MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 112 Cheng Peng x Jiang Yunjian (8)

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The next day, Jiang Yunjian was awakened by the alarm clock. He heard two times before he remembered someone around him, and quickly turned off the alarm clock.

Looking around, Cheng Peng had opened his eyes, with drowsiness in his eyes: "What time is it?"

"... at half past six." Jiang Yunjian said, "Sorry, I forgot to turn off the alarm."

"How do you get off with the alarm clock off?" Cheng Peng ripped his lips, with a husky voice just waking up. "This is going to the studio?"

Jiang Yunjian sat up and said, "Yes, do you keep sleeping?"

Cheng Peng said, "I don't sleep. Go back now, and the time is right."

Jiang Yunjian went into the bathroom to wash, brushing his teeth, and the phone suddenly rang.

It's Bozhen's phone.

He picked it up, and because of the inconvenience in his mouth, he only issued a syllable: "Huh?"

"Zheng Cheng is still in your room?" Bo Zhen asked when he opened the door, his tone was a little urgent.

Jiang Yun frowned, rinsing his mouth, "Yes. What's wrong?"

"Something went wrong." Bozhen anxiously said, "I managed to get rid of those who followed you last night. I didn't know what news I got this morning, and they all came back again, and a few more ... ... "

Jiang Yunjian acted, "What now?"

Bozhen said: "I don't know if you can recognize Mr. Cheng here. Although you may not think about it in your eyes, but just in case, please keep the person first and wait for me to drive them away. Let him go later. "

Cheng Peng made an appointment with his elders for breakfast today.

"It's okay." After listening, Cheng Peng tied his tie. "Is there a mask?"

Jiang Yunjian nodded: "Yes ... but I have worn it."

Cheng Peng: "Give me one."

Fortunately, in winter, Cheng Peng's suit was also fitted with a coat, and wearing a mask would not be too obtrusive.

Bo Zhen rushed to their room quickly: "General Cheng, you are wronged as an assistant and should not be recognized."

Cheng Peng laughed and asked the people next to him: "Do I have to give you a bag?"

Jiang Yun froze and shook his head: "No, I usually carry it on my own."

The two left the hotel one after the other, side by side, and walked towards the crew. After walking a distance, he saw Assistant Cheng Peng's black car parked on the side of the road.

The hotel is not far from the crew. It is only a few minutes walk. Jiangyunjian is the first time to go by car.

In the car, Cheng Peng took off his mask and returned it to Jiang Yunjian. Jiang Yun squeezed the mask, thinking that he might not be willing to wash.

The road was too short, and before he could even say a few words to Cheng Peng, the car stopped at the gate of the film and television city.

Jiang Yunjian opened his backpack and took a plastic bag out of it. He couldn't see what was inside.

"This is for you."

Cheng Peng took over: "What is it?"

"Breakfast." Jiang Yunjian was a little embarrassed. "These days are all morning scenes. I have no time to eat anything else, this is the only one."

Cheng Peng opened it and saw a few slices of toast with a bottle of yogurt outside the packaging bag.

Seeing him not talking, Jiang Yunjian thought he didn't like to eat: "Or should I get off to buy you something? There are breakfast shops nearby, all kinds of rice noodles, porridge and steamer snacks ... It will take you a long time to open your home from here Yes, let ’s eat first.

"I ate yours, what do you eat?" Cheng Peng asked.

Jiang Yunjian opened his backpack: "I still have this."

Cheng Peng looked inward, and there were many small loaves in it.

"OK." Cheng Peng said, "Go."

Jiang Yun nodded and looked at him a few more times before saying goodbye: "See you next time."

On the way back, Cheng Peng opened the white plastic bag, bite his toast, and accompanied him with yogurt.

He knew why Jiang Yunjian lost weight. Eat this early in the morning.

"Mr. Cheng, I'll drive you for maintenance the day after tomorrow." The secretary in the driver's seat said, "It's going to snow soon. It will be better to change the tire.

Cheng Peng looked out of the window. Today it was gloomy, and it was raining again: "It is going to snow?"

The secretary nodded: "It has been cooling for the past few days, and it will be almost a week or two. This winter is particularly cold."


