MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 615 Dragon City

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"Brother Jiang, your mutant beast, the brothers are helping you to divide. I don't see your bus can hold these blood-stained stuff. I have two small trucks. If the brothers need it, I will give it to you. ! "

When Jiang Liushi came to Jiangcheng, he saw that the giant pangolin had been cut off with a huge tail, and the rest of his head and limbs were also being cut. Such a house-sized giant is not difficult to transport. , Dividing it is also a work of energy.

Jiang Liushi saw a man with a height of 1.99 meters and a tendon flesh. He seemed to be awakened from strength. He was holding a large hacksaw and sawing the pangolin's scale armor. Many others also help.

Others are collecting dead bodies.

The pangolin's attack just killed six people, including four men and two women, including the slave women bought by Jiang Liushi, and one of them died tragically.

Seeing six corpses placed on a pickup truck, all with white cloth on their faces, who were still alive ten minutes ago, turned into corpses, making Jiang Liushi sigh.

In the last days, this is probably the case for the squadron. After a fierce battle with mutant beasts, there are always casualties. At this time, people can't condole the dead comrades, so they must load the corpses of the comrades and give priority to the mutant beasts to avoid mutation. The **** smell of the carcass drew more danger.

This time, the death of these six people was actually caused by Jiang Liushi.

Had it not been for saving Ye Yuekong, he would not have been attacked by a giant pangolin. Several of the people killed by the giant pangolin were dragons' mainstays, which made Jiang Liushi feel guilty.

He waved his hand and said, "Just use your truck to transport it. I only need the mutant nuclei of this pangolin, and the rest of the meat will be distributed to the dragon brothers, especially the family members of the six dead people. It's all their lives. "

"This ..." Jiang Cheng was shocked when he heard what Jiang Liushi said. "How can this work? This is dozens of tons of meat! And we all live because of Brother Jiang. Otherwise, maybe the whole army. It's gone. We didn't help at all in killing this big guy. It's all up to you, Brother Jiang. "

Jiang Liushi patted Jiang Cheng on the shoulder and said, "This guy was brought by me."

"Brother, where are you? In this world, those of us who have their heads tied to their waistbands are worth living, aren't they fighting? We go out to hunt mutant beasts, otherwise it is safest to stay at home. If we do n’t meet the mutant beast, we will have nothing to gain. If we encounter the beast, we are not as good as others. ”

Jiang Cheng said very frankly that he really thought so. As long as he went out, he would inevitably encounter danger. As for who caused the danger, it is not important at all. It is their responsibility to challenge the danger and gain from it. .

Jiang Liushi gave Jiang Cheng a deep look. He suddenly felt a lot of favor with this man, and he said, "I'll go back to Longteng Base with you."

"Oh? Brother Jiang is going to visit Longteng?" Jiang Cheng was glad.

"Well, I have something to know about Sword Kill Commune."

Generally speaking, the best known person is the hostile force of this force, but in Jiang Liushi's view, the sword killing commune is hidden deeply, and Longteng should understand it only on the surface.


Jiang Cheng readily agreed. Next, everyone started to work together. The giant pangolin was quickly loaded, and the secondary mutant nuclei also fell on Jiang Liushi's hands.

Even for the current Jiangliu stone, the secondary variant nuclei are very precious, especially the giant pangolin just now is the top secondary mutant beast, and its secondary nuclei are of high quality.

The crystal-clear burgundy red nucleus is held in the hand, and Jiang Liushi feels that the blood circulation in the whole body is accelerating, as if the blood veins in the body caused the whistle.

"Could it be that……"

When Jiang Liushi moved in his heart, he put this crystal nucleus on his forehead, and then he could feel that the energy in the mutant crystal nucleus was converging into his body.

His body is absorbing mutated crystal nuclei!

Before, Jiang Liushi absorbed dozens of first-order mutant crystal nuclei, and his body has completed evolution and possessed this blue energy. However, Jiang Liushi felt that his body was saturated. Can't absorb it at all.

But now, a secondary mutated crystal nucleus makes Jiang Liushi's body change subtly again.

He gently stretched out his hand, and the energy of the blue mother's life gathered in the palm of the river, and gradually turned into a little blue sun.

Before, the little blue sun of Jiang Liushi was only the size of a fist, but now he found that after absorbing this secondary mutant nucleus, the little sun grew a circle.

This makes Jiang Liushi feel a joy. If this continues, his blue energy will be multiplied several times, and his strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.

However, the first-level mutant crystal nuclei of river flowing stones absorbed dozens of them at one breath. Does this second-level mutant crystal nuclei also need to absorb dozens of them?

Thinking of this, Jiang Liushi has some headaches. The secondary mutant nuclei are not Chinese cabbage. It is not easy to get dozens of them.

However, it is no longer easy to fight for it. Now that there is an enemy of "creation", Jiang Liushi feels a great threat. He must go all out to improve his strength.

"Brother Jiang, there is Longteng City in front of me. It's a little too far to say 'City', because it is a bit small."

Jiang Cheng pointed at the small town in front, and said with some embarrassment that the Dragon City located in Tyumen was actually built in the countryside, relying on earth and stone and wood obtained from local sources, and built a fence more than three meters high. Compared to the safety zone of the sword killing commune is far worse.

"Yes, it's not easy to stand still here," Jiang Liushi said casually, and at this moment, Ran Xiyu's spiritual voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Liushi's mind: "Jiangge, there is something ahead!"

"Huh?" Jiang Liushi looked intently. Sure enough, he seemed to be confused in the small town in front of him, and even occasionally heard one or two shots.

"what happened?"

Jiang Cheng also changed his face. They bleed a lot of blood and sweat before they cleared the entire Tyumen Town and the Dragon City that was established. It has been peaceful for the last one or two months. There is no danger. I did not expect to bring Jiang Liushi today. Long Tengcheng encountered a battle.

Without Jiang Cheng's command, the people in this squad already stepped on the accelerator, and the mighty convoy drove towards Longteng City.
