MTL - My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences-Chapter 16 What's the use of being fast?

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"Report to the examiner, my score is 30."

A tall male candidate stood up first, his face was full of pride.

"Well, very good. What's your name? What institution are you from?"

The examiner looked at the candidate with admiration.

"My name is Gao Jian. I graduated from Imperial College of Medical Sciences with a postgraduate degree. My internship unit is Imperial Renhe Hospital."

At first glance, this buddy belongs to the kind of personality that is more affectionate.

Full of confidence and pride overflowed from his face.

However, his conditions are indeed very impressive.

Imperial College of Medical Sciences is one of the best medical schools in basic medicine.

It is much better than Tuya Medical College where Zhou Can studied.

The academic achievements of Tuya Medical College in basic medicine are not high, and even belong to the bottom. It is more inclined to clinical medicine, and it can barely squeeze into the top ten in the country.

In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of Tuya Hospital, the popularity of Tuya Medical College has increased.

"It turned out to be a talented student of the Imperial College of Medical Sciences, and he had an internship in the top hospital in the Imperial City. No wonder he got full marks. Please share your diagnostic thinking with everyone."

After hearing Gao Jian's introduction, the examiner couldn't help giving him even more high-level glances.

Imperial City Renhe Hospital is the ceiling of all hospitals in China. Its academic and scientific research achievements, the cure rate of various difficult and high-risk cases, and its medical team rank first in the country.

Being able to practice in the top hospital in the country is definitely a shining point in the resume.

Gao Jian looked around, and then smiled calmly, "I have two ideas for diagnosis. The blood test report shows elevated troponin. That's right, troponin is a marker of myocardial necrosis. But serum muscle Hemoglobin is the most sensitive indicator for diagnosing the early stage of acute myocardial infarction. The patient's troponin increased, but it did not rise to an exaggerated level of more than two times."

He paused for a moment, his eyes showing disdain for everything.

"Then I looked at myoglobin, creatine kinase and other key indicators, which fluctuated slightly and were basically normal. I began to suspect that the patient might not have acute myocardial infarction. So I then carefully checked the electrocardiogram. At first glance, it was indeed consistent with The electrocardiogram of myocardial infarction is somewhat similar. But compared with the straight myocardial infarction electrocardiogram, it is not so tasteful."

"How should I describe this feeling? It's like a tiger and a cat. They look similar. But the cat's body is much smaller and lacks the majesty that the king of beasts should have. When we meet a cat on the road, no one will be afraid of it. If you encounter a tiger while playing in the mountains, you will immediately become terrified and run away. The electrocardiogram of this patient is the 'cat' that looks more like a tiger."

As expected of a talented student from Imperial Medical University, he is indeed awesome.

The solid medical skills revealed made Zhou Can feel ashamed.

Zhou Can's diagnostic thinking is completely different from his.

"After the above two findings, I have basically diagnosed that the patient is likely to have symptoms similar to myocardial infarction. So I performed a coronary angiography examination. The result was as I expected, and the coronary arteries were normal. I think it is necessary to check again. Let’s take a look at the cause of the patient’s illness. After investigation, the patient lost his job not long ago and divorced his wife. He suffered a huge blow. Only then did he develop symptoms of chest pain and dyspnea. The treatment plan I prescribed was oral tranquilizers, and then I suggested psychological counseling .”

This treatment plan is similar to Zhou Can's.

However, Zhou Can did not prescribe tranquilizers, which have certain side effects and dependence.

Can not, it is best not to.

It's like using wine to drown your sorrows.

From this point of view, it can also be seen that the teaching philosophy of Tuya Medical College and Imperial Medical College is very different.

Tuya is more inclined to Chinese medicine, incorporating some of the essence of Chinese medicine into it.

Imperial College of Medicine is in line with the world's most developed West, North America, and island countries. It focuses on Western medical theory, and its diagnosis and treatment programs are more Westernized.

Both have their strengths.

I can't say which one is better than the other, but I can only say that both of them can cure the disease.

From the perspective of the patient's interests, Zhou Can's treatment method is better. Although the effect is slower, the patient needs to open his mind and recover slowly. However, there is an old saying in China, which is called breaking and then building. The patient who stands up again from the blow will be reborn from Nirvana stronger than before.

On the other hand, the wise treatment plan has quick results, but it will also imperceptibly weaken the patient's will. After getting out of the haze, the patient's mind will become stronger, but it is very limited. After all, he got out with the help of medicine.

In addition, patients have to bear the negative effects of long-term use of tranquilizers, such as insomnia, constipation and so on.

From this point of view, Western medicine is actually very bad. It cures the patient's existing disease, but creates other diseases invisibly.

Traditional Chinese medicine treats the root cause, while Western medicine treats the symptoms.

Perhaps one day, the concept of treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine will be sought after by the world.

"Okay, thank you Gao Jian for the wonderful sharing. Now those candidates with less than 10 points, understand why the scores are so low?"

Those candidates with scores below 10 lowered their heads in shame.

