In their view, Hua Liang and the others seemed to be overly excited, completely forgetting that the people they were chasing were actually numbers they couldn't win at all.

  They were wondering if they would kill Hua Liang and the others together with their other comrades when they caught up with the large army, and the large army led by Pei Yuanjiang had already chased after them.

  The Imperial Guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty, who were thinking about something good, were poured cold water on their heads. They beat the horses hard, trying to make their mounts faster and faster.

  However, soon, they received the latest military order from the Empress Dowager Zhou. The opponent asked them to stop the pursuers at all costs.

  Knowing that he was being treated as an outcast, the Great Zhou imperial guards who received the order suddenly lost the will to run away or fight.

  They rode mechanically on the horse and continued to run forward, but at the end of the run, there was no place for them to return.

   As for turning around and fighting Xie Jiajun who was in charge of pursuing, hehe, are they crazy? Want to risk your life for a group of guys who treat them as cannon fodder?

  They also have parents, wives and children, and brothers and sisters. If they had a choice, none of them would want to die meaninglessly.

  The soldiers of the imperial guards, who were so cold to the bottom, seemed to have not heard the order relayed by the messenger. They rode their horses and ran, and then the formation began to run more and more scattered.

   After a while, under the sympathetic eyes of the orderly, these people started their escape journey.

  Go to his big week, go to his queen mother! They are not waiting! They are going to be deserters, and they are going to go home to live a stable life.

  They wanted to escape, of course Xie Jiajun couldn't wish for it, but for the sake of caution, Pei Yuanjiang didn't let them escape freely.

  He gave an order, and Xie Jiajun, who had just galloped along the official road in a regular manner before, quickly spread towards the wilderness on both sides of the road in a fan shape.

  They intentionally drove the fleeing soldiers of the Imperial Guards of the Great Zhou towards Zhao Zongrong's territory, in order to prevent the opponent from going around behind them and attacking Pei Huaiyu and others under the pretext of fleeing.

Pei Yuanjiang, who didn't know how the little emperor was treated by the queen mother and palace people in private, thought that these people would go to great lengths to go back, go through untold hardships, and fight for a sliver of hope, just to save the little emperor. The big weekend emperor who was caught by them.

  He judges others by himself, but he doesn't know that his worries are superfluous. Those Great Zhou imperial guards who fled, they really just wanted to escape.

  As for the party of the Empress Dowager Zhou who had discovered that the little emperor had fallen behind, they had already decided to give up the captured little emperor in a few words.

  The queen mother's original words were, "Anyway, those useless clans are also rushing to the southwest. When I meet them, I will choose a younger clan child among them to adopt."

  She is the successor of the first emperor, and the sons of the clan who adopt her name are equivalent to the serious sons of the first emperor.

  When they settled down again, she would directly announce the death of the little emperor, and then take the opportunity to re-establish a younger emperor with better control.

  As for the little emperor who had been raised under her name for nearly ten years, she was not born anyway, and she expressed that she didn't care whether he lived or died.

   On the contrary, it was her confidant ladies and eunuchs. Without them serving by her side, the Queen Mother felt very inconvenient.

   There are also those private houses that she took out of the palace with great difficulty, but lost most of her private houses on the way to escape, which made her frown and depressed for a long time.

  With such constant fleeing and abandonment of those left behind, within a few days, the originally mighty fleeing team of the Da Zhou Remnant Party was shortened by more than half.

  However, Zhao Zongrong, the lord of the Southwest, who was regarded as a life-saving straw by the queen mother's party, had no intention of extending a helping hand to the queen mother's party at this time.

  He seemed to not understand the truth of the lips and teeth, all he knew was that he could not shrink back and avoid the edge.

  The queen mother's party, who originally wanted to seek Zhao Zongrong's asylum, could not even open any city in the southwest region.

  After several times in succession, the courtiers and soldiers who fled with the Empress Dowager Da Zhou, the glimmer of hope in their hearts was finally completely wiped out.

  On the eleventh day, the core figures of the fleeing team—the Empress Dowager of the Great Zhou Dynasty and her family members were suddenly captured by the soldiers of the Imperial Guard who could no longer see any hope.

  They didn't want to be thrown out as cannon fodder anymore, and they didn't want to be killed directly by the opponent after being caught up by Xie Jiajun, so they chose to find another way out for themselves.

  The timid ones become deserters while others are not paying attention, while the courageous ones want to take the blame and do meritorious service and fight for their own future.

   It was these courageous ones who took advantage of the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother's natal family not paying attention, and controlled them all as votes.

Of course, in the process of attacking the Empress Dowager and her natal family suddenly, a large number of their comrades died at the hands of the guards and even dead soldiers carefully trained by the Empress Dowager's natal family. In the end, they achieved their original goal at a very high price.

  Then, these people took the queen mother and her natal family as chips, betting on them with a humble attitude, and approached Pei Yuanjiang and others who were closely behind them.

   Picked up a ready-made and cheap Hua Liang with a depressing expression on his face—others have contributed to the captives, but the credit he is about to get is gone. How can he be happy?

  If I had known this, he might as well have gone back to Beijing with Pei Huaiyu a few days ago, at least at that time he could have caught the credit of the Great Weekend Emperor o(╥﹏╥)o

  There is a big secret and a big appeal in his heart, so Hua Liang, who wants to make contributions and raise his own status, said that this group of former Imperial Guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty are really annoying wives!

  Facing his almost devouring eyes, those Dazhou imperial guards who wanted to take this opportunity to fight for their future could not help but feel a chill down their spines subconsciously.

   It wasn't that they were afraid of Hualiang, a young general who was too old and unpromising. It was really this kid who left an unforgettable impression on them in this chasing and escape game.

  This is a ruthless person! Moreover, if he catches you, he will definitely swallow you whole, the kind of ruthless person who leaves you without bones.

  They are not fools either, as soon as they think about it, they know that Hua Liang is angry because of their slapstick manipulation, but what can they do? They also want to earn a future for themselves!

  Everyone avoided Hualiang's sight, and amidst the struggle and scolding of the empress dowager's family, they obediently let Xie Jiajun tie them up and pile them into the carriage.

   Then, Pei Yuanjiang took all the soldiers and prisoners, and returned to the capital immediately to report to Xie Yuan.