MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 38 Overnight in a deserted village

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  Chapter 38 Overnight in a deserted village

  Su Xiaohe's mother and daughter refused to take care of each other. No matter how unwilling Luo Xiucai was, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go directly to the Ye family.

  He claims to be superior to others, he is a scholar, and Ye Jinkui talks to a mere hunter, and Ye Jinkui is a high-ranking man. However, although Ye Jinkui has always been generous and generous, he looks down on gentle scum like Luo Xiucai the most.

After saying hello to each other, before Luo Xiucai could politely explain his one, two or three requirements, Ye Jinkui hit a straight ball very straightforwardly, "Well, my family doesn't have a lot of food, so I really can't afford any extra food. donate money to others. Not to mention money, my family is famous for being poor in the surrounding villages."

  Luo Xiucai: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻A group of snobby people who look down on people!

   After separating from Luo Xiucai, who had a livid face, everyone continued to maintain the original formation and slowly moved towards the southeast.

   It wasn't until the sun went down that everyone found a deserted village to live in.

The barren village was originally a small village. Under the troubled times, the few villagers had already disappeared. Ye Anlan went in and walked around, but found neither living nor dead, so he went to find They bought a relatively complete house as their place to stay tonight.

  The mule cart drove into the yard, Ye Jinkui went to fetch water from the well, and after confirming that the water was clean, Mrs. Li, Aunt Su, and Su Xiaohe began to prepare hot water and dinner.

  Ye Anlan told Ye Jinkui, "Father, boil the water for the mules before letting it cool. Don't give them raw water."

   After all, it is a deserted village where people have died. Even if the body has been buried, she dare not say that the water source here must be fine.

  Ye Jinkui nodded, "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

  After all, Ye Anlan had already said the horror of the epidemic no less than three times before he set off, and he was not brave enough to make fun of the lives of the whole family.

   Mrs. Li urged Ye Anlan to take a rest, "You haven't had a rest for two days and one night, so hurry up and take a nap while Mother and your Aunt Su are preparing dinner."

  Ye Anlan was indeed very tired. She said to Zheng Fengshou: "Then Fengshou, you should pay attention to the movement outside. If there are refugees or rebels entering the village, you should notify us immediately."

  Zheng Fengshou grinned and showed his white teeth, "Okay!"

  Although he was only a little bigger than Ye Anlan, he was very tall. Before Ye Anlan could open the door and enter the house, Zheng Fengshou had already climbed onto the roof of the house like a monkey.

"Sister, come in quickly, I have already cleaned the house briefly." Xiao Ye Wei, who got busy after getting off the car, walked to Ye Anlan with a basin and a rag, "I have also laid out the mat and bedding, you go quickly sleep."

  Ye Anlan touched the little girl's furry head, "Third sister is so good."

   "I'm good too." Ye Tang hugged his eldest sister's leg, "I also helped third sister."

  Ye Anlan couldn't help laughing, "Well, my little sister is also good."

  Ye Tang's body is not in good health. Although he was only sitting on a mule cart, after a day of bumps and bumps, the child's face still inevitably looked a little tired.

  Ye Anlan felt sorry for her, so she took the little girl into the house without any hassle, "Little sister, will you stay with the elder sister? Elder sister doesn't want to sleep alone."

  Xiao Yetang sighed in style, and patted Ye Anlan's arm lightly like a little adult, "Elder sister, be good, younger sister puts you to sleep."

  Ye Anlan held her hand, "Little sister just needs to be hugged by elder sister."

  Ye Wei looked at it, put down the basin with a smile, and closed the door lightly.

  Ye Anlan woke up from the smell of meat porridge, she walked out of the room with the dazed little Yetang in her arms, "Father, mother."

   Li Shi, who was about to enter the room to wake her up, heard the sound, and immediately waved to the sisters with a smile, "It's just in time, the meal is ready, you two hurry over here."

  Under the dim sky, Ye Anlan saw a large bowl of dried meat and vegetable porridge with more water than rice, and two large bowls of freshly baked coarse-grain pickled vegetable stuffed pies on the dining table.

  She put Ye Tang on the bench, and served her a large bowl of porridge with dried meat and vegetables.

  Ye Tang was very sensible, Li Shi handed her the spoon, and she started eating by herself.

  Others are already holding pancakes or big bowls, and can't wait to start eating.

   Only Zheng Fengshou is special among them, because he is not at the table, but holding a big bowl on the roof, eating dinner condescendingly.

After eating and drinking enough, Mrs. Li and the others are responsible for cleaning the cooking utensils and tableware, and at the same time boiling hot water for everyone to wash. Set traps around the yard.

   After finishing it, Ye Jinkui and Ye Anlan discussed who would be responsible for the security work at which time.

  From now to dawn, there are still five hours in total, so the father and daughter allocated the earliest hour to Zheng Fengshou, and then agreed that Ye Jinkui would guard the middle two hours, and Ye Anlan would guard the latter two hours.


  1. Nothing happened at night, Ye Anlan and the others safely ushered in the bright morning sun of the next day.

  After practicing martial arts with a few children, and then having breakfast with everyone, Ye Anlan tidied up and was going to explore the road to the southeast alone.

  She said to Li Shi: "Today we will leave later, mother, you and Aunt Su make more dry food, boil more boiling water, let it cool down and bring it later."

   Li Shi saw her posture, "Are you going out again?"

  Ye Anlan nodded, "I'll go find the way first."

   Mrs. Li wanted to say something, but Ye Anlan patted her adoptive mother's arm first, "Don't worry, I won't take risks."

  In this team, she has the highest force value. The more dangerous the job, the less she can assign it to others. Before Zheng Fengshou and the others were trained, she could only do as much as possible on these matters.

  Thinking of this, Ye Anlan waved to a few little ones, "Don't be idle, you all practice martial arts for me. Do you understand?"

  The little ones nodded their heads, "Understood."

  Ye Wei said again: "Sister, be careful yourself."

  Ye Anlan patted Ye Wei's head, "I will."

  Bringing a knife, a bow and arrow, and hiding medicine powder in her sleeve pocket, Ye Anlan left the village wearing yesterday's men's clothing with a face full of ashes.

  She tried her best to pick places with few people and secluded places. Firstly, these places are relatively poor, and rebels and refugees don’t like to patronize them very much. Secondly, there are fewer dead bodies in these places, so the probability of finding clean water is higher.

  Of course, considering the women and children in the team, as well as the two mule carts that helped transport things, no matter how Ye Anlan chose a secluded place with few people, they would eventually walk on a relatively flat and spacious country road.

   That is to say, they will still meet other humans after all.

   Thank you Qiongru for the reward, monthly pass, Zhanlan wy for the monthly pass, thank you for all the cute collections, recommendations and investments, I love you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~



  (end of this chapter)