He just walked all the way with Jiang Yunjian for so long and didn't feel too cold.

Suddenly, I missed the temperature in the quilt just now. Cheng Peng put away her thoughts and didn't keep thinking about it.

Jiang Yunjian also said last night that he likes the first snow in winter, and it looks like he will see it soon.

The media came without warning this time, and Bo Zhen suspected that someone was going to do something, and was worried for a few days. Fortunately, Cheng Peng never visited again.

Although the person didn't come, he cast money for the crew and named the food.

"This box lunch, I have to sell it for thirty-eight!" The assistant said, holding the box lunch.

Jiang Yunjian smiled: "So accurate?"

"That is necessary! Brother Jiang, I ran so many crews with you. This box lunch is the best and the most hearty!" The assistant said.

After dinner, the assistant went to the studio to run errands. The dressing room door closed, leaving him and Bo Zhen alone.

"Okay, don't look at your cell phone. People will never return to you." Bo Zhen said.

Jiang Yunjian put away his phone: "Don't peek."

"Does this still need to peek?" Bo Zhen picked up the makeup mirror next to him and held it in front of him. "You look at yourself and look at it with joy."

Jiang Yunjian was amused by his inexplicable idiom: "It's the time to celebrate the new year in a few months."

"Otherwise I'll take you an idol show during this time." Bo Zhen suggested.

Jiang Yunjian bowed his head: "Yes."

"Fuck, I'm kidding." Bo Zhen snorted. Jiang Yunjian managed to play a few male lead shows, and after turning the road, it is absolutely impossible to go back to love idol dramas.

A week later, Jiang Yunjian first appeared in the public eye after joining the group.

It was an award ceremony. The award was divided into the screenwriter and supporting woman of his upper drama. This time he went to accompany him.

The award ceremony was linked to the company's interests, and Jiang Yunjian had to show his face.

"You should be tired of filming and come out to rest." Bo Zhen sat beside him and said.

Jiang Yunjian was lying in the back seat of the car, he was sleeping, and he heard a low hum.

At the venue, Jiang Yunjian sat down and asked the makeup artist to make up. He took a silver watch from his bag and held it in his hand.

"Wait a minute, don't take this." Bo Zhen stopped him. "Where did you get this watch?"

He recently found out that Jiang Yun was carrying this watch in every bag. He checked the price, and it was only more than 40,000. Isn't it a joke to wear it to the awards ceremony.

"Given by others." Jiang Yunjian buckled. "Let's go, it's almost time I walked through the blanket."

Bo Zhen immediately came to understand, wondering-right, Cheng always sends such a cheap watch?

He advised: "The watch does not go with this suit, otherwise you go back and wear it again ..."

"Get off." Jiang Yunjian got up.

Although Jiang Yunjian was escorted, it was still the focus of media attention. So that when he entered, the media was still shooting his back, and the stars behind him did not pay much attention.

The organizer gave him a good location, next to it was a small piece of fresh meat that had been photographed before.

"Brother, have you won the prize this time?" Xiaoxianrou chatted with him, "I look at the list, so He Yan can fight you."

Jiang Yunjian knew the news. The winner was not himself or He Ye. He laughed, "Who knows."

Throughout the awarding process, Jiang Yun kept a decent smile on his mouth. From time to time, the camera swept over, and he would also respond, and satisfactorily ended.

After leaving, Bo Zhen found him: "Small room! Come on, Dao Wu asked me to pass you, and he took you to say hello to other directors!"

Who is Wu Dao and the director who deals with him? That is the man at the top of the pyramid. With such a referral from Wu Dao, are you afraid that there will be no other chance?

Jiang Yunjian was about to respond, and the phone suddenly rang.

The message he sent a few hours ago finally responded.

[Jiang Yunjian: Are you busy? 】

[Cheng Peng: What happened just after the meeting. 】

[Jiang Yunjian: Hard work. 】

A voice came over, and just after Jiang Yunjian opened, he heard Cheng Peng laugh lowly: "Not hard, do you have something to do with me?"

Jiang Yun clicked the talking key: "It's nothing ... you rest early."

