MTL - My O Got Pregnant After Dressing Like a Scum-Chapter 131 (two)

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She spent an hour at work to check those theories.

Finally I found out - I really believed in Su Meiqi's evil.

It's probably because of a sudden illness.

Xu Qingzhu suddenly smiled at the answer displayed on the computer.

Then I saw a message from Zhou Yian an hour ago: [Don't talk to the second girl about time travel. 】

Xu Qingzhu stared at the screen happily.

Unexpectedly, as perverse as Zhou Yi'an, there will be times when she is careful.

She replied ok and said nothing.


Being busy at work can slow down thinking in another way.

After get off work, Xu Qingzhu went to the hospital as usual.

Also while driving to the hospital, she noticed that the phone kept ringing.

And it's snowing outside.

Flakes of snowflakes fell from the air, landing on the glass of her car, not too small.

The wipers are constantly brushing the falling snow.

Xu Qingzhu felt a little stuffy in the car, and then opened the window a little.

The wind and snow drifted into the car along the gap, bringing the chill of a seaside city.

The car is still driving with warm air, and when the snow drifts in, it will immediately turn into water droplets.

Xu Qingzhu suddenly thought, if Liang Shi was here, he must say whether this is cold or hot?

Xu Qingzhu muttered, "Maybe it's boring."

It is boring to be alone.

Sitting alone in the car is boring.

Even if there is music, it will feel boring.

The phone vibrated frequently, and Xu Qingzhu picked it up while waiting for the red light at the intersection to take a look. It was Sally who posted a lot of snow pictures in the group. Going crazy.

And Lin Luoxi is shooting Sally.

Sally picked up the snow with her bare hands, ten fingers were red from the cold.

Seeing that they were having a good time, Xu Qingzhu replied: [Why? Luck the dog in and kill it. 】

Sally: [It's slaughtered on the spot. 】

Xu Qingzhu: [Blow you to death.jpg]

After replying the message casually, Xu Qingzhu drove forward again.

There are more and more cars on the road, and it will be late, and the street lights will turn on in an instant, lighting up the night of the city.

A meteor streaks across the horizon in the distance.

It's nothing to watch Sally and Lin Luoxi show their love every day.

She's been watching since college.

But recently, she would think for countless moments, if only Liang Shi was here.

Liang Shi is not there.

So she seems lonely.

Xu Qingzhu parked the car in the parking space in front of the hospital, holding a bouquet of flowers bought from the flower shop downstairs.

The flower shop was closing when she got off work, and the flowers that had been put for a day were being sold, so she bought a bunch of sunflowers and planned to replace the bunch of gypsophila in the ward that was about to wither.

The off-white long trench coat made her tall and tall, and because the weather was too cold, her fair face was flushed with frost, but it was not necessary to apply blush.

Xu Qingzhu walked into the hospital with flowers in her arms, and received a lot of attention along the way.

It is rare to see such a superior appearance.

She walked forward as always, her heart was like a pool of stagnant water, calm.

First she lowered her head, but after nearly hitting someone, she finally looked up at the road.

When she was about to reach the entrance of the inpatient department, she suddenly stopped.

And a figure like the wind rushed out of the inpatient department. She was wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, and she casually put on a light brown windbreaker that Xu Qingzhu put in the ward. It was a little small. But probably because she has been lying on the bed for a long time recently, her figure is getting thinner and thinner, and it is not too bulky to wear. The color of the clothes matches her pupils exceptionally.

The white snow seemed to be rhythmically, drifting freely under the street lights.

The wind was blowing wildly, without any direction.

Xu Qingzhu squeezed the sunflower in his hand.

The figure stopped a few steps after flying out of the inpatient department.

There were sparkling tears in her eyes.

The flying snowflakes fell on the eyelashes of the two of them and melted immediately.

For a long time, Liang Shi's tears fell, and she didn't care, she only opened her arms and called Xu Qingzhu warmly: "Xu Qingzhu."

Xu Qingzhu's feet moved slightly, for fear that this was just a dream.

She licked her lips and replied in a low voice: "Huh?"

Liang Shi said: "Come here."

She paused, and then said something obscure and choked: "Don't you want to hug me?"

The sunflower in Xu Qingzhu's hand fell to the ground at that moment, she ran a few steps in the direction of Liang Shi firmly, and flew directly into Liang Shi's arms.

Liang Shi tightened his arms, bent slightly, and his gentle voice carried infinite affection and nostalgia, following the previous sentence.

"I really want to hug you, Xu Qingzhu."

Xu Qingzhu closed her eyes, tears fell on her shoulders, and her arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"Liang Shi." Xu Qingzhu called her name.

Liang Shi let go of her, lowered his head and looked at her.

Liang Shi's voice was very low, his hand rubbed her side face, his fingers crossed her jaw line, the end of his eyes were red, "Xu Qingzhu, are you not eating well again?"

Xu Qingzhu's tears fell on the back of her hand, "I ate it."

"But you've lost weight." Liang Shi said distressedly.

Xu Qingzhu stared at her eyes, closed her eyes suddenly, tears dripped again, like small pearls.

Liang Shi felt that the back of his hand was hot, and the place where the tears dripped was like a hole burned by the smoke, and the pain was piercing.

"I'm back." Liang Shi said.

Xu Qingzhu's cold voice almost merged with the wind and snow, she asked extra cautiously, "Is it a dream?"

"No." Liang Shi said, "I'm back, I won't leave."

She slowly bent over, while Xu Qingzhu stood on tiptoe slightly.

Icy lips kissed together with a snowflake.

Snow is cold and lips are warm.

At this moment, they are each other's.