MTL - My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease-Chapter 10 Come back to you after you die...

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  Chapter 10 Come back to you after death.

   Seeing Qin Xi so miserable, the villagers were not happy, and they all spoke to comfort the Qin family.

   "Old Mrs. Li, you should be virtuous, this is your granddaughter, don't force her to death!"

   "That's right, they are both granddaughters, one is held up to the sky and the other is stepped in the mud, what a sin!"

   "No, this child is dying, so stop forcing her!"

  Li Guihua angrily pointed at the villagers, "Whoever thinks she is pitiful will bury her in someone's grave. If she doesn't like it, she will shut up with my mother."

  The villagers were so angry that they didn't dare to speak, and immediately shut up. They were watching the fun, and they didn't come here to pick up a half-dead person to go home and compete with themselves a hundred years later!

   Qin Xi looked at Hu Xiaofeng with teary eyes, "Mom, you don't want me either. Come back?"

  Hu Xiaofeng pretended to be embarrassed, "Girl, it's not that Mom doesn't want you, it's that you're already married, so there's no need to come back."

Qin Xi's weak voice was intermittent, "But. But after I die, I think about you and. You and your parents, grandpa, grandfather, auntie. Oh right. And my brother, cousin, and uncle, if I can come back. Look. Look at you. You usually take care of me like that. I'll come back. Come back to you."

   Looking for them after death?

  The faces of the Qin family instantly turned pale, and they couldn't help but have deep fear in their hearts, especially Hu Xiaofeng and Li Guihua, who had bullied Qin Xi a lot in the past. If she came back after her death, they would be the first to deal with them.

   Thinking of that scene, Hu Xiaofeng and Li Guihua shuddered subconsciously and screamed, "Don't come back, you are not Qin's family, you are not allowed to come back"

The others were not much better, especially Qin Feng, who was so scared that he shivered, hid behind Li Guihua, and kept shouting, "I can't come back, milk, I can't let her come back, she is no longer Qin's family, milk, you thousand Don't let her come back."

  Han Dazhu saw the needle, "Hmph, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, what are you afraid of?"

  Li Guihua pulled Qin Guobiao's clothes, panicked in her heart, and even her voice trembled, she whispered, "Old man, think of a way, what if the **** turns into a ghost and looks for us!"

   Although Qin Guobiao didn't quite believe in these things, when he recalled what his family had done to Qin Xi, he felt guilty for sure.

   He glanced at Qin Xi and sighed, "Girl, don't blame grandpa for what he did!"

Afterwards, he looked at Han Dazhu and said righteously to the crowd, "I announce that Qin Xi is no longer from the Qin family. Since she has married the Han family, she will be the Han family Cuiyun in the future. Go get the genealogy, Xiaofeng will go. Call the village chief."

   Zhang Cuiyun's eyes lit up, "Hey, good! This method is good!"

   Although Qin Feng's calf was shaking a little, he still rolled and crawled out of the yard and went to call the village chief.

  The villagers didn't expect the Qin family to be so rude. Qin Xi has already done this, and they cut off ties with her cruelly. Is this a human thing?

   Ruthless, the Qin family is really ruthless!

  Li Guihua was excited, "Yes, as long as this little **** doesn't have the surname Qin. She can't come back!"

  Han Dazhu's eyes widened in anger, "Qin Guobiao, Li Guihua, you are still not human! She is your own granddaughter, so you just watched her become homeless and become a ghost?"

   Li Guihua's bitter and mean face showed a smug smile, "Han Lame, you are in charge of heaven and earth, and your Qin family's affairs? Are you taking yourself too seriously?"

  Han Dazhu's air knot, "you"

   (end of this chapter)