MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 33 hit it off

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  Chapter 33 hit it off

  Ye Anlan gave a slight pause to her packing hands, and she raised her head, "Then will you kill me to silence me?"

  Youth: "...No."

   "Isn't that all right?" Ye Anlan shrugged, "You are a principled person, that's good, it saves us trouble."

  The young man's eyes were complicated, "If you say that, I will think that I am actually controlled by others."

  Ye Anlan glanced at him, "You have a clear understanding of yourself, that's good."

  Youth: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Ye Anlan motioned him to look at the small medicine packets hidden in his sleeve pocket, "Don't be unconvinced, if you didn't mean me badly, now you and your companions, I guarantee that none of you can stand and follow me." I spoke."

   Don't offend the doctor if you offend anyone, or you will die secretly.

  Youth: "Are you good at using poison? Didn't you say that you only know a little about medicine?"

  Ye Anlan squinted at him, and couldn't wait to use a line she loved very much, "Do you understand that is Qian Ci?"

  Youth: "... I don't really understand." I don't quite understand what you are getting excited about.

  Ye Anlan looked regretful, "Here you should say 'slightly understand', do you understand?"


  The young man rubbed the center of his brows, okay, he could see that this serious, precocious little girl was actually very detached in her bones.

  He asked Ye Anlan, "Do you want to know why you were so cautious, but we still easily caught you?"

  Ye Anlan: This is heartbreaking, old man!

  She stared at the boy, "Why?"

   "Because you have heavy steps and exuberant breath, you sound like an ordinary warrior who has only practiced a few tricks."

  Ye Anlan:

   This is the first time Ye Anlan has heard someone comment on her like this. To be honest, she has always been quite proud of her strength.

   After thinking for a while, she beckoned at the young man, "Two moves?"

  Youth: ".Why do you want to humiliate yourself?"

  Ye Anlan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻ "Just say whether you will come!"

  A moment later, Ye Anlan was subdued by someone for the seventh time.

   "Believe it now?"

  Ye Anlan got up in disgrace, "This is unscientific."

  The boy tilted his head, "Science? What is that?"

  Ye Anlan: ".It's nothing. Can you tell me how you can move so fast?"

  The teenager showed Grandma Wolf's exclusive smile, "Want to know? Then."

  Ye Anlan remained expressionless, "That depends on how much sincerity you can show."


   Having been robbed of his lines, the young man couldn't help touching his nose, "My request is not high, as long as you do it, I will accept apprentices on behalf of the teacher and pass on your inner skills."

  Ye Anlan was noncommittal, "Why don't you tell me what your requirements are."

  The young man stretched out three fingers, "First, don't bully your teachers and ancestors, or harm your classmates. Second, don't use force to commit murder or bully the people. Third, tell me your real name and where you live."

  Ye Anlan: ".The third one was added temporarily by you, right?"

  The young man was confident, "Otherwise? I can't accept a junior sister who doesn't even know her name?"

  Ye Anlan was speechless. After weighing it for a moment, she asked the young man, "I have no objection to the third point. Regarding the first two, if someone else strikes first, I must fight back, right?"

  The young man withdrew his hand, "You don't have to worry about that. Whoever strikes first will be the culprit. Fighting back for self-protection is not within the rules of the sect."

Ye Anlan asked again: "Then what if someone takes advantage of the weak? I'm proud of being poor, and I'm justified for being weak. I know I can't beat you, so I won't beat you, but I can cry, make trouble, and hang myself. Use everything to the extreme. Can’t this kind of person be beaten or killed?”

  Youth:.So troublesome! ! He has never seen a teacher who dares to ask a lot of questions to question the rules of the school. Does this girl still want to get inner strength and mental skills?

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes at Ye Anlan, the young man tried his best to maintain his good image as an elegant and noble son, "Aggression against the weak is also an aggression, and the principle of self-preservation can also be applied. But you must know how to stop when it is too late, and don't let others take it easy." If you offend, you will be angry and kill."

  Ye Anlan nodded, "I understand, even if you want to protect yourself and fight back, you can't go too far."

   It doesn't matter, anyway, she wasn't a bloodthirsty person in the first place.

   After weighing it up, she found that she was not at a disadvantage, so Ye Anlan reported her name and her current place of residence.

  The young man reciprocated, and also told Ye Anlan his name, "My name is Xie Yuan, and my ancestral home is Jinling. I am your senior brother."

   "As for our master, his old man has passed away. When you are promising, the senior brother will take you to burn incense on the master's spiritual seat."

  Ye Anlan: Then what if she has been worthless?

  Uh, well, she shouldn't be so self-deprecating.

  Seeing Xie Yuan's well-informed appearance, Ye Anlan asked him about the surrounding situation, "Do you know any place nearby that is relatively stable and suitable for living?"

   Xie Yuan was thoughtful, "Are you planning to move to another place?"

  Ye Anlan didn't hide it from him, "The village I live in is too dangerous. Every now and then, a wave of refugees or rebels would come, making my parents and younger siblings afraid to live in the village."

   Xie Yuan rolled his eyes, "So you want to find a place where your family can live in peace and stability?"

  Ye Anlan nodded, "How? Is there any?"

Xie Yuan thought for a moment, "Don't even think about going north or west. There are many powerful people in the west, and the north is close to foreigners outside the pass. It is not a good place for your family. If you go south, the south is rich and the people who can't live well , will basically choose to move closer to the south. But it is also because of this that there are so many refugees, bandits, and rebellious soldiers on the way. With your three-legged kung fu, I am worried that you will not be able to protect your family."

  Ye Anlan sighed, "It seems we can only go east."

"You don't have to go straight east." Xie Yuan took out an extremely crude and rough map, "I suggest that you go southeast from here and settle in the Mengyin area. The 'rebels' there are fighting like those you have seen before. The bandits under the flag of the rebel army are different, they will not force the strong men or rob the people of their blood."

  Ye Anlan was a little moved, "How long will it take from here to Mengyin?"

   "It takes ten to twenty days to ride a horse or a carriage. If you rely on two legs, even if there are no other twists and turns on the way, you will have to walk for about forty days."

He pointed to several places on the map and said to Ye Anlan: "These places have been occupied by bandits under the banner of the Rebel Army. Although these guys do all kinds of evil, none of them have really become a climate. It shouldn't be too bad for you. big threat."

  Ye Anlan was moved, "Can I make a copy of this picture of yours?" Although it is crude, it is somewhat useful.

  (end of this chapter)