MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 385 fail to get rich

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  Chapter 385 Failed to make a fortune

  Walking back and forth twice inside, looking through the weapons and armor stored in different places no less than twenty times, the general Xie finally gave up completely.

  He extinguished the torch and walked out. On his face, which was hard to see, was the same depression as Ye Anlan.

  He secretly scolded the officials of the Great Zhou court for nothing, the imperial guards guarding the capital, and their military supplies. These people dare to be greedy. Is this because they are afraid that the rebels from all walks of life will not be able to fight in?

  If it wasn’t for the clear knowledge that the opponent was a pig teammate in the enemy’s camp, this Xie general couldn’t help but suspect that all the rebels in the court of the Great Zhou were nails placed by various rebels.

Of course, the reason why he is so depressed and angry is not because the Great Zhou court will end sooner or later, but because he is depressed that they are vainly worrying, vainly expecting, and vainly excited, and he is also very angry that the other party used such a weird method to prevent them from relying Let the enemy make a fortune.

The two people who resonated strangely on this kind of thing, in the end, one took his subordinates to clean up the traces overnight, and the other was to vent the anger caused by the failure of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot (to make a fortune), and would rather stay up all night to continue to make trouble The empress dowager and powerful ministers who disgusted the Great Zhou.

   Relying on her own internal strength, Ye Anlan simply adjusted her breath, and then returned to the capital with full power.

  The salary they originally wanted to draw from the bottom was cut off by the moths of the Great Zhou court one step ahead, so the next thing Ye Anlan can do is to use Su Chun to disgust the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother's family.

  While they were waiting for the news about the location of the official warehouse in the Pingkang Palace, Chang An and Zheng Fengshou took time to visit the Su Mansion.

  They successfully met Su Chun who was locked up in their yard, and successfully gained Su Chun's trust by using the name of the little beggar Erniu, but Su Chun was unwilling to follow Chang'an and Zheng Fengshou to escape from the Su residence immediately.

  Being rejected by him, Zheng Fengshou immediately widened his eyes, "So you like that Mrs. Yang?"

  Su Chun was suddenly stabbed in the heart, and he almost died in Zheng Fengshou's hypothesis.

  He waved his hands vigorously to prove his "innocence", "No, no, no, I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Fearing that Chang'an and Zheng Fengshou would not believe it, he hurriedly explained the reason why he refused to escape, "My grandmother and uncle have been kind to me in nurturing me, and I can't kill them for myself. And my uncle's grandson Granddaughter, they are still very young, I can't let them be implicated."

  Although he did not live and live in the Su Mansion for free, and the money handed over to his aunt's family every year was more than enough to support ten children, but he was protected by his uncle after all.

   Without his uncle, he would definitely not be able to protect the money his father left him these years.

  Even now his grandmother and uncle no longer protect him, and even ask him to sacrifice for the family, but Su Chun still can't completely erase the other party's kindness to him.

  In addition to his nephews and nieces, before he was placed under house arrest, they all liked to pester his good-looking, good-tempered, and generous uncle to play with.

  Even after he was under house arrest, they tried several times to break through the servants guarding the gate, trying to "rescue" the poor uncle who was locked in the yard.

   For this reason, they were punished to kneel more than once by Su Chun's grandmother and aunt.

  Chief is innocent, let alone a cute naive who treats him sincerely.

  He said so, Changan and Zheng Fengshou naturally couldn't insist on taking him out.

The two conveyed his words to Li Jing and Ye Anlan. After discussing with Ye Anlan, Li Jing and Ye Anlan decided to make trouble and arrange a suspended animation for Su Chun, so that he could go smoothly without implicating the Su family. get away.

  Backing back to the capital this time, Ye Anlan refused to take a break and insisted on tossing about, in order to get this matter done immediately, as a way of expressing her innocence for not having gained anything last night.

  At this time, she still doesn't know that she is doomed to fail to fulfill her wish today.

Not long after they entered the city, Pei Yuanjiang, the lord of the Northwest Pei family, snatched the princess and her brother, and beat up the officers and soldiers who were pretending to be sending them off, and the news that they ran away with their heads in their arms burned like a fire all over the place. A capital.

  After Ye Anlan dispatched Ye's personal guards who were in charge of causing Su Chun's fake death incident, the Queen Mother in the palace also ordered the entire Pingkang Palace to be sealed in the name of the emperor.

Ye Anlan was dumbfounded when he got the news, "No, Pei Yuanjiang defeated the Great Zhou army she sent out, she doesn't go against Pei Yuanjiang, it's all right to get the place back, why is she still picking soft persimmons? Pinch, locked up Pingkang County King's family as soon as he received the news?"

  Li Jing was also caught off guard by the God-like logic of the Queen Mother of Zhou, but he quickly analyzed the possible psychological activities of the other party from the other party's perspective.

  He said to Ye Anlan: "Probably because Pei Yuanjiang just gave her a reason, so that she can take advantage of it to deal with Pingkang Palace."

  After all, the Empress Dowager of the Great Zhou has been displeased with Prince Pingkang’s mansion for a while, but the Prince Pingkang and his wife have been living tenaciously and tossing around, guarding the Prince Pingkang mansion like an iron bucket.

   Finally, she reached out to the inside of Prince Pingkang's mansion, but Ji Yue was rescued by Ye Anlan's disguised "Master Blue Doctor".

Because of this, Ye Anlan became a thorn in the Queen Mother's side, but she was too slippery, relying on her and her little friends being skilled and able to change faces, she was caught in the palace less than an hour after she left the palace. Together with Li Jing and others, they got rid of the person responsible for following and monitoring them.

   After these people searched unwillingly and hurriedly reported the situation, Ye Anlan and the others had already safely entered the house where they were temporarily living.

  Receiving the bad news that "the man has lost his heel", the Queen Mother's party was naturally very angry, but no matter how angry they were, they still couldn't find Ye Anlan, the fish that had entered the water.

It's not that the Queen Mother's party has never thought of attacking the masters of the Pingkang Palace, but the princess of Pingkang County is not a vegetarian. After Ji Yue's accident, she immediately managed the Pingkang Palace into a watertight one. Only iron barrels.

  Thanks to her, Ye Anlan and the others stayed in the capital steadily for so many days without being caught by the Queen Mother's party who tried to lure the snake out of the cave.

  Even with the help of Pingkang County King and his wife, they obtained the weapons and food reserves that were originally in the hands of the Queen Mother's family three times.

  The person to be arrested cannot be caught, and the person to be killed cannot be killed, but his side has lost property one after another, which makes the Queen Mother's party very angry.

At this time, Pei Yuanjiang snatched Princess Heqin and her own brother. Although no one knew how the two would be treated after they were snatched away, this did not prevent the Queen Mother from using this as an excuse to report to Pingkang Palace. Vent your pent-up anger.

  (end of this chapter)