At the director's pile, Jiang Yunjian greeted them one by one, and the directors also knew him. They expressed their appreciation in their speech and manners. In addition, Wu Dao was bragging aside, and soon someone proposed Jiang Yun Participate in their dinner tonight.

"I'll post the address on your mobile phone, and you can come when you are free." Wu Dao left this sentence, and the group of people got in the car and left, followed by several actresses.

Bo Zhen was terrified: "Did you know the person next to Wu Dao? The Taiwanese director is full of classic Taiwanese dramas! If I take back, if this director invited you to make idol dramas, then we can still Think about ... "

Jiang Yun didn't listen carefully, he clicked Cheng Peng's voice.

The man's voice was a bit tired: "What's the rest, still at the company, and I haven't eaten the meal."

[Jiang Yunjian: Haven't you finished? 】

Cheng Peng: "No, there is something wrong with the project, it has to be a little later."

[Jiang Yunjian: Hard work. 】

Cheng Peng laughed: "It's hard work, you come to relax me?"

[Jiang Yunjian: ... how to relax? 】

Cheng Peng: "What do you say?"

Because the man talked too long in the meeting, the man's voice was hoarse, and Jiang Yun's heart was beating.

Soon, Cheng Peng came over again with a voice: "Okay, I can't tell you too much, delaying you to film."

[Jiang Yunjian: Don't delay! 】

[Jiang Yunjian: ... you can say more. 】

Seeing these two messages, Cheng Peng couldn't help laughing, and his heart was soft and itchy. In the end, he didn't tease him, and only said, "Hurry up."

Hurry up and do what?

In just one sentence, Jiang Yunjian's whole heart was suspended from his head, and the bold idea in his heart became stronger and stronger.

[Jiang Yunjian: Can I go to you? 】

Just ten seconds after the news came out, Cheng Peng's phone came.

"Where?" Cheng Peng asked bluntly.

Jiang Yunjian reported a building name: "Come here today to participate in the awards ceremony, just finished."

Bo Zhen, who was next to him, suddenly made a phone call, firstly hesitated, and then he widened his eyes after listening to the content.

Cheng Peng asked: "Award?"

Jiang Yunjian looked down: "No prize ... sorry."

"What's so sorry," Cheng Peng laughed. "When will I go back?"

Jiang Yunjian: "I will be back at noon tomorrow."

"Will you come over then?"

Jiang Yunjian said: "Will it disturb you?"

"will not."

Jiang Yunjian took a deep breath: "Then I went back and took a bath—"

"Don't wash it, come here directly." Cheng Peng asked him, "I can't wash at home?"

Jiang Yun was silent.

Cheng Peng realized that he was anxious, and he laughed, not knowing that Xiao Jiang Yunjian still laughed at himself: "If it is not convenient, just forget it."

"I'm here." Jiang Yunjian interrupted him, "... wait for me, soon."

"Go, okay." After he hung up, Bozhen tried to make sense to him, "but let's handle this dinner first, okay?"

Jiang Yunjian said: "He hasn't eaten yet."

Bo Zhen: "So?"

"I'll send him a meal, and eat with him by the way." Jiang Yunjian pursed his lips. "I won't go to the dinner, I will tell Wu Dao."

Bo town is numb.

"Small room, the future is yours. I say nothing." Bo Zhen rubbed his temples. "Just a meal."

"Bo brother, you know, I don't like to go to this kind of dinner." Often these dinners are accompanied by a bad phenomenon.

"Even if there are hidden rules in a while, it won't be able to sneak on you!" Bozhen straightly said.

Jiang Yunjian said: "I will be on time with the crew tomorrow."

"..." Bo Zhen was tired. He leaned back and finally couldn't help asking, "I don't understand. Did Cheng Peng save your life or hit you with money? Do you like him so much?"

Jiang Yun smiled and said nothing.


Cheng Peng urged the secretary to put it directly into the office if someone came.

When Jiang Yunjian came, he just opened the last document to be reviewed.

The door opened, and he looked up with his voice. He saw Jiang Yunjian wearing a gray suit and deliberately dressed his hair. He glanced at the expensive and elegant look, but he was carrying two large plastic bags that were out of suit.

"Sorry, I'm late." Jiang Yunjian walked in front of him.

Cheng Peng: "What is it?"