No one yelled about the system scoring errors anymore.


Gao Jian sat down complacently.

Judging from his smug expression, he probably thought he was the only one who got the diagnosis right.

Among the candidates, many girls looked at Gao Jian with worship and admiration in their eyes. Even Yang Chan, who is proud and beautiful like a fairy, couldn't help but take a few more glances at Gao Jian.

It is easier to win the favor of girls and the admiration of others if you are talented.

Otherwise, how did the ancients say that everything is inferior, but reading is high?

Zhou Can has always been a man who doesn't like to make publicity. He has always dismissed such things as rushing to show off and show off.

Judging from the current scoring situation, he will never be lower than his opinion.

However, Gao Jian's theoretical grade is likely to be A+.

After all, this buddy's medical foundation is too strong.

"Next, we will enter the second part of the interview, medical technology operation. It is divided into four items: dissection, suture, ligation, and hemostasis, with a total score of 60 points."

The examiner let everyone fully understand what hell-level difficulty is.

The previous theory and pathological diagnosis are more inclined to internal medicine.

But now the test is surgery.

This is a proper requirement for all-around talents!

Zhou Can's preparations were very thorough, so he appeared extraordinarily calm.

Looking at those candidates who have not practiced well in surgery, they are a little restless.

"With the advancement of modern medical technology, the application of surgical techniques has become more and more extensive, and the two disciplines of internal and external medicine have begun to be highly integrated. The interventional, minimally invasive, and stent operations of internal medicine are all based on the four basic medical techniques of surgery. Internal medicine is Disease diagnosis is the basis of treatment ideas, and surgery is a sharp edge in treatment methods. It and medicine are called the double sharp edges of treatment, and the combination of two swords makes the world disease-free.”

The examiner spoke impassionedly about the importance of surgery.

"Due to the limitation of equipment, the medical technology examination is divided into preliminary examination and re-examination. Only those with excellent performance in the initial examination will have the opportunity to enter the re-examination. Our staff will give each candidate a piece of pigskin and a set of anatomical suturing tools. Later, according to the marked knife position on the pigskin, a wound of about four centimeters will be made, and then sutured."

When Zhou Can heard that it was stitching pigskin, he couldn't help grinning.

This is his forte!

He has stitched so many pigskins that he can't remember the number.

I'm afraid it will be calculated in tons.

The other candidates also showed relaxed expressions. Dissecting pigskin and suturing it is not a difficult technique.

None of the candidates present could do it.

The pigskins and tools were quickly distributed, and the candidates couldn't wait to show their skills after getting them.

Zhou Can also got a piece of pigskin and a set of dissection and suture tools.

The knife position is marked on the pigskin.

His third-level incision technique came in handy at this time.

Staring at the knife position for a while, you can see the texture on the pigskin, and then further infer the approximate distribution of the nerves and blood vessels below.

Severing blood vessels and nerves is a taboo when making an incision in a patient.

Just imagine, they just wanted to cut off a conscience tumor on their legs. As a result, the knife went down and severed the motor nerves in the legs. Oh, there is a high probability that the patient's leg was disabled.

It became a medical malpractice.

Relying on the incision at the level of a resident doctor, Zhou Can easily cut a wound on the pigskin with a length of about four centimeters.

Perfectly avoided possible nerves and blood vessels.

"Hey, why is there a trap inside?"

He found two thin red catheters and one white catheter inserted under the skin. UU Reading If the cut is wrong, the catheter will probably be cut off.

Red catheters represent hidden arteries, and white catheters represent important nerves.

The examiners really took pains to help the hospital select talents.

Next is the wound suturing.

This is also Zhou Can's strong point.

His current five basic medical skills are all at the third level, and he has no weaknesses.

Stitching is fast and good.

It only took about eight minutes for him to complete the incision and suture.

After the inspection is correct, raise your hand and hand in the paper.

The examiner was quite surprised to see some candidates finish the test so quickly.

Take a closer look, yo, isn't this the young man that Deputy Section Chief Hu has highly praised?

"Zhou Can, what's the matter with raising your hand?"

"Report to the examiner, the operation has been completed!"

Many candidates were still carefully cutting open the pigskin, hearing that someone had already completed the operation. They couldn't help being shocked.

They all turned to look at Zhou Can.

The high opinion that stole the limelight during the pathological diagnosis has already sutured about half of the wound.

Hearing that someone actually finished it first, he couldn't help but look up at Zhou Can.

"Surgery is no better than others. It is done quickly and easily sloppy. I'm afraid the grades won't get better." He lowered his head and continued to sew. This young man is eager for quick success, and nine times out of ten he will be eliminated.

This is the second time Yang Chan heard Zhou Can's name today.

When she heard that Zhou Can completed the operation so quickly, she was stunned for a while. Immediately, there was a burst of regret, Zhou Can's surgery level was mediocre, and if he didn't suture well, he insisted on fighting for the false name of being the first to complete it, it was too stupid.

What is the use of a false name?

Surgical performance is the key to qualifying.

She sighed slightly.