MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 392 great deal

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  Chapter 392 Excellent Deal

  In the future, the father-in-law's family will be safe for the time being, and the backbone of the Xie family who wants to get on the line is in front of him. Pei Yuanjiang only feels that everything is going well today.

  In addition, Li Jing didn't look down on him at all because he consciously kept his body like a jade, and even shared with him a little secret that Li Jing himself was also keeping his body like a jade.

   It's rare to meet someone like him, Pei Yuanjiang couldn't help but talk to Li Jing about "a daughter-in-law just wants to be spoiled".

  He said that even if everyone in the world ridiculed him for being obsessed with color, he still felt that the girl he loves should be married and treated well.

   He even told Li Jing that he thinks there is no difference between men and women, and everyone's hearts are made of flesh.

  Since a man can't stand his woman, don't hug her, then a woman will certainly not be as virtuous as the world requires, so that it doesn't matter whether her husband is a wife or a concubine.

  Because Li Jing clearly agreed with his point of view, Pei Yuanjiang directly regarded the black-hearted glutinous rice ball he met for the first time as a rare self-knowledge that he had only seen in his life.

  The two of them talked about the business for half of the time, and for the rest of the time, Li Jing was basically listening to Pei Yuanjiang talking about his beloved daughter-in-law.

"I just said, why do you two come out like two good brothers?" After listening to Li Jing's talk about Pei Yuanjiang's crooked behavior in the second half, Ye Anlan finally understood why Pei Yuanjiang was so enthusiastic about Li Jing. .

  She looked at Li Jing carefully with three-point probing and seven-point playful eyes, "You don't mean to let him trust you, so you deliberately follow him?"

When Li Jing heard this, he immediately realized that this was a trap question that would kill him if he answered it badly. He immediately corrected his expression and shook his head vigorously, "Of course not. Whether he introduces me as a confidant will not affect When it comes to the relationship between Mrs. Pei and Mrs. Xie, why do I have to follow him?"

The implication is that’s what I think. I agree that he is sincere. Don’t stare at me with your little eyes full of suspicion. I feel like you’re going to see a hole in your head_(:з "∠)_

  Ye Anlan raised her brows slightly, "Then did your business talk come to fruition?"

  Li Jing shook his head, "It's not suitable for you and me to decide halfway through such a big matter. I plan to pass the letter back to Xie Shi later, and let the lord go talk to Pei Yuanjiang by himself."

  Ye Anlan was right after thinking about it.

  Although Xie Yuan never had the slightest suspicion of them, there is no one in Xie Yuan's account who is dissatisfied with their favor.

  For such a great achievement in persuading Mrs. Pei to surrender, if they don’t allow others to share a bit of soup, those guys who are not capable of doing meritorious service but are good at trampling their colleagues must not unite against her and Li Jing.

  She is not afraid of those people's gossiping, but she doesn't want to make enemies for nothing, adding resistance to what she wants to do in the future.

  Anyway, even if they hand over all the follow-up work, Xie Yuan will still attribute more than 90% of the credit to her and Li Jing, and they will not suffer too much.

  Besides, there is still a great achievement waiting for her and Li Jing in this capital city, and they really can't spare more energy to follow up the follow-up trivial matters of Pei's surrender.

  Thinking about it this way, Ye Anlan immediately didn't feel sorry for the little credit for Bairang's going out.

  She asked Li Jing, "Did Pei Yuanjiang tell you about his surrender conditions?"

  When Li Jing heard her question, his expression suddenly became very strange.

  Ye Anlan knew there was a story at a glance, she urged Li Jing to tell herself quickly, "Did he make some strange request? Is it too much? Do you think the senior brother will not agree?"

  Li Jing shook his head, "I think my lord will definitely agree."

  Ye Anlan blinked.

Li Jing revealed the mystery with a smile, "He said that he wanted to live in the capital in the future, and that his wife liked the capital and was used to living in the capital. As for the title, he said that Mrs. Xie only needs to look at it and give him one, don't let him Just be rejected by the Yue family."

  Ye Anlan: "Are you sure he's really a straight man?"

   As far as this trick is based on retreat, with Xie Yuan's character and mind, the more witty he is, the more lenient Xie Yuan will be to him.

   Is this really a trick that a straight-hearted guy can come up with?

  Li Jing was amused by her skeptical tone, "I think he really thinks so. Take a step back, even if I really misread it, we won't suffer, right?"

  Ye Anlan was relieved when she heard that, "That's true."

What Pei Yuanjiang said inside and outside the meaning is clearly that if the Pei family belongs to the Xie family, then he will not continue to hold a large army, and he will stay in the capital with his family, under Xie Yuan's nose .

  Under such circumstances, if Xie Yuan still can’t look down on Pei Yuanjiang, he will be finished, and he should stop thinking about being an emperor as soon as possible, and go home and sell sweet potatoes to save his life.

   As for giving Pei Yuanjiang more benefits, he gave him all his territory and troops. Shouldn't Xie Yuan give him an inexhaustible share of glory and wealth?

  In the final analysis, this is an excellent deal in which Xie Yuan takes advantage and the common people suffer less.

   After the two chatted briefly, Li Jing went back to write a secret letter to Xie Yuan.

  The secret letter was a bit long. In order not to affect his use of the pigeons, Li Jing marked the serial number of the secret letters written on the small paper, and stuffed them one by one into the small bamboo tube tied to the pigeon's leg.

  By the time Ye Anlan finished cooking and came out, Li Jing had already released nearly ten pigeons in one go.

  Looking at the only snow-white carrier pigeon left in the pigeon cage, Ye Anlan complained rather speechlessly, "Sure enough, we still need to raise a few falcons or something."

  Li Jing: Do you think he writes too much?

  He picked up a bowl of golden and thick millet porridge at the right temperature, "It's hard to tame a bird of prey."

  Ye Anlan looked to the north, "When the hinterland of the Central Plains is unified, we will go to the north to catch some nomads and help us domesticate them."

  Li Jing: Is the reason for the counterattack a bit too childish?

  Ye Anlan was eloquent, "We can't just allow them to capture our craftsmen and our women, but we are not allowed to rob them in turn?"

  Li Jing drank the porridge silently, thinking that if the unification is really true, Xie Yuan will definitely let the people recuperate immediately, and try his best to restore the national strength, instead of going directly to compete with the surrounding alien races.

  However, in order not to dampen Ye Anlan's enthusiasm, he should not say this now.


  On the eighth day after the secret meeting between Pei Yuanjiang and Li Jing, the Xie family conquered those states and counties between the Xie family's army and the capital.

   Just as everyone in the Zhou court was in danger and the atmosphere was tense and suppressed to the extreme, the Xie family suddenly stopped their siege.

  (end of this chapter)