"Supper." Jiang Yunjian put the bag on the desk, "Did you not eat yet?"

Cheng Peng laughed: "Is it too much?"

"I don't know what you like to eat, so I bought some." Jiang Yunjian was a little embarrassed. "I see that there are employees working overtime, otherwise I'll order some more meals."

There was a major flaw in the project today. Cheng Peng didn't lay off people, but it was Bodhisattva's heart. That group of employees naturally had to stay overtime.

"The company cafeteria has been delivered overtime." Cheng Peng said.

Jiang Yunjian took out the box, and he felt a little embarrassed. "... Sorry, I don't know."

"It's okay, I'll eat these." Cheng Peng raised his eyebrows at the watch on his wrist. "You just said, went to the awards ceremony?"

Jiang Yunjian nodded: "The original plan was not to go to the company, but it was a temporary notice from the company, so I didn't have time to tell you."

Cheng Peng asked, "Go to the awards ceremony, and wear this watch? What about your stylist?"

Jiang Yunjian pursed his lips: "... I really liked it, so I wore it, and Bo didn't say anything."

Cheng Peng retracted his gaze and nodded: "You go to sit first and wait for me to finish the last document before eating?"

Jiang Yunjian didn't move: "... Don't you say, let me relax for you?"

Cheng Peng looked at him: "How do you want to relax me?"

"Let me squeeze your shoulders. I have a great massage."

Cheng Peng laughed: "... OK, come on."

Cheng Peng wore only a white lining. The man was strong and strong, and his shirt was stretched out with a few wrinkles. It was **** and attractive.

Jiang Yun pressed him on the shoulder while peeking brightly behind him.

Cheng Peng turned the page: "Have you practiced?"

"Well, I wash my hair when I was a kid, and sometimes I help you," Jiang Yunjian said honestly. "But I worked for two months and learned only a little fur."

Cheng Peng was surprised, Jiang Yunjian will be twenty-five years this year: "as a kid? How young?"

"Sixteen years old."

"It's child labor."

Jiang Yunjian smiled: "It wasn't that strict at that time. Later, when I met Bo, I had a magazine shoot and never went there."

Jiang Yunjian helped him pinch the back of his neck. The man's hands were not as soft as they looked, but rather rough, and rubbed on his skin, giving him a numbness.

Cheng Peng's throat rolled slightly, and just before he stopped, Jiang Yunjian's hand was slightly facing up, hitting his ear, moving slowly, delicately and comfortably.

Obviously it was a serious massage, but Cheng Peng had other thoughts. He lowered his pen and held his fingertips: "Hungry?"

"Fortunately, I ate two pieces of bread before going to the venue." Jiang Yunjian said.

It's bread again.

Cheng Peng asked, "Don't worry about eating?"

Jiang Yunjian's wrist was on his neck, feeling the tremor of his speech: "Don't worry."

Cheng Peng said in a tone of voice: "Then eat something else first?"

Jiang Yunjian reacted for a while and then blushed.

Seeing his silence, Cheng Peng laughed. Also, anyway, being a big star, it's not easy to do this. It was him who woke up and demanded too much: "Just a joke."

"... Eat." Jiang Yunjian heard himself squeeze out his voice, "I want to eat."


The bridge between Jiang Yun's nose always struck Cheng Peng's belt. It was cold and hit him back and forth, giving him a shudder.

Jiang Yunjian worked very hard and was very uncomfortable. His skills were not good, but Cheng Peng was comfortable and hot-headed.

Worried that Jiang Yunjian hit the desk, his palm was behind his head. For a long time, he rubbed Jiang Yunjian's hair: "It's okay, loosen."

Jiang Yunjian looked up, with tears in his eyes. He coughed out a few times when he was unfit for the first time.

He said vaguely: "... I want to finish."

Jiang Yunjian's eyes look very good. When he looks at you, he can't help but stop, can't help approaching, can't help but want to hurt him.

And these eyes were looking at him at this moment, including him, and surrendering to him.

Cheng Peng listened to his heartbeat, raised his hand and twisted the tip of his ear, and sighed softly: "... be nice."

The author has something to say: I'm sorry for coming late, thank you for your nutrition